For Anyone Who Still Believes Snopes Is An Abuse Victim (Part 5)

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive to Rense


First, here are some big-name supporters of

– “We even link to when it’s appropriate rather than reinvent the wheel ourselves, which we consider high praise.”

– The Poynter Institute has enlisted into its initiative called the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which is funded by the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, the Duke Reporters’ Lab, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the Omidyar Network, the Soros Open Society Foundations and the Park Foundation.

– Mark Zuckerberg: “Facebook historically has relied on users to report links as false and share links to myth-busting sites, including Snopes, to determine if it can confidently classify stories as misinformation”

That said, let’s now show what a pack of lying fools these mortals be. 

Stop Being a Lolita

The once-infallible husband-and-wife team who founded the Snopes “fact-checking” website are calling each other liars and frauds in an eye-opening divorce spat, as reported by the Daily Mirror. This revelation comes from the horse’s mouth, and also from his whore’s arse. 

Their trail of deception goes back to their project’s very inception as an urban folklore society, a fictitious claim hatched to receive nonprofit funding. That lie was the first in a chain of deception to protect their hidden clients from media exposes. 

Millions of naive souls chose to believe Barbara and David Mikkelson despite repeated warnings from more perceptive observers. Gullibility is a forgivable sin of mental sloth, up to a point, but anyone who still clings to Snopes as a valid authority needs to check in with a psychiatrist for deep therapy as a willing abuse victim. 

After being duped the naive victim is left in the awkward position. As put by Vladimir Nabokov in his novel Lolita, “Don’t cry, I’m sorry to have deceived you so much, but that’s how life is.” 

It’s hurtful to admit you’ve been a willing party to multiple statutory violations, but if it helps you feel any better, your fellow suckers include Facebook, Twitter and the Poynter Institute. Shying away from the risks of free expression, these self-appointed commissars of social media are now smeared by their total trust in a manure factory that has reeked of disinformation. Pull up your pants and zip up, boys and girls, and stop trying to pontificate to those of us who know better than true believers like yourselves.

Among the financial improprieties by David Mikkelson was his hiring of a dominatrix called Vice Vixen as administrator in charge of fact-checking for Snopes. The world’s been horrified by the Pizzagate pedophiles, and now we are bemused by a buxom lady in corset thrashing the buttocks of the Minister of Truth. No wonder a closeted pervert like hubby Mikkelson wrote off Pizzagate as “fake news”. Nasty things do not happen down in the basement, do they, Davy? Whatever did the Vixen make you do? The dog leash crawl, rope tricks, being probed with the blunt handle of a riding crop? How delicious to a sick mind like yours, Davy. 

Mikkelson’s greater outrage was not his own secluded acts of gratification, but was his pleasure in debauching the millions of Lolitas who sincerely believed in his claim of factual honesty. Now, little darlings, go take a long hot shower and don’t forget the mouthwash before going over his catalog of crimes against truth in media.

Venal Sins Punished

The 2015 divorce proceedings, as disclosed by the Daily Mail, contain these disclosures:
– Embezzlement. The divorce papers filed by ex-wife Barbara charges that David Mikkelson misappropriated $98,000 from over four years “which he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired”, including air tickets for $10,000 on a 24-day “’personal vacation” in India and for his then girlfriend/fiancee to fly to a last tango in Buenos Aires. (notice: prostitutes plural)
– Diversion of revenues into a personal Paypal account to avoid tax reporting
– Inflated expense accounts
– Relocation plan for the company, which partner-spouse Barbara called a “boondoggle”
– Demands for a retroactive salary hike from $240,000 to $360,000 per year
– Undisclosed salary for Kimberly LaCapria, aka Vice Vixen, a dominatrix hired as the chief fact-checker for
– Undisclosed salary for Elyssa Young, aka escort Erin O’Bryn and newlywed wife, for unstated services as a administrator. 

Pizzagate Deniers

The hiring of prostitutes may seen like the antics of a middle-aged man trying to materialize his sexual fantasies before the onset of impotence. This hiring practice is linked, however, to the long business association with shady sponsors involved with pornography websites, online pimping and child-porn. It shouldn’t come as any surprise that rated the Pizzagate scandal with an X-FALSE.

In a rebuttal to the Pizzagate researchers at reddit, Snopes stated: “While rumors about pedophilia and child trafficking remain standard in urban folklore, roughly 90 percent of assaults on children in the U.S. are committed by a friend or family member, a number reiterated by the United States Department of Justice. Most abuse of the nature alleged is committed by family members, family friends, or other trusted adults, without the use of coded toys or pizzeria sex rings.”

In reference to national statistics, what Snopes omits is the term “reported”, for example, in “roughly 90 percent of (reported) assaults”. One word can make a world of difference. Internal-family abuse cases are usually reported by the close circle of kin, neighbors or friends in complaints filed with social workers or the local police, whereas pedophile rings maintain secrecy in the same manner as organized crime, which uses jargon to describe their various illegal activities. Family members have conflicting loyalties to the perpetrators and child victims, and concern for the child ultimately inspires others to turn to the law. In contrast, pimps for pedophiles are bound by obedience to their clients (or they wouldn’t stay in business for long). It is a secretive and risky business.

The secrecy of pedophile rings, along with their capability like other organized crime groups to bribe or blackmail the police and politicians, accounts for the low arrest rate. This failure of justice inspires a few crusading journalists, the alternative media and online discussion groups to take on the scandalous issue. 

The key to maintain secrecy is, of course, the use of code words in phone conversations and emails. Now here’s the Snopes denial: “As we have noted in the past, fear of ‘pedophile code’ imagery is occasionally the basis for panic, but law enforcement officials believed that the symbols themselves are used among adults to signal preferences, not as labels for children, not as markers placing them in any danger.” 

What claptrap. When ordering ahead for a boy or girl of a certain age, the pedophile will, of course, use a code word, instead of saying over a cell phone: “My order’s for a 3-year-old blonde.” No, of course not, he or she will say, “I’d like a cheese pizza delivered to Room 66, in the back of Motel 5 on the bypass.”

Besides its lack of any real-world grounding on this crime problem, Snopes failed to examine the John Podesta emails released by Wikileaks with their many code words with their obvious sexual connotations. Its debunking of Wikileaks was based on denials from Washington City Paper. Its editor, called in from France in April 2016, as during the primary campaigns, is Liz Garrigan, the ultra-liberal whose personal blog contains a 2013 entry titled: “Sens. Corker and Alexander: the NRA’s Bitches.” Hardly objective or balanced journalism. And what about her resentful Twitter comment against the incoming First Lady?

Liz Garrigan @lizgarrigan Aug 20 
Does anyone else resent that @wpmagazine has @geneweingarten and @tomsietsema on the Melania side instead of the @billclinton side?

Garrigan’s prior position was with Paris-based Worldcrunch, which gathers tidbits of news from international press for the English-language readership. Worldcrunch blog is owned by Jeff Israely, former Europe bureau chief of Time, and Irene Toporkoff, head of Europe. is notorious for its toolbar that acts like malware in ‘bundling” users away from other search engines to their website. The site is owned by Garrett Gruener, a former Democrat candidate for California governor in 2008 who is since linked to several cyber-security companies. 

Back to the anti-reddit snipe attacks, Snopes concluded: : “Although the Pizzagate controversy remains a high-interest conspiracy, we are unable to locate any substantive aspect of the claims that could be fact-checked or otherwise held up to the light to determine their veracity.” Note the use of pejorative terms like “conspiracy”, “substantive” and “veracity”. 

In contrast to the fantasy spun by Snopes, there is a massive and growing trove of facts from the Wikileaks findings corroborated with real-world evidence posted on reddit and VOAT, more than enough to pack four major articles by this journalist. Snopes is a propaganda agency that doesn’t do its research. Snopes is X-FALSE. 

Media Whores 

The uncovering of prostitutes employed by raises a new question about whether its huge rambling house on Mulholland Drive in Calabasas, Agoura Hills, is an unlicensed bordello specializing in sadomasochism and a call-girl operation. A year after their wedding, David Mikkelson’s new wife Elyssa Young aka Eryn O’Bryn has not yet taken down her listings as a Las Vegas, Seattle and Los Angeles escort, and is still available for house calls and hotel visits. For those interested in dating a Snopes fact checker, her rates are $500 per hour up to $5,000 for 24 hours of punishment and pleasure. 

Her details as listed at The Erotic Review for men or women willing to pay with credit card: service – escort and S&M; pussy – partially shaved; breast cup – DDD; rimming – VIP only; cum in mouth – VIP only. 

Some of her many ads:
– “Erin O’Bryn, a female available for adult dating in Los Angeles, California. Hot sugar baby profile”
– “Erin O’bryn is a DATE-CHECK verified independent Caucasian escort with auburn hair in Las Vegas.”
– Erin O’bryn – Centerfold female entertainer.
– The latest Tweets from Erin O’Bryn (@ErinOBryn). I am a mature and experienced courtesan, idealist, activist & dreamer. at

Here are some happy-ending comments from 150 customers at The Erotic Review:

– from 1 + done:“She was a bit late for our meeting but certainly was worth the wait. I had requested a few outfits…nurse, crotchless nylons or pantyhose…tame items compared to what she brought along as I was to learn!! Upon arrival she had brought more toys and clothes for 12 hours than I had for 8 days!! As she unpacked in bedroom she showed me some of items: different vibrators, didoes, restraints, clothes etc. We then got comfortable and the fun began.”

– from boneboybob: “One fine Sundary morning recently, I awoke after a night of Las Vegas debauchery to read on the TER Vegas Board that the infamous Erin O’Bryn, after a bit of a hiatus, was feeling frisky and desired companionship. Having a bit of cash to burn in my pocket and also having always wanted to see this lady, I called, set up a date, grabbed drinks and treats for breakfast, and met her down in my hotel’s lobby shortly thereafter. We started making out quite a bit in the elevator on the way up…”

– from headhead66: “So Erin is a busy woman with a lot going on in her life. I had originally scheduled in advance about 7 months ago but when I got to Vegas and called her the day before, she had to cancel due to some domestic problem. This time, I scheduled in advance but then a couple days beforehand she told me she had to fly out so we moved it to one day earlier. That day I called and confirmed the time, which was one hour away. She was an hour late but called to let me know. Finally there was a knock at my door and I was stunned to see how much better she looks in person. And she wasn’t there 2 seconds before her hands were all over me. ”

Domestic problem? What’s the matter, Davy, feeling petered out?

Closer to the pleasure palace on Mulholland Drive, the ad site features “We are the largest free hookup site, create an account and you can be meeting hookers in Agoura in just minutes.” The Snope’s home-office is just up the road from the Kardashian cathouse. Take your pick but be prepared for brutal financial troubles on the morning after. 

Mr. Malarkey, Gatekeeper of the Dark Web

My article posted at examined David Mikkelson’s depth background in “New York Corruption Involved in the Plot to Shoot Trump” at

“Mikkelson got his start as a programmer for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), a spooky computer company linked with the Office of Naval Research, the CIA and DARPA. After discharge from the Navy, Mikkelson cut his teeth on the emerging Internet as a deceiver spinning dubious stories and tracking users who might be interested in topics like Area 51. Back in those days, there are a lot intelligence types on the Internet.”

” gained the resources to become a significant and profitable website through a software distributor contract with Zango, which secretly uploading adware into visitors’ PCs. The site became notorious for its annoying pop-up ads, and only later, after investigation by Symantec and McAfee was it discovered that Zango was installing tracking software to monitor the websites visited by users. Zango, which provided lucrative income for distributor websites, including, was conducting espionage for its sponsors, the Israeli cyber-warfare command. Hotbar, one of two predecessor companies merged to form Zango, was based in Tel Aviv.” 

Next, the link to the Franklin boy-prostitution rung and the Clintons:
“The investment funds behind Zango, based in Bellingham, WA and Tel Aviv, included: 

– CE Unterberg Towbin: The investment arm of bankers Thomas Unterberg and Robert Towbin. Unterberg had earlier partnered with L.F. Rothschild (unrelated to the European dynasty) to form CE Unterberg. Robert Towbin is a former investment manager for Lehman and also for the Stephens Bank of Little Rock, Arkansas, which was involved in Bert Lance’s BCCI Bank based in Atlanta and Pakistan. Stephens also controlled Worthen Bank, which handled the finances for the Mena Airfield cocaine shipments under Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton. Stephens Bank was also fingered in the CIA theft the Inslaw PROMIS bank-transfer software, which enabled illegal seizures of transferred funds, as exposed by the late investigative reporter Sherman Skolnick and Danny Casolaro. CE Unterberg was sold to the Franklin Savings Bank, which was subsequently caught up in the child-sex scandal involving Senate pages”

”In November 2006, Zango conceded to FTC regulators who determined: ‘Federal Trade Commission charges that they (Zango) used unfair and deceptive methods to download adware and obstruct consumers from removing it, in violation of federal law.’ It was a victory for Symantec and McAffee, which discovered that Zango programs were disguised by a serial number similar to those of operating software in PCs. Kaspersky, meanwhile, simply blocked Zango, which unsuccessfully tried to sue the security software company.”

”Warner Brothers canceled its contract with Zango after concerns were raised that children viewing Warner Bros. content could be exposed to X-rated ads for pornography. Israelis are well-known to be a leading force in kiddie porn for pedophiles, gay BDSM and other sick forms of entertainment”.

“For more than one year after the FTC ban on Zango, continued to quietly distribute the undesirable software, apparently to collect private data from its visitors, as discovered by Alex Eckelberry of Sunbelt Software. It turned out that the core operations at Zango was purchased by Blinkx, a search engine for online video. Blinx new CEO is a Sri Lankan graduate of Cambridge Suranga Chandratillake, who was a manager at Morgan Stanley’s netdecisions and anondesign projects.”

PC Mag Australia says this about Blinkx version 3.0: “As with previous versions, you don’t have to request a search explicitly. Communication between your local copy of blinkx and blinkx’s search servers is encrypted. For local security, this version adds strong separation between content belonging to different user accounts—one user cannot see files indexed by blinkx for another user.” Sound dodgy enough for you?

My riff continued: “Take notice of the X at the end of blinkx, and it’s starting to look like a kiddie-porn delivery system for bankers. From MIT Technology Review: ‘ Blinkx does not merely search the text or tags associated with a particular video. Instead, Chandratillake’s technique employs speech recognition, neural networks, and machine learning to create transcripts of the world’s videos; then, the words spoken in the videos can be searched.’ Just say little boy’s penis or baby girl, and see what’s called up.” That is, called up from the Dark Web.

”Ben Edelmann’s Darker Side of Blinkx raises the obvious issues: ‘How exactly does Blinkx make money? How much comes from the legacy Zango and AdOn businesses that consumers and advertisers pointedly disfavor? Why are so many of Blinkx’s metrics out of line with competitors? The investor statements raise many questions but offer few answers. I submit that Blinkx is carefully withholding this information because the company has much to hide.’”

”And the same questions apply to Another issue raised is about Mikkelson’s defense of Scytl, a Spain-based producer of online voting software and ‘election modernization’ systems now used in several U.S. states. The major investors in Scytl (pronounced sight-tel) are Balderton Capital, Nauta Capital, and Spinnaker SCR.”

Then I listed the principals in this suspect technology:

– Suranga Chandratillake, owner of Blinkx, is a senior partner in private equity Balderton Capital.

– The director of Nauta’s American operations is Dominic Endicott, who went from Cluster Consulting to Booz Allen Hamilton where he oversaw the wireless practice.

– one of the Balderton Capital partners, William Evans, is on the board of directors of Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG in Switzerland, the holding company for the dynasty’s industrial investments. 

My conclusion is simple: “” is, in short, an online hitman for the Deep State. If his prostitutes-researchers are covering up for Pizzagate, then that’s a pointer to his website operation’s probable involvement in kiddie porn. This suspicion is not baseless due to Mikkelson’s business ties with Zango and Blinkx. The Pizzagate crowd-search is not over yet, because Jimmy Comet aka James Alefantis is yet to be charged and convicted of his crimes, the pedophiles at Poynter Institute are yet to tracked down, and their cover-up agent Mikkelson has only recently being exposed as an S&M freak. 

Oh, you naughty boy, David. Now for twenty lashes and the deep pegging that you’re been longing for, bend over and beg me: “Please, Mistress Eryn, do it gently”.

Yoichi Shimatsu is an investigative reporter who pursued and exposed high-level the “Killing Fields Pedophiles” with the U.S. State Department and MIT Media Lab who repeatedly abused Cambodian orphans, average age of 10 years old. – See more at:

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