JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn’t

James Fetzer
13 June 2010

Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated 42 years ago in the midst of his campaign for the U.S. presidency. Largely overshadowed by the death of his brother, President John F. Kennedy, the official account of RFK’s tragic end, allegedly shot down by a lone gunman, like his brother, has received vastly less attention. In both instances, we are looking at staged events that fit into a recurrent pattern in U.S. and world history where innocent individuals (or “patsies”) are baited and framed for cover-up purposes. Professor James H. Fetzer, an expert in the scientific study of assassinations, provides a sketch of how we know what happened to them and why, where RFK’s assassination was in part intended to prevent a reinvestigation into his brother’s death.

A persistent myth of American history is that lone assassins were responsible for the deaths of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert Francis Kennedy. But four of the Lincoln conspirators were hanged from the same gallows at the same time [1]. On June 5, 1968, after RFK won the Democratic primary in California, he was shot down as he passed through the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel. The official account maintains that he was taken out by a lone, demented gunman, Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian who had written, “RFK must die!”, over and over in a notebook. Like the lone, demented gunman accused of assassinating his brother, John, both murders were products of conspiracies, where Sirhan Sirhan, like Lee Harvey Oswald, was designated as the patsy.

In spite of their history, most Americans continue to believe that their nation is “an exception” and that, while conspiracies occur elsewhere, including Europe and the Middle East, especially, they do not occur at home. The truth, of course, is that conspiracies are as American as apple pie. All that they require is collaboration between two or more individuals to bring about an illegal end. Most American conspiracies are economic, but many are political, too. Franklin Delano Roosevelt observed long ago that, if something important happened in politics, you could bet it was not by accident. And that is certainly the case regarding the brothers.

The assassinations of RFK and JFK were both conspiracies. Both involved the destruction of evidence. Both involved the fabrication of evidence. Both involved framing their patsies. Both involved complicity by local officials. Both involved planning by the CIA. Both were used to deny the American people of the right to be governed by leaders of their own choosing. My purpose here is to outline how these things are done, because the agencies responsible for these events continue to employ the same techniques, not only of killing their targets but of covering them up. The more we understand how these things are done, the less likely we are to be deceived again.

Some basic facts


- More bullets were fired in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel than could have come from Sirhan Sirhan’s gun.
- RFK was shot behind the right ear from about 1.5 inches, but Sirhan was never that close and always in front of him.
- The coroner’s report did not support the Los Angeles’ Police Department’s assassination scenario.

- The Los Angeles Police Department engaged in massive destruction of evidence from the pantry of the hotel because “it would not fit into a card file”.


- The weapon Oswald is alleged to have used cannot have fired the bullets that killed JFK.
- The “magic bullet” theory is provably untrue and was not even anatomically possible.
- JFK was hit four times – in the throat from in front, in the back from behind and in the head from in front and behind
- X—rays were altered, a brain was substituted, and photos and films were faked to conceal the true causes of his death.

The assassination of RFK completed the decapitation of the left wing in the United States, which had begun with the termination of JFK’s presidency but continued with the gunning down of Malcolm X, who was the most progressive voice on the far left. With the deaths of Martin Luther King (April 4, 1968) and Robert F. Kennedy, the country shifted strongly to the right, in part from the despair induced by the loss of inspiring leaders.

The conditions required for movements capable of historic changes include intelligent, charismatic, and inspirational leaders, of whom there are very few like these. While the execution of Czar Nicholas II and his family in Russia and of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in France meant there was “no turning back”, removing liberal leaders cements the status quo with its distribution of wealth and power.

RFK: The Ambassador Hotel

The weapon removed from Sirhan Sirhan was a .22 caliber, eight-round revolver, with serial number H-53725 [2]. Sirhan emptied his weapon from a location in front of Bobby Kennedy. The autopsy performed by Dr. Thomas Noguchi, however, showed RFK was hit by four bullets, all of which were fired from behind at upward angles. And five others were wounded by separate shots [3].

Bullets were removed from holes in the walls and ceiling of the pantry. Since there were as many as thirteen shots—some of which even hit the ceiling behind his location—Sirhan could not have fired them all. And with more than one shooter, a conspiracy had to have been involved [4]. Autopsy reports are usually “the best evidence” about a crime of this kind. Dr. Noguchi’s medical report, however, did not agree with the Los Angeles Police report. The evidence did not point to Sirhan as the killer [5]. In particular, the fatal shot entered behind his right ear from about an inch and a half away, but Sirhan had not been closer than several feet in front of RFK.

Although Sirhan cannot have fired the bullets that killed Kennedy, his defense attorney, Grant Cooper, did not defend him on the ground that he wasn’t guilty but argued instead for “diminished capacity” [6]. Another witness, DeWayne Wofler, even testified that the bullets fired at RFK had come from an entirely different gun [7].

As it happened, a security guard named Thane Eugene Cesar had a weapon with the same caliber and was right behind RFK when the shooting began. Remarkably, even though he admitted having drawn his gun and many witnesses reporting hearing shots from more than one weapon, no one ever asked to examine his gun [8].

Acoustics expert Van Praag tested an H&R 922 of the kind Cesar had and determined that an H&R 922 had been fired at the same time as Sirhan’s [9]. Further indications of conspiracy extended to a couple, including a woman in a polka dot dress, who rushed away from the scene shouting, “We shot him! We shot him! We shot Kennedy!” [10].

RFK: Evidence of Conspiracy

William Turner and Jonn Christian [11] have produced a powerful case indicting Cesar for the crime. They concluded that Sirhan may have been firing blanks, which they support on the basis of witness testimony that his shots created long, visible flames, which are commonly produced by blanks, to insure that those in his field of fire — who actually killed Kennedy — would not be hit by a stray bullet.

That would mean that none of the bullet holes were made by shots from Sirhan’s gun and, indeed, at least one witness reported seeing yet a third shooter in the pantry, perhaps as a back-up if Cesar failed. And the LAPD was very accommodating in destroying evidence that might have exposed those who shot him.

In fact, there are multiple indications that the CIA was involved. A hypnotist named William Joseph Bryan, was on the radio suggesting the assassin was probably “mind controlled” before Sirhan had been identified as a suspect. Bryan later boasted to several hookers that he worked for the CIA and had hypnotized Sirhan [12].

Sirhan’s defense attorney, moreover, had just finished representing the CIA’s contact with organized crime, Johnny Roselli, which may have been why he was so accommodating with respect to his client’s guilt [13]. One way to insure a patsy will be convicted is to have your own man represent him.

Cesar himself had worked at Lockheed and Hughes Aircraft, both of which have extensive connections with the agency [14]. And even more strikingly, three prominent CIA officials—George Joannides, David Sanchez Morales, and Gordon Campbell—have been identified as present at the Ambassador.

Bradley Ayers, an Army captain assigned to the CIA at JM/Wave in Miami from May 1962 to December 1964, had met all three and identified them in film footage from the Ambassador [15]. Gordon Campbell had even been Ayer’s case officer while he was working for the agency.

Wayne Smith, who served as an ambassador with the Department of of State from 1957-1982 with JFK’s Latin American Task Force, also knew Morales [16]. When he viewed the same footage as Ayers, he immediately recognized Morales. As he later told Shane O’Sullivan, “Bobby Kennedy is assassinated [and] David Morales is there? The two things have to be related” [17].

RFK: The Cover-Up

Ayers and Smith both confirmed the person in the film as Morales [18]. They were both emphatic. Ayers noticed his body language (his way of moving). James Richards, an expert on the CIA, provided me with a photo of Morales, who looks exactly like the Morales-look-alike at the Ambassador. I don’t even think it’s a difficult call [19] [20].

The George Joannides figure seems to be wearing a wig. Richards also sent me a photo of Joannides, which makes it obvious why he would have been wearing one: the man was virtually bald! While it has been claimed that Cambell died on September 19, 1962, he was Ayers’ case officer from 1963-1964. Faking a death certificate would be far easier for the CIA than having an impostor working with Ayers.

The LAPD was not subtle in the destruction of evidence related to the crime. It destroyed the ceiling panels and door frames from the pantry on the ground they were “too large to fit into a card file” and burned some 2,400 photographs, including those taken by 15-year old Scott Enyart, who was standing on a table and took three roles of film [21].

When the department created a Special Unit Senator (SUS) to look into the case, it chose two officers who had ties to the CIA. They badgered witnesses who did not support the official line. One, Manuel Pena, had worked in Special Ops for the CIA. He was responsible for approving SUS interviews [22].

The Shadow of Dallas

David Sanchez Morales also appears to have been involved in the assassination of his brother, John, on November 22, 1963. He said to friends while drinking heavily that he had been in Dallas (“We took care of that son-of-a-bitch!”) and in Los Angeles (where “We got the little bastard!”) [23].

His involvement was confirmed by E. Howard Hunt, who told his son, St. John, that those who were responsible for the assassination of the 35th president included LBJ and CIA officials Cord Meyer, David Atlee Philips, William Harvey, and Morales [24]. Others who knew Lyndon well have also implicated him [25] [26]. And high-level involvement by the government has been confirmed by multiple lines of investigation.

There are more than 15 indications of Secret Service complicity in setting JFK up for the hit [27]. Two agents assigned to the limousine were left behind at Love Field. The flat-bed truck for reporters to that should have preceded the limo was cancelled. The motorcycle escort was cut down to four and was instructed not to ride ahead of the rear wheels. Open windows were not covered, the manhole covers not welded, and the crowd was allowed to spill into the street.

Most strikingly, the vehicles were in the wrong order, with the Lincoln first, when it should have been in the middle. This was such a blatant violation of protocol that any security expert could have detected it, which is undoubtedly why, when the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) asked for the Presidential Protection Records for other JFK motor-cades, the agency, instead of providing them, destroyed them [28].

The route was changed just days before the event and included a turn of more than 90°, in violation of Secret Service protocol. After bullets began to be fired, the driver, William Greer, pulled the limo to the left and to a halt [29]. At Parkland Hospital, agents got a bucket of water and a sponge and washed brains and blood from the crime scene [30].

The limousine was taken back to Ford and on Monday, November 25, the day of the formal state funeral, it was stripped to bare metal and rebuilt, including replacing the windshield, which had a through-and-through bullet hole, which spectators had noticed at Parkland and the Ford official responsible for its replacement confirmed, where the Secret Service would later produce yet a third windshield which had only interior cracks [31].

JFK: The “Magic Bullet”

Two wounds were widely reported on radio and television that day, a wound to the throat and a massive wound at the back of the cranium, which was caused by a shot that entered his right temple [32]. Both wounds were observed by many experienced physicians at Parkland Hospital. Charles Crenshaw, M.D., who closed JFK’s eyes before he was placed into the bronze ceremonial casket, sent me drawings of the wound to the throat and of the exit wound to the head [33].

Malcolm Perry, M.D., who had made the incision, described the throat wound as a “wound of entry” three times during the Parkland press conference, which began at 2:16 PM [34]. The Warren Commission would cope with these problems by simply reversing the trajectories, turning the throat wound into a wound of exit where the damage to the cranium was altered to make it look more like the effect of a bullet fired from above and behind [35].

The greatest problem arose from the discovery that, of the three shots it claimed to have been fired, one had missed and injured a bystander named James Tague. The FBI and Secret Service had concluded that each of the alleged shots had hit: that JFK had been hit in the back, that Texas Governor John Connally had been hit in the back, and that JFK had been hit in the head, which killed him.

Since one shot had missed, the commission now had to create an alternative explanation, claiming the bullet that hit JFK in the back had passed through his neck and exited from his throat, then entered the back of Connally, shattering a rib, existing his chest, damaging his right wrist and finally embedding itself in his left thigh, a most unlikely scenario that is known as the “magic bullet” theory [36].

To make the “magic bullet” theory remotely plausible, Gerald Ford (R-MI), a member of the commission, had the description of the wound to the back changed from “his uppermost back”, which was already an exaggeration, to “the back of his neck”, which would not become known to the public until the first releases from the ARRB [37].

Even The Warren Report (1964) located the hole in the jacket 5 3/8” below the collar and 1 1/8” to the right of its center seam and the hole in the shirt was 5 ¾” below the collar and 1 1/8” right of its center seam [38] — a location that corresponds to an autopsy sketch, an FBI sketch, the death certificate by the president’s personal physician and even reenactment photographs by the commission’s own staff.

JFK: The Cover-Up

A downward bullet at this location means that the throat wound and
Connally’s had been caused by other shots and other shooters [39]. Michael Baden, M.D., who chaired the medical panel for the the House Select
Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), when it reinvestigated the crime in 1977-78, said, on the 40th observance of the assassination, that if the “magic bullet” theory were false, then there had to have been at least six shots from three directions [40].

It is not only false and provably false but turns out to be anatomically impossible, since cervical vertebrae intervene [41]. David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., has shown JFK was hit four times—in the throat from in front, in the back from behind, and twice in the head both from in front and behind [42]. Connally was hit at least once from the side — as he was turning to the left — and at least one shot had missed. So Baden was right for the wrong reasons.

Mantik, moreover, studied the autopsy X-rays using the method of optical densitometry to determine the relative density of the objects whose exposure to X-rays had created the images [43]. He found an area at the back of the head that had been “patched” using material that was too dense to be human bone and that a 6.5mm metallic slice had been added to other X-rays in an apparent effort to connect the shooting with an obscure Italian weapon Lee Oswald was alleged to have used.

Ironically, while the death certificates and the autopsy report state that JFK was killed by high-velocity bullets, the Mannlicher-Carcano only has a muzzle velocity of 2,000 fps [44]. Since high velocities are above 2,600 fps, the Mannlicher-Carcano does not qualify [45]. So the weapon that Oswald is alleged to have used cannot have fired the bullets that killed JFK.

JFK: The Controversy Endures

Even if the weapon had been far better, such as the M-1 on which he had been trained, the shots themselves were highly improbable. The interactive internet game, “JFK: Reloaded”, which used a superior weapon with a properly aligned sight, a smooth trigger action, and no recoil and allowed endless practice sessions before attempting to hit the target, was won by a shooter who scored only a .782 out of 1.000, so he only scored a “C+” in attempting to replicate the shots [46].

That the simple expedient of locating where the bullet hit JFK’s back is enough to establish the existence of a conspiracy has not inhibited those who want to obfuscate the facts. A controversy over neutron activation analysis persisted for years, as if discovering that bullet fragments found in the car had come from the same lot as those used by the alleged “assassination weapon” would show either the location from which they were fired or the identity of who had fired them [47].

One pseudo-documentary after another continues to be broadcast over the major networks based upon a film whose revision makes it impossible to reconstruct what actually happened in a determined effort to persuade the public that JFK was killed by a lone, demented gunman, even though the authentic evidence, once separated from the fabricated, refutes it [48], [49], [50] and [51]. The demise of the “magic bullet” alone establishes conspiracy.

What it means

Creating a false photographic record of the assassination was crucial to the cover-up. Had JFK been killed in a non-public setting, no one would have believed he had not been taken out by a conspiracy. As much thought was given to concealing the truth from the public as was given to executing the assassination itself. By removing some events and adding others, the home movie known as the Zapruder film became the backbone of the cover-up [52]. As long as it was taken to be authentic, it would be impossible to reconstruct the crime.

Among the most important reasons for recreating the film—which was done using original footage and sophisticated techniques of optical printing and of special effects—was removing the limo stop, which was such an obvious indication of Secret Service complicity. There were conflicts with the film from the beginning [53]. Today, evidence of fabrication is simply overwhelming [54], [55] and [56].

These discoveries have considerable impact on alternative theories of the assassination. The Mafia, which no doubt put up some of the shooters, could not have extended its reach into the Bethesda Naval Hospital to alter X-rays under the control of medical officers of the US Navy, Secret Service agents, and the president’s personal physician.

Neither pro- nor anti-Castro Cubans could have substituted the brain of someone else for that of JFK. And even if the KGB had an ability to alter films equal to that of the CIA and Hollywood, it had no way to gain access to the Zapruder film. Nor could these things have been done by Lee Harvey Oswald, who was incarcerated or already dead.

Political implications

As Martin Shotz has observed, the purpose of the disinformation operation in the death of JFK is not really to convince the public of the official account but to create enough uncertainty that everything is believable and nothing is knowable [57]. The reasons are not difficult to discern for those who understand why he was taken out. He had evolved in office from a traditional cold warrior into a statesman for peace, which threatened the status quo.

JFK was threatening to cut the oil depletion allowance, which the Texas men regarded as their divine right. He had not invaded Cuba against the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Chiefs. He had signed an above ground test ban treaty with the Soviets against their unanimous opposition. And he was initiating the removal of American forces from Vietnam, where the chiefs believed that a stand had to be taken against the expansion of communism.

Bobby, JFK’s Attorney General, was aggressively cracking down on organized crime. Jack was going to reform or abolish the FED and, perhaps most of all, he was going to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces. Lyndon wanted to be president of all the people and J. Edgar Hoover wanted to stay on as Director of the FBI. No one could have explained all of this as well as has James Douglass [58].

The policies he represented would have brought about significant change in the distribution of wealth and power, which they were unwilling to accept [59]. Once committed to the crime, they were intent that no one should ever pay for it, lest the public learn the truth about the institutions of their own government. When Bobby allowed that he was going to use the powers of the presidency to uncover the truth about his brother [60], it sealed his fate. And the lies continue.

[1] Jesse Ventura (with Dick Russell), American Conspiracies, Skyhorse Publishing, 2010.

[2] Shane O’Sullivan, Who Killed Bobby?, Sterling Publishing, 2008.

[3] Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, eds., The Assassinations, Feral House, 2003.

[4] Jesse Ventura (with Dick Russell), Op. cit.

[5] Robert Geringer, The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.

[6] Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, eds., Op.cit.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Jesse Ventura (with Dick Russell), Op. cit.

[10] Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, eds., Op. cit.

[11] Jonn Christian and William Turner, The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1978.

[12] Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, eds. Op. cit.

[13] Ibid.

[14] Robert F. Kennedy, Spartacus Educational.

[15] Bradley Earl Ayers, The Zenith Secret, Vox Pop, 2006.

[16] Shane O’Sullivan, Op. cit.

[17] Ibid.

[18] Shane O’Sullivan, RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy, DVD (2007).

[19] David Sánchez Morales, Spartacus Educational.

[20] Bradley Ayers, Spartacus Educational.

[21] Jesse Ventura (with Dick Russell), Op. cit.

[22] Ibid.

[23] Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason, Laurel Publishing, 1997.

[24] Erik Hedegaard, The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt, rollingstone.com, April 5, 2007.

[25] Madeleine Duncan Brown, Texas in the Morning, Conservatory Press, 1997.

[26] Billie Sol Estes, A Texas Legend, BSE Productions, 2005.

[27] James H. Fetzer, ed., Murder in Dealey Plaza, Open Court, 2000, “Prologue”.

[28] Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board, 1998.

[29] Vince Palamara et al. in Murder in Dealey Plaza, A Book Review, 2000.

[30] Richard Trask, Pictures of the Pain, Yeoman Press,1994.

[31] Douglas Weldon et al. in Murder in Dealey Plaza, 2000; and James H. Fetzer, ed., Assassination Science, Open Court, 1998.

[32] “NOVEMBER 22, 1963: The Kennedy Assassination”, NBC News DVD, Parts 1 and 2.

[33] Charles Crenshaw, M.D., in Murder in Dealey Plaza, 2000, Appendix A.

[34] Malcolm Perry, M.D., Ibid, Appendix C.

[35] The Warren Report, Government Printing Office, 1964; and Douglas Horne, Inside the ARRB, 2009.

[36] The “magic bullet” is lampooned in Oliver Stone’s film, “JFK”.

[37] Ford Made Key Change in Kennedy Death Report, The New York Times (3 July 1997), p. A8.

[38] The Warren Report, Op. cit., page 92.

[39] James H. Fetzer, Reasoning about Assassinations, International Journal of the Humanities 3, (2005/2006).

[40] Beyond Conspiracy, ABC documentary, 2003 (YouTube).

[41] David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., in Stewart Galanor, Cover-Up, Kestrel Book, 1998.

[42] David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., et al. in Murder in Dealey Plaza, 2000.

[43] David W. Matiik, M.D., Ph.D., in Assassination Science, 2000.

[44] As even Gerald Posner, Case Closed, Random House, 1993, Appendix A, has acknowledged.

[45] See, for example, Bullet Trajectory: Fact and Myth, by Mike Nelson.

[46] JFK: Reloaded, Wikipedia.

[47] Single Bullet Story, Wikipedia.

[48] James H. Fetzer, Distorting the Photographic Record: Death in Dealey Plaza, in The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003).

[49] David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., and James H. Fetzer, Another Attempted Reenactment of the Death of JFK, November 21, 2008.

[50] David S. Lifton, in Moorman in the Street Revisited, Appendix, January 2009.

[51] James H. Fetzer, Dealey Plaza Revisited: What Happened to JFK?

[52] James H. Fetzer, ed., The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, Op. cit., “Prologue”.

[53] See, for example, Jim Marrs, Surveyor: More than 1 man shot Kennedy, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (14 April 1978).

[54] John P. Costella, The JFK Assassination Film Hoax: A Tutorial.

[55] James H. Fetzer, Zapruder JFK Film impeached by Moorman JFK Polaroid, March 28, 2009.

[56] James H. Fetzer, US Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication, April 7, 2010.

[57] E. Martin Schotz, History will Not Absolve Us, Kurtz, Ulmer, and DeLuca Book Publishers, 1996.

[58] James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why he Died and Why it Matters, Abis Books, 2008.

[59] Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, University of California Press, 1996.

[60] David Talbot, Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, The Free Press, 2007.

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19 thoughts on “JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn’t”

  1. On accepting lies, how can it be??

    The bulk of US citizens accept lies on USS Maine, USS Liberty, Tonkin Incident, JFK&RFK, Vietnam, TWA800, 9/11, Iraq's WMDs, Afghanistan's Bin Laden & Al Qaeda.

    Accepting lies is the norm, where warfare is involved.

    It is not uniquely American.

    For example, God is fighting on the side of every group who commit war if you notice.

  2. No, Sirhan was firing an 8-shot Iver Johnson. Anonymous seems to have misread the sentence about the H&R Model 922 having been fired at the same time as Sirhan fired. Even Wiki has it right: "Convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed Presidential candidate United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles, California on 5 June 1968 with an eight-shot Iver Johnson .22 caliber Cadet 55-A revolver (serial number H-53725, Trial-People's Exhibit #6, misidentified in trial testimony as S/N H-18602)." That the most important piece of evidence in an important trial should have been "misidentified" suggests that perhaps the LAPD was even manipulating the identification of the revolver in order to match planted bullets, which might have been important, especially if he had been firing blanks.

  3. "It still is mind boggling that we just sat back and accepted the lies from people like LBJ and the Warren Commission, knowing all the time they were lies. My only explanation for our reaction is: The truth was so unexceptable that we choose to belive the lies (it was easier to accept than the truth that America is administered by people other than what we thought). Does anyone else have any ideas why?"

    The reason why is ultimately the same reason why the American people have largely accepted lies like "Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" or "Saddam Hussein did 9/11" to justify American wars.

    Deep down, the American people have a religious-like belief in their own goodness and that of the USA.

    America is the Land of the Free.

    America is the Beacon of Liberty.

    America is the leader of the so-called Free World.

    As such, the USA is funamentally incapable of engaging in anti-democratic and anti-freedom actions like assassinating its own rulers and covering it up, or waging wars of aggression based upon deceptions.

    This ideology is called American Exceptionalism, and is a core reason why the JFK Lie has persisted for half a century.

  4. There is a very important element omitted in this study:


    Israel must have been either a) a Mossad participant in these assassinations, or b) a cooperative witness.

    Why? Because if Israel had not been either a) or b), Israel would have most certainly revealed the perpetrators of these murders.

    Yet, the cover-up proceeded without a hitch and remains the Official Truth to this day.

  5. Why? Because we were and are brainwashed. We went to public schools that inculcated certain societal values, values the government wanted.

    I'm just 59. I broke free 20 years ago. Our system is so fooked it's ridiculous. Nothing you know is true. I've spent these 20 years studying our history, primarily the Framers and the Constitution. What I know I leanred through God's Will. He lead me down the straight path.

    I am angry over what I know because I have so little power. I share regularly with those who will listen. I teach my students about the lies. But I have to overcome so much. In my last class, my students said that I told them all they had learned was wrong but how could they know I was right. I told them that had to educate themselves about every subject and decide from the evidence.


  6. I am now 70 years old and obviously lived through these events. It still is mind boggling that we just sat back and accepted the lies from people like LBJ and the Warren Commission, knowing all the time they were lies. My only explanation for our reaction is: The truth was so unexceptable that we choose to belive the lies (it was easier to accept than the truth that America is administered by people other than what we thought).
    Does anyone else have any ideas why?
    C Johnson

  7. That Sirhan appears to have been under hypnotic suggestion is not in doubt. But he cannot have fired at least thirteen shots from an eight-shot revolver, much less using blanks. And he cannot have shot Bobby from behind when he was to his front. And he cannot have shot him behind the right ear from 1.5 inches when he never got closer than a few feet. Since we even have a hypnotist with connections to the agency who boasts he had hypnotized Sirhan, I don't think there is any room for doubt (1) that multiple shooters were involved, (2) that it was therefore a conspiracy, and (3) that Sirhan was acting under hypnosis as "the patsy". Given the presence of Joannides, Morales, and Campbell, who have been identified by two competent witnesses, we know the basic outline of this story.

  8. The Warren Commission sealed the records for 75 years, which was more than the average lifespan of an American at the time. So by the time they were opened to the public, everyone who was alive at the time would have been dead. Oliver Stone's "JFK", however, created such a sensation that the Congress passed a JFK Records Act that established a five-member board of civilians entrusted with the authority to declassify documents from the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and so forth. They did an excellent job and made some 60,000 documents available to the public. If we only knew how many there were to begin with, we would have a better idea how much they declassified. They were classified on the basis of considerations of "national security", but if the official account of a lone, demented gunman were true, then the case had no "national security" ramifications. The inference, of course, is elementary. See Douglas Horne, Inside the ARRB (2009), for an extended study of the operation and success of the Assassination Records Review Board.

  9. Could not have done this alone?.

    Could paying off well connected and very corrupt person(s) to convince the enemy of your enemy to get some misguided, brainwashed and fanatical person such as Sirhan Sirhan to do this horrible not be plausible.

    He is now siting in jail for the rest of is life and possibly still convinced he was doing the right thing for is country Palestine where the British had received a mandate to administer Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people.

  10. great story. Americans are so overwhelmed by the awful truth that they can't even process this information anymore. Let's face it, this is how the world works and how it has always worked. Is it any wonder that the sheeple choose to live in a delusional fantasyland? Don'tcha wish you could join them? Oh, it's time to go watch a reality show on TV . . .

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