“Nobody Likes Tracy”
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To review the background to the trial, check here for “Sandy Hook Update” |
MHB Admin
What Might Have Coverage Looked Like?
A source close to MemoryHoleBlog has informed us they contacted Palm Beach Post courts reporter Jane Musgrave via telephone following the December 2017 trial of TracyvFAU wherein FAU Professor James Tracy sued his former employer for civil rights violations. This individual asked the reporter why the Post‘s coverage was so egregiously biased against Tracy and favorable toward FAU.
“Well, nobody likes [Tracy],” Musgrave replied. “He got what he deserved” because “kids died.”
When the party pressed Musgrave on why the newspaper’s coverage included so many glaring omissions of important evidence and testimony–content that would have put Tracy in a more positive light–the reporter responded, “We weren’t allowed to report that,” and that at the end of the day the Post would never publish anything supportive of the plaintiff.
This conversation confirms what the TracyvFAU plaintiff and his legal team observed as both the Post and South Florida Sun-Sentinel‘s sensational and flagrantly misleading coverage throughout the trial and even after the jury verdict was rendered.
The story titles alone suggest the Post‘s clear bias, with the Post referring to Tracy as the “Sandy Hook denier.” In one “opinion piece” the newspaper even solicits an embellished defamatory account of Tracy’s teaching style from one of its salaried employees.
-“FAU Professor James Tracy Claims School Fired Him for Sandy Hook Rants,” Palm Beach Post, November 30, 2017
-“Ex-FAU Prof on Trial Tries To Downplay Attack on Sandy Hook Parents,” Palm Beach Post, December 1, 2017
-“Christie: Tracy-vs-FAU More about Arrogance Than Free Speech, Insubordination,” PalmBeachPost.com, December 5, 2017
-“What It Was Like in the Class of FAU’s Conspiracy-Spinning Professor,” Palm Beach Post, December 8, 2017
-“Claims against FAU by Sandy Hook Denier Headed To Federal Jury Monday,” Palm Beach Post, December 8, 2017
After lengthy litigation and a trial where a federal judge repeatedly defended FAU and its administrators from the bench, the Post continued to ignore crucial testimony given by Tracy’s colleagues that demonstrated just how haphazardly the university’s provosts and deans applied the “Outside Employment/Activities Policy,” and how Tracy was virtually the only employee required to submit an “Outside Employment Form” for his protected speech on a personal blog.
One must keep in mind that FAU is among South Florida’s largest employers, with thousands of taxpayer dollars to spend on largely ineffective advertising in both newspapers. As one Post staffer explained to journalist and private investigator Jose Lambiet in 2017,
“Business people in the community are no fools. They know advertising in the Post no longer gets results. The news content is so weak that nobody’s reading. It’s like to trying to sell shit.”
Both the Post and Sun-Sentinel are so desperate to please this large advertiser that they are willing to effectively skew their coverage of one of the most significant First Amendment trials in recent history to fit what they perceive to be their readers’ prejudices–in fact, misconceptions that these papers and national news media played a major role in creating via slipshod if not fraudulent coverage of the December 2012 Newtown shooting. In this vein Musgrave is forced to function as an anti-journalist–one who documents an event then proceeds to deliberately deceive her readership.
More recently, Musgrave reported on US District Judge Robin L. Rosenberg’s decision to revisit her misguided Halloween day summary judgement ruling and deny the plaintiff a new trial, pointing to the judge’s “stinging rebuke of Tracy’s claim that the jury got it wrong …
“The central premise in (Tracy’s) motion for new trial is that the jury’s verdict was against the great weight of the evidence,” Rosenberg wrote in a 31-page ruling. “This contention is without merit. Instead, the court concludes that the great weight of the evidence at trial was in favor of (FAU).”
Musgrave’s reportage, probably at her editor’s behest, repeatedly emphasizes Rosenberg’s ruling to deny the plaintiff a new trial.
Further, it is obvious that Musgrave never read Tracy’s Motions (hereand here) since her slapdash piece attributes their authorship to Louis Leo IV, when in fact they were primarily authored and signed by co-counsel.
The Sun-Sentinel‘s brief story of Rosenberg’s ruling is (unsurprisingly) more reckless, as education reporter Marc Freeman fails to even mention the fact that the case is on its way to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
At the end of the day the eight-hundred pound gorilla in TracyvFAU must necessarily be overlooked by the Palm Beach Post, who ultimately answer to its owners-in-abesntia, the politically liberal Cox family. James Tracy stands accused of calling out Democratic President Barack Obama’s administration of staging a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in order to institute more stringent gun control laws. In December 2015 Tracy was (falsely) accused of criminally harassing the ostensibly Jewish “Sandy Hook parents” while consorting with “holocaust deniers.” These inflammatory accusations ultimately led to his termination.
According to the Post itself, Judge Rosenberg’s ultra-wealthy “Palm Beach parents are both well-known Democratic donors.” Rosenberg was appointed to her federal judgeship by President Obama in 2014. Rosenberg’s spouse, former Palm Beach County state attorney Michael McAuliffe, is a career Democratic Party politician. It is no secret in South Florida that he has major congressional and quite possibly gubernatorial aspirations.
Such ambition requires maintaining the good graces of Democratic Party power brokers whose central political platform is celebrating Obama’s political “achievements” and stampeding the US public into enacting stricter gun control. If this isn’t enough McAuliffe’s law partner, Martin Reeder, is the Palm Beach Post‘s attorney. One can only ponder how thick the “firewall” is between the newspaper’s editorial room and the McAuliffe-Reeder firm.
Rosenberg is also a former board member of the radical Anti-Defamation League, the Zionist espionage and agit-prop organization that stands vehemently against extending free speech to all and believes that any Gentile who so much as sneezes the wrong way is “hateful” or “anti-semitic.” The ADL is typically so extreme that its mention often elicits embarrassed eye-rolls from many in the Jewish diaspora.
Despite these conflicts of interest Rosenberg apparently never considered recusing herself. She instead allowed the plaintiff to embark on a costly litigation process then slammed the door in his face with a comprehensive October 31, 2017 summary judgement order in favor of FAU. With the trial the court simply gave defendant FAU, with the assistance of its advertising clientele, full exoneration in the court of public opinion.
Imagine for a moment if Tracy was a progressive-left professor terminated from his tenured faculty position for blogging about “climate change,” the villainous President Trump, and the conspiracy theory that Trump allied with Russia to subvert the 2016 election process. One need only look at the many Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, and blogs of American academics that fit this very mold–some of whom work at Florida Atlantic and the state’s other publicly-funded universities. Imagine that the judge comes from a “well-known” Republican Party donor family and was appointed to the bench by Donald Trump. Imagine the judge is married to a prominent Republican Party politician. Imagine the judge was Episcopalian and an active member of the National Rifle Association.
Then imagine just how different the Post‘s coverage of TracyvFAU would be?
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A New York judge was removed from a soft $187,200 per year job after 5 years. Here is a quote from the article:
https://nypost.com/2018/06/08/callous-judge-booted-for-lack-of-judicial-temperament/ Quote:
Callous judge booted for lack of ‘judicial temperament’
By Julia Marsh
June 8, 2018 | 12:20pm | Updated
Modal Trigger
“An “unfeeling” Manhattan Housing Court judge who once ridiculed a disabled attorney was booted from the bench this week after a review panel determined she lacked the “judicial temperament” needed to do her job.
Judge Susan Avery lost her cushy, $187,200-a-year political appointment on Wednesday following years of complaints.
Controversial housing court judge to finally get the axe
In 2013 she reprimanded a lawyer with cerebral palsy for his sloppy handwriting, allowed “excessive” adjournments for cases about tenants without heat and hot water, and failed to disclose a conflict of interest, according to a review panel.
Last year, the 14-member Advisory Council for the Housing Part of the Civil Court of New York City called the judge “unfeeling” for the handwriting reprimand.
The council also criticized Avery, who was appointed in 2012, for “excessive multi-week adjournments” for cases where residents lacked basic services.
The council was “disturbed further” by Avery’s failure to disclose that a law firm administering her family’s trust fund also regularly represents landlords in cases before the judge.
Avery’s garnered two “not approved” ratings by the city Bar Association and voters twice rejected her bids to become an elected judge.
“Judge Avery’s application for reappointment to a five year term as a New York City Housing Court Judge was denied earlier this week,” a court spokesman told The Post.
“That determination was made by the Chief Administrative Judge after considering the recommendation by The Housing Court Advisory Council along with discussions and input from her four supervising judges and his own assessment that she lacked the judicial temperament needed to perform her job,” the spokesman added.
Gail Prudenti, the former chief judge who appointed Avery in 2012, has said she doesn’t recall choosing her.”
Wasn't federal judge Rosenberg guilty of much worse violations of ignoring or distorting the law and the facts regarding the gross improper treatment of him by his corrupt and prejudiced employer Florida Atlantic University from a tenured "lifetime" job all based on media lies and evil machinations by federal judge Rosenberg in secret behind closed doors? Unlike the New York judge in the article judge Rosenberg does not have a supervisor and therefore does as she pleases. Wouldn't you like to have a job where you can't be fired at all? The impeachment process for judges is about like impeachment for a president. It sounds good but is totally worthless and ineffective and all judges know this. That is why so many of them ignore the law and the facts in making their prejudiced biased decisions in the lives of unfortunate victims like professor James Tracy Ph.D. This was vividly illustrated below in the long list of 42 corrupt federal judges provided by another victim Earl Carey about 30 years ago! An ordinary citizen randomly selected off the street and appointed temporary judge could have given him a much fairer shake than this prejudiced federal judge. But then this random citizen would not have been in bed with and favor the corrupt FAU either would they?
Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics
Hello readers of this blog,
It appears that this blog had three lengthy blogposts removed in the past day or two.
Prof. Fetzer has restored two of them just now, "Palm Beach Post Court Reporter Admits to Bias in Tracy vs FAU Coverage" (by MHB Admin), "Sandy Hook: Not only is Noah Pozner a fiction, but his father Lenny is also a fake" (by Mona Alexis). The third was posted on May 27, entitled "Sandy Hook: Michael Vabner website shows "Noah Pozner" all grown up," by James Fetzer with Bruce Sullivan. This article describes Michael Vabner's personal website where he lists his interests and activities, which include an internship with InfoReliance Corporation, a company with many ties to Deep State defense companies. This article has not been reposted yet.
It is very interesting that someone could not only hack into somebody's blog and delete photos and gifs, but also selectively eliminate entire posts. The three deleted posts were about Sandy Hook and contained photos showing that the Pozners most probably were – and are – identical to the Vabners.
Who has the ability and the motive to do such a thing?
The Known Carey-Gate Judges quoted from “IBM and the Corruption of Justice in America” by Earl Carey, Bismarck House, St. Louis, 1992, page 354:
Alsop St Paul, Arnold Little Rock, Battey Rapid City, Beam Lincoln, Beezer Seattle, Bilby Tucson, Bowman Kansas City, Broomfield Phoenix, Browning San Francisco, Browning Tucson, Cahill St Louis, Canby Phoenix, Enright San Diego, Fagg DeMoines, Farris Seattle, Filippine St Louis, Gibson Kansas City, Goodwin Pasadena, Hall Pasadena, Holland Anchorage, Ingram San Jose, Lay St Paul, Lew Los Angeles, Magill Fargo, McMillian St Louis, McNamee Phoenix, Melloy Cedar Rapids, Noce St Louis, Noonan San Francisco, O’brien Sioux City, O’Scannlain Portland, Peckham San Francisco, Quackenbush Spokane, Reasoner Little Rock, Reinhardt Los Angles, Stevens, Jr. Kansas City, Strom Omaha, Tang Phoenix, Wallace San Diego, Webb Fargo, Wolle Des Moines, Wollman Pierre. This is the group which gang raped Earl Carey out of his “Constitutional” rights to a jury trial “guaranteed” by Amendments 5-7. If Judge Rosenberg were around then she would likely have been part of this group of gangsters who raped our Constitution with impunity and no supervisor to whom an injured citizen could complain to. Evidently the inmates have taken over the asylum in America today. Wouldn’t a small room with bars for walls be a more appropriate place for these rapists of our Constitution who wear black robes while shafting citizens out of basic rights in secret? Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics