Dr. Jim Fetzer “The Raw Deal”–Calls Out Parkland, Other Shootings, and Censorship as BS
Having a relative that lived through World War II in Germany it seems like we are repeating history with the left leading the way. They will not be on the right side of history. It seems like they (Americans) are completely unaware of how they are following the footsteps of Hitler. An example of this is how the left is using the children to try to disarm Americans leaving a country completely defenseless to protect themselves and their families. Hitler did the same thing as they are doing now. It is an eye-opener to see how indoctrinated the left has become that common sense has completely left the building. Hopefully, we can stop this complete insanity before it is too late.
NOTE: Ole and my interview with Kerry Cassidy has been banned. See new link below.
Surprise! Surprise! Immediately banned! What do you see that could remotely qualify as harassment or bullying? Exposing the truth about multiple scams? But back up on Ole’s Channel at 153news.net.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and co-editor of moonrockbooks.com.
pierre said… Unfortunate that to comment on Dtuibe with steamit.com even after email verificaiton, they still want to send an SMS to a smart phone.
Ok Hitler did NOT disarm people of Germany. He actually made it a he'll of a lot easier to get guns. He DID confiscate some guns from Jewish people and others deemed by himself unworthy but record actually show a majority of Jews still owning guns all throughout this time. He laxed gun laws quite a bit. The problem was Jews were not the majority, and the overall support of Hitler was unwavering. Even if they wanted to, they could not rise up against him and did not date try. He knew this, and Every one knew this. Guns were not central to his plot in even the slightest way.
Fetzer does the same shit.
No one values free speech anymore. Humans are disgusting.
Please fix the formatting of the email. It can't be read.
I barely even bother to look into these events now. They have staged so many that I just automatically assume it's another hoax.
This is amazing! I was just wondering this morning if anyone had asked about permits for the March For Our Lives event. Stellar, Professor!!!