On February 13, General Mike Flynn
resigned from being President Trump’s national security adviser and apologized for telling then-Vice President-elect Mike Pence an untruth — that Flynn had not discussed the issue of sanctions with Russia’s ambassador to the United States. Reportedly, Flynn resigned in lieu of being outright fired.
President Trump did the right thing in removing Flynn because he cannot have as his adviser someone who lies and who might have violated the law (
Logan Act) in speaking with and negotiating with the Russian ambassador without Trump’s authorization. But this matter is more than “just” the removal of a dishonest aide because it has to do with how Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador came to light.
Only U.S. intelligence agencies could have illegally wiretapped to Flynn’s conversation, and who then leaked the transcript of the conversation to the MSM who are just chafing at the bit to find anything to take down Trump’s presidency.
In the last weeks of the Obama administration, the intelligence agencies were complicit in an effort to subvert the November 8 election with wholly unverified and unfounded allegations that Russia had intervened in the election by hacking and leaking to WikiLeaks damaging emails of the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and the chair of her campaign John Podesta. Trump responded that, as President, he will reform the intelligence agencies, beginning with the CIA.
At the time, on January 3, 2017,
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) darkly warned that Trump would be “really dumb” to take on the intelligence community because “they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.” Asked if this was a threat against Trump, former Senator Ron Paul (R) said, “I think he [Schumer] is speaking the truth there — better watch out. I think Trump knows about it. That’s why he has private security.” (See my post “
Trump’s war with the CIA”)
The taking down of Mike Flynn was the first shot at the Trump administration from the intelligence agencies that are bureaucracies in the executive branch of the U.S. government over which President Trump presumably is the head.
The intelligence agencies’ illegal wiretapping of Flynn’s phone conversation and transmission of the transcript to the MSM is an act of revolt, pure and simple. As Thomas Lifson of the
American Thinker points out:
Make no mistake: we have just witnessed an operation by members of the CIA to take out a high official of our own government. An agency widely believed to have brought down democratically elected governments overseas is now practicing the same dark arts in domestic American politics. Almost certainly, its new head, [CIA Director] Mike Pompeo, was not consulted . . . .
Note that the law was broken by whoever leaked the transcripts to the media. Not only is the crime underlying the “scandal” being ignored, but the criminals are being hailed. On Morning Joe‘s first hour today, the host, a former congressman (i.e., a lawmaker) himself, called the leakers “heroes.”
The Flynn Affair is a huge scandal, all right. But the media are misdirecting our attention toward the lesser dimension while they studiously ignore the real threat to our democracy.
This interference in domestic politics by the CIA should be regarded as a major threat to our democracy, but of course our Trump-hating domestic media are reveling in a major point scored against the new president.
To make matters even worse, the leak of Flynn’s conversation is only one of several leaks from the Trump administration. In a series of
tweets, President Trump identifies the problem:
On the intelligence agencies’ takedown of Flynn, neo-conservative Bill Kristol, founder and editor at large of
The Weekly Standard and a network political commentator,
Kristol’s declaration that he prefers the unelected “deep state” to the constitutional government of duly-elected President Trump is nothing other than Kristol’s admission that he supports a coup d’état.
One of Donald Trump’s campaign slogans was “Drain the Swamp”. President Trump must thoroughly excise the rot in the intelligence agencies, beginning with the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) — Gen. Flynn would have been director of the NSA. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the FBI must arrest the wiretappers and leakers, the reporters who solicited and received the transcript from an illegal wiretap, as well as Bill Kristol for openly advocating and fomenting treason against the United States (as per
Article III of the U.S. Constitution).
The continuation of Trump’s presidency and the preservation of his very life depend on it.
Pray for President Trump. Pray for America!
See also:
H/t FOTM’s josephbc69
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James, you are a fucking nut which is why you can only appear on the Rense show.
Note very first sentence from Marshall — "war must be actually levied against the United States":
“In delivering the opinion of the Court, Chief-Justice MARSHALL said:
"To constitute that specific crime for which the prisoners now before the Court have been commuted, war must be actually levied against the United States. However flagitious may be the crime of conspiring to subvert by force the Government of our country, such conspiracy is not treason. To conspire to levy war. and actually to levy war, are distinct offences. The first must be brought into operation by an assemblage of men for a purpose, treasonable in itself, or the fact of levying war cannot have been committed." * * * * * * * "It is not the intention of the Court to say that no individual can be guilty of this crime who has not appeared in arms against his country. On the contrary, if war be actually levied, that is, if a body of men Be actually assembled for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable purpose, all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are actually leagued in the general conspiracy, are to be considered as traitors. But there must be an actual assembling of men for a treasonable purpose to constitute levying of war. Crimes, so atrocious as those which have for their object the subversion by violence of those laws and those institutions which have been ordained in order to secure the peace and happiness of society, are not to escape punishment because they have not ripened into treason. The wisdom of the Legislature is competent to provide for the case." “
You're throwing the 'treason' term around without much knowledge of the case law behind it. You might want to look that up and study it rather than using such inflammatory rhetoric.
Our Constitution defines treason — as our framers knew it was too tempting for parties to go after one another otherwise. Case law pretty much demands that there be a declared war, and that the accused treasonous act must have involved that declared enemy. That doesn't apply here by any stretch of the imagination.