Have large American public school systems become a secret Intel hotbed for mind-control of students and taxpayer asset-stripping?
Note: This is a long article. It is being presented as a white paper investigative report of what happened when American Intel is turned against mainstream America and deployed to covertly wage war against the public school system by invading it, hijacking it and asset-stripping it.
This report is about an investigation of the take-down of a wealthy public school system which was the first national test of a carefully crafted covert Intel plan to take down every single American public school system, step-by-step.
This take-down of the American public schools systems by Intel is truly a secret war being waged against all American taxpayers and parents of school-aged children who use public schools. It is high time parents began their own deep investigations, and take corrective action by electing well-informed school boards.
Even now, after many public school systems have been taken-down by American Intel, school board members are notably naive and have no clue about the sophisticated Intel operation that has been deployed. These board members have been craftily deceived by two-faced, sociopathic school administrators.
Hopefully this article will help wake up the taxpayers, the parents, the teacher-victims and the naive school board members, who have no clue about this American Intel covert operation deployed against their schools that is hidden in plain sight.
The background
In 1913 the BT/RKM/COL Banksters hijacked America with the passage of their Federal Reserve Act, which was completely illegal and unconstitutional.
And ever since, this hijacking of the American monetary creation and distribution system has enabled these Banksters to craftily and covertly strip away the fruits of the labor and accrued assets of American workers on a continuing basis.
The unlimited “issue at will” Federal Reserve Debt-notes have provided the Ruling Cabal the means to buy, bribe, influence, human compromise, and manipulate almost every elected and appointed USG official.
This BT/RKM/COL Ruling Cabal has viewed the USA as a mere stepping-stone to taking over the whole world and a means to establish a Luciferian occult-based Globalist NWO one-world government run out of Jerusalem. It is now clear that their Globalist NWO agenda is an inter-generational obsession that goes back many generations.
Early on these Globalist Banksters realized that to attain their long term Globalist NWO objectives they had to gain complete total control of the American masses.
And they realized that they had to hijack the mass media and public educational systems to do this effectively
The Ruling Cabal knew they had to consolidate such institutions in order to easily control them. They created numerous, special think-tanks, non-profit foundations and advisory boards which created policies. The Cabal imposed these policies through the control they exerted over elected and appointed officials through bribery, human compromise and high-level influence peddling.
Keeping the American masses occupied with work, entertainment, war, and political and class infighting (while stealing them blind) became key policies of the Banksters.
These Globalist Banksters have well understood that the biggest threat to the completion of their agenda is a well-informed American public; citizens who were well-educated in true American history, folks who understood the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and what the American Founding Fathers were attempting to do with the American Revolution to gain independence from an oppressive British Regime.
Soon after 1913, the Ruling Cabal realized that it was essential to mind-control the American masses through the public school systems, and they began a long process over the next 75 years to create policy to control their curricula, and concocted plans to eventually infiltrate them and hijack them.
This article contains what must be described as a “fictional account” of what they were able to do in one large, wealthy suburban school system about 12.5 years ago, which was an initial trial or field test to take down a large, wealthy, urban public school system.
Normally, this kind of information is never allowed to reach the light of day. But thanks to the Internet, the World’s New Gutenberg Press (which itself is truly revolutionary), we are now seeing the beginning phases of a complete end to all secrecy that cannot be stopped.
Somewhat Gladio
The take-down of the American public school systems – how it is being done now.
The American public school systems are being taken down one by one, with a progressive roll-out of a sophisticated Intel operation that is being implemented in the larger Urban public school systems.
Preparation for this operation has been set in place for many years with the progressive shift to Globalist curriculum and educational policies, followed by the installation of high-powered psychotronic emitters, which produced remote brain entrainment.
These Globalist educational policies that have been rolled out in the public schools, as well as in many institutions of the USG, now certainly form the crux of the Ruling Cabal’s six Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).
What are these Globalist values by which the US Public school systems have used to condition the minds of students to favor Globalism?
They consist of: political correctness, diversity, sex role confusion, narcissism, situational morality, group think, hysterical and nonsensical “zero-tolerance” policies, and dependency on the state to provide for their needs.
Mind-kontrol is the key to creating good Global citizens in school.
Initially the first form of mind-kontrol deployed in the public schools was “cultural control” through standardized textbooks that selectively omitted important American history, and subtle but real establishment of Globalist values.
But now, the mind-control deployed has expanded to include the deployment of sophisticated covert psychotronic mind-control involving computerized “UN” lighting, high-powered Wi-Fi, and in some cases, specialized EMF transmitters inserted in the ceilings and ventilation.
Now for a concrete example how one public school system has been taken down, asset-stripped and covertly turned against the students, the parents and the teachers.
And all done while hidden in plain sight with no serious public awareness until they crossed a certain line and went too far, at which time, certain interceptions were initiated.
Consider the following account “fiction” because it is not a good idea to completely disclose current major Intel operations. You can thank the Editors of Veterans Today for allowing such an article. Try finding this type of information anywhere else. This article goes about as far as is possible at this time.
There are parts of this story that cannot be told to protect the innocent from further harassment, but most readers can get a pretty complete idea of what was done and just how evil and sinister this take-down operation in this first test school system was. Suffice to say that limited but significant corrective (interception) actions were initiated by certain entities, and these did meet with some success in blocking these operations at this particular school system and stopping the tyrannical abuse, unwarranted firings, induced illnesses and murders.
Those who learn of the details of this secret test in this particular school system have been shocked at just how sociopathic and heartless the perps in administration are who did all this. So far no justice has been delivered from any court of law – and won’t be – since all American courts have been fully compromised by American Intel on behalf of the Ruling Cabal.
All that has to be done to quash any case is for the CIA’s attorney or any major Intel counsel to call the judge and invoke national security waivers. I am well aware of several cases where this was done to protect various covert operations and major law breakers.
However there is a final high court of final judgment awaiting these perps in the next life. And a fair number of the perps have already descended into their own private misery for what they have done as they have grown old and weak.
Minnesota History lesson
This article is about what occurred in a wealthy suburban school on the west side of the Twin Cities in Minnesota about 12.5 years ago. There is no evidence so far that this process which began in this school as a test case has ever been abated. It most likely is being taken to every major public school system in America. How far that process has spread is arguable but I would expect it is becoming the norm. I have been told that it is now present in some of the large urban schools in Illinois, and probably in many other states too, if not all.
In this imaginary school, there were select teachers who were profiled as problems, and who were “set up” to be fired without any legal justification at all. This profiling included any conservatives and especially Christians of any denomination. Any teacher who was judged to have high moral values or rock-solid integrity was identified as a potential problem to the roll-out of this well-planned covert operation.
The actual process of American Intel taking-down a public school system.
And this operation involved four parts: the removal of any teacher with strong integrity and conventional moral values; the installation of a new Globalist based value system in this school system; serious mind-control operations of students; and major asset-stripping of taxpayer funds, some of which to be pocketed personally by the perps, and with a large chunk going to various Intel entities for black ops.
Teachers with identifiable deviant behavior, moral weakness, lack of character or deficient integrity or who displayed a Globalist bent were greatly favored. It was expected that they would easily go along with all the new policies such as mandated sex role confusion training, political correctness, and situational morality training.
Teachers profiled to have strong morality, integrity and character were expected to become problems with the roll-out of this new curriculum. Secret policies were set up to manipulate the administration to get rid of these targeted teachers one by one using various “solutions”, which were all quite evil, some deadly.
New teachers that didn’t meet the preferred profile had their contracts suddenly non-renewed at the end of their first year for no good reason, even if they were great teachers. This was a technicality allowed in their contract in the fine print. This was tough on the teachers who bought homes in the district. It was quite unexpected by them, since this rarely happens in teaching.
Numerous teachers were abused, harassed, tyrannized and driven out. A pall of fear of an abusive administration manipulated by one woman who functioned as a kingpin engulfed the school. This lady also given no official ruling power ran the show and, on her word alone, careers were extended and others ended. The term “vicious” was used to describe this lady numerous times by those that knew her.
Some teachers allegedly had porno ads placed on their computers by a technician that ran the computer system. The teacher was then accused of using a school computer to access porno and wrongly forced out. Every single case of this (there were more than a few) was based on a false charge. The School System was paying a great deal of money for special blocking software filtering that made such access impossible.
There was testimony provided that these porno ads were put on the teachers’ computers by the school itself. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, who have been abused enough. Numerous subtle but effective interceptions were initiated by “friendlies” to counteract the tyranny and damage being done to teachers as the incidents surrounding Peter’s abuse were exposed to the right folks.
Such interceptions were limited because, when two major Intel agencies, the FBI, the US Department of Justice, the State Dept. of Education and the governor were arrayed against the victims (the list is very long) and anyone trying to help – you can imagine how it was quite difficult to intercede.
Despite this, these interceptions were effective over time, but sadly no perps had to face American justice, which they should have had to. Many serious felonies were committed, some capital crimes. These perps will have to await justice in the final court of law when they stand before Almighty God to answer for their total abuse of power.
The appearance of a “smoking gun” affidavit detailing the extreme abuse of “Peter” and other teachers by heartless and unimaginably cruel school administrators.
A smoking gun affidavit was obtained, and this stopped the abuse-of-teachers part of the process cold in its tracks at this first test school, saved lives, and prevented numerous induced illnesses in this particular first field test school that was being covertly attacked by American Intel.
Below is an affidavit which was provided by a witness, a stand up man who just couldn’t allow the abuse to go on any more when he finally realized how bad it was. School administration worked craftily to keep abused teachers from talking. Most teachers and staff were afraid to discuss how certain teachers were abused, except those who were in on it, and who bragged about it to each other and enjoyed their power.
The subject on whose behalf this affidavit was written has recovered, is teaching again and is fully restored. The school had gained a judgment for their legal expenses against him, but dropped such action as soon as this affidavit appeared on the scene. The perps in school administration were afraid of complete exposure, because they realized that the Intel Agencies would merely cut them loose, deny any part and let them take the full legal consequences.
The perps that ran these operations are some of the most cruel, soulless individuals imaginable. They had absolutely no humanness in them at all, and their pure evil showed through in their grotesque abuse and tyranny of teachers. There was nowhere for abused teachers to go. Board members did not act when they contacted them, because they always believed what the school administration claimed, and labeled the abused teachers as malcontented for being corrected for bad behavior.
The school administration created a system of fear that made most teachers afraid to talk to each other. The classrooms and teacher lounge were bugged with mics and cameras, and the excuse was that this was necessary to satisfy new regulations. The only places not bugged were buses for handicapped students, because this was prevented by federal regulations.
Intel agencies specialize in establishing good deniability. Complete disclosure could still come, by the way, because numerous political enemies of the perps have the complete file (and it is voluminous) and may decide to use it.
The following affidavit reveals some extremely abusive treatment of teachers by the school administration. But remember, this is the mild stuff and merely the tip of the iceberg. On page 9, “Larry”, who gave the affidavit, says he was an army soldier and served his country, and that before something happens to him, he “needs to tell what he has seen firsthand”.
Teachers voted with their feet
Some teachers were harassed by the administration to the point that they just quit and went elsewhere. A number of them were interviewed, and they all told basically the same story.
The teacher “Peter” mentioned in this witness affidavit was a man who now believes he was poisoned by the school administration with enzymes that caused his heart attack, and he believes this was an attempt to murder him.
Soon after Peter was harassed, abused, made deathly ill, and driven out, two more large suburban schools surrounding the Twin Cities of Minnesota were taken down. Both had infiltration by ex-military in their administrations with Intel connection, one became linked to child sex trafficking, and both were involved in theft of significant taxpayer funds through crafty schemes.
Some teachers in the public school system that abused Peter were made seriously ill (some murdered) by covert Intel means. This school where Peter was abused, made sick and driven out served as the first test of this covert Intel operation to take down the public school systems in America. This take-down operation included spraying special bio-engineered enzymes on some of the teachers’ desks when they were judged too difficult to drive out, and this caused various kinds of serious illnesses, some even fatal cancers. And all because it was anticipated that any teacher who did not meet the Globalist profile had to be driven out one way or another, selecting from a menu of sinister and sometimes lethal methods.
This particular school that abused Peter and drove him out was an initial field test for the Intel covert operation to take down all the American public schools over time. And we now know that this plan also involved the installation of various psychotronic mind-control means, such as special “U.N.” computerized lighting; EMF transmitters; then high-powered Wi-Fi; and even at times, the dispersion of special mind-kontrol drugs, such as scopolomine and various bio-engineered toxins that were deployed against teachers who had been profiled to be a risk to the take-down process.
The “Borg” multiply and spread
The success obtained during the first field test was then taken to a large business and then to other public school systems, as fast as implementation could be attained.
This national CIA/NSA covert operation program was kicked off by the visit of Bush2 to this High School where the first field test was run, the school system that employed Peter. Shortly after that, a second test was done in a local large sporting goods store, part of a national chain that went broke and was bought cheap and appeared to have become a CIA proprietary. And then the test was taken to two other local public school systems.
At present, it is unknown how many public school systems have been taken-down to entrain Globalism in the students and to asset-strip large amounts of taxpayer funds for “off the books” black ops. The original plan was to eventually take down every single public school system in America. It’s a good bet that most large urban public schools have been taken down by American Intel by now, after the plan has been actively and successfully deployed for over 15 years.
EMF Emissions: Someone who worked at the large sporting goods store where the second field test was implemented claimed that some of the employees (including one manager) had snapped mentally with no prior issues, having to be taken away by paramedics, soon to recover as soon as they were away from the premises, which just happened to have had high EMF emissions far beyond accepted European Health standards.
This same situation occurred in two different schools targeted for take-down just after Wi-Fi was installed, and involved a teacher or teacher’s aide snapping mentally. In both of these schools, the school administration was stacked with ex-military and Intel.
Collaboration with Agencies: In the first school (the first test), there was a lot of proof that this was going on, but the FBI and local LE had absolutely no interest in investigating it, even after evidence was presented to the US Attorney. It is now apparent that the FBI knew about it all along, kept it covered up, and was in on it, along with other American Intel agencies.
Porno Ads Seeded on Computers: Despite the fact that the particular High School where the first test was done had an expensive contract with a computer security service and extensive firewall software to prevent such, porno ads were placed on certain negatively profiled teachers, who were then fired. This computer security company was also responsible for the computer security of numerous other public schools and the state government networks; and was known by insiders to have been associated at a certain level with 9-11-01. The company was allegedly tapping all computers it was supposed to be protecting, and doing this for various Intel agencies, at least one foreign-based.
Embedded Intel Assets: The first High School used for the mind-control test allegedly had Intel assets embedded in high positions of responsibility in its administration who were skimming millions of dollars through various well-disguised ways, like over-billing federal programs for handicapped students who were no longer there, charging tax payers for substitute teachers that never appeared, and paying huge fees for friends consulting over worthless issues.
One estimate was that over 20 million dollars were skimmed off over a ten-year period. So, it seemed evident that this was not only about conditioning the students to be good global citizens, but was an important means to rip off millions from the local taxpayers – a large portion going to Intel for black ops funding.
Multiple Agencies: It soon became evident that there was high-level Intel involvement from more than one Intel agency at this school in administration and other departments including the computer department. It didn’t take long to figure out that this public school system was viewed as a money cow to be milked.
It was disclosed by someone who worked there that he had personally seen the administration using two sets of books. Another disclosed how non-existent, imaginary substitute teachers were being paid; and the USG was being charged for transportation for handicapped kids no longer there.
In the first school, numerous older teachers who did not fit the desired profile were harassed and made so unhappy most just quit. One person in administration (not the superintendent or even a principal) in particular appeared to be the kingpin running this tyranny against teachers that kept many in fear for their jobs.
Case Study
Let’s take the case of one teacher, whom we will give a pseudonym of Peter. Pseudonyms of teacher victims will be used to protect the innocent from further retaliation. This fine teacher Peter, who had a spotless teaching record of many years, had porno ads put on his computer by the school itself, without any awareness on his part. Just out of the blue, the school administration bushwhacked him and called an immediate meeting with no explanation and had the local police chief present. They tried to manipulate Peter to admit he did it, when he actually knew nothing about it, and the school administration tried to convince the police Chief who was there to arrest him. Turns out the local police chief was an honest man with integrity, and he refused, claiming there was no evidence to justify an arrest.
This same police chief was allegedly later taken to Langley on a short-term junket and asked to sign away jurisdiction for this city to Federal LE on any case when requested by the feds, and in return his department would be given armored cars, machine guns, and expensive specialized swat gear.
The chief allegedly refused, and then supposedly came down with a strange neurological case of “CIA Flu” and had to retire. The new chief allegedly got with the program, signed the agreement and received the equipment under the 1033 military surplus acquisition program.
Persecution of Peter
This teacher “Peter” who was wrongly accused of accessing porno on his school computer had many prior years of a spotless record with zero complaints. Peter was too distrustful of administration to keep working there and resigned after the school agreed to a positive severance package.
However, not only did the school system not follow this agreement they signed, they wrongly and treacherously started action with the State Department of Education to have his licenses revoked under the “bad morals” clause.
The first judge laughed and said everyone gets those postage stamp-sized ads and that he had too, and there was no evidence that this teacher “Peter” had done anything wrong or ever accessed any porno.
Because of the high-level of influence the school district had through the governor, they were able to have the first judge removed and another one put in his place. This second judge agreed to reconsider the case (double jeopardy), but after examining all the facts, she too ruled that Peter had done nothing wrong, and that there was no evidence he had accessed porno on his school computer.
Peter then hired an attorney and sued the School System for damages for abusing him. Turns out the lawyer defending the school system worked for the same law firm that the governor of the state was a kingpin at.
When Peter was deposed as a witness at this firm, while sitting in the lobby next to the secretary right before the depo, he heard the secretary page the school’s attorney and state “Governor XXX is on the phone and wants to talk to you about the deposition”.
At this point it became obvious that the governor was in on this Intel operation at a very high level.
In this first school I had talked to some of the teachers who were harassed. I talked with two who unexpectedly became ill with strange diseases, one got cancer. Any teacher that did not fit the desired teacher profile was at risk for being targeted, harassed, and driven out, or even poisoned.
One teacher was made quite ill and had to take a medical leave and was seriously harassed and driven out for that.
As this unfolded, a woman “Sylvia” was sent in as teacher to observe this covert operation and see what was going on and was allegedly doing this for another un-involved major foreign Intel agency. She was driven out by making her sick.
At that point it seemed evident to me that the whole op had then been completely unmasked by another un-involved agency, which would probably be motivated to use the information for political purposes.
Now the cat was out of the bag, and it is pretty certain that quite a detailed file was assembled and circulated among the governor’s political enemies to be used at a later date. It was clear that those involved in this scam were now exposed and the governor would probably never be able to become president because his political opponents in high positions of the opposite party had the file and would likely use it later as necessary to derail him.
The tyrannized, abused teacher Peter who sued the first school had his case wrongly dismissed by a crooked judge.
Peter then proceeded to meet with the US Attorney who had been a friend of his family and shared all the evidence of major RICO crime and theft of millions of taxpayer’s dollars. The US Attorney led him to believe this would be a big prosecution, but then suddenly and unexpectedly retired to “spend more time with his family”. The case was pushed aside and died at that point.
Then, Peter turned in the complaint to the Inspector General for the US Department of Education. He was led to believe it would be a big prosecution, and then strangely everything was dropped with no explanation.
He didn’t even try to go the State Department of Education, because they had already shown themselves to be dirty. Peter’s teacher’s union was also compromised and offered no real help at all. In fact, it seemed pretty obvious that the union attorney tried to entrap him and help the school administration, but failed. A union rep tipped him off in confidence that the fix was in, and the union was compromised and dirty.
But it was also clear that the local LE, including the FBI, would never investigate, because it seemed apparent that the CIA and NSA were both involved in this operation, and the FBI was running a cover up for them.
For several years after, Peter was blackballed, and could only find a teaching job at an Indian reservation that had become an independent sovereign nation and had dropped out of the State Educational System.
After working at the reservation teaching for several years and doing a great job, he was finally able to get back into another large public school system nearer his home. When he started there, another teacher newly hired from the UK came up to him and said, “we have been watching you and we are glad you are here”.
Mark’s experience
More examples of the serious abuse of teachers in this first school, which was an apparent high-level covert Intel operation, a major first test of the take-down of a school system in America.
The school administration of this same school attempted to set up a well-respected coach, “Mark”, who was a man with high moral integrity and who had a father who was a highly respected coach of a major NFL football team. Mark hired an attorney who had been well-informed of the administration’s game. This attorney was able to get the school to back off and drop all charges and Mark kept his job.
Walt’s experience
Another teacher “Walt” who had been there over 20 years and was close to retirement was fired by this same school administration. Walt was told that one of his black students had complained that he had made racist remarks.
Walt hired an attorney who had also become well-informed of the administration’s game to drive teachers out who had too much moral integrity.
Here is why the school decided to rehire Walt and remove the complaint. Turns out this man was the only white singer in a large black Gospel choir. Walt was close friends with many black musicians and highly respected and loved in the black community as well as by students and fellow teachers at this school.
When this fact was brought forth, the school dropped charges but they retaliated by giving Walt two part-time jobs and refused to honor him when he retired soon afterwards. The school refused to mention him in their bulletin or have a party for him like they did with the other retirees. He had grounds to sue them for damages, but just wanted to get away from them and enjoy his retirement benefits that he worked so hard for over many years.
The amount of suffering of so many good teachers endured at the hand of evil soulless perps in administration is unimaginable, it was pure tyranny. Most teachers and staff kept quiet because they were afraid of being harassed, fired or blackballed and prevented from ever teaching again and losing their retirements.
The actual suffering of those who were driven out, made ill (some were murdered) is staggering in scope, but never became known by the general public of the city involved.
Because of the large amount of taxpayer money ripped off, the FBI should have instituted a major investigation, and numerous RICO indictments should have been made soon after the US Attorney was provided smoking-gun evidence. Because the FBI itself is a large RICO operation serving the Ruling Cabal that mandated this operation in the first place, it of course helped keep everything covered up.
The prominent law firm was rewarded for keeping the lid on and this matter from reaching the newspapers. They moved into new, lavish offices. But not too long after that, the chickens came home to roost, and the firm collapsed and is no more.
About 12.5 years have passed, and various means were successfully utilized to get the responsible administration removed. The new administration appears to be cleaner, but the use of advanced psychotronics remains, as does the Globalist, cultural mind-kontrol agenda, so the gains have been limited.
It is unknown if two sets of books are still being used in the first school, but I would expect that is the case, since the school system is still asking for more taxpayer money all the time, when millions have apparently been ripped off. And this money did not go to the teachers, either.
Based on the fact that Wi-Fi has been weaponized and is now deployed in almost every public school and many private ones, it is a good bet that this test case from the first public high school has been taken to most other large public schools in America, where vast amounts of taxpayer funds are being ripped off for Intel’s black operations, while two sets of books are used.
My best guess is that it has become normal practice for all large public school systems to have become embedded with sheep-dipped CIA and other Intel ops.
The public school systems in major urban areas are adapting Globalist policies created and administered by the US Department of Education. And this has created a situation of conformity of most large, urban public school systems to the same Globalist value set.
The US Department of Education needs to be shut down, just like the CIA and some other Intel agencies that oppress and tyrannize good Americans rather than serving We The People as they are supposed to do.
Unless things start changing, it can be assumed that American Intel will eventually covertly take down every large urban public school system in America and will continue its asset-stripping of many millions of USD from the American taxpayers each year. And while stealing millions, it will continue to mind-control their children to become ignorant of history, dumbed-down, morally compromised, and sexually confused good Global citizens.
And it is also clear that this is all being done on purpose – to transform students into good, mind-controlled Global Citizens and to raise massive “off the books” funding for black operations.
And it seems certain that students who have been mind-kontrolled to become good Global citizens when they grow up will continue to accept a non-draft based American mercenary army that engages in perpetual, illegal, unconstitutional foreign wars of aggression.
This of course will ensure that the stream of profits will continue to flow to the Ruling Cabal, to crooked politicians and to the families that own major blocks of stock in the defense industry.
*BT/RKM/COL Babylonian Talmudics/Rothschild Khazarian Mafia/City of London Banksters aka the Ruling Cabal
Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest
Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community
for over 36 years during which time there were numerous
contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.
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Yup. Over 20 years ago I had not one, but two Los Angeles mayors honor me as one of the top teachers in Central L.A. I'm National Board Certified, Harvard educated, and have ongoingly amazingly-high survey praise from students and parents. That said, since then I've been fired four times by some force behind the scenes. My take on public education: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/06/us-public-education-bullshit-train-stupefied-work-animals-introduction-defining-bullshit-demanding-comprehensive-objective-independently-verifiable-factual-accuracy-ever.html
Having been a teacher, I can fully identify with this report.