“We must use terror, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services, to rid the Galilee of it’s Arab population” — Israel Koenig – The Koenig Report
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the World – Only to serve the people of Israel” –– Chief Israeli Rabbi- Ovadia Yosef
This Middle East slaughter, or “crusade,” as “George the dumber” once awkwardly called it, before the war cabinet settled on the ominous sounding “War on Terror,” has been chiseled into the minds of the American public through years of government lies, propaganda, brainwashing, shady dossiers and anonymous sources. After “Die Hard,” almost 30 years ago, movie bad guys were mostly Arabs, to embed the demonization into the American psyche. This barrage of disinformation would have never been successful without the mainstream news and their highly paid teleprompter readers, mindlessly reading government approved propaganda. Their reporting is producing grave results for the poor people we are claiming to liberate.
Remember when Vice President Dick Cheney, said the Iraqi’s would greet us as liberators? Remember when we had to stop Saddam from killing his own people? Then we had to stop Muammar Gaddafi from killing his own people in Libya. Turns out, Benghazi was a US operation smuggling weapons to terrorists, who were actually killing Libyans for Israel. And now, of course, it’s imperative that we take out Bashar Al Assad for, you guessed it, killing his own people. The first thing that comes to mind is, who buys this nonsense? The next is, who benefits the most from this manufactured War on Terror and arming the worst terrorists on the planet?
Most will believe the government explanation when the next false-flag gas attack in Syria occurs, because they still believe that Al Qaeda was behind 911. ISIS, of course, the new boogeyman invented by the Pentagon, will carry the terror baton for the Pentagram until they serve their evil purpose. ISIS is the mysterious army of murderous miscreants, who seem to hate everyone, and have attacked, Muslims, Christians and every country in the area with the exception of Israel. A specter of evil right out “bad guy” central casting. Mr. Orwell would be impressed.
Turns out, Al Baghdadi, the leader of this so called army of scary Arabs, who are torturing, raping and killing people of all faiths, is an Israeli Mossad trained Jew. As a matter of fact, most in the US are unaware that there is mounting evidence that the US Government, their NATO Allies, the psychopathic Saudi’s and our BFF’s the Israeli’s are arming, funding and training several terrorist groups in the Middle East including ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Twice in the last few weeks, American Fighters bombed Syrian troops that were advancing on known terrorist positions. Why is the US in Syria? Canadian independent journalist Eva Bartlett, who recently returned from Syria , said in a UN press conference that, “everything the American media is reporting about Syria is a lie. Mr. Putin, in a speech to the UN recently, told the World that the US and their allies are supporting ISIS.
The US Government and the American media should have no credibility after the lies we were told about 911 and these middle east wars. Why are we being lied to again? How does anyone believe it? Russia is in Syria at the invitation of Bashar Al Assad. The US is not. Assad has asked us to leave Syria. Why haven’t we? These are questions the mainstream media should be asking. This is now the time to turn off the liars on FOX, MSNBC, CNN, CBS and ABC and find a good news site online like rense.com, globalresearch.ca, whatreallyhappened.com, operationdisclosure.blogspot.com or blacklistednews.com.
Seymour Hersh is a Pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter, who has broken a number of uncomfortable stories that the government would have liked to have kept a lid on. The My Lai Massacre exposed a degenerate, murderous underbelly of reality in Vietnam that the American public had no idea existed. American soldiers attacked a peaceful village, raping women and murdering every man, woman and child in sight. He broke the story of the torture details at Abu Ghraib prison during the Iraq War. The public was lied to about the extent and the methods of torture that were used. No quaint stories about waterboarding, where everybody was OK when it was over.
Eric Fair, in his book, “Consequence: A Memoir”, states that US interrogators were trained in sadistic torture techniques by the Israelis. They were trained on the use of a disturbing torture devise, the “Palestinian Chair.” The chair was used to break them down both physically and mentally. Many prisoners were humiliated, tortured and beaten to death. Hersh is now reporting that, Trump launched Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian Military in April, after ignoring warnings from US Intelligence that there was no evidence Assad’s government was to blame for the chemical attack on his own people. The attack was likely a false flag done by US allied terrorists, in order to escalate the long planned Israeli and American Zionist-led regime change.
US foreign policy has bizarrely been controlled by Israel for decades, but no one will talk about it. It’s like Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club. The first rule about Israeli control of our Congress, foreign policy and our entire media is you can’t talk about Israel control. The truth is, these Middle East wars were planned for Israel long before 911. To understand what is going is on, one would want to read Oded Yinon’s 1982 Plan for the Middle East and a “Greater Israel”.
A White paper was written for Bibi Netanyahu in 1996, by Robert Kagan’s Neo Con group, “The Project for a New American Century.” PNAC was a faction of Israel firsters, made up of American Neo-Con Jews and Christian Zionist. This unlikely group would change the course of history. Titled a “A Clean Break,” The plan called for Israel to abandon past practices of trading land for peace as a waste of time and resources and called for a more hostile and aggressive approach. They would steal the land they desired through regime change and the ethnic cleansing of millions of people. This would only happen through a major paradigm shift and what PNAC called a “New Pearl Harbor type event”, like 911, to kick start their planned land theft and genocide.
Unbelievably, the paper makes this assertion: “Our claim to the land to which we have clung for hope for 2000 years is legitimate and noble. Only the unconditional acceptance by Arabs of our rights, especially in their territorial dimension. Our claim to the land?” Whose future? Using a line from the Bible to justify stealing land, treasure and precious lives is despicable. Members of this group should someday be reviled in history books with the worst traitors and despots. “A Clean Break” called for regime change in seven countries and the Balkanization of the countries that would make up the new greater Israel.
Those seven countries targeted were Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and finally Iran. Members of the group were Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, William Kristol, Scooter Libby, Jeb Bush and John Bolton, to name a few of the traitors and liars that George W Bush assembled and allowed to hijack our country’s foreign policy 17 years ago. The War on Terror is a monstrous lie. It’s time people wake up.
We are in the calm before the storm. Most Americans would be shocked to learn that this long planned “War on Terror,” where we have spent so much blood and treasure, is an Israeli land grab. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the media to tell you what’s really going on. The President is as compliant an Israeli dupe as were his predecessors. His new UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, is an unapologetic Israeli sycophantic tool, who will never allow any criticism of Israel on her watch.
Many misguided Christians still blindly support this insane agenda. ISIS is a mercenary army being used to take Assad out and break up Syria. Russia knows what is going on and knows the UN is in the tank for the Zionists. How far will Trump take this? He’s in the same tank as the UN and the rest of the countries whose leaders are sold out, blackmailed or threatened by the Zionists. It wouldn’t surprise me if they pull another false-flag gas attack to be blamed on Assad. Israel won’t give up their plan for a Greater Israel (or “Eretz Israel”), no how many Goyim have to die to get it.
Except that :
1.) "Protocol of the elders of Zion" is a forgery cooked by the Tsar's secret police to artificially foment pogroms and finally refused by him, later, a copy found its way into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood who translated it in Arab, just like they translated "Mein Kampf"
2.) Quran is FAR worst than the "Protocol of the elders of Zion" forgery.
3.) Arabs/Muslims land-grabbed Syria, Iraq, Anatolia, Thrace, Bosnia and North-Africa on Christians… Any Christian to care if the Jews grab it on Arabs? Any way, early Christians were mostly converted Jews.
4.) There was no state of Palestine, never ever in history!
The mandate for Palestine, which is a REGION, was partitioned as ARAB-Palestine=Jordan and JEWISH-Palestine=Israel in 1922 since, west of Jordan river, majority of population was Jews, followed by… Christians. According to 1918 census, less than 15,000 Arabs were living in JEWISH-Palestine and half of them weren't even born there! e.g. the Ottomans imported 5,000 Saudis in 1902 to build the Haifa-Damascus railroad…
5.) What you call "Greater Israel" was what was promised to Abraham in the Bible, but the Israeli state has no project like it on the table, in fact, they're doing all they can to shelter the public from a critical information all the scientific/biology, all the historians and all the serious clerics know about, and the Israelis even team mostly with the Saudis at sheltering it as it'd be a real tsunami for the region if not the world!
So wat is this open secret?
The greater Israel is ALREADY here : the majority of population between the Nile and the Euphrates are ethnic Jews who were forced into Islam by the caliphates! Ouch!!! And DNA tests prove it… Since anyone that can prove he's a Jew can become Israeli, guess how a state half the size of Swiss may manage ending with as much citizens as France since it's the only country to be nice to live in in the MENA?
They can't!
Now you also understand why they don't start wars and try to avoid collateral damages as much as possible : Jews don't kill Jews…
6.) If Israel was into land grabbing, why did they returned Sinai in exchange of genuine peace with Egypt?
7.) Assad is an Alawi. Alawis are Christians who decided to simulate being Muslims to avoid persecutions and/or the Jizya racket. Actually, Syrian Christians were all converted… Jews… Never thought Bashar looked Jewish?
8.) Syriac language = Aramaic, the language of northern Jews, spoken by Jesus. Syria was the kingdom of Aram. Aram, grandson of Noah, is the founder of Damascus! Abraham was even the king of the city. Syria is a Jewish kingdom too!
9.) 2,000 years ago, there were 1M Jews in Alexandria (40% of population). These weren't deported by Romans!
10.) It was Khamenei who incitated Zarqawi to break with Osama/Zawahiri and merge with Saddamists then funded him in order to attack US troops! Iran created ISIS. Saddam = Ba'ath party = Assad, hey!
Khamenei also funds Hamas which is openly part of the Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Syria, Russia, Egypt…)and Hamas backs al-Nusra. Turkish AKP, Emir of Qatar and al-Bashri, the prez of Sudan are also MB!
Khamenei translated Sayeed Qutb in Farsi BTW…
11.) Your pitiful conspiracy theories fall apart when the truth is exposed!
You can't handle the truth!
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What a nutjob!
"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet." ~ Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869