By L. Todd Wood
After returning from a tour of some of the war zones in the Middle East — which ended with the Free Iran Gathering 2018 in Paris — I am struck by the realization that America really did have a Manchurian Candidate in The White House for eight years. If you look at the evidence, there really is no other conclusion. The calamitous consequences of the Obama presidency will be felt for the foreseeable future.
In the short year and a half that President Trump has been in office, he has put in place policy that has mitigated the damage that President Obama inflicted on our national security and on our allies. The speed with which Trump has been able to turn things around points to the diabolical depths the Obama administration went to in order to undermine our national strength and way of life. All Trump had to do was stop doing things that hurt America; America could then take care of itself. The results are plain as day. However, it will take decades for the Obama damage to be completely undone. The deviousness of the Obama sedition runs deep.
Think about it or a moment. If you wanted peace in the Middle East, why would you throw away the trillions of dollars spent, as well as the lives of thousands of American souls, by irresponsibly pulling out ALL American troops from Iraq? No matter your thoughts on starting the war, pulling out was an irresponsible thing to do. We still have troops in Germany, Korea and Japan, for God’s sake. Why? For stability, that’s why. As Colin Powell said, we broke it, now we own it. It was a given that instability would follow the force withdrawal. When you combine this act with the reality that Obama never really did try to defeat the Islamic State, what conclusion can you come up with? [Editor’s note: Not only did Obama not seek to defeat ISIS, he and Hillary and Brennan created ISIS to pressure Assad and eventually confront the Persian nation of Iran. Pure hypocrisy!] Trump defeated them in a few months. The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didn’t want to destroy them.
Why did Obama and Hillary take down Moammar Gadhafi, who had already given up his nuclear weapons? Was it to destabilize Libya, where ISIS could gain another foothold? Why did Obama help install the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? What was the agenda behind the so-called Arab Spring?
However, the coup-de-grace of anti-American activity was the JCPOA, or, to say it another way, the agreement to give Iran everything it wanted, including nuclear weapons and money — lots of money — which it immediately used to further destabilize the region, and existentially threaten the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. [Editor’s note: Here I take exception to the author’s stance. Iran had abandoned any nuclear weapons program by 2003. It has not been the source of terrorism in the US or elsewhere, a distinction that falls to us and israel. And it was Iran’s own money, improperly frozen under unwarranted sanctions.]
To take it a step further, why didn’t Obama support the opposition against the Mullahs in 2009 when there was an obvious chance for regime change in Iran? Why didn’t Obama confront Bashar Assad’s chemical weapons use? [Editor’s note: None of the chemical attacks attributed to the Syrian government was done by Assad. This blunder causes me grave concern about the author’s knowledge and judgement, alas. Trump has made a few blunders of his own, this being a prime example.] One of the main unanswered questions is what ties did Valerie Jarrett really have to the Iranian regime?
I won’t go into why Obama ran up more debt for the United States than all previous presidents combined. I won’t ask why he weakened our armed forces. I won’t ask why he used tyrannical policies, like using the agencies of the federal government to go after his political opposition. I won’t ask why he politicized our security apparatus in an attempt to frame President Trump.
What I will say is that there was a big fox in the hen house for eight long years. Eight long years for people like Brennan, Hillary, Kerry, Clapper, Comey and Jarrett to really hurt us regarding our safety and security.
Trump has a lot of house cleaning to do. Thank goodness he’s being quick about it.
views: 1,431
Jim Fetzer is never one to not admit when he's been wrong about some person or issue. For that, we've all got to admire the tirelessness that saturates his cranial neurons. Jim can play on my team any time, how 'bout yours? He's admitted he voted for some crumbum candidates for President, who hasn't picked a bum steer in his/her career anyway? Where would we be without this guy?
Apsterian, you're a real rapscallion! I cannot imagine Trump disemboweling the deep state. He's up against trillions of dollars and vast numbers of criminals, bastards, and desperate men. Can't see how he gets rid of 'em, this appears to be mission impossible.
Removing "Deep State" NOT NOT NOT Like Removing Bad Tooth
"[K]ill the deep state"?–u mean remove Jews?–impossible for Trump, absolutely un-thinkable, inconceivable. Trump's very purpose is "Israel-first," above all, and nothing other–this has been known fm Trump's very first statements. Don't forget Trump's false-flag way back in April 2017 when he used pretext of "chem-attack" for bombing, Tomahawking Syria.
"[K]ill the deep state"?–then one must "kill" that engine of prosperity (ho ho ho ho ho), the central-bank, which churns-out nearly INFINITE "currency"–not real money which is necessarily FINITE (limited in amount–see for expo, use their search engine). Were Trump to even begin to imagining removal of central-bank, Jews-media, owned and operated by central-bank powers, would roast Trump un-endingly, there'd be false-flags, etc.
ONLY thing which will remove deep-state (hence Jews and their central-bank instrument) is the real, hence anti-semitic, Christianity (worship of TRUTH = Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6, affirming OBJECTIVE reality) by the presently over-populated goons, scum, filth, puke, morons, suckers, and TV-addicts among "the people," which is impossible without many, many, many of them being killed-off, which will require FAILURE of central-bank, thus HYPER-INFLATION, up-coming, soon enough.
Observe, just for example, foremost supporters of Israeli terror-state are the Judeo-Christian (JC–see and for expo) scum, liars, and heretics who say Christ was Jew, who are legion–who are notorious Trump-supporters. Jews control ENTIRE "Christian" establishment, Cat. and Prot.–all of them, without exception.
Don't forget Trump's buddy, Giuliani, Mayor of Jew York on 9/11. Jeff Sessions took MAJOR funds fm Israeli interests–that's why u have DOJ (Justice) actively stone-walling, Jew, Rod Rosenstein, stalling, subverting Congress–why hasn't hitlery been indicted?–think she ever will be?–hoho ho ho ho ho.
Central-bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, and the puke, called "people," cannot for the very life of them grasp diff. btwn "currency" and real money–never have, never will.
US Dollar and "petro-dollar" will only gradually give way to the new gold-backed Yuan (or any genuine money standard), so there will still be great struggle, turmoil, and disasters to keeping people terrorized, confused, ignorant, de-moralized, and mis-led.
Thus I keep telling folks, only the REAL Christianity will adequately guide the survivors of the people, and that means serious anti-semitism–anti-satanism, hence anti-subjectivism. And if u're NOT anti-semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker. If u're not anti-semitic, u're just a satanist or dupe thereof. It's truth vs. lies; Christ vs. Satanism; humanity vs. Jews, Jews leaders of satanists, satanism.
Yes. I voted for Bill twice and for Barack twice as well. When it came to Hillary, there was no real choice. We live and learn. I am optimistic that Trump will actually kill the Deep State. Major revelations from the DNC server out today, 4 July 2018! How appropriate!
Allow me to point out that Fetzer was an Obama Maniac.
Fetzer was a Drumpfter.
B'Man warned everyone about both of them BEFORE they were sElected.
Who has discernment and who does not?
Barry should be indicted for fraud and sedition.
The fact that not a word is devoted to this in the press tells you all you need to know.
Currency, Economic -Collapse All Part Of Spengler's Western "Decline," Don't Forget
WTF?–for goodness sakes, can't u ever figure-out the top, absolute existential (practical) power, not only for the world, but for Jew S A, is the central-bank criminal enterprise, tolerated (as they're sooooo incredibly stupid) by the mass of over-populated morons, called "people"?
Central bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring INFINITE "currency"–NOT NOT NOT real money which must be commodity-based (like gold/silver), hence FINITE in amount. See for expo on central-banking, use their search engine.
And Jew S A–used to be USA–has long been utterly corrupt, satanic empire, the top satanists ruling, behind the central-bank. So it's just matter of the usual charade of "good-Jews" ("neo-cons" on the "right") vs. "bad-Jews" (of "left," "liberals"). And Trump is totally owned by Israel/"neo-cons"–observe his bosom-buddy, Giuliani, one of the top 9/11 principals, for goodness sakes.
Obola has LONGGGG been exposed as ineligible, not "natural-born" citizen, good gravy.
See: as reality is objective, it's necessarily determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will, and history is CYCLIC, and like Roman empire of yore. Jew S A has over-produced tooooo many, over-populated goons, scum, filth, puke, suckers, and fools, all filled w. HUBRIS, esp. idea they're "good" (which doesn't exist in determined reality) as the Pharisees and corrupt, hereticalist Judeo-Christians (JCs–see and for expo) so piously teach.
So naturally, in such corrupt conditions the Pharisaics and satanists (extreme subjectivists, who make themselves God) thrive and dominate in the continuing "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler–this is what's going on–"END-TIMES," as predicted in New Test. "Book of Revelations."
So we need drastic, revolutionary change, but which won't happen without first disaster and catastrophe to removing some of the dead-weight of over-population, and motivating the rest of the survivors.
We need REAL MONEY–which by itself dis-empowers the satanists (a)–and (b) reversion to original sovereignty of the states, removal of present Jew S A centralized dictatorship, to include removal of United Nations too, naturally. Unfortunately, none of this will happen without first turmoil, disaster, and economic collapse, I'm afraid–esp. currency-collapse.
And perhaps most of all, we need real cultural change, thus return of the REAL, hence anti-semitic Christianity, founded upon the OBJECTIVE reality, only basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanist lies (JOHN 8:44). Israel-first Trump, and Obola before him, are just parts of the large satanic charade, that's all. Get a clue, fools.
This article is just right wing pulp and you should not have reproduced it. Trump did not drive out ISIS; Russia did. Trump has been owned and operated by Israel and the Kosher Nostra from his beginnings as a businessman. Moving the embassy will foster peace in the Middle East? Who is Trump working for? This piece is a joke. Not that I have anything good to say about Obama or Hillary, but this article drags up the old canard that Osama acted as some sort of closet Muslim asset.
An interesting article but even more interesting editor's comments – thank you Prof Fetzer. Obama was not a real Manchurian Candidate but rather an opportunistic deep-state NWO puppet. Not only did he not defeat ISIS, he created it for the CIA to wage a covert war against the government of Syria. He was responsible for the further deterioration of Iraq and Afghanistan in addition to the destruction of Libya. He oversaw the rolling bank bailouts of the "Great Recession." And he acquiesced with gusto to the series of fake shootings and faux terrorist attacks that are still proceeding.
I just hope the house cleaning includes Barack/Soetoro/Obama and don't forget Sandy Hook. The second largest fraud to beset this country by the first largest fraud being Obama himself. I am stunned frankly that the President hasn't shut Obama's super sonic mouth with an indictment for numerous felony counts of Identity and vote fraud. If he's waiting for Jeff Sessions to move on that he needs to remember Jeff surrendered his sword to Stewart Smalley and stabbed the President square in the back so he's a little short on that kind of moxy.
So the author is saying Trump is disregarding the diktat of the Deep State? Really now, is this happening or is it just a distraction from reality? Trump is pro-pro Israel, what more do we need to know about him? How does Trump go his own way and not arouse the extreme ire of the people that really run this country?