Author’s note – On Thursday January 26, Donald Trump was speaking in Philadelphia at a meeting of Republican lawmakers and he noted violent crime rates in some of the major American cities are out of control. In particular Donald singled out Chicago, saying “What the Hell is happening in Chicago?”
Well Donald I can tell you the difference between say Chicago and its crime rate and cities like Houston, Salt Lake City or Oklahoma City, is the right to keep and bear arms.
These cities and many others are helping America experience a large downturn in violent crime which has gone down every year since 1994, reaching 1978 levels in 2014, according to the FBI. These cities allow some form of concealed carry by permit or Constitutional carry, in accordance with the Supreme Law of the land.
It is to the politically created reality which touts the benefits of disarming the citizen to order reduce crime that I speak to now, because, as you know and all men of reason know, There is No Such Thing as a Gun Free Zone.
Gun-free zones are a magnet for those who want to kill many people quickly. Even the most ardent gun control advocate would never put “Gun-Free Zone” signs on their home. Let’s stop finally putting them elsewhere. – John Lott Jr.
Theorem: There are NO GUN FREE ZONES
“Gun Free Zones” are bounded regions where law abiding people are not allowed to be armed – formally being disarmed before entering. Gun Free Zones in Public Spaces (GFZPS) are a violation of the Constitution for the United States, violate many State Constitutions, and, more importantly, violate Natural Law.
The fundamental law is the foundation of our society. In the United States of America, it is the U.S. Constitution. Through this document, our fundamental rights are secured and protected against infringement by the federal government and by the State governments, because the States are also parties to this contract. – Paul Andrew Mitchell, “The Federal Zone”
No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it. [16 Am. Jur. 2d, Section 177; later 2d, Section 256]
The state of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it, which obliges every one, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions. The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but to have only the law of Nature for his rule. John Locke
Gun Free Zones in Public Spaces are dangerous and, like cancer, can become a pathological process spreading ever widening areas, including cities, parks, government occupied buildings and properties. It can further metastasize over whole public regions including counties and States.
Competition is a sin, therefore you must destroy it. John D. Rockefeller
The theory of natural monopoly is an economic fiction. No such thing as a ―natural monopoly has ever existed. The history of the so-called public utility concept is that the late 19th and early 20th-century ―utilities competed vigorously, and like all other industries, they did not like competition. They first secured government-sanctioned monopolies, and then, with the help of a few influential economists, they constructed an ex post facto rationalization for their monopoly power. . . . The theory of natural monopoly is a 19th-century economic fiction that defends 19th-century (or 18th-century, in the case of the U.S. Postal Service) monopolistic privileges and has no useful place in the 21st-century American economy. – June 14, 1995 at the CATO Institute conference examining the question Postal Service in the 21st Century: Time to Privatize? DiLorenzo, Thomas J.
It is an axiom: competition for solutions in the markets of human action produce outcomes maximizing the values which support mankind’s life and happiness.
Competitive forces maximize truth and transparency, while actively and invisibly minimizing deception, fraud and dissimulative activities which drain and dissipate the resources originally available for the problems.
Values necessary for human survival include Peace and Security, without out either, mankind cannot evolve as a community and in the long term he cannot exist.
Gun Free Zones reduce competition for peace and security. Proceeding with an analogy from economics, GFZPS have the same effect as cartel created monopolies, unnatural and forcibly defended barriers against competitors deliberately erected around lucrative high demand products such as medical drugs (legal) and recreational drugs (illegal), and services, such as the provision of security via police forces and law enforcement.
Unable to maintain their government-granted monopoly, the powerful railroad interests turned to government to do the regulating and price-fixing which they were unable to do themselves. In fact, the pressure that induced Congress to enact the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 did not come from reformers bemoaning abuses by the powerful railroad interests; it came from the railroad interests themselves, asking Congress to shield them against the harsh winds of competition. – THE BUSINESS END OF GOVERNMENT (1973). Dan Smoot
Forcibly defended monopolies mean the only people and groups allowed to provide and profit from the monopolized products, or services, are cartel members (corporate or criminal gangs) or Government created gangs (police forces.) In the case of gun free zones, the only people carrying weapons (illegally) are criminals. Criminals of course are not bound by the laws of a monopoly because all observance of law is a voluntary decision and criminals do not, by definition, voluntarily observe the law.
In a monopoly controlled Gun Free Zone, there still exists a market for peace and security, but market forces are nullified creating a vacuum of competing solutions which would provide life maximizing results. In this situation, cartel members and criminals are given exclusive control of peace and security and yet neither group has any personal concern or investment for return in those values. Legally armed cartel members are concerned with law abiding people remaining disarmed and criminals are also concerned with law abiding people remaining disarmed, however for the different reason of increasing their chances of committing lowered risk further crime. This is common sense and is consistent with natural law.
Natural Law can be discovered and even understood and it can only be violated at some cost. In the case of an individual’s ability to maximize his peace and security, Natural Law is clear, the Individual must be fully self-responsible, ie., he or she must be a competing market provider of peace and security, primarily focusing on preserving protecting their own.
Competition, properly so-called, rests on the activity of separate, independent individuals owning and exchanging private property in the pursuit of their self-interest. It arises when two or more such individuals become rivals for the same trade. – Ayn Rand
However as an individual provides for his own peace and security and brings his solution to the market, others will too, and must, bring their solutions thereby maximizing the number of competitive solutions providing peace and security. As the number of armed people increases, the incidence of violence and crime, inversely, is reduced. In an invisible way, crime and anti-life activity is minimized for all as the number of competing solutions for peace and security increase.
In the case of weapons it’s also axiomatic that to support the Natural Law of competing solutions maximizing peace and security, there must be a competitive market of weapons available to competitors. It would be an unnatural (monopolized) market if only criminals and cartel members could be armed with the most powerful or technologically superior weapons. Again, criminals and unbalancing agents of the enforced monopoly would have a competitive edge in this market and peace and security would again be reduced if there were not competitive weapons available to everyone in the market.
Thus it is important to recognize: calls for reducing or eliminating your access to the best possible weapons technology of the day, are really deceptive calls to unbalance the market for peace and security and place you at a disadvantage in terms of maximizing your peace and security.
Gun Bans and Restrictions on Weapons Are Market Destabilizing
Cartels and monopolies of force are often created as a result of criminal elements having eliminated or usurped third party representatives formerly considered to be functioning to increase your peace and security.
The Constitution of the United States, acting as a clarifier and preserver of Natural Law, explicated the Natural Law of Self Defense. The Constitution did not make the Law, but was created to provide a legal framework wherein the government established by the document would have enumerated restrictions on how the government could legally act.
It’s clear that for a period of some years, the Constitution was a sufficient reminder and the court systems a sufficient deterrent against acting outside or in a manner inconsistent with Natural Law and the Laws restricting government action as codified in the Constitution.
But consistent with our understanding of how deception, fraud and unbalancing of coercion free markets is necessary for criminals, and those seeking enrichment not via successful and productive efforts but rather by enslaving or stealing from others, we can directly correlate the creation of monopolies in all profitable markets required by man with a violation of Natural Law (with costs distributed to all not benefitting from the monopoly) and hence violations of the Constitution for the United States.
The Constitution has now become powerless and no longer limits government action, but has been interpreted to limit the action of market actors; the market being all areas where men and women could and should rightly participate in commerce without coercive limitations on action.
One such area is in the market for peace and security. Criminals, now actually parties with legal rights or cartel rights inside the created monopolies, are restricting free and open competition for maximizing the values of peace and security.
It’s totally clear and fully transparent, gun free zones, proliferating in ever widening circles of enforcement, are spaces being made safe and for criminal activity, keeping in mind, criminals do not voluntarily recognize the legal restrictions of gun free zones.
Arming the people has the effect of creating competition in economic markets – With more and more people armed the competition for peace provides MAXIMUM PEACE.
And by way of economic principles, it is not the actual competition (outwardly carrying guns) that reduces violence, but rather it is the threat of competition (possible concealed weapons on everyone) — the threat of people everywhere competitively armed – that reduces the violence and cost.. It is common sense and natural law.
We are now witnessing the government acting in a manner that is consistent with favoring criminals, unbalancing the market and institutionalizing violence and predation.
History records time and time again, institutions organizing, at first in service or as representatives for individuals acting in a way supposedly beneficial to individuals. This usually starts out as a system of providing quasi-market solutions for problems individuals find troublesome or uncomfortable creating solutions.
However, over time, criminal elements, psychopaths and their sycophants will begin to infiltrate and then escalate the number of services provided. Slowly at first, market solutions for many common problems are eliminated as government offers solutions sold as better than competitive services can provide.
People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. – Adam Smith
This process easily continues as people, especially European people , (read about white Pathological Altruism), are very trusting and readily handover responsibilities and tasks they find troublesome, labor intensive, or otherwise not pleasurable.
Over time these governments, Monarchies, or any system of controlling people begin to use fear, intimidation and the invention of problems for which they can provide monopoly solutions. Costly solutions that ultimately reduce peace and security as their veiled goal is really predation on those unbalanced toward a weaker position in the market place of human action.
But though the law cannot hinder people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them necessary. Adam Smith
State Sponsored Terrorism is a natural and typical act of a fully evolving criminal, mentally ill, control system which attempts to surround populations in monopolies of force, eventually creating total gun free zones inside their nations, while terrorizing the people into giving up their competitive positions and, as criminals, preying on the unprotected individuals across all perceived dimensions of wealth and value.
These governments and their masters know peace and security are increased by individual competitors, using the most competitive weapons technology available, freely offering (un-coerced) competitive solutions in the marketplace.
Therefore, the only logical conclusion to be drawn is, the Government intends to do violent crimes against the people and naturally must reduce the number of firearms in the hands of the people to accomplish this goal.
State Sponsored Terrorism is nothing more than marketing, albeit ruthless, often bloody, and always immoral, by a control system in support of a monopoly in the market of solutions and services offering peace and security
Governments, collectivized gangs and pockets of mentally ill crime syndicates must still compete in the social and economic market place of human action in order to gain market share and market control. This is a fact most don’t understand, much or all of the evil and injustice done by one group to another is done with permission, either overtly or covertly via tacit acceptance of the products, services and contracts of an illicit defacto control system.
It’s not until, an organization within a market obtains a corner on the market that they can evolved into a fully coercive tyranny, closing the doors to any competition and then gouging takes places in areas of important services. This explains why the Obama Regime must continuously create false flag shootings in order to gain American’s permission to begin the process of disarming. After a certain number of people provide support for the idea, the monopoly will have enough power to force its barriers around all peoples: Time is short.
Gun Free Zones are the safe spaces where State sponsored terrorism can exist mostly unimpeded.
Gun Free Zones are action zones, State actors and criminal actors artificially causing market unbalancing legal restrictions on people’s ability to protect themselves. In the end, as all people are disarmed, the worst personality traits begin to monopolize the positions of authority in the control system until, a mentally ill monopoly of force begins its most egregious acts of terrorism, theft, rape and mass murder. This has been explored as the concept of Pathocracy wherein, organizations begin to populate with similar minded, mentally ill or psychopathic personality traits.
Communism is such a political system and, over its nearly 200 years of implementation, every expression of this malignant political system has exhibited mentally ill and psychopathic behaviors leaving misery and wealth destruction as its legacy.
When a government or system of control begins to demand it provide solutions for peace and security, not voluntarily, and when concomitantly, peace and security are reduced with violent and escalating attacks on people and property (and always “advertised” via a public media circus) you must immediately recognize the danger; the control system is marketing a mentally ill system of control.
At this moment in time we have an emergency situation. The acts of Terrorism against the people, ie., Oklahoma City bombing, 9-11, mass shootings like the Batman Movie Theatre shootings, with James Holmes or the Safeway Shooting with Jared Loughner, or the TOTALLY FAKED attacks like the Sandy Hook School Shooting and likely the Boston Bombing, and attacks which may have been faked like those recently in Paris and San Bernardino, **are only the beginning**. Because when the people can no longer provide for their own defense, then anything and everything will be done to them — history has shown.
Many argue mass shooters are mentally ill and emotionally charged. Claiming such states of mind preclude rational thinking regarding the location of mass shooting. The Batman Shooter, James Holmes for example never mentioned in his notes or other clues the theatre’s ‘Gun Free Zone” policy had anything to do with his choice of venue for his “mass shooting”.
However, if one actually believes the Holmes shooting was not either encouraged, provocateured, engineered or otherwise influenced by State actors working toward an agenda of total disarmament of the American people, one has to realize by unintentionally choosing a “Gun Free Zone” Holmes was elevating his chances of not being shot while committing his crime. Further the death toll was statistically likely to be higher as a result of the “Gun Free Zone” location.
It was also claimed in a 2002 study right to carry laws have no effect on the location of a mass shooting (This study does not include recent data, refuting this claim.) But again, it is not the location a “right to carry” law should affect, it’s the elimination of a threat or shooting in progress that a Natural Law right to defend your life most certainly will affect.
Most Americans cannot wrap their head around the fact that most of the recent escalation of mass shootings is in some way influenced by the control system which is attempting to disarm Americans.
If the government actually cared about insuring the least number of causalities were caused by mass a shooting situation (or other violent crime), then it would have no choice but to recommend the Swiss system of arming and training all people to defend themselves.
Gun and weapons training could again be part of the education system and begin early in a child’s life resulting in self-assured less fearful people aware of the fact that a virtual police officer was everywhere – all the time – in the form of citizens equally armed and trained to respond.
Training people at a young age to use, respect and understand the importance and position, in a self-dependent individual’s life tool complement, is the most responsible, rational and mature way to ensure self-defense is a basic component of healthy state of mind and part of creating, from birth, healthy and self-dependent personality traits.
This system naturally reduces violent crimes, rapes, robberies, while minimizing damage due to mentally ill shooters who are not motivated to save their own lives in first place.
Creating a state of dependency in which others are to stand up for your life and to be available in your instantaneous moment of need is childish thinking; the magical thinking of an undeveloped state of consciousness. This is a condition deliberated created by those planning to exploit this vulnerability; public education is culpable and complicit in the devolution of adult states of mind.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin
Clearly Natural Law requires adult people take responsibility for their own lives, otherwise third parties, who are under no obligation to risk their lives for yours, will convince you to transfer your self-responsibility to them in exchange for protection. Transferring self-responsibility to another makes you a ward, a slave, beholden to another for your physical safety and, by induction, anything similar to safety, eventually transferring responsibility for whole classes of actions you are no longer rightfully allowed to take.
Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives. James Madison
There are many that argue (supporting their oppressors) guns in the hands of militias and the people could not have stopped the absolute torturous blood bath of the mentally ill Bolsheviks set loose on Russia by the European and American Jewry and other genocides prosecuted against defenseless peoples.
In the myopic article called Militia Myths the author makes the claim: A historical analysis reveals that Militias are typically the gateway to tyranny, not the safeguard against it. A heavily armed population has little to no bearing on preventing tyranny. and then gives examples of nations using a militia to throw off foreign aggressors only to create some new form of dictatorship afterwards. He cites examples of the liberating militias degenerating into tyrannies in countries like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Cuba, Somalia, Iraq, and southern Lebanon. The rest of the article makes similar claims about Bolshevik Russia and other nations where blood baths resulted when unarmed and untrained peoples fell victims to violent psychopaths.
The article referenced above is written by a person with absolutely no understanding, or apparent education regarding the psychologies and personality types of nations, races and cultures. Nations structured around forms of social hierarchy, having no long standing, historical and institutionalize protection of values, such as property rights, contract law, Individualism, Natural Law and other mainly Western values, as codified in common law principals, cannot be expected to create new governments or ruling bodies based on those values. Western culture (European white cultures) have for hundreds of years had an enlightened system of law and justice based on the Natural Law ideas of
1) Do all you have agreed to do – which is the basis of contract law;
2) Do not encroach on other persons and their property – which is the basis of criminal and tort law. Richard Maybury
Additionally, nations and their peoples with NO HISTORY of identifying and enshrining moral philosophical values preserving individual rights OR isolating governments from assimilating a religious dogma as part of its system of law, cannot expect some liberating internal militia to afterward “promote a Free State”. Again, this is childish or magical thinking, resulting in the formation of conclusions which are harmful to rational thought regarding maintaining peace and security and minimizing despotism, tyranny and mentally ill systems of control.
The cultures and governments of the East and, in fact, isolated and heavily influenced by Eastern immigrants, Czarist Russia, did not or do not possess a law based on Scientific Law, or Natural Law, but rather on Political law. As Richard Maybury aptly points out:
POLITICAL LAW IS BASED ON POLITICAL POWER. It has no requirement for logic or morality. It changes whenever the political wind changes. Fickle and tangled, no one can completely understand it…. You do whatever the power-holders say, or else. Right or wrong.
This type of social structure will not allow or promote a system enabling individuals to grow and advance with an understanding of their right to self-defense and protection of their own property. To expect a “Free State” to just manifest after an untrained, either morally or philosophically, militia or organization of peoples with guns, throw off a given tyranny is just plain silly.
But in fact, Americans, mostly educated (as the educational system has been hobbled and purposely dumbed-down) in a system of property rights, contract law, and the moral values of individualism, could easily and handily throw off tyrants and still retain the knowledge and understanding of how to reconstituted a system based on those principles of property rights, contract law and the common law (Natural Law) tenets of individual rights.
A skilled common law judge would try to make all his decisions logically consistent with the two fundamental laws. Common law was not only a private legal system, it was a scientific one. Abraham Lincoln considered `Euclid’s Geometry’ to be one of his most important law books; he studied it to be sure the logic of his cases was airtight.
One of the most important characteristics of common law was its certainty. It had evolved very carefully over many centuries, changing little from one decade to the next. The two fundamental laws remained always in place, a stabilizing force. The community could expect their legal environment to remain reasonably orderly. Richard Maybury]
It has been shown repeatedly armed citizens reduce causalities or prevent mass shootings.
The question for the American people, and not the usurped Federal or State Governments, is one of third party trust. Can American’s expect their governments to protect them? Can American’s in light of all of human history, expect their governments to not become immoral, corrupt or tyrannical? Do Americans feel safe, even as their governments invite mostly fighting age males from Eastern nations having no moral or philosophical training or upbringing in the ways of a Limited Republic or a religiously unconcerned system of control based on common law, including property rights and individual rights? Do American’s feel safer disarmed as their own country is being overrun by criminals, former terrorists, rapists and people with other undesirable characteristics, a people that are not going to assimilate and become Western, but are rather going to struggle non-stop to make America more Eastern.
Will Americans feel safer disarmed as a financial collapse of proportions never experienced in America, deliberately caused by the financial looting of a criminal banking system and the vitiated corporate monopolies they licensed, creates armies of hungry, homeless and outraged people forced to take to the streets looking for answers and shelter from the banker’s caused financial nuclear winter?
The Government, their corporate masters and the criminal banking families behind them all are desperate to be sure Americans do not throw off their intended tyranny and restore a Natural Law system of government and reinvigorate the moral justice system that was once America and finally come after those who have attempted, with extreme hubris, to collapse civilization and rebirth it into a deformed, mentally ill, fledging New World Tyranny.
MY CONCLUSION: Hold On To Your Guns Like Your Life Depends On Them.
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views: 1,504
This is a wonderful article. While bantering wity anti-gunners, I've often wondered how I could explain that more guns equates to less murders. Yet, our senators and congresspeople keep picking at the scab of fear ridden citizens as if they are definitely trying to get people fearful enough to cast their votes for no more guns. Our senatorial members plead, threaten, and insult those who would own guns. And, they know that the rank and file, in high percentages, votes for no guns only when under artificial stress. So, they hammer and cajole peoples' vulnerabilities. Our Congress is bought and paid for, prostitutes in our midst. A disgraceful bunch of traitors they are. More guns, less major crime. Betcha Gabby Giffords is fakin' it…..