The $50,000 Challenge: Can Jim Fetzer prove he served in the United States Marine Corps?

Jim Fetzer

A fellow calling himself “Michael Lewis” has challenged me (several times, in fact) to prove that I served as a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps, which I have regarded as a frivolous psyop. I replied by publishing photos including my commissioning as a 2nd Lt. USMC upon graduation from Princeton, a photo of the Regimental Staff at the USMC Recruit Depot in San Diego, where I served as a Series Commander with 15 DIs and 300 recruits under my command going through the training cycle, one series after another, and a photo of my first wife pinning on my bars when I was promoted to Captain, USMC, which he discounted as possibly “photoshopped”:

The $50,000 Challenge: Can Jim Fetzer prove he served in the United States Marine Corps?


Since these images appear on page 440 of Mike Palecek and Chuck Gregory, eds., White Rose Blooms in Wisconsin: Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer and The American Resistance (Moon Rock Books edition 2016), it’s a bit of a stretch to take the idea that they were photoshopped seriously. But Mr. Lewis has now reiterated his challenge in comments on Kevin Barrett’s brilliant article, “The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial”, suggesting that I post my DD-214, which is the standard military discharge form:


  1. Dr. Fetzer: I hereby renew my commitment to fund your legal defense in the amount of $50,000. You need only demonstrate, with clear and convincing evidence, that you at any time served in the United States Marine Corps, as you claim.

    Please, no more faked blurry photos or mere assertions. Only documentary evidence will do here.

    This is a one-time offer and expires at midnight on December 31, 2019. Declining my support back in October was foolish of you, and if you decline this time, the world may begin to question your mental health.

    • Replies: @James (Jim) Fetzer
  2. @Michael Lewis

    Since I doubt your sincerity, I will be glad to accept your proposition on the condition that (a) you provide Ron Unz the $50,000 to serve as custodian and moderator; (b) once he has the $50,000 in hand, I will provide documentation of my service; and (c), when accepted as authentic, Ron Unz will keep those funds until my verdict has been reversed and I need them to fund my trial. Is that acceptable? If I cannot establish my history as a Marine Corps officer, then (of course) your money will be returned. Ron Unz can cast a vote if you challenge my submission, since I believe you will never accept even the most definitive proof as part of an elaborate psyop, which explains why I have declined to play your game in the past. Is this acceptable? I think it covers the contingencies in this case.

    • Replies: @Michael Lewis
  3. @James (Jim) Fetzer

    With all due respect, Professor, I’m not the clown who walked into a courthouse with watertight evidence and walked out half a million dollars poorer. You’re in no position to dictate terms. Inquire whether your counsel Mr. Bolton is willing to hold the money in his client escrow account.

    But, again, there is no need for all this circumspection and delay. Simply dig out your DD-214 and post it, redacting your SSN. Why continue to act like a man who’s hiding something?

    • LOL: eah
    • Replies: @eah@James (Jim) Fetzer



I have “dug out” my DD-214, I am happy to report, and post it here, redacting only my SSN, as he has requested:

In addition, here is my certificate of honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps as a Captain:

I have added a copy of the photograph of the Recruit Training Regimental staff, which appears to be the same as the one I included in the book, where you can find me as identified there: the second from the left in the back row. I take it that these are three proofs that demonstrate, with clear and convincing evidence, that I “at any time” served in the United States Marine Corps, as I claim, thereby satisfying the condition for receiving Mr. Lewis’ financial support. I have many other forms of proof, including my old uniforms, orders and records, which are distinctive to the history of my military service.

My attorney, Richard Bolton, is willing to hold the money in an escrow account for me to finance the trial that I was denied by the Court’s Summary Judgment. While I have (what I consider to be) “watertight evidence” that Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill–strictly speaking, “a mass casualty exercise involving children”–I was not permitted to present it, which you can discern from several blogs I shall reference here. I have found your offer difficult to take seriously as “too good to be true”, where I am going to be enormously grateful when you fulfill your obligation, which will make an important difference.

For further reading:

The Sandy Hook “Pozner v. Fetzer” Lawsuit: The Basic Documents
The Sandy Hook “Pozner v. Fetzer” Lawsuit: Even The Yale Daily News Gets it Wrong”
Ron Avery on MINNESOTA LAWYER, “Lawyers help Sandy Hook dad prevail”

Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and co-founded

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14 thoughts on “The $50,000 Challenge: Can Jim Fetzer prove he served in the United States Marine Corps?”

  1. Pingback: Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer USMC (Hon. Discharge) Is a Real Marine Officer NOT a Crisis Actor - James Fetzer
  2. According to some estimates there are about 1.3 million lawyers in the country. Three of them, two from Minnesota and one from Wisconsin in the form of a Judge came to the aid of Pozner pro bono. How many offered to come to Jim’s aid pro bono? Anyone who believes this case is unimportant just observe the efforts by those who seek to continue the lies and cover up about this massive scam on the public. They have succeeded now for 7 years and counting. They have pulled out all the stops. Many people, even including police officers have been bumped off. Connecticut must be one of the most corrupt States. Its governor is a liar. Many officials are liars. The fear of God has been instilled in the population. All have clammed up. Kevin has done a great job aiding Jim.
    But what does Kevin now believe happened at Sandy Hook if he still disagrees with the conclusions of Jim based on a large body of evidence and facts? All the rules of crime scene investigations for over a century have been obliterated at Sandy Hook. Even the former top authority Henry Lee in Connecticut is silent and comfortable in retirement; not a peep from him. He is obviously scared too. How about it Kevin? What happened at Sandy Hook if not the scenario of Jim Fetzer? Are Jim and Kevin the only Americans with any balls left? If the authorities had nothing to hide, why did they destroy the crime scene with criminal sanctions for even those in the wrecking crew for life? Obviously those criminals fostering and protecting this massive crime on all Americans have something to hide: I say TRUTH is what they are hiding and covering up with all this tyranny to which the authorities in our federal government are all LOOKING THE OTHER WAY!

    1. Wonderful post, WJ…thank you.

      (( All the rules of crime scene investigations for over a century have been obliterated at Sandy Hook.))

      …Just as they were on 9/11…and where is Mr. Trumpberg on this? One of the most important crime scenes of all time perpetrated on US soil and no one….not even our savior has ever SAID A WORD about how that scene was decimated.

      Smells to high heaven.

  3. The Sandy Hook School Shooting Dec. 14, 2012 passed the 7 year mark this month. The editors of VT comment on many issues of public concern. Have they commented recently on Sandy Hook? If I have missed it please provide the articles where they did express an opinion recently. If not I would like to know what they now think about all this. Was it real or fake? Are many high level folks involved going up to Obama? He is doing well now having just bought $12 million dollar home in Martha’s Vineyard. His net worth is estimated to be some $70 million not bad. Presumably the Go Fund Me gravy train is still on the tracks, seven years and counting. “A million here a million there and pretty soon your talking about real money”. I hate to be a Party Pooper but I would not recommend anyone hold their breath waiting for the big money offered in return for proof that Jim was a Marine.

  4. Quite obviously You are making an impact Jim
    And I seriously wonder if Your brilliant analysis and expose along with Greg Hallett on the Christchurch Mosque attacks False Flag and brilliant work conducted by Mona Alexis Pressley has a lot to do with it.
    This Court Jester is definitely out in an attempt to discredit You
    Then again it could be the facts You have presented regarding Trump converting to Babylonian Telmudic Judaism
    Making Him a proselyte Jew
    Twofold the child of hell
    Genesis 3:15
    Another clown show

  5. Pingback: Jim Fetzer (USMC-Ret.) Is a Real Marine Officer NOT a Crisis Actor – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services
  6. Maybe we’ll soon know if ”Lewis” is for real or not. For someone who is supposed to have 50K to toss around he certainly goes about it in an off-center way.

    Yes, Professor Fetzer does have a ”watertight” case but was illegally forbidden to present it…all of which reminded me of a scene from Judge Roland Freisler’s courtroom…

  7. Back in 1969 during my Navy days I prepared several officer DD-214 forms. Yours looks exactly as it should. It also appears to have been typed on an old manual machine that were used at that time. At my Command the only office that had the newer costly electric machines was the Admiral’s.

    I’m apprehensive of the “Lewis” Comments because of the uncalled-for name-calling and invective.

      1. I believe this “Michael Lewis” is just playing with you Jim. Don’t waste too much time on him. I just posted a negative comment on his site and I’m betting that he probably will delete it.

  8. James…this will be interesting. Did you just get an extra 50 grand to finance your appeal or expose a troll?
    Either way you win.


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