Dr. Joseph Mercola
- A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation, a population willingly sacrifices their freedom
- The central condition for mass formation to occur is a lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what the lockdowns were all about. But even before the pandemic, social isolation was at a historical high
- The second condition is that a majority of people must experience life as meaningless and purposeless. The third condition is widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent. This refers to discontent and anxiety that have no apparent or distinct causes
- The fourth condition is free-floating frustration and aggression, which tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause
- Once these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can occur, which allows for totalitarianism to rise and thrive. A key strategy to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism is for dissenters to join together as one large group, thereby giving fence-sitters who are not yet fully hypnotized an alternative to going along with the totalitarians. Another is to loudly speak out against the totalitarian regime, as this is how atrocities are limited
In the video above, Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, reviews the societal conditions under which a population ends up willingly sacrificing their freedom.
Desmet, who also has a master’s degree in statistics, discovered peculiar anomalies in statistical analyses done during the COVID pandemic, which made him realize our global society is starting to enter a “mass formation” state, a type of “collective hypnosis” required for the rise of a totalitarian regime.
In this Aubrey Marcus podcast interview, Desmet reviews the step-by-step formula that results in this collective hypnosis, and how this formula has been deployed on the global population over the past two years.
Needless to say, he warns us about continuing down this path, and provides solutions that we can take, both on an individual and collective basis, to prevent the loss of freedom that will surely follow if we do nothing.
Nonsensical Modeling
Around the end of February 2020, Desmet started looking at case fatality rates and other statistics, quickly realizing that there was something seriously wrong with the models presented to the public and used as justification for shutting down “nonessential” businesses and telling everyone to stay at home.
The models were greatly exaggerating the threat of SARS-CoV-2, and by the end of May 2020, this was “proven beyond doubt.” For example, the Imperial College in London predicted that if Sweden did not lock down, 80,000 people would be dead by the end of May 2020. Well, Sweden opted not to lock down, and by the end of May only 6,000 people had died with a diagnosis of COVID-19.
Strangest of all, Desmet says, was that everyone kept saying the coronavirus countermeasures were based on mathematical models and science, yet “when it was proven beyond doubt that the initial models were completely wrong, the measures continued, as if nothing was wrong and the models were right.”
Clearly, then, modeling and science were not foundational or even part of the equation at all. This, Desmet says, “was a strong sign that there was something going on at the psychological level that was really powerful.”
Another tipoff that something was really wrong was the fact that none of our political leaders were taking into account the collateral damage of their countermeasures. There was no cost-benefit/risk-reward analysis for any of the countermeasures.
The World Health Organization did warn that the measures might result in excess deaths from starvation. Yet at no time did we ever see a mathematical model that took into account both sides of the coin — the death toll from the virus, and the collateral damage of the countermeasures. And without such an analysis, we could not assess whether the countermeasures might be more harmful than the virus.
Anytime you consider a public health measure, a cost-benefit analysis is essential. You cannot make a sensible decision without it. Yet here, such basics were ignored as if the collateral damage was inconsequential.
The Four Base Conditions for ‘Mass Formation’
What psychological dynamics and processes might be responsible for this apparent blindness? After a couple of months, Desmet finally realized what was going on. Society was (and still is) under the spell of a mass hypnosis, a psychological process known as “mass formation” that arises in society when specific conditions are met.
The central condition is a lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what the lockdowns were all about. We were all told that any contact with others, including members of our own family, could be a death sentence.
I’ve heard of people who for over a year have not met with a single person, remaining locked in their homes the entire time, for fear of contagion. But social isolation was a widespread problem even before the pandemic. Marcus cites a survey, which found 25% of respondents didn’t have a single close friend. What’s more, the loneliest age group were young adults, not seniors, as typically suspected.
So, even before the pandemic, Western societies were suffering from a lack of community, which is a key condition for “mass formation” syndrome to emerge in the first place.
The second condition is that a majority of people must experience life as meaningless and purposeless. Desmet cites research showing that half of all adults feel their jobs are completely meaningless, providing no value to either themselves or others.
In another poll, done in 2012, 63% of respondents said they were “sleepwalking” through their workdays, putting no passion into their work whatsoever. So, condition No. 2 for mass formation hypnosis was also fulfilled, even before the pandemic hit.
The third condition is widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent. Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that has no apparent or distinct cause. If you’re in the jungle and find yourself chased by a lion, your fear and anxiety have a natural, easily-identified cause — the lion.
However, when you are socially disconnected and feel your life has no meaning, then a free-floating anxiety can emerge that is not connected to a mental or physical representation of a specific threat. Judging by the popularity of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, condition No. 3 was also fulfilled long before the pandemic.
The fourth condition is free-floating frustration and aggression, which tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause.
When Conditions Are Met, Mass Formation Emerges
When these four conditions are fulfilled by a large enough portion of society, they are ripe for mass formation hypnosis. All that’s needed now is a story in which the source or cause of the anxiety is identified and spelled out, while simultaneously providing a strategy for addressing and neutralizing that cause.
By accepting and participating in whatever that strategy is, people with free-floating anxiety feel equipped, finally, with the means to control their anxiety and avoid panic. They feel like they’re in charge again.
Interestingly, when this happens, people also suddenly feel reconnected with others, because they’ve all identified the same nemesis. So, they’re joined together in a heroic struggle against the mental representation of their anxiety. This new-found solidarity also gives their lives new meaning and purpose.
Together, this connection, while based on a false premise, acts to strengthen the psychological disconnect from reality. It explains why so many have bought into a clearly illogical narrative, and why they are willing to participate in the prescribed strategy — “even if it’s utterly absurd,” Desmet says.
“The reason they buy into the narrative is because it leads to this new social bond,” he explains. Science, logic and correctness have nothing to do with it.
“Through the process of mass formation, they switch from the very painful condition of social isolation to the opposite state of maximal connectedness that exists in a crowd or a mass.
That in and of itself leads up to a sort of mental intoxication, which is the real reason people stick to the narrative, why people are willing to go along with the narrative, even, as we said, it is utterly wrong, and even if they lose everything that is important to them, personally.”
These losses can include their mental and physical health, their homes, livelihoods and material well-being. None of it matters when you’re under the hypnotic spell of mass formation. And this, Desmet says, is one of the most problematic aspects of this psychological phenomenon. Masses of people become self-destructive through their myopic focus.
19th Century Mass Formation
Gustave Le Bon, a French social psychologist renowned for his study of crowds once said:
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”
Le Bon’s book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,”1 takes a deep-dive into the characteristics of human crowds and how, when gathered in groups, people tend to relinquish conscious deliberation in favor of unconscious crowd action.
He warned that if society didn’t take heed and ward of social isolation and the anti-religious idea that life has no purpose, we would end up in a state where mass formation would become the norm. These psychologically damaged people would take over, which is precisely what happened.
A key example is the Nazi regime. Desmet points out that while we typically think of dictatorships arising from the use of brute force and fear, the Nazi regime — and the leadership we’re faced with right now — came into power on the back of this deep psychological phenomenon known as mass formation.
People WILLINGLY participated in the Nazi atrocities because of the psychological state society was in, the mass formation phenomenon, not because they feared their leader.
Key Difference Between Dictatorship and Totalitarianism
So, it’s important to realize that classical dictatorships and totalitarianism arise from different causes. As a general rule, in a classic dictatorship, the dictator becomes milder and less aggressive once dissident voices, his opposition, are silenced. Once he has seized complete power, he doesn’t need to be aggressive anymore and can resort to other means to maintain control.
In a totalitarian state, the exact opposite occurs. This is crucial for us to understand, because in a totalitarian society, once the opposition is silenced, that’s when the state commits its greatest and cruelest atrocities.
An example of this is Stalin’s purification scheme in the 1930s, which led to the death of about 80 million people in a single decade. The mid-30s is also when the Nazi regime began its insane cleansing, which resulted in the Holocaust. Both occurred after the vocal opposition had been quenched.
We’re now at another watershed moment in history, where the opposition to the pandemic madness is being silenced. If we want humanity to survive and not succumb to global totalitarianism, we must keep speaking against it, because when we stop, THAT’S when the real atrocities will begin. In other words, we ain’t seen nothing yet. The worst is still to come — if we fall silent.
Here’s another important point. Totalitarians don’t stop committing atrocities once the opposition is vanquished. It merely expands to new groups. Desmet recounts how Stalin switched from one scapegoat to the next, as he kept running out of groups to blame and had them killed off. Eventually, he ended up murdering half of his Communist Party members, even though most had done nothing wrong and were loyal to him.
That’s something to ponder in our present situation. Right now, “anti-vaxxers” are the opposition the totalitarian regime seeks to destroy. Once there are no more “anti-vaxxers,” say, theoretically, that everyone in the world got the shot, the opposition to be done away with would become some other group.
So, if you’re “vaccinated” and up on all your boosters right now and are cheering on the crusade against those who don’t want the shot, know that it’s only a matter of time before it’s your turn to be victimized over something.
The Tragic End That Awaits All Mass Formation Societies
The fate of those who succumb to mass formation and embrace totalitarianism is particularly tragic, in a sense, because of another curious thing that occurs. People under its spell often end up agreeing that they deserve to die and willingly go to their death. This, Desmet says, is what happened with many of Stalin’s party members who were given death sentences for no apparent reason.
As noted by Marcus, this is basically menticide, the killing of the mind. The psychological process of menticide so degrades the mental faculties that rational thinking is no longer possible, making you profoundly gullible. In this state, you’ll buy into any narrative without critical thinking.
Mass formation also always ends up creating more of the conditions that allowed it to emerge in the first place. So, in the end, people who are under mass formation hypnosis will feel greater social isolation than ever before, less meaning and purpose in life, and more free-floating anxiety and free-floating aggression than before.
Mass formation also erases individuality. The group becomes all-important and the individual inconsequential. Hence being told you, your parents or children deserve or need to die for the betterment of society is acceptable and agreeable.
“Everyone becomes equally stupid, essentially,” Desmet says. “It doesn’t matter how smart or intelligent they were before. They lose all capacity for critical thinking, they lose all individual characteristics.”
Applied to today, this is shockingly relevant. It helps explain how and why parents are willing to line up their children for an experimental injection that can disable or kill them. “Totalitarianism is a monster that ALWAYS devours its own children,” Desmet says.
Mass Formation in Action
Another important point is that, typically, only 30% of people in a totalitarian society are actually under the hypnotic spell of mass formation. It seems greater, but they’re actually in a minority.
However, there’s typically another 40% that simply go along with the program, even though they’re unconvinced. They don’t want to stick out by going against the prevailing current. The remaining 30% are not hypnotized and want to wake the others up.
The so-called Ash experiments clearly demonstrated that very few people, only 25%, are willing to go against the crowd, no matter how absurd and obviously wrong the crowd’s opinion is. Two-thirds of people are willing to go along with “idiocracy.”
Time and again, mass formation events and experiments show us there are three groups of people: those who become spellbound and actually believe that the wrong answer is the right one; those who know the answer is wrong, but dare not tell the truth so they agree with what they know to be false; and those who know the answer is wrong and say so.
How to Break Mass Formation
All of this points to what the answer is. According to Desmet, what dissidents need to do is join together to form one large group. This gives the largest, 40% group — the fence-sitters who only go along with the program because they’re afraid of being ostracized — an alternative social bonding platform.
Most of them are likely to join the dissident anti-totalitarian group rather than follow the totalitarian mindset that they don’t fully agree with. At that point, the mass formation is done. The totalitarian state is finished because the neutral fence-sitters, which allowed for mass formation to take root and grow, are now no longer participating in that process. And without mass formation, a totalitarian takeover cannot succeed.
Secondly, we must continue to speak out — LOUDLY. Speaking out can help minimize the number of people who get hypnotized. It can also wake some up who already are under the mass formation spell. According to Desmet, speaking out has also been shown to limit the atrocities committed.
“In my opinion, it is not an option to stop speaking,” he says. “It’s the most important thing we can do.”
It’s not easy. As discussed by Marcus and Desmet, the totalitarian regime has the benefit of being able to control the narrative through a centralized media. Not surprisingly, mass media is a key tool for the successful creation of mass formation.
A third action item is creating parallel structures. The power of this strategy was demonstrated by Vaclav Havel, a political dissident who eventually became the president of Czechoslovakia. A parallel structure is any kind of business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within a totalitarian society while being morally outside of it.
Once enough parallel structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world. Havel explains this strategy in his book, “The Power of the Powerless.” As noted by Desmet, totalitarianism will always self-destruct in the end. The psychological underpinnings are so self-destructive that the system falls apart. That’s the good news.
The bad news is a totalitarian system can survive for long periods of time before petering out, and there tend to be few survivors at the end. That said, Desmet believes this new global totalitarianism is more unstable than regional dictator-led totalitarian systems, so it may self-destruct faster. So, the key is to survive outside the totalitarian system while we wait for it to self-destruct.
However, we must still dissent in word and deed, in order to limit the atrocities and mitigate the damage.
Ultimately, as in medicine, preventing totalitarianism is far easier than trying to break free later. To do that, we need to prevent the four root causes of mass formation in society: social isolation, purposelessness, free-floating discontent/anxiety and free-floating frustration/aggression. This will be the task of those who remain once this global totalitarianism experiment fails and falls.
Editing my comment at 12:35 PM today…..”at about 4:30″
They deserve it….at least according to A. Dershowitz at about :
The Whispered Truth
The Most Dangerous Enemy in The World
This short documentary exposes the truth that is whispered by millions
Many moons ago, I would come home from uni and watch Donahue and The Rockford Files. Here is a Donahue where he questioned the holocaust
The Jewish lady says there were the lampshades and the soap made from prisoners bodies. But the Jewish academic had also admitted that was wrong, a myth. The Jewish guy at the start who siad the bas chambers were all proved no to be gas chamebrs except the Polish ones because the Polish ones were not alowed to be inspected realised stormed off and left.
No Jewish Holocaust happened as has been mythed…no ovens, no soap, no sex slaves, no lamp shades, no mass graves, no death from the pest fumigant Zyclon B, no “Grand Plan,” etc. All attempts by unbiased researchers seeking the truth has been thwarted by the Zionists. Deep ground penetrating radar has shown no burials, bones, etc. around the sites.
During WWII the International Red Cross had monthly unrestricted access to every German prison camp and contact with inside men who reported to them in detail the activities at the camps.
In an 11/22/44 letter to U.S. State Department officials, the Red Cross said: “We had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources …”
Dr. Charles Larson headed a team of forensic pathologists sent into the camps at the war’s end to document war crimes. They conducted hundreds of autopsies at more than 20 camps and did not find a single body showing signs of gas poisoning. None have been found since, at any camp.
There were 2.4 million Jews in all of German-occupied Europe. After the war, 3.8 million Jews claimed “survivor” benefits from the German government. The World Almanac: 800,000 more Jews were alive in 1950 than in 1940.
The Red Cross, officially reported less than 300,000 prisoners of all nationalities in the German camps died of all causes, including old age, and barely more than half were Jews. Most died in several severe typhoid epidemics caused by allied wartime conditions from bombing supply shipments, which claimed many lives throughout Germany.
Many moons ago (when was young there were lots of red Indians who said that on the cowboy shows, I liked the comedy F Troop) I would come home from uni and watch Donahue and The Rockford Files. Here is a Donahue where he questioned the holocaust
“Stalin and Mao killed more than Hitler. Many do not believe the official narrative about Hitler. In Europe Monica and her brother went to jail because they questioned the Hitler narrative.”
I think it fits.
This article is quite good for delineating the problem we all see. Here is a fantastic example of the phenomenon the author speaks of… I have a skiing pal I dubbed Powder Mark, a Trump Hater to his core. Our relationship is 99% ski buddy. We met skiing deep powder and found we were always skiing the same lines. PM thinks tearing down statues is fine because they offend people. From Virginia, mid 60s and incredibly well off from rental properties. He is one of those responsible for offshoring computer chip manufacturing to China. Designed and oversaw factory construction and production. Electronics Engineer. Mark lived there for quite a few years building chip factories. He speaks Chinese and German fluently, having also done the same work in Germany.
We were skiing and ran into several Chinese men and took a few runs with them. Of course I could not understand anything they talked about. They were all amateurs at skiing, just good enough to be very dangerous to those skiing near them. One of them nearly lost control and hit me while we waited for them to catch up. PM just raked him over the coals in Chinese. The man took his verbal tongue lashing quite well. I don’t know Chinese from lowland Swa-heel-ee, but I would have dropped Powder Mark if he spoke to me like that. Fighting words are universal in any language. It’s all about tone. While skiing, you always stop below the group not above. Because of the chance you take crashing into them and because on a hard, dead stop you spray people with snow. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. It was certainly “let it slide” without a lecture territory. Powder Mark made a federal case about it.
I just thought of this. The anger he showed toward reckless Chinese skiers was about equal to how I feel about people tearing down monuments. Tearing down history and also tearing down artists who worked a lifetime to achieve that level of craftsmanship. Powder Mark has no such sediment for history or artistry. History and artistry hurtling people’s feelings, what kind of jive is that for a Virginian, the home of Robert E. Lee????… He was pretty much the only Civil War figure that was revered by both sides of the conflict. Powder Mark’s stance on monument desecration was so offensive to me, it was enough by itself to write him off as a friend. Powder Mark was the boy version of Karen during the Kung Flu. PM said he wouldn’t ride an open air chairlift with me unless I put on the mask. Fuck her. PM was the first one to double mask the day Fauci recommended it. It’s quite interesting PM didn’t doubt the story I told about the CCP harvesting organs from their political opponents. He simply had no doubt it was happening and for real. PM told me how in China if someone drops to the ground in some kind of medical crisis, no one stops to help. Because if they die, you could be blamed and sued for it. It’s so opposite the way most Americans would react. It makes them our psychic enemy on an empathetic human level.
So Powder Mark sent me a text bitching about the price jump of King Crab going from $200 for 10 pounds at Costco to $370 since last year. A first world problem, I know. I replied… “Do you miss Trump yet?” and followed up with “Trump is promising ten dollar a pound King Crab when he returns to office”… No reply, big surprise.
No one responded re Lindell, so I’ll mention this. The show is winding down and and he’s going into new methods of voting. It’s live here and very worth watching at this moment.
This is just glorious. Love this guy, gay or not…although, it’s too late….another part of Americana destroyed by the left. Give these commies time and they’ll have it all…..SO happy to be old!! It’ll be a cold day in hell when I ever have anything to do with DC Comics…maybe they should re-name their enterprise to AC/DC Comics and be done with it. Is Batman next? Imagine what they could do with The Flash, eh? Hell, just ad an “er”.
Man oh man, do I agree with this 40 second video.
This is the best news I have read in a long time:
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The Indian Bar Association is reporting that murder charges have been filed in India’s High Court against two billionaires responsible for the AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine, Covishield, for the murder of a 23-year-old man who was injected with the shot.
The two named defendants are Bill Gates, and Adar Poonawalla, the CEO of Serum Institute of India (SII), reportedly the world’s largest vaccine maker. According to corporate news sources, Adar Poonawalla’s company produces not only the COVID-19 vaccine Covishield, but also over 50% of the world’s vaccines that are injected into babies.
The unnamed defendants are “other Government officials and leaders involved in the murder of a 23 year old man, who lost his life because of vaccination.”
The article also states that the Government of India’s AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunisation) Committee has recently admitted that the death of 33-year-old Dr. Snehal Lunawat, was due to side effects of the Covishield vaccine.
The Government of India’s AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunisation) Committee has recently admitted that the death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat, was due to side effects of the Covishield vaccine.
The said report has exposed the falsity of the claim made by vaccine syndicate that vaccines are totally safe.
You can read more about Dr. Snehal Lunawat’s murder by COVID-19 injection here.
( https://www.boomlive.in/coronavirus-outbreak/aefi-vaccine-induced-death-covishield-committee-doctor-maharashtra-snehal-lunawat-astrazeneca-clotting-15211 )
The article goes on to quote case law in India which:
“makes it clear that before giving a vaccine or any treatment to a person, he should be informed about the side effects of the medicine and also about the alternate remedies available.
If any person is vaccinated by suppressing the facts or by telling a lie that the said vaccines are completely safe, amount to the consent being obtained under deception.
In India, vaccination under deception or by force/coercion or by putting certain stifling conditions, is a civil and criminal wrong.”
Remainder of the article here:
By the by, is anyone else following Lindell on his 96 hour presentation of the documents he’s trying to get to SCOTUS. I would really like to get some opinions. Is it a dead deal for most here or what? Initially, he had 20 + Attorneys General from various states that were to sign on to the suit and at the last minute it seems most if not all have pulled out.
What did you study on England? I looked up the Royal Society the other day, to refresh my memory who they are. Anyhow “The Royal Society’s motto ‘Nullius in verba’ is taken to mean ‘take nobody’s word for it’.”
I wish they would follow their own advice.
another disappearing comment
Dave Kraft, isn’t this what you’ve been saying? You were right.
Attachment
I can’t seem to generate the same fascination in the Fetz I have with DEW “fires”. One of the first challenges Cat-Niss faced in the Hunger Games was a push button fire from the gamers. Out of no where, a fire did not just erupt, it chased our hero like it was aware of her escape path. One look at the drone footage shows the DEW fires the World over have an intelligence driving them to single out structures and cars and leave the forest undamaged or with minor damage in relation to the decimated man made everything. It’s so in your face, when I show people pictures of it, if they don’t see it, they might be normalcy zombies… If it’s not on the news it’s not real. There seemed to be only a small percentage that see it and react with horror knowing how frightening it is… people thinking these are organic and naturally occurring wildfires when all evidence points to engineered malice and destruction down to dust things that should not combust or even melt from forest fires or house fires. Porcelain vanishing is so mind blowing to me and it seems to phase nobody else. When I speak of thousands of degrees missing to melt porcelain, their eyes just glaze over like a dead fish. When you see metal burning like paper and terra cotta roofs burning like 10 year cured firewood… Houston we have a problem.
Dave, No, I have long known and reported on the use of DEWs to burn California, along what appears to be the high-speed rail route:
I didn’t catch that one Jim. The first coverage I saw on the California DEWS was from a fellow named Jamie Lee. His “citizen reporting from the scene” videos were banned on a Youtube channel called aplanetruth. His movies from Santa Rosa and Paradise were surreal Twilight Zone scenarios. You simply could not comprehend what you saw. He said the death toll at Paradise was hundreds dead in cars, the official death toll of 8 whatever was a crock. That fact from a wrecker driver. This technology is dastardly.
Go to 6:30 on this vid….I think I heard someone say “Mass Formation my arse!” (kidding)…the Ukranians ain’t havin’ it!!
Secondly, we must continue to speak out — LOUDLY. Speaking out can help minimize the number of people who get hypnotized – As stated in the above article.
I’ve been saying this for years since arriving in this country to live full time thirty years ago. I realize that the attacks on the second amendment was a distraction to the continuous erosion of our first amendment. And I experienced that first hand working on Capitol Hill for seven years after I got out of US Navy.
I had an opportunity to attend two working sessions and meet some folks associated with this very connected American institution – The Aspen Institute-
Please read and share the attach article and leave your thoughts or ideas on what we could do better to achieve better cooperation.
Gestapo tactics in TEXAS….this is ridiculous and totally unacceptable. What the hell happened to America? This must be objected to no matter what it takes.
From Will:
Unfortunately, the video is not working….at least not for me. Regardless, it’s an excellent article and answers why we are where we are in this country and around the world. I would take it all a bit further and say those creatures from the “Black Lagoon” who think they run the world (man, are they mistaken) have tapped into the human psyche of the masses, once they have been put in a hopeless state, that actually makes it easy for them to hypnotize. I’m not speaking of the stage type hypnosis (although it also depends upon the subject being PRONE to hypnosis), but a state that allows them to “go under” with little effort and little resistance. In the case of the US, I would posit that vulnerable state had a huge boost with the JFK and subsequent assassinations and then, of course, 9/11. Many would and could not express consciously those events were not a result of the official story, but something far more nefarious. That unconscious “knowing” sits in the psyche like a thorn in your finger. Although those events were the boost to that weakened consciousness, previous events like the creation of the federal reserve, the income tax, the false premise of the Vietnam debacle, the attack of the Liberty and yes, even Pearl Harbor among many other contrived events were the start.
In essence, underneath it all, we have lived a lie most of our lives, while on the surface we have gone about our lives as if nothing had happened.
The toll that takes on our humanness is immeasurable and that vulnerability is what is used against those (the majority) who are susceptible to “suggestion”. In this moment, that suggestion being socialism which invariably leads to communism.
Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqPJiM5Ir3A
Once again my song writing intuition kicked in recently with:
Of course we are being mind controlled, massaged and messaged into little corners of reality that the controllers have been working on for decades, as I said in a post here the other day. The use of weapons of psychological destruction of Bernays, Freud, Pavlov, Skinner, and more plus who knows what DARPA has come up with over the years, it is the great game and most of humanity the unsuspecting players.
Digital deception and addiction with the need to be liked, to feel part of “something” more then one’s crappy day to day lives as it is sold. When in reality, our day to day lives are a magnificent miracle of sentience that has been warred on to an acceptance of sensitivity and art bad, conquest and dominance good.
You got it, EJ…A psychic epidemic….a real menticide….a killing of the mind….a culling of the tribe. But I will say this… I wish we were a tribe. Unfortunately, we are not….a tribe does not allow it’s children to be slaughtered without retaliation. I am sorry to say the killing of our flesh and blood requires a physical retaliation. If somehow, we have evolved beyond what I see as a need (I guess some Christians might disagree) and a primal response, we have taken a wrong path. As visceral as that sounds, I thinks it’s justified. As long as they know they can continue to sacrifice our children through one method or another knowing their worst punishment will be through THEIR law, it will continue.
In any case, great song…thank you.
Thanks Will. As you know, song writing, good songwriting, is about story telling, and in good story telling, IMO, one has to use a broad brush at times. So “tribe” is a word I use to kick one’s imagination into seeing no one specific group IE: A culling of the Americans, or everyone under 6′ etc. 🙂 Being silly but you understand.
As my torn rotor cuff heals and I still can’t play my guitar for very long, I have been listening to my session tapes and I have about 2 dozen really good starts to work on. Some country, blues, and more political stuff.
Anyway, indeed these monsters, brilliant psychopaths, have been doing this manipulation of humanity for 100’s of years and passing the secrets on down the line. Hence that is how we got organized religions that have raped normal spiritual thankfulness for sentience and “organized” it into repressive, fear based nonsense.
My take decades ago was always about how America came to ruin so quick…pre white man, thousands of square miles of go anywhere the hell you want to go land, rivers, mountains, etc.
Then came fencing.
So then came registration of claiming the land.
Then came paid protection to keep others off the land.
Then came towns to provide supplies to live on the land, and on and on and on till now it is gangs claiming various geographic areas of cites, and thugs to protect it in the As Above, So Below wheel of life.
Meant to say what an excellent post Jim.
>>That unconscious “knowing” sits in the psyche like a thorn in your finger>>
I try to stay optimistic about our ability to wake up out of Plato’s cave consciousness but yes, that “knowing” is always there for so many who understand that “something” is wrong but have been so beat down with lies and misdirection the flounder, like when a sail boat is “in irons” waiting for the wind. In this case, they are perhaps waiting to be saved.
The Let’s Go Brandon deal is funny as hell. When I yelled it out once at a bar, my friend Bryan was getting ready to play music. He said… “my name is Bryan” and thought I was being impatient with his performance
And keep in mind Will that this Texas, a supposedly red state. And where is your good ole Texans militia when you need them ?
And to answer your earlier question about my Hopium comments. Yes the Ritterhouse narrative about the second amendment was just a distraction. And had nothing to do with gun rights or BLM or Antifa. The elephant with a pink sweater in the room is the FBI involvement in all aspects of this control demolition of our Republic. And how folks was bussed into Kenosha for a anti police March with brick piles and pre-made signs.
But that doesn’t matter now ,because the great white hope has given us our victory to rejoice and he’s the recipient of a brand new AR-15 courtesy of Gun Owners of America.
Salty, let’s say the trial was a planned distraction and not an actual organic event.
Would the result be any different?
What I am saying is that as long as the MSM controls the narrative, they can spin it to their advantage.
The MSM is the key to it all…it’s the perception, not the reality.
As far as Texas goes, that is one county out of control. Something tells me that will be set straight.
And I just this minute came across this opinion piece in regard to the Rittenhouse decision.
But Will the MSM doesn’t control the narrative. And it’s not as complex as you think it is. The war that is upon us is that of good Vs. evil and Satan and his demons Vs. God and his angel and the battle over our minds. When we get into the blame game of Jew or Gentile or black vs white or a controlled narrative we as human lose that battle as being free moral individuals and having free will which is what God wanted us to have and live in harmony with other humans.
In the past year and a half that is what the reality of this scamdemic has shown millions of people worldwide.
Our hope should be that things will only get better when we have faith in a higher power without a middleman and we are prepared mentally for the worse to come… because it will get real bad soon and our fellow countrymen will not save us.
Well, Salty, I would say the evil one has his minions and in this case they are working overtime on the teleprompter readers. But believe me, I have a great amount of faith that good will prevail….if not, I would have given in and put a bullet in my head a long time ago.
But Salty, “faith in a higher power” is asking people to believe in unprovable myth and plays right into the hands of those with higher intellect but lower morals, the controllers. They full well know how to run the game.
The loss of autonomy and the control of the natural evolutionary progress of humanity, in this recent history since the Younger Dryas Ice Age, has focused on taking away personal power and putting in place false hope that some “hero” will come to “save” them and fear of disobeying and receiving everlasting pain. I can easily offer two dozen “gods” prior to the Jesus myth with the near exact same story of the virgin birth to the crucifixion.
Look at how much of Western myth and plays and theater was all about being “saved” and not rising to face the “demon’s.” What has to happen now, IMO, is the recognition of the humanness in each other and banding together, no Rambo stuff, but rather each offering their best talent or ability to the group.
Hey EJD, good to see you back and still as enlightened as ever. I’m surprised to see your reply. Since the last time we had a conversation you felt it was a cockfight or a pissing contest. And I don’t do those with adult men or women. I’m too old or have been thru enough crap in this life not to bother anymore and life is too short. And I have too little humans to raise as I’ve had a second chance at being a parent.
I guess I’m still a dumbass for believing in the Jesus story and that’s ok with me and I’m sure not shoving it down everyone’s throat or holding hands and singing Kumbaya.
I agree with finding the humaness in others and working together because the evil ones are working overtime like Will stated earlier.
Stalin and Mao killed more than Hitler. Many do not believe the official narrative about Hitler. In Europe Monica and her brother went to jail because they questioned the Hitler narrative. I suggest Europe has been under a totalitarian regime for many years, long before covid. China had been under European control, including the opium wars, and so the people were in one way liberated from Euorpean totalitarianism, cruelly by another Chinese version. Stalin was a madman, but they say the USA banks funded the Russian revolution. So the covid totalitarianism is a new form of something that has been going on before.
And you’re right BillAu. Europe has been for a long time under a totalitarian state. After university in London I had an opportunity to stay there and work full time but I didn’t. I didn’t care for the climate or the London snobbery and limited freedoms. And I grew up with Western European and I found them to emulate the American culture without admitting it. And the Eastern European after the wall fell were still mind-raped from their fascist/Marxist experience. I still have a piece of the Berlin Wall somewhere.
The more things change the more they remain the same.
What did you study in England? If you don’t mind me asking?
Hey BillAu. I started off in history and realized that I wouldn’t eat travel or pay bills with that useless degree so I switched to botany with an focus in agronomy and sustainable farming now known as organic farming.
>>Hey EJD, good to see you back and still as enlightened as ever.>>
>>I’m surprised to see your reply. Since the last time we had a conversation you felt it was a cockfight or a pissing contest. And I don’t do those with adult men or women. I’m too old or have been thru enough crap in this life not to bother anymore and life is too short. And I have too little humans to raise as I’ve had a second chance at being a parent.>>
Good on you for taking on that heavy responsibility of parenting during these times. With the brilliant kids coming into the world they just may be “teachers” for you.
Had a bit of private blow out with Jim as well as others. My life story is I have educated myself into a corner with two PhD’s worth of experience and harvesting of truths and understandings and at 79 I have amassed alot of intolerance that was really never my strong suit anyway. :-/ Sorry for any stupid sh*t but in my mind I have chosen to say “look, an ice berg” rather then partake in the dining room.
>>I guess I’m still a dumbass for believing in the Jesus story and that’s ok with me and I’m sure not shoving it down everyone’s throat or holding hands and singing Kumbaya.>>
I understand. It is a good story in many ways, about love and forgiveness, etc., but in my way of thinking, it takes away one’s abillity for soveriegn thinking and “saving” one’s self from the ridgid rules and potential punishment, not the spirituality I have learned with tribal culture experience.
And with a many decades long history of focused autonomy and resistance to authority, well, my basic human traits take over at times.
>>I agree with finding the humaness in others and working together because the evil ones are working overtime like Will stated earlier.>>
Indeed. I guess if one ’sees’ the danger and evil it is not necessary to demand a label for the cause and just have thanks for the insight is more important.
I wrote a song about the danger of public cameras in 1978, Eyes On The Wall, and with the help of various non-addictive psychotropic drugs (peyote, LSD, hashish, etc.) and no familial responsibility I was able to dig deep into what was being offered as reality and consciousness. After a half century of doing that, and studying with great minds, Shaman, mathmaticians, and naturally brilliant folks there isn’t much I can’t discuss with facts and insight. The rub is my “expectation” for others to embrace that without sheep skin status or badges.
I just forget to be nice at times 🙂
My best to you and hope that this coming celebration of your savior’s birth brings some love and tolerance to our world.
Here’s a family song of mine. Corbett used it as a bumper song on his show back in the day:
IT STARTS WITH YOU AND ME https://www.bitchute.com/video/gw7LwiLvzO7p/
I back your play with facts BillAu…
No Jewish Holocaust happened as has been mythed…no ovens, no soap, no sex slaves, no lamp shades, no mass graves, no death from the pest fumigant Zyclon B, no “Grand Plan,” etc. All attempts by unbiased researchers seeking the truth has been thwarted by the Zionists. Deep ground penetrating radar has shown no burials, bones, etc. around the sites.
During WWII the International Red Cross had monthly unrestricted access to every German prison camp and contact with inside men who reported to them in detail the activities at the camps.
In an 11/22/44 letter to U.S. State Department officials, the Red Cross said: “We had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources …”
Dr. Charles Larson headed a team of forensic pathologists sent into the camps at the war’s end to document war crimes. They conducted hundreds of autopsies at more than 20 camps and did not find a single body showing signs of gas poisoning. None have been found since, at any camp.
There were 2.4 million Jews in all of German-occupied Europe. After the war, 3.8 million Jews claimed “survivor” benefits from the German government. The World Almanac: 800,000 more Jews were alive in 1950 than in 1940.
The Red Cross, officially reported less than 300,000 prisoners of all nationalities in the German camps died of all causes, including old age, and barely more than half were Jews. Most died in several severe typhoid epidemics caused by allied wartime conditions from bombing supply shipments, which claimed many lives throughout Germany.
Bill…Who is Monica?
Monika Schaefer and her brother Alfred, convicted in Germany for Holocaust denial. Her brother is still in prison there.
She was on a broadcast with Jim on his bitchute channel (I can’t find it right now). She was excellent. She explained the woke narrative being pushed about the Indian schools in Canada. That children buried in “mass graves” were actually buried in cemeteries that had lost their wooden markers, Even the local tribes knew where these graves were and said as much. But of course the narrative pushes genocide. It’s like a hate crime, where the evidence has to be manufactured due to the paucity of hate crimes.
Anyway, Monika is really good and I hope she’s on with Jim again soon.
Umm…not exactly the purpose of my question, but I will leave it at that. Thanks. I seem to remember that interview.
You asked who is Monica?
Well that video is who she is.
What are you saying then?????
What’s the purpose of your question then? Spell it out.
Toni…Does not “Monica” seem strangely out of context in “BillAu’s” comment…or is it my imagination? Let’s just drop it at that. Last time we went into this topic, all hell broke loose.
Oh, I thought you really didn’t know.
By the way, there’s a significant difference between providing ‘enough’ context and plagiarism. Also, “all hell broke loose” is subjective.
Subjective my ass. You called me a plagiarist out of vindictiveness. I had no intent of such. Do you think those are BillAus words? Give me a break.
Yes, I believe those are BillAU’s words.
I am not vindictive; I am truthful.
And you brought it up, did you not? I mean, what was the point of your coy little “Who is Monica?” comment if you already knew?
If I was vindictive, I wouldn’t have tried to answer your Monika question in the first place.
You’re the one who won’t let it go.
That’s fine with me if that’s how you want it.
Interesting Will. No one but you replies to me here and seems a group chooses to hammer on you. Indeed you do post a LOT here but WTF? 1A guarantees that and Jim seems to like you.
Keep it up. 🙂
Toni, I tried to drop it, did I not?…YOU kept pushing it.
Please just forget I said anything. It was between BillAu and myself.
EJ…Thanks, but what is “1A”…I guess I am dense.
And, yes EJ, I do post a lot. I enjoy sharing things I find or my opinion on some topic. I try to hold off quite a bit, waiting for others to post, but because of the nature of this comment system (that’s not a complaint, Don…just an observation) it’s hard to get a real time assessment of such and I just keep posting. Believe me, I do not enjoy seeing only my name, but I have no way to avoid that. If I find something of interest, I just post it and have no way of knowing I’ll be the only one up there.