Margot Kidder reflecting on the DNC Convention: My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools

JULY 29, 2016

My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools

There is something I am going to try and explain here after watching the Democratic National Convention this evening that will invite the scorn of many of my friends. But the words are gagging my throat and my stomach is twisted and sick and I have to vomit this out. The anti-americanism in me is about to explode and land god knows where as my rage is well beyond reason. And I, by heritage, half American in a way that makes me “more” American than almost anyone else in this country except for the true Americans, the American Indians, am in utter denial tonight that I am, as you are, American as well.
I am half Canadian, I was brought up there, with very different values than you Americans hold, and tonight — after the endless spit ups and boasts and rants about the greatness of American militarism, and praise for American military strength, and boasts about wiping out ISIS, and America being the strongest country on earth, and an utterly inane story from a woman whose son died in Obama’s war, about how she got to cry in gratitude on Obama’s shoulder — tonight I feel deeply Canadian. Every subtle lesson I was ever subliminally given about the bullies across the border and their rudeness and their lack of education and their self-given right to bomb whoever they wanted in the world for no reason other than that they wanted something the people in the other country had, and their greed, came oozing to the surface of my psyche.
I just got back from a rather fierce walk beside the Yellowstone River here in Montana, trying to let the mountains in the distance reconnect me to some place of goodness in my soul, but I couldn’t find it. The scenery was as exquisite as ever, but it just couldn’t touch the rage in my heart. The visions of all the dead children in Syria that Hillary Clinton helped to kill; the children bombed to bits in Afghanistan and Pakistan from Obama’s drones, the grisly chaos of Libya, the utter wasteland of Iraq, the death and destruction everywhere caused by American military intervention. The Ukraine, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, you name it — your country has bombed it or destroyed its civilian life in some basic way.
When I heard all the Americans cheering for the military and the pronouncements of might coming from the speakers in the Wells Fargo Centre, I loathed you. I loathed every single one of you. I knew in my gut that what I was taught as a child was true, which is that YOU are the enemy. YOU are the country to be feared. YOU are the country to be disgusted by. YOU are ignorant. And your greed and self-satisfaction and unearned pride knows no bounds.
I am not an American tonight. I reject my Puritan ancestors who landed in this country in 1648. I reject the words I voiced at my citizenship ceremony. I reject every moment of thrilling discovery I ever had in this country.
You people have no idea what it is like for people from other countries to hear you boast and cheer for your guns and your bombs and your soldiers and your murderous military leaders and your war criminals and your murdering and conscienceless Commander in Chief. All those soaring words are received by the rest of us, by us non-Americans, by all the cells in our body, as absolutely repugnant and obscene.
And there you all are tonight, glued to your TVs and your computers, your hearts swelled with pride because you belong to the strongest country on Earth, cheering on your Murderer President. Ignorant of the entire world’s repulsion. You kill and you kill and you kill, and still you remain proud.
We are fools.
Margot Kidder is an actress and activist in Montana.
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18 thoughts on “Margot Kidder reflecting on the DNC Convention: My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools”

  1. Even though we may be a bunch of duffaces that need to be told what to think and many times agrue over political views , even though we don't stand up to sin and demand they not legislate our favor with the CREATOR away, I wish we would , but even though our people are not perfect by anymeans, many are good people, we love our pets, we don't sacrifice them away until their is blood in the streets like the muslim on the day of sacrifice, we have traffic jams on he freeway because a stray dog got out there, and I can tell you one thing, Americans are much better drivers than Canadians, they drive a hundred miles an hour on the freeway you feel like you are in the Indy 500, I was never so glad to be back and noticed that our people are much easier to drive around. Although I liked Canada and the Canadian people but I don't go around putting them down. I have heard a few people poking fun at the Canadian and I did not like that but just wanted to point out that I like our people and most people if they have wrong view points about war ect. it is because they have been fed a steady diet of entertainment media programing them as to how they should think but all in all I love America and our people even as imperfect as we are, we still have a lot of nice ,hard working , good hearted people who love our country.

  2. How about the Iranian tanker bound for a port in Israel coming from China that was rigged with so much radio active materials that the tankers crew member were losing their hair by the time it reached the Israeli port. Or maybe a good idea to mention all the weapons bound for the Gaza strip intercepted by Israeli defense forces and coming from Iran, or the countless tunnels by hamas desiged to sneak into Israeli boarders so hamas members can kill Israelis, how about the Palestinians ambulances that have to be checked because explosives and other weaponry have been tried to be brought into Israel using Palestinian ambulances with Palestinians seeking Israeli doctors to help them…. or the genocide of Christians by muslims in Africa????

  3. I would also like to suggest Margo Kidder that you move to Europe where they have to have all female trains because the muslims who invaded their contries feel it is their duty to rape the women there, where they have no go zones that are so dangerous the police won't go in and it enables the muslim to have child marriages and sex rings and to conduct their sharia law. I just saw a comment from a lady in Ireland who told the truth about the muslim invasion and how the majority of the so called refugees are young fighting aged men, how they are not starving but look well feed and dressed and how they are taking over Europe leaving the Europeans to deal with this event that has changed their lives so much that some of the blonde women are dying their hair dark in order to prevent themselves from being raped. They have to carry some form of protection now too. Consider the entire Israeli family that was murdered by Hamas who even killed their 4 month old baby with an ice pick, all because the family was Jewish. Consider the young people who were killed when a Palestinian went in and detonated a bomb in an Israeli night club, consider the 37 Israelis who died on a bus that was bombed by a Palestinians, the Israeli's only crime, they were Jewish. Consider the more that 2000 rockets that are not fire crackers by the way but capable of taking out the entire side of buildings, consider the thousands of those that have been launched on the Iraeli Civilian population. Consider the martyrs who have lost their lives simply because they were Christians , the beheadings, even the gay people who were hanged. It is an attrosity that innocent people have died when there has been a war and when the US has gone in like Iraq ect. I agree that we have not business meddling in any other contries business unless it is to help the helpless , like the holocaust and the Jewish people or the chrsitians being slaughter by Islamic hordes but other than that we need to mind our own business and most American's that I know feel the same way. I agree with some of what you are saying but to blame these attrosities on Americans, you are so wrong , we are not the ones making the decisions, the people at the top are and most likely people in your areana being in the entertainment business are many of them making these decision ultimately so quite using our people, who are from all cultures but call themselves Americans, just like 9/11 there are white , African Americans, Hispanics, Orientals , ect… in the trade towers on 9/11 but they had one thing in common, they were all AMericans. Don't capitalize on the American people if you hate us so much. And please consider all sides of this violence around the world and who is the ones that initiated the attacks, we were attacked at Perl Harbor, Israel has been under continual attack , 5 surrounding muslim nations attacked them on their first ever independence day, the Israeli athletes at Munich in the 70's were just wanting to compete, they did not ask to be abducted and murdered by not only Palestinian terrorist but working in conjunction with german terrorist. In stead of hating Americans and capitalizing on them maybe understand that we have many good hearted indivduals who are hard working and just want to be able to do their jobs and live in peace with the rest of the world, not the war mongers you paint us out to be.

  4. I wonder if you ever considered that we lost 3000 people on 9/11, and that many of us Americans begged them not to attack Iraq even after we had been attacked. You also need to place blame where it belongs on those at the top making these kind of decisions. I set e-mails to the white house begging them to give Sadam Husein a peaceful way out. American's and Israelis have the right to defend themselves against those who would do harm to our people and contries and the people who had to go to war were following orders given from the top. If you hate American's so much you should not be trying to capitalize on them with your entertainment. And to those anti semites you are named the wicked by GOD in HIS word. It was prophesied thousands o years ago that GOD our CREATOR would bring HIS people Israel back to the land that HE gave to their fathers , and prophesied that HE would bring them back from the four cornes of the earth. I would put the scriptures up here showing you but I don't want to put GOD'S word on anything that displays such filth.

  5. My comment, posted as The Moderator on your last three posts: TIMELY MESSAGE FOR ALL
    From The Moderator

    We must be winning, otherwise I would not be overwhelmed with the assault on our comment section.

    Evil trolls with no conscience, who do not have any concept of joy, compassion, community, friendship or an instinct to protect children are pulling out the stops.

    These fiends, who enable the rape of children and who should not be able to look themselves in a mirror without vomiting, are pretending to be other commenters; hijacking threads; changing their names; offering fame and riches in exchange for satanic vows, and promoting strange products. I know you forgive me if it takes me a bit to delete them. If you must respond, please follow Stephens example and include the tidbits but have your comment be a "stand alone…" not a "reply." That way when I dump them your work is not deleted, and they do not get money for replies to their comments.

    I have no idea how I will continue to deal with these seemingly irredeemable pieces of human filth, but I will do my best.

    To our good community, please stay with us, and together we will continue to discuss, debate and disseminate all the ideas and truths that good and brave people like Dr. Fetzer continue to share with us.

    I am undaunted and more determined than ever to help clean up my little corner of decency.

    Thanks for your support.

  6. Wow, David, this is a new one. Someone claiming to be you and posting filth. Thanks for saying something. I really hate having to read that stuff carefully, but I will try. I am sorry not to have realized it, since you are a long time commenter.
    Things are getting pretty fucking weird out there….

  7. Wow! What a nice comment. Glad to have you here in our community. I love smart women.
    Not sure about the "lefty" reference. It's not "left vs right" but banks and monopolistic transnational corporations vs humanity.
    Look forward to hearing from you again.

  8. Too many people simply love to pile on, when it comes to dismissing, then vilifying Americans. Never understanding, nor realizing the underlying truth of why things are going the way they are going. Easy-peasy, all pile-on, and hate away at the so-called hatred being viewed as coming from Americans. Americans, who love 'guns' and 'bombs', and killing foreigners even more than they love killing each other, eh?

    Hogwash, thrown at us wholesale, by outsiders, even outsiders born here yet who's hearts live elsewhere, who truly haven't a single clue to their names. Never seeing Americans as genuinely loving and caring people, for the most part, who trusted too much in a govt. that has now been co-opted by lefties, and neo-con-artists, who's agenda does not include keeping the constitution of the United States intact at all, and who's hearts have been replaced by self-righteous self-interest, minus any genuine wisdom whatsoever.

    It's tough, I know, to watch as the lefty/neo-con-filled govt. that pretends to be American, and to represent our country, literally causes the devastation witnessed in the mideast, while you simply overlook, and forget all about, the sacrifices made by our countrymen during both world wars, and beyond. While also watching as the U.N. deliberately used the U.S., and it's military, to fight in Korea[the 'war'/policeaction no one likes to even remember taking place], as well as when the criminals in W.D.C. threw us nearly bodily into Vietnam, after having our last great, country-loving president shot to death.

    No, just look at what fits your narrative, trash us all, and move back to good, old Canada. Where everyone is perfect, and your govt. is perfect. While so many of your countrymen move on down here, and win jobs in media, movies, and television, earning money they couldn't earn back home. Then if war breaks out somewhere, and the U.S. is again told to get involved by the leftie/neo-con war-hawks in D.C., then they can all just move on back to Canada, where they'll be safe and sound. Once the war is all over, though, they can move on back down here, and start earning all that money once again.

    Yes, Canadian actress, move back home, but look to your right and your left, because the "summer soldier" and the "sunshine patriot", that Thomas Paine described in his paper penned on December 23, 1776, will be keeping company with you, since they are only citizens of the U.S. when it's comfortable to be so. Never bother with trying to contribute in making American society better. Just tuck in that tail, and run back home where it's safe, and warm, and your govt. will protect you from all evil. Evil generated here by those embraced by those like yourself–members of the vaunted left-hand-path, and the rotten neo-conned right.

  9. For Canadians, blaming America is almost as natural and reflexive as breathing. They need to realize that what infects the U.S. also infects Canada and every other Western country. Look at how Canada prosecutes thought crimes. The only reason Canada isn't used in these unnecessary wars is because it has far fewer people. Look at how the U.K. and Canada were led into WW2, another unnecessary war.

    By the way, if you like Ms. Kidder as an actress, see "The Reincarnation of Peter Proud." I don't know why this movie got shoved down the memory hole, but it is pretty good, assuming you don't mind nudity. Actually, I am opposed to gratuitous nudity in movies. This is a technique of psychological warfare used by our sneak rulers.

  10. She's such a Kidder. But seriously, since ISIS is fake and Bin Laden was fake and Sandy Hook is fake, what makes Kidder think any of the "deaths" are real? They might be as fake as all the hoaxes and CIA muppets.

  11. Margot, I have never heard of you. I assume you are a very nice lady. I am writing to say that the emotion you expressed could not possibly have more accurately described the 'ugly not-American' in me. I live MANY thousands of kilometers away from you – in a world that is profoundly different. Yet I feel exactly the same – when will this "beast power meet its demise"?; when will we be free of this monstrosity?

    I feel glad to have come across Prof. Fetzer and his work – I am almost finished "America was nuked on 9/11" and I ascribe to him great qualities I would love to see in his fellows.
    There are too few who have done good not evil. How sad. How tragic. What can any non-American say?

  12. His Bless you Margot! I'm so tired over the state of affairs in the US & not proud to call myself American….it is all very sickening. Good one here..we mistakenly bombed Syrian military over the weekend instead of isis…whoops huh Obama…your bad. Disgusting lies. Lord help us

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