The Mossad Owns and Operates the American Terrorism Industry
One dead, three injured in synagogue shooting in the San Diego area
SOTN Editor’s Note: Sorry to say that yesterday’s shooting at the San Diego-area synagogue has all the elements of not only a false flag but also a juvenile hoax. That there was an assault rifle involved and so many children in the line of fire lends to the strong likelihood that this bogus terrorist attack was carried out as a psyop to implement gun control in California.
For the uninitiated, the following exposé lays bare how most of these mass casualty events (MCE) are executed across America, especially in venues where there are children. Schools — elementary, high school and universities — are the preferred site to carry out these Gladio black operations that are conducted in collaboration with the C.I.A., Mossad, the FBI and local law enforcement.
OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools
Both the Gladio MO and long-term strategy described in the preceding link can be applied to a whole range of false flag terrorist attacks that have plagued the United States for decades. Let’s face it: there is no other nation on Earth that has been victimized by so many terror events as the USA. There have been so many MCEs that the ONLY explanation is that they are all being implemented under the same supranational entity—Operation Gladio (the terrorist arm of NATO often referred to as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
However, it’s also true that Israel’s Mossad is the primary operational overseer of these mass shootings and bombings in the states since their fingerprints are always all over the crimes scenes. The 9/11 inside job is a perfect example of these Mossad-coordinated “shock and awe” events designed to further lock down the American Republic into an Israeli colony. The link below fleshes out the skeleton of this massive and monolithic conspiracy engineered to strip the U.S. citizenry of their firearms and gut the Second Amendment.
BROWARD COUNTY: Operational Headquarters for Israeli Intelligence-Directed False Flag Operations and Mass Casualty Events in America
It’s important to note that April is always the month of intensified terrorism and war-mongering across the planet. Not only did the world just witness the horrifying terrorists attacks throughout Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, the two Christchurch mosque attacks took place on the Ides of March in order to set up those multiple church bombings. Therefore, the world community of nations ought to be on high alert for the remaining days of this mischief-making month for the Illuminati.
What follows is the FOX News version of yesterday’s synagogue shooting which has all the hallmarks of a staged terror event as a prelude to more California gun control legislation. Just watch the newly crafted laws being promoted this Monday in both chambers of the CA legislature. It’s always amazing how these lengthy and complex bills are produced in the immediate aftermath of these false flag hoaxes. Do these lawmakers and their staffs really work all night long on the weekends?!
KEY POINT: This culture of terror that currently predominates around the globe has been cultivated over centuries with highly purposeful design. See THE GLOBAL ZIONIST PROJECT
Bottom line: The recent Gladio pattern of targeting synagogues is perfectly consistent with the overarching New World Order agenda of establishing a totalitarian One World Government headquartered in Israel. By attacking Jewish places of worship, the Khazarian Mafia is taking advantage of Ashkenazi Jewry victimhood in order to misappropriate even more power and influence worldwide than already arrogated to themselves and accrued, respectively, over the centuries. See: Do you really want to know who runs the world?
That this synagogue psyop was run on the last day of Passover in April further supports the central organizing intention to galvanize American Jewry against the right to bear arms. They represent a massive political force that always gets it way. Hence, every detail of this Mossad-directed Gladio operation reveals different objectives which will be soon be exposed by the proposed legislation from California politicians in the weeks to come.
Lastly, there is the apartheid state of Israel’s predictable reaction to this tragic event—tragic if it really did occur; also tragic if it’s really a hoax to further manipulate innocent Jews worldwide. See: You know it’s a false flag terrorist attack when Netanyahu cynically exploits it
How Convenient That These False Flag Terrorist Attacks Always Use a “White Christian Man” to Carry Out the Mass Shootings with an Assault Rifle
CIA’s MK-Ultra Mind-Control Program Must be Working Overtime These Days
(Source: Another Mind-Controlled Patsy Set Up to Take the Blame for San Diego Synagogue Shooting)
State of the Nation
April 28, 2019
Special Note: How do we know that this and so many other false flag terrorists attacks are staged hoaxes? Because Obama signed the last version of the NDAA law which permits the U.S. Federal Government to carry out these deceitful attacks — both real and fake — against the American people for propaganda purposes with purported legality! For more details, please read: “FALSE FLAGS” are LEGAL PROPAGANDA Produced by the Department of Defense.
N.B. Now see the predictable MSM report below that tells us nothing but what the conspirators want us to believe. These fake news articles are an imperative part of the cover-up if the perps are to maintain their ironclad control over the American people.
Synagogue victim hailed as hero for saving kids after gunshot to leg, witness says
By Louis Casiano
FOX News
One person dead in San Diego synagogue shooting: click here
Synagogue shooting in Poway, California leaves one person dead.
A 34-year-old man who was wounded when gunfire erupted inside a San Diego-area synagogue on Saturday was being praised as a hero for saving several children from a hail of bullets.
The gunman – identified by authorities as 19-year-old John Earnest – allegedly opened fire with an assault-type rifle inside the Chabad of Poway synagogue as worshipers were prepared to celebrate the last day of Passover. A woman was killed and three people were injured.
“(The gunman) was just shooting, shooting, shooting, shooting. Like crazy. Just spraying,” said Danny Almog, whose friend Almog Peretz was shot in a leg while leading children to safety, FOX 5 San Diego reported.
“(The gunman) was just shooting, shooting, shooting, shooting. Like crazy. Just spraying.”
Witnesses said Peretz grabbed children during the gunfire and ran with them to nearby exits.
“He grabbed all the kids in his hands and was just running towards the exit (when) he saw another kid over there,” Almog told the news station. “He grabbed him and started running and (that’s when) the shooter shot him in the leg. He didn’t care. He kept on running with the kids and just ran out.”
Peretz was recovering in a hospital Saturday night, along with a rabbi who was shot in a hand and a young girl struck by gunfire. They are all expected to survive. Lori Kaye, 60, died from her injuries.
A Border Patrol agent inside the synagogue fired at Earnest, missing him, but struck his getaway vehicle. Earnest called 911 after the shooting and identified himself as the shooter, authorities said.
Authorities said Earnest had posted an anti-Jewish screed online and was being investigated in connection with an arson that caused damage to a mosque in nearby Escondido last month. No injuries were reported in that fire.
Saturday’s shooting is being investigated as a possible hate crime.
Best place I could ind to put this important article….another ‘DEAL’ that SELLS OUT the Palestinians.
WHO devised that atrocity?….
Love this new system…Just a little test…Here’s Bubba….
Hi, Bubba! What happened to your eye?
Oh, it’s just cosmetic; that’s ok then.
(Handsome dog, Willy!)
To test the system, here’s a pic of my dogs looking like they’re up to something.
Bubba is part lab and part bull dog……..ridiculously strong…..about 5 years old. This is White Toe…lab and setter…she’s about 11….Also have cats…Oreo and Inky…all my creatures turned out to be black and white….go figger!
“He grabbed all the kids in his hands and was just running towards the exit (when) he saw another kid over there,” Almog told the news station. “He grabbed him and started running and (that’s when) the shooter shot him in the leg. He didn’t care. He kept on running with the kids and just ran out.”
ALL the kids? In his hands? How many hands did he have? How small were these kids? Even the wording is so ludivrously absurd, and yet people just go along with it…because the Media said so.
Ding Ding Ding Ding
Here’s another one on 30 April at UNC Charlotte. Every other day now!
As I suspect that this is another hoax, these hellish scenarios will continue for 100+ years until the US people demand that they STOP.
The gun grabbers are in the process of slowly shredding the Constitution…..
We don’t need horror movies for entertainment….we’re living a real one.
The reported Chabad Poway synagogue shooting narrative :
Fabricated shootings always target the Constitution & the 2nd Amendment
Kabbalistic perp selection :
Reported Poway perp, John T. Earnest and reported Parkland perp, Nikolas Cruz and the US Constitution.
The reported Chabad Poway synagogue shooting narrative :
Fabricated shootings always target the Constitution & the 2nd Amendment
Kabbalistic perp selection :
Reported Poway perp, John T. Earnest and reported Parkland perp, Nikolas Cruz and the US Constitution.
All roads lead to the City of London.
Jim Stone’s take:
So ALL shooters write a manifesto now, eh?
Sometimes YEARS above what their writing level should be.
Is a manifesto now a requirement?
It seems a bit odd to me that anyone would write a huge manifesto at all. I think short messages, like “stop vaccine damaging our kids” or “get your sh*t out of our colleges and schools” coupled with a successful getaway where the perp is not dead or captured within an hour or two would be a lot more believable. Why won’t “they” add that variety?
Everything done at these shootings is obviously done in a way that allows them to milk every event to the max – He came, he left a manifesto, WE GOT HIM. Enjoy reading that manifesto. Are they training all of us to write manifestos and then expect to die or go to jail in one whack? Why has the perp NEVER GOTTEN AWAY?
“Wow, it is a lot of work to write a manifesto, and I will get caught, I think I’ll do the shooting next week or perhaps skip it altogether because a manifesto is like a college term paper and that takes time I don’t have right now, plus I’ll go to jail to boot.”
And I think I have the clincher: Whoever is staging this crap wants the agenda to proceed unimpeded. And only a tiny fraction of the benefactors of these staged events actually know they were staged – they have to believe it was real too. And if the perp gets away and is hiding out there, able to strike again, some of the lilly limp wristed COMMIES will lose sleep at night, knowing a BIG BAD BOOGIE MAN might one day get them.
“They”, – the people at the top of the food chain – don’t want that. It would slow down “progress” to have all the minions scared. So they follow the formula.
From Mirriam-Webster: posse noun
pos·se | \ ˈpä-sē \
“Definition of posse
1 : a large group often with a common interest
2 : a body of persons summoned by a sheriff to assist in preserving the public peace usually in an emergency
3 : a group of people temporarily organized to make a search (as for a lost child)
4 : ENTOURAGE sense 1”
During the early periods of America ownership of land and animals, usually horses and cattle, were central to life at that time. Anyone who bothered any lands or animals of others was considered a trespasser and guilty of a very serious crime punishable by death. Often early Sheriffs empowered the convening of a posse by landowners themselves and deputized them to do investigations and take action. Usually it didn’t take long to discover who the perps were. Once found they had to have a trial themselves since it might be a year or more for the local circuit judge to arrive. Perhaps their wasn’t a trial. Justice was swift and sure: A
bullet between the eyes usually did the job or perhaps a hanging from a good Oak tree. The body would be left to rot as an example to others not to steal land or cattle. Obviously the criminals in Israel have not learned anything from history since they continue to attack and bomb innocent citizens in Syria and attack innocent Palestinians almost daily with the aid of criminals in the U.S. They have become brazen because of aid by the outlaws in the U.S. The world must join hands and administer some country justice as our ancestors did to trespassers and cattle thieves then. This is the only kind of language thieves understand. Who just elected or re elected Netanyahu? Just Zionists? Are not all those who re elected this mass murderer also resonsible for all his crimes, not just Zionists? Wake up Americans. How do you like murder and killing of innocent adults and children in your good names by Israeli criminals? Israel also did 9/11/01 with the aid of traitors Bush, Cheney and the four star generals. Wake up Americans and learn something from your very intelligent country ancestors. This is of course why these crooks seek to abridge the 2nd Amendment. One then becomes virtually defenseless against Israeli International criminals aided by Israel Lover Liar Trump and the whores in Congress. This is another great article by Professor Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. exposing truths about more lies and more sympathy scams delivered to us by the international outlaws of the planet callled Israel. Wake up peoples of the world: Do something to stop this madness. Jim should be awarded the Medal of Freedom for his efforts for the interests of Country over Self.
Jim Stone’s take:
The Manifesto – a key “proof” a shooting was staged
So ALL shooters write a manifesto now, eh?
Sometimes YEARS above what their writing level should be.
Is a manifesto now a requirement?
It seems a bit odd to me that anyone would write a huge manifesto at all. I think short messages, like “stop vaccine damaging our kids” or “get your sh*t out of our colleges and schools” coupled with a successful getaway where the perp is not dead or captured within an hour or two would be a lot more believable. Why won’t “they” add that variety?
Everything done at these shootings is obviously done in a way that allows them to milk every event to the max – He came, he left a manifesto, WE GOT HIM. Enjoy reading that manifesto. Are they training all of us to write manifestos and then expect to die or go to jail in one whack? Why has the perp NEVER GOTTEN AWAY?
“Wow, it is a lot of work to write a manifesto, and I will get caught, I think I’ll do the shooting next week or perhaps skip it altogether because a manifesto is like a college term paper and that takes time I don’t have right now, plus I’ll go to jail to boot.”
And I think I have the clincher: Whoever is staging this crap wants the agenda to proceed unimpeded. And only a tiny fraction of the benefactors of these staged events actually know they were staged – they have to believe it was real too. And if the perp gets away and is hiding out there, able to strike again, some of the lilly limp wristed COMMIES will lose sleep at night, knowing a BIG BAD BOOGIE MAN might one day get them.
“They”, – the people at the top of the food chain – don’t want that. It would slow down “progress” to have all the minions scared. So they follow the formula.