Proof the media, including The New York Times, are playing photographic games with the public. These photos (from The New York Times) are shown here in chronological order. But the media has been using the first as the basis for claiming that Trump had a vastly smaller turn out than Obama. Not only is that false for the gathering on the mall at the time, but the world-wide television viewing audience was overwhelmingly greater. Trump does not care about the difference in numbers but that the media has blatantly displayed its dishonesty in reporting.
Photo (1): Widely disseminated to create impression of smaller Trump crowd:
Photo (2): Another comparison using a photo taken closer to the inauguration:
Photo (3): Photo taken at time time of the inauguration (exposing the scam):
This is a simple scam: use photos taken earlier before everyone has arrived as though they had been taken at the time of the inauguration. It is a stunning indictment of the mainstream media that, in spite of the proof to the contrary, it is promoting a false account of the facts of the matter, which justifies the strong outraged response by Trump’s Press Secretary. I agree with him. The media has lost all sense of integrity and responsibility. Its conduct is shameful and wrong.
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You seem to be following Fetzer more actively than groupies
Read something different, some time:
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Jim I've noticed in the past you have been bringing up the name of Schindler in reference to CIA plotting against President Trump. Please be advised that Schindler was shittcanned from the Navy War College for sending pictures of his limp dick to a woman other than his wife and then pulled all his online social media off…just put "limp dick Schindler" into your favorite search engine and read all about it.
Good analysis of the photos, Jim. I concur that the media (especially CNN) failed to provide a persuasive comparative analysis based on their photos from the 2009 and 2017 inaugurals. There was no attempt identify the precise times in which the photos were taken. The public is no longer buying into biased, mainstream media reporting. And the strange reporting about the bust of MLK in the Oval Office was another instance of media malfeasance.
Jim Fetzer knows he cannot make any of his conspiracy theories work in the real world. Back in the 9/11 Denier days online, we routinely challenged Fetzer on how a government conspiracy could actually work. He and others routinely dodged the salient question by claiming "that's why we need another investigation – to find out." Of course, we don't because no plausible mechanism exists to deal with thousands of unknown direct and indirect witnesses who would know something was amiss in the areas of their particular responsibilities on 9/11. Fetzer knows this; he knows he can't make his conspiracy theory work. And he knows we called him on that over a decade ago.
No reply here either. Wow.
If anyone continues to follow you et al. that made all of these predictions over the last 8 years, I can't feel sorry for them anymore.
Doesn't SOMETHING have to happen for you to have ANY credibility?
A low batting average is one thing. But batting .000?
Come on Jimmy. Explain yourself.
Still have guns. No UN takeover. No FEMA camps.
They didn't nuke the inauguration, huh Jim? Maybe you can predict that they will nuke the Super Bowl like you did a couple years ago.
Yeah. That's what I thought you fucking racist coward.
What I pray happens to every one of you fucking Nazis:
Oh bullshit. I read all of the nonsense I mentioned above on this blog many times. Now, you run from your failed predictions and just make more of them because you know your followers are too dumb to add 2+2.
I was curious and looked up some of your work. You understand the philosophy of science well enough. I'm a scientist, and there's NO FUCKING WAY you don't know what you're up to here.
Scratch the surface and you're just a garden variety anti-semite, like all of your disgusting ilk.
I just hope that one of those Sandy Hook parents lays your fat ass out Richard Spencer-style you grotesque LIttle Hitler.
How much of my work do you read or watch? I do a lot of shows every week, including "Truth vs. NEW$" (M), "The Raw Deal" (T/Th) and "The Conspiracy Guy" (W), where I have done a lot of criticism of the guy you are talking about on the air. Check out "The Conspiracy Guy" for 01.11.17 and for 01.18.17 at
Show photos of the litter left by Obombie supporters and Puzzyhat crazies….
compared to litter left by Trumpkins….
Medal of Honor winner Charlie Liteky dies:
8 Years. MORE guns. No UN takeovers. No Hobbit Homes. Etc. Etc.
But no responsibility for any of your failed predictions. It must be great to talk all that shit and then run away like a little bitch when none of it happens to simply talk MORE shit.
But I guess that's your whole life, nay – your who legacy as a human being – so it must get easier over time.
Jim: when are you going to take responsibility for all your failed predictions about Obama?