Joachim Hagopian, Classified Doc Leak, Israel’s Pending Iran Attack and Who the Real Terrorists Are

Joachim Hagopian After Iran launched over 200 ballistic missiles against Israeli military targets on October 1st, penetrating Israel’s much touted Iron Dome as part of the tit-for-tat escalation cycle towards kinetic World War III in the Middle East, international media has focused on Israel’s anticipated retaliation response against Iran. On October 18th, Joe Biden alluded to knowing how and when Israel will carry out its arrack on Iran, including the specific targets, reportedly limited to only military targets not involving Tehran’s nuclear sites nor its gas and oil fields. Apparently, the Biden regime signed…

Jim Fetzer, Princeton in the Nation’s Service, Class of ’62 Style

Jim Fetzer ’62          “I do not have any interest in involving the Class of 1962 Lecture Series in your work.”                                                                                            —Thomas Dunn ’62 (19 October 2024) On 13 October 2024, I received the following announcement from Thomas Dunn regarding the Princeton…

A Look at the Legal Issues Surrounding the 2024 Election

By Sam Dorman Lawsuits include those about procedures for certifying elections, which ballots should be counted, and the accuracy of state voter rolls. The run-up to the 2024 election has seen a number of consequential court cases and rulings related to how voters cast their ballots and how governments process the election results. Some of the cases remain ongoing, and if 2024 is anything like 2020, the nation could see a flurry of lawsuits after Election Day with candidates also challenging the outcomes. It is, however, unclear how far any…

Paul Craig Roberts, The Biden Regime Has Just Issued a Very Suspicious Directive Permitting Military Intervention in US Domestic Affairs

Paul Craig Roberts  The Department of Homeland Security has flagged individuals questioning COVID-19 origins, vaccine efficacy, and election integrity as potential domestic terrorism threats. Is a coup being set in place? A new Department of Defense directive 5240.01 issued September 27, 2024, just prior to the November presidential election allows the US military to use lethal force against American citizens in assisting police authorities in domestic disturbances. A report on this development lists these civil liberties concerns: Right to protest: There are fears that expanded authority could suppress legitimate protests.…

Patrick J. McShay, P. Diddy and The Elite’s Satanic Ritual Sex And Pedophile Ring

Patrick J.McShay “The higher you go in the business the more wicked it gets” — Musician and Producer “Lil Rod” Jones (P. Diddy associate) The New York Post reports that Sean “P. Diddy” Combs who was arrested on charges of sex trafficking and racketeering with over a hundred victims involved, including 25 children, has had a bail request denied by a New York Federal judge and a court date has been set for May 5, 2025 Most of the articles out there are careful to say that there is no…

Joachim Hagopian, Pitchforks and Tribunals Are Coming, But Soon Enough?

By Joachim Hagopian While the witch in charge of the EU Ursula von der Leyen wants her totalitarian government to track all European citizens’ assets so they can be taxed and surveilled to determine if their acquisition was somehow procured outside their implemented CBDC control system, witch Hillary Clinton in the US is calling for more online censorship fearing the power establishment is losing control over the awakening masses turning against their power structure’s blatant lies and crimes. With the Covid-19 pandemic overreach of lockdowns, the mask and the genocidal kill shot mandates, too…

Phithx, Why The AshkeNAZIs Hate The Russians

By Phithx As originally Published by the Gibraltar Messenger on October 9, 2024 The Ashkenazi Khazarians are a brutal warlike nation who lived in Khazaria, and between the 8th and 9th centuries AD the entire nation converted to Talmudic Judaism, under orders from their king Bulan. They were so troublesome to the surrounding nations, and particularly to the Christian Russian people, that the Russians finally had enough of them, and drove them out of their homeland Khazaria, which included the territory now called Ukraine. Thus began the Ashkenazi hatred of the Russians and their determination to…

Joachim Hagopian, Slow to Fast Kill Genocidal Knot Tightens: UN Future Pact and Manmade Frankenstorm Land Grabs

Joachim Hagopian   Almost a decade ago, I wrote a Global Research article entitled “The Globalists’ New World Order: Soft and Hard Kill Methods.” In it I point out fluoride’s irrefutable toxicity as part of the genocidal slow-kill method as a brazenly insane, murderous national policy was allowed to continue for many years, clearly intended to deliberately harm the American population. An excerpt:   Other soft kill methods range from toxic levels of fluoride diabolically mixed in to our municipal water supply as well as a standard ingredient in most toothpaste products. It’s illegal…

Alastar Crooke, Perfidy in Tehran

Alastair Crooke The West is in the throes of at least one, potentially two, crushing defeats at the moment – and so the question arises: Will lessons be learned? John Kerry, just last week at the World Economic Forum, so clearly blurting out the truth: “Our First Amendment stands as a major block to our ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence”. Translated: Governing is all about narrative control. Kerry articulates the ‘International Order’s’ solution to the unwelcome phenomenon of an uncontrolled populism and of a potential leader who speaks for…

Patrick J. McShay, What if The First Black Female Presidential Candidate Isn’t Black?

Patrick J. McShay Donald Trump created a firestorm in July while appearing at the Association of Black Journalists when he said of Kamala Harris, “She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until some years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or Black?” Trump then said, “And you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t. Because she was Indian…