CNN Fake News: U.S. intelligence memo says Russia has ‘compromising’ information on Trump

Dr. Eowyn 

This is breaking news, for which there’s no verification other than what CNN claims to be true. Bear in mind that CNN is totally biased in favor of Hillary Clinton. See:
If this is true, the implications are very serious. It will give the Democrats the weapon for which they’ve been desperately searching to scuttle Trump’s presidency before he’s even inaugurated. What will happen after that is anyone’s guess because the resulting Constitutional crisis will be something America has never encountered.
Here’s the story.
This afternoon, a CNN report by Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper and Carl Bernstein alleges that last week when Trump met with U.S. intelligence chiefs* for a briefing on Russia’s hacking and intervention in the November 8 presidential election, among the classified documents presented to Trump was a hitherto-undisclosed 2-page memo that the Russian government has compromising information of a personal and financial nature on Trump.
*The intelligence chiefs who briefed Trump are Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.
While the CNN report does not say it, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to draw out the implications of this bombshell if it is true — which is that Moscow can use the compromising information to blackmail a President Trump.In fact, CNN claims that Russia has damaging information on both Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, and on Trump and the GOP, but chose to reveal only the information on Hillary & Dems while withholding Trump’s because Moscow meant to harm Hillary’s candidacy and help Trump’s.
The 2-page memo is a synopsis of 35 pages of memos that “originated as opposition research, first commissioned by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats.”
How does CNN know this? —
  1. CNN was told this by unnamed “multiple high ranking intelligence, administration, congressional and law enforcement officials, as well as foreign officials and others in the private sector with direct knowledge of the memos.”
  2. CNN claims to have actually “reviewed” the 35-page compilation of memos from which the 2-page synopsis was drawn. Paraodoxically, despite having “reviewed” the memos, CNN does not disclose what is contained in those memos.
Here is what CNN says about the synopsis and the source memos:
  • The 2-page synopsis was not an “official part” of the intelligence report about Russian hacks because it “was considered so sensitive,” but was “only shared at the most senior levels of the government” — President Obama, President-elect Trump, and eight Congressional leaders, including Harry Reid and John McCain.
  • At the same time, just about anyone of importance in D.C. already knows “some of the allegations” that “are circulating among intelligence agencies, senior members of Congress and other government officials in Washington“.
  • In addition to compromising information on Trump, the synopsis also includes “allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.”
  • Some of the allegations made in the source memos are from an unnamed “former British intelligence operative” — “a former MI6 agent, who was posted in Russia in the 1990s and now runs a private intelligence gathering firm.” The man and “his vast [intelligence] network throughout Europe” were checked out by US intelligence agencies and found “to be credible enough”. Initially, the British spook’s investigations related to Trump were funded by groups and donors supporting Trump’s GOP primary campaign opponents. Once Trump became the nominee, the spook’s further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton.
  • Some of the allegations were first reported publicly in Mother Jones one week before the election.
So what did Mother Jones report one week before the election?
From Mother Jones, January 10, 2017:
“In late October, Mother Jones’ David Corn first reported that a former Western counterintelligence official [who asked not to be identified] with nearly two decades of experience on ‘Russian intelligence matters’ had been assigned the task of looking into Trump’s dealings with Russia as part of an opposition research effort initially funded by a Republican donor. This official was so alarmed by what he discovered that he passed the intelligence to the FBI.”
What did this unnamed “former Western counterintelligence official” discover which he judged to be “sufficiently serious” to share with the FBI?–
  • The Russian government “has been cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump for at least 5 years,” all “endorsed by Putin,” in order “to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance.”
  • Trump “and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals.”
  • Russian intelligence “compromised” Trump during his visits to Moscow and could “blackmail him.”
  • Russian intelligence had also compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on “bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls.”
According to a HuffingonPost reporter named Andrea Chalupa in a tweet on Oct. 31, 2016, intelligence circles say Russia’s FSB (Federal Security Service) “filmed Trump in an orgy” when he was in Russia.
Calling Trump and the Republican Party traitors to Russia, Colin Taylor of the rabid Occupy Democrats blog gets on his moral high horse and hysterically declares:
“Trump is unqualified to lead this nation and has done nothing since his victory to show us otherwise, or to even indicate that he intends to govern at all. Now that we know he has been compromised by a foreign government, we cannot allow him to be sworn in.”
Here are my observations:
  1. CNN says that the Trump transition team, FBI spokespeople, and the Director of National Intelligence all declined to comment. Furthermore, the officials who spoke to CNN “declined to do so on the record,” i.e., reveal their names, because of “the classified nature of the material.” All of which means that unless the parties who have direct knowledge of the memos talk, at this point we only have CNN’s word — and we all know how reliable and believable CNN is. [sarc]
  2. Why is the information contained in the 2-page synopsis so much more “sensitive” and “classified” that the synopsis was not an “official part” of the intelligence reports that have been published and publicized, and must remain so secret that the “multiple intelligence officials” who spoke about this to CNN refuse to be named?
  3. Since the information about Trump had been discovered months ago by the unnamed former British spook, and conveyed to Trump’s GOP primary opponents, Hillary Clinton and her campaign officials, the FBI, and even Mother Jones, and given how “compromising” and “damaging” the information is to Trump, why didn’t all those people, especially Hillary, reveal the information to the public?
  4. Since the allegations contained in the damning memos are “widely circulated” in D.C. and known to Obama and Congressional leaders including Harry Reid, why did they wait till now to “leak” the memos to CNN?
  5. If the “compromising information of a personal nature” about Trump is a sex tape of him in an orgy, why would this disqualify him from the presidency when President Bill Clinton’s oral sex with and shoving a cigar up the anus of a White House intern in the Oval Office didn’t disqualify him?
When I began writing this post hours ago, there was nothing about this on Trump’s Twitter feed. I just checked it again. Trump is calling the CNN report “unverifiable” “fake news” and “a total political witch hunt”.
Until we are shown the actual 2-page synopsis as well as the 35 pages of source memos, I call this B.S. — yet another desperate ploy of the Obama administration and the complicit “fake news” MSM to subvert the 2016 election.
In addition to CNN’s obvious partisan bias, the network also has a track record of deception and fake news.
See also:

UPDATE (JAN. 11, 2017):

H/t FOTM‘s Anon, Will Shanley, and Artist.
Here’s a link to the 35-page dossier from which the 2-page synopsis was generated, which BuzzFeed irresponsibly published even though the document is totally unverified. WikiLeaks observes that it “is not an intelligence report. Style, facts & dates show no credibility”.
A poster on the online chat forum 4Chan, which deletes the chatter after a day, claims that the infamous “golden showers” scene (that Trump made people urinate on a bed Obama slept in) in the 35-page source memo dossier allegedly compiled by a British intelligence officer from which the 2-page synopsis was drawn, was a hoax and fabricated by a member of the chatboard as “fanfiction”, then sent to Rick Wilson, who sent it to the CIA, which then put it in their official classified intelligence report on the election. (ZeroHedge)
In other words, what CNN reports to be Russia’s “compromising information” on Trump is a HOAX.
Shame on CNN! Shame on the CIA and other U.S. intelligence organizations! And shame on the Four Stooges: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.
This CNN fake news incident reveals, once and for all, how utterly corrupt and incompetent U.S. intelligence agencies have become under Obama. They have lost all credibility. Trump already has said he’ll reform the agencies, beginning with the CIA.
9 more days until inauguration…. Please pray for Trump’s safety. Please pray for America.

UPDATE 2 (JAN. 11, 2017):

russia-denies-compromising-info-on-trumpUPDATE 3 (JAN. 11, 2017):

WSJ (via ZeroHedge) says the name of the mysterious former MI6 spook is Chris Steele, 52. His LinkedIn page, which is now scrubbed, said he’s currently Director at Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd., London, UK.
WSJ asked Andrew Wordsworth, co-founder of London-based investigations firm Raedas, who often works on Russian issues, if the 35-page Trump dossier is credible. Wordsworth said the memos in the Trump dossier were “not convincing at all. It’s just way too good. If the head of the CIA were to declare he got information of this quality, you wouldn’t believe it.” Wordsworth said it wouldn’t make sense for Russian intelligence officials to expose state secrets to a former MI-6 officer because “Russians believe once you are an agent, you’re an agent forever.”
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