Pedophile Savile Haunts The New York Times – PizzaGate (Part 7)

                                               By Yoichi Shimatsu
                                                       Exclusive to Rense

Maleficence rules over The New York Times now disgraced by its frantic denial of the Pizzagate expose of pedophilia among elite circles. Without citing a shred of credible evidence, the self-appointed “journal of record” accused online discussion groups at reddit, 4chan and VOAT of concocting “fake news.”  This big lie from the mainstream media prompted a gross unconstitutional assault against First Amendment guarantees of press freedom and public speech with Congress voting in favor of censorship in riders to the 2017 defense and intelligence appropriations bills. A press that demands to be censored deserves to be put out of its misery, and so The New York Times should be boycotted by ethical readers.

Here in Part 7 of the Pizzagate series, we trace the media cover-up of Pizzagate pedophilia back to the 2012 decision by publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. to install former BBC director-general Mark Thompson as CEO of The New York Times. The British import was previously involved in two criminal cover-ups in the UK: of the suspicious circumstances behind the death of Iraq-invasion whistle-blower Dr. David Kelly and insider protection of BBC’s in-house pedophile ring leader Jimmy Saville.

Objections raised by senior NY Times editors against Thompson’s association with pedophiles are considered here. Also examined is his relationship with Marcus Agius, an in-law of the Rothschild clan on the BCC executive board and banker who had a leading role in the Libor rate-fixing fraud in London. Their association provides insight into the Hellfire tradition of prostitution and the secret cooperation between the Jesuit order and the Illuminati secret society. This dangerous liaison points to how Madeleine McCann could have been abducted during a visit by the Podesta brothers to Portugal, followed by a covert meeting at Oxford University.

 The Savoir Faire of Jimmy Saville

 The hiring of Mark Thompson, the protector of Jimmy Savile at BBC, raised alarms among veteran editors at The New York Times who crusaded against pedophiles in their past investigative journalism. Employed at the BBC since 1981 and its director general from 2004 to 2014, Thompson tolerated Savile’s flagrant violation of an estimated 1,000 underage girls. Thompson fled London to escape an official inquiry into elite pedophilia and found sanctuary in New York. By sheltering a suspect witness, Arthur Sulzberger Jr. made himself party to a desperate attempt by former European Commission head Chris Patten to close the books on the Savile affair before justice can be rendered.

 The internal debate at The New York Times was reported in mid-November 2012 by Jeff Bercovici, a contributor to Fortune magazine.

“Incoming New York Times Co. CEO Mark Thompson has repeatedly insisted he didn’t know the details of a massive child-abuse scandal brewing at his previous employer, the BBC, until it was too late, and no one has produced a smoking gun to prove otherwise. At most companies, that would be good enough. Not at the Times, which harbors an institutional belief that it must be the purest of the pure if its denunciations of corruption and cover-ups at other powerful institutions are to have any weight.

“As Thompson starts his new job this week, two questions hang over his head: Can he convince the rank-and-file that the account he’s given is the whole truth and that he did all that could reasonably have been expected of him under the circumstances? And does it matter — or is the Times locked into sticking with him, come what may?

“Sulzberger’s backing of Thompson has so far been unequivocal. In an earnings call held Oct. 25, he said Thompson had provided a ‘detailed account’ of how and when he learned of the child molestation allegations against the late BBC host Jimmy Savile, and that Sulzberger remained convinced that Thompson ‘abides by high ethical standards.’ While there are discrepancies between what Thompson says he knew and what others say they told him, and while some find it simply impossible to believe he didn’t know more than he says he knew, given how widespread the rumors about Savile were in the U.K., he is said to have vowed to Sulzberger and the rest of the Times Co. board that there are no more shoes left to drop.”

By hiring a bald-faced liar rather than a journalist of integrity, Sulzberger risked his own reputation against strong objections from veteran editors who understood the ethical liability of having a new boss who’s in league with elite pedophile networks. It is simply impossible for Thompson not to have learned from his own producers and from daily newspapers reports on the Elm Street underage-bordello ring and the world’s biggest open secret about statutory rape, the drug-addled BBC showman Savile. Immediately prior to his departure from London, Thompson knowingly suppressed the broadcast of a BBC Newsnight investigation into Savile’s pedophile outrages. Thompson is at least an accessory to the pedophiles, and possibly himself in need of investigation for sex crimes.

Berkovici went on to disclose: “Already, former executive editor Bill Keller has publicly likened the BBC scandal to the crimes of Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky, and op-ed columnist Joe Nocera asked outright whether Thompson is ‘the right man for the job.’ Two other insiders watching closely are editorial page editor Andy Rosenthal and op-ed columnist Nicholas Kristof. Rosenthal has been a highly vocal critic of the Penn State administration for its silent complicity in Sandusky’s abuse, and Kristof has made sexual abuse a main theme of his column.”

 Bravo to editors Bill Keller and Andrew Rosenthal for doing the right thing by submitting their resignations in protest of crimes against children.

 Other editors were not up to the same ethical standards and remained with the Thompson machine. Nicholas Kristof, a consistent opportunist since his reporting days in Japan and China, again showed his self-centered tendencies by repeating Buzzfeed claims about “fake news” from Veles, Macedonia, which in reality was organized by a Soros-CIA disinformation project. (Buzzfeed is owned by Jonah Perriti, co-founder of the notoriously biased Huffington Post, with funding from British-born investor Ben Horowitz.) The very fact that Kristof remains loyal to Sulzberger and Tompson raises hard questions about his underlying interest in human-trafficking networks. Woody Allen has a kindred spirit at the NY Times.

The New York Times’ knee-jerk reaction against Pizzagate is in outright defense of pedophilia or why else would Thompson be so concerned about a pizza parlor located 230 miles outside his bailiwick? Tech reporter Cecilia Kang was unleashed as his pit bull against the reddit community. Formerly with The Washington Post and San Jose Mercury News, her defense of Comet Pizza owner quickly became as irrational as it was non-factual. A point-by-point analysis of Kang’s shabby arguments is posted at One paragraph from it suffices to dispense with Kang as a believable reporter:

 “Though the tone of (a Washington City News) article is skeptical, it at least mentions Jeffrey Epstein, Correct the Record, and the potential use of ‘pizza’ as a codeword for child sex in the Podesta emails. The NYT article mentions none of these things, and their absence further warps the narrative to make pizzagate investigators look insane.”

 The NYT’s self-congratulatory motto “All the news that’s fit to print” needs to be amended by replacing the “f’ with “sh” as the daily diet for subscribing coprophiliacs. Consume at your own risk.

 Eyes Wide Shut

 To the relief of insiders at the City of London (the Wall Street of Britain), the Atlantic Ocean put distance between an implicated Thompson and Michael Lyons, chairman of the BBC Trust, and Marcus Agius, the only-ever non-executive member of the BBC’s governing board. With shameless chutzpah, the Jewish Lyons charged that the BBC was “a victim of hysteria” over the Savile scandal. Savile’s co-conspirators have yet to be indicted by a British court in the homeland of “Rule of Law”. The foul mess left by Thompson, Lyons and Agius has forced the UK Government to order a fundamental restructuring of the BBC governance structure as of April 2017.

Desperate Wives of Anglo Jewry

Corporate wives is not the title of a new reality show but are a necessity for promotion to top-dog corporate positions, especially when a spouse happens to be a Jewish eminence. Thompson’s mate is Jane Blumberg, a literary critic in her own right. She is daughter of the late Dr. Baruch “Barry” Samuel Blumberg, a 1974 Nobel laureate of biology for developing a hepatisis B vaccine, chief of astrobiology (research on life in space) at NASA, and board member of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Impressive, indeed, disclosing his talent and genius, which was inherited by his distinguished daughter.

Starting in the late 1980s, Dr. Blumberg was appointed headmaster of Balliol College at his alma mater Oxford University. At that time, his daughter Jane was a graduate student there and acclaimed as a post-structuralist literary critic (with an influence wide enough for this writer, then at the journalism school at UC Berkeley, to avidly read her essays). Her marital bond with Thompson became an issue during his controversial meeting with Ariel Sharon in Israeli, where he pledged to end BBC support for Palestinian charities.

The other corporate wife in question is Baroness Katherine Juliet de Rothschild, the spouse of Marcus Agius, the sole non-executive member of the BBC governing committee. The former head of Lazard Bank and Barclays Bank, Agius is also on the board of PA management consulting, which arranges weapons deals for arms-industry heavyweights like Vickers. Since 2015, PA has been controlled by major shareholder Carlyle Group. A fellow board member is Ester Dyson, the daughter of Freeman Dyson, a guru on the military-science research group known as JASON. An Internet gadfly, her membership on a Pentagon science advisory board has been scrubbed from the Internet record.

Agius served as chief of the British Bankers Association (BBA) during the Libor rate-fixing scandal, which erupted in early 2012. Libor is the acronym for London inter-bank offered rate, by which banks make overnight loans among themselves to cover their positions (to avoid regulatory violations on minimal capital requirements). Since the Libor transaction is used to calculate value in the derivatives market, fraudulent rate-setting was a reliable means to manipulate derivatives trading. One of the more prominent Libor violators was Jamie Dimond, head of JPMorgan-Citigroup bank, a crony of President Barack Obama and former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel who arranged a $16 billion bailout for JPM during the 2008 Wall Street crisis.

At BBC, Thompson worked in close coordination with Agius. That came easily because both executives are Jesuit-trained Catholics married into prominent Jewish families. Why are such insider relationships not disclosed to citizens on both sides of the Atlantic? One reason lies in those multi-generational vices of national treason and unspeakable traditions of pedophilia and occultism organized by the secret society known as the Illuminati in league with powerful lay Jesuits.

As a powerful Advisory Council member of The City of London, Agius makes an excellent case study on the reputedly “nonexistent” Illuminati order, which has dominion over the autonomous financial district. Agius is the chairman of the trustees of Exbury Estate, famed for its lush gardens, founded in 1919 by his wife’s grandfather Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, who served as head of the N.M. Rothschild Bank in 1970s.

Located in Hampshire, the garden is close to the Southhampton terminal of the ferry to East Cowles on the Isle of Wight, a resort that relishes its reputation for witchcraft and the occult, with local heroes like the Bell Witch. The locally based Satanic Pig label, for instance, proudly promotes bootleg recordings of heroine addict Amy Winehouse and the Satanic Jim Morrison and the Doors at Isle of Wight Festivals. The strange islet, overpopulated with sex offenders, is a reputed hotbed of gay and lesbian pedophilia. After a weekend of rapine debauchery and tossing the leftovers into the English Channel, one only has to take the ferry back to smell the flowers at Exbury.

 Courtesans of the Hellfire Clubs

 There is an odd disparity between Wikipedia citations on Agius’s religious affiliation over the past decade. Earlier posts state that he was “born in a Jewish family”, but his present-day biography lists him solely as a Catholic. To receive a million-dollar inheritance from the Rothschild family trust, however, a family member must be married to a Jew. Since he tends the Rothschild gardens, Agius given this family rule must indeed be of Jewish lineage, however slender that bloodline may be.

A profile of Marcus Agius penned by Judi Bevan with The Spectator discloses:

“His Maltese grandparents arrived in London in the 19th century; he is one of 303 descendants of his great-grandfather Edward Tancred Agius. His father was a colonel in the first world war who later became trade commissioner for Malta; his mother had been a model in the 1920s and was half German and half Irish, ‘with all that that implies’, he says fondly.”

The Maltese surname Agius translates as “saint”, and Tancred is derived from the Norman-Sicilian knight who became the king of Antioch during the First Crusade. His paternal clan is Catholic and likely linked to the papal guardians known as the Knights of Malta.

 “Tancred” is also the title of a novel by writer and prime minister Benjamin Disraeli. A New York Times review of his biography by Adam Kirsch states that Disraeli “celebrated occult Jewish power, always exercised behind the scenes, and always determinative.” So here is evidence of the Illuminati influence in Victorian Britain, which continued long after the secret society supposedly went extinct.

 Marcus Agius’s occult Judiac bloodline goes back several generations along his maternal lineage to the Pre-Raphaelite art movement, which pioneered the theme of “woman as witch” and the “witch’s heart” symbol, a genre which continues to this day in the demonic artworks at Comet Pizza, the Tony Podesta collection and the Ghost Ship, now a burnt-out hulk in Oakland.

The Jewish line began with the wife of Pre-Raphaelite painter Ford Maddox Brown, Catherine, who was born in November 1850 out of wedlock. Catherine first appears in a Brown painting titled “Baa Lambs,” as the infant held up by her stepmother Emma Hill. Brown painted numerous portraits of her as a child before marrying her off to Francis Huebbler. Her illegitimacy is inexplicable unless the biological mother was a courtesan and part-time artist’s model, which is implied by a portrait of Catherine as an adult, showing her to have inherited the vivid red hair and sharp features of an Ashkenazi Jew, descended from the Turkic Khazar tribe. After mass conversion to Judaism, the Khazars continued to practice sorcery, child sacrifice and underage ritual sex, savage rites that were merged with the Kabbalist teachings and libertine orgies of the Sabbatean movement in the Ottoman Empire. What Catherine’s mother was subjected at the Hellfire Club’s to is not on the public record.

Since at least the reign of King George III, the Hellfire Clubs established by the Illuminati were frequented by select members of the British elite. Sexual licentiousness was promoted by Frankist cult leader Jacob Frank, a Polish Jew who adopted the perverse teachings of guru Sabbatai Zevi, founder of the Sabbateans. After subverting the Polish nobility through intermarriage with sexually trained young Jewish girls, the Frankists and the Sabbatean “Asian Brotherhood” were incorporated into the Illuminati cult established by Adam Weishaupt. Upon relocating to Frankfurt, Germany, Weishaupt converted Meyer Amschel Rothschild, whose secret agents created the Hellfire Clubs and exported these dens of sodomy via his five sons (the “five arrows” aimed at the heart and organs of Christian Europe). For Britain, this perverse task was carried on by Nathan Meyer Rothschild.

Little Men of False-Flag Attacks

Catherine Brown married the German emigre writer Francis Hueffer, bearing two sons, Ford Hermann Hueffer aka Ford Maddox Ford and the younger Oliver Maddox Hueffer, both writers, and a daughter named Juliet who married a Russian anarchist revolutionary journalist named David Soskice. The mixed-blood family inspired Joseph Conrad’s novel “Secret Agent” (1907) about a patsy tricked into a false-flag bombing of the Greenwich Observatory. Nearly a century afterward, “Secret Agent” was among the most-read books following the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. As it turned out, the Hueffler family harbored another Jewish spy, Oliver Maddox Hueffler, who was executed in Mexico on charges of espionage.

 While Conrad claimed that he discussed the plot for the planned novel only briefly with Ford Maddox Ford, much of the character development in it is derived from their previous collaboration on “The Inheritors”, particularly the characterization of a Jewish journalist as “the little man” or mensch in Yiddish. By ironic coincidence, during the controversial hiring of the new CEO described Mark Thompson, Arthur Sulzberger described his new hire as “a mensch”, that, writer, spy, little man and teller of lies.

 Clem Freud, friend of the Podestas

 Another prominent Jewish family in Mark Thompson’s orbit are the Freuds, including Emma Freud who hosted a talk show on BBC2 and her father Clement, a celebrity chef and pedophile in partnership with Jimmy Savile. Thompson is close with Clement’s son Matthew, CEO of Freud Communications (aka Freuds), the most influential publicity firm in the UK. Thompson and Matt Freud were particularly associated with the Murdochs during The News of the World eavesdropping on Buckingham Palace aimed at the Royals.

 As detailed in Part 1 of this Pizzagate series, the Podesta brothers John and Tony allegedly stayed at Clement Freud’s villa in Praia da Luz (“Shore of Light”, an Illuminati reference to Lucifer) at the time of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance. Following their flight from Portugal, the Podestas flew to Britain for an unspecified meeting at Oxford University. Jane Blumberg Thompson was a professor of English literature there. The likely gathering point was the Jesuit-run Mansfield College of Oxford University, a quiet place to meet his fellow Jesuit laymen, the “two marks”, Thompson and Agius, who are the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern of the doomed Rothschild dynasty.

 The Agius clan and the Maltese Podestas, the latter led by the late Commodore Arthur Podesta of Valleta, belong within the inner circle of the original Order of St. John aka the Knights of Malta (as opposed to the ceremonial VIP front group based at the Vatican). The Society of Jesus (SJ, or Jesuits) and the Illuminati are the oddest of odd couples, because the Jesuits were the cutting-edge of persecution against the hidden Jews during the Inquisition. From 1773 to 1814, however, the Society of Jesus was banned by Pope Clement XIV for political intrigue and amassing of wealth. During that period of excommunication, a Jesuit novice named Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati order, which would be centered in Frankfurt, Germany.

 Soon thereafter, the Rothschilds were recruited as princes of the Illuminati in exchange for funds to revive the Society of Jesus. Since this unholy union, the families of leading Jesuit laymen and the Jewish-predominant Illuminati have intermarried. Though not part of the Rothschild circle, the Podesta brothers were Jesuit-educated and lobbyist Tony was married to Heather Miller, meaning they were approachable cousins for the Anglo-Jewish elite.

 Why does any of this matter to one who is not in the service of anti-Semitism, Judaism or Satanism? Because the Rothschilds, suddenly vulnerable due to the Libor revelations and Brexit nationalism, are transferring their assets to the United States. It is well known that Arthur Sulzberger has been desperately seeking a capital injection for the money-losing New York Times, and hiring Thompson was a means to woo the Rothschild fortune. That investment is disguised as mutual funds to avoid a paper trail that might prove an inordinate and illegal foreign influence over the American news media.

 This relocation of Rothschild interests represents a recurrent threat to American sovereignty from Anglo-Jewish power, which provoked the War of 1812, the Bank War or subversive attempt by Nicholas Biddle of the Second Bank of the United States to block the populist Jacksonian Revolution, the Civil War, and the U.S. entry into two world wars under Woodrow Wilson and FDR. The Hillary Clinton campaign was the most sustained Illuminati-backed drive to capture the White House since Hans Morgenthau and Francis Biddle rode the coattails of Franklin Delano Roosevelt into the White House.

The Demise of Doctor Frankenstein

“Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus” by Mary Godwin Wollstonecraft Shelley is a tale that continues to fascinate readers and movie-goers. The authoress was the daughter of the leading Reform-minded philosopher of his era and wife of the greatest poet of the Romantic generation. Literary critics over the decades have regarded her novel as a merger of the ideals of these two men.

In her much-anticipated biography of Mary Shelley (University of Iowa Press, 1993), Jane Blumberg showed that, to the contrary, the tale of Dr. Frankenstein and his creation was a critique of both the anarchist socialism of philosopher William Godwin and the neo-Platonist quest for hedonistic artistic freedom of her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley. In previews published by literary journals, Blumberg’s analysis resonated with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of Soviet communism in the late 1980s, which struck a devastating blow to Marxism and its offshoot schools, including the libertine Frankfurt School of Critical Studies, many of whose followers advocated sex with children, from Rudy the Red to Green Party leaders.

 Today, this critical outlook once again informs the educated observer about the current crisis of the British “New Labour” movement, the fracturing of the European Union consensus, and the fall of the left-leaning Obama-Clinton regime. It also represents a fundamental challenge to the liberal Anglo-Jewish interests of the Rothschilds, the Soroses, Oppenheimers and Goldsmiths, who had eagerly or reluctantly supported over many decades radical liberalism, democratic socialism, liberation theology, the post-industrial New Left, the Greens, self-realization psychology, avant-garde arts movements, and trans-humanism, along with notions of extreme personal freedom than condone adult sex with children. Modern pedophilia is completely unnatural, being ideologically rooted in anti-family theories of social communalism and unrestrained individual expression, in the footsteps of Lucifer, the postmodern Prometheus who delivers man from slavery to morality.

Like a trembling creature, with an immense ability to harm yet paralyzed by fear, the sponsored NGOs and PACS of libertine liberalism are facing the precipice of a world without ideology, increasingly challenged by the populist crowd that is hunting down the noble but abominable creation, the Frankenstein’s monster pieced together out of the diabolical ambition for control over humanity.

The infantile wailing and cursing after Hillary Clinton’s defeat signals not only a political shock but a deeper psychological crisis verging into madness. Now that the much-hated demonic idol is a twitching corpse, the faithful peasants will return with their pitchforks to their villages and life will go on, with little diversion except for an occasional witch torching. Meanwhile the brightest and best have nowhere to go and face the prospect of being left absolutely alone in darkness without Luciferian light.

The New York Times, the beacon of reform and radical hopes, is already being prostituted by an Englishman with less dignity or ceremony than a JC Penney’s catalog and will soon surely disappear from the newsstands, overwhelmed by a billion inchoate voices cursing and laughing on reddit, 4chan and VOAT in a Dark Age for the mainstream press that often makes no sense and faces no foreseeable pressure to make any larger sense. But do not disparage it as fake news. Now cracks the globalist heart. Good night to thee, indiscreet Prince of the Illuminati.

 Yoichi Shimatsu is an investigative journalist and former journalism lecturer based in Hong Kong.

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6 thoughts on “Pedophile Savile Haunts The New York Times – PizzaGate (Part 7)”

  1. A very good article, although Marcus Agius wasn't educated by Jesuits, he went to St. George College, Weybridge in Surrey, founded by the Josephite Order; founded in the Diocese of Ghent, Belgium by Canon Constant van Crombrugghe in 1817. Members of the congregation use the initials "C.J." after their names. Whereas, Jesuits use "SJ", denoting Society of Jesus. The founding members of the Jesuits were descended from Marrano Jews, forced to convert to Catholicism in the Iberian peninsula to avoid expulsion in 1492. Their violent opposition to the spiritual awakening, which was partly due to the veil that was lifted when scripture were freely available following the reformation, became the fulfillment of an instruction they had received from their Rabbis in Istanbul, to-with, "convert you must, but when you do, teach your offspring to destroy Christianity from within"(abbreviation).
    The blood curdling vow of the Jesuits that was aimed at the overt violent destruction of reformers has in recent times mellowed to a covert undermining of a simple personal faith in Jesus Christ. The destruction of whatever remains of so called Christian values in western society is their objective. I believe the acceptance of gay marriage and abortion as a reaction to the fallout from clerical child abuse and how the Catholic authorities dealt with it is symptom of their covert influence. The coming of Jesus in the flesh and the gospel He preached was the undoing of the Pharisees and was and continues to be a catastrophe for their religion, which is what now passes for Judaism. But more than that, although present day 'Jews' are imposters, Zionists perceived place of Jews in the world, which they believe is given to them by God, to dominate and rule the Gentiles is a lie, and by extension, for past 2000 years, their religion has had no reason to continue to exist. The Irish guy.

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