Cyber Warfare over a 9/11 Symposium?

March 31, 2003: A hooded Iraqi prisoner of war comforts his four-year-old son at a US-run centre for POWs near An Najaf, Iraq.

Unbelievable as it may seem, a series of emails about a public event scheduled for Wednesday, 14 July 2010–including two over this past weekend–have not reached their destinations. The explanation appears to be that the authorities, especially in the UK, do not want an event devoted to debunking the so-called “war on terror” to occur. The symposium, an evening event featuring the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth (me), the co-founder of Muslims for 9/11 Truth (Kevin Barrett), and the celebrated jazz musician and political commentator (Gilad Atzmon), will explain why 9/11 does not justify wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan. We were able to secure perhaps the best venue in London, Friends House opposite Euston Station, but unless the public knows that it is going to take place, we may be speaking to an empty hall. Interference with emails thus appears to be the cheapest and most effective method of bringing this effort to inform the public about the use of a “false flag” attack to instill fear into the American and British public in order to manipulate them for political purposes. The stakes are very high in a case like this, which appears to be the reason that extraordinary steps are being taken to make sure it is not a success.

This is the email dated 29 May, which none of the addressees received.

to ……, …….., …….., ………….
date Sat, May 29, 2010 at 7:07 PM
subject LONDON SYMPOSIUM: “Debunking the ‘War on Terror'”

….. and …….,

Now that we have the venue at Friends House, we need help promoting the event. I do not want to fly Kevin and me to London to speak to an empty hall. Are there things that the two of you can do that will bring people to Friends House for this event? Declan and Lola are ready and willing to do whatever they can to assist in this effort. Declan, in particular, is already traveling about London, visiting mosques, temples, and related organizations distributing flyers. While he is being cordially received, he is seriously concerned that Muslims especially may not come because of prayers, money or fear of surveillance. If there are any names of persons Declan might meet in order to aggressively promote this event, especially by means of email and email contacts, please let us know. If I have email addresses, I will email them myself. Kevin is creating a new section of his own web site to feature a description of the program and its purpose with the same content as at But we have no doubt that we need your help to make this event a success.

Declan asks, “Is there is anybody I can meet to help promote this event?”

Many thanks!



“Debunking the ‘War on Terror’:
Are Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Justified by 9/11?”
6-9:30 PM, Friends House, Euston Road opposite Euston Station

An international symposium, “Debunking the ‘War on Terror'”, is scheduled to occur in London, UK, as an evening event from 6:30-9:30 PM on Wednesday, 14 July 2010. This symposium will feature James Fetzer, Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Kevin Barrett, Co-Founder, Muslims for 9/11 Truth, and Gilad Atzmon, jazz musician and political commentator, who will offer their assessments of the evidence that 9/11 has been misrepresented by the US government for its own political purposes.

The speakers will focus on the use of the events of 9/11 to manipulate American and British citizens into supporting invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan in violation of international law, the UN Charter, and even the US Constitution. The event will be held in The Large Meeting Hall of Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London. Friends House is on the south side of Euston Road directly opposite Euston Station (BR main line, Victoria and Northern underground lines). The doors will open at 6 PM with a £10 admission fee.

For more information, visit http://truthjihad/london.htm. You may also contact Declan and Lola Heavey,, in London.

Yours truly,


James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
McKnight Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota Duluth
Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth
800 Violet Lane
Oregon, WI 53575
(608) 835-2707


And this is the email I sent to more than 14 people on 25 May.

Subject: RE: Fwd: Symposium: “Debunking the ‘War on Terror'”
To: …….., …….., …….., ……….

As it happens, I am presenting a symposium in London, but it was very difficult to arrange a venue. And I suspect that this development is a token of the resistance that we are likely to encounter in bringing it off. Lola Heavey, one of my associates in London with her husband,
Declan, is the webmaster for and suggested I write.

Best wishes,


—– Forwarded message from —–

Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 07:39:30 -0500
Subject: RE: Fwd: Symposium: “Debunking the ‘War on Terror'”
To: ….., ……..,
cc: ……, …….., ………….

….. and …..,

There have been some interesting developments in relation to local plans for the symposium, where Belinda McKenzie turns out to be unable to provide rooms for Kevin and me to stay during our visit or Mark, who is going to videotape the program, overnight. Belinda has been quite supportive in the past, so this is very disappointing. I wanted to share this with you in case you–or David Ray Griffin, whom I have included here–may have any thoughts or suggestions.

Warm regards,


—– Forwarded message from —–
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 06:56:57 -0500
Subject: RE: Fwd: Symposium: “Debunking the ‘War on Terror'”
To: “Belinda McKenzie” ,
Cc: “‘Declan Heavey'” , “Kevin Barrett” kbarrett”


You can imagine my surprise that you are unable to rent rooms to Kevin and me as lodgers during our visit to London, since we have been planning this for more than six months now. But I can also appreciate the reasons why you are unable to accommodate us. Any suggestions would be most welcome, of course.

Thanks for offering to print Declan’s flyers, which could be done in smaller runs. I have always understood that larger runs were less expensive per copy, so that also comes as news to me. I guess I am not current with UK printing policies. I would appreciate having your price for printing them either way.

Our symposium has a broader scope and line up, where my understanding was that you overpriced your tickets and put yourself out of business for all but the hard core. This event has different aspects, but I would be intrigued to know precisely what venue you had booked and just how you went about promoting it.

How the WTC was done remains an unresolved aspect of 9/11 research, where no one seems to know, but the possibility of Tesla-style mechanisms has recently emerged. Neils Harrit, of course, would have been focusing on the question of precisely how it was done, which bothers you, as the focus of his presentation.

What is important about the Twin Towers, no doubt, is that, even in their most observable features, their destruction debunks the official account. I wish you well with your “Starchild” and pedophelia projects. I had not anticipated sending an announcement to your list would conflict with your other projects.

I am sorry to hear that dinner with Judyth went by the boards. I thought it was a very nice gesture on your part and wish it had worked out. I find it rather amusing you would suggest that I am overworking Declan and Lola, since it is my distinct impression that they are the ones who are overworking me!

But I certainly both agree that they are “an excellent pair of human beings”!

Thanks for getting back to me about all of this.

Warm regards,


Quoting “Belinda McKenzie” :

Dear Jim

Apologies for being slow to respond, a lot of things going on at once at the moment.

First off leaflets, whatever Declan wants me to print I’ll print but it may be simpler and cheaper to go to a professional printer if large numbers are required.

Accomm: unfortunately I won’t be able to put the 2/3 of you up in my house in July after all because not knowing when you were coming I agreed to a Japanese lady & her 13 year-old son coming for the whole of that month, then another couple already here who were only going to be here for 2 months have extended to August. Which actually suits me very well, I need wall-to-wall staying & paying guests these days to make up for reduced rental from 3rd/top floor s/contained studio flat where Declan and Lola reside. That one flat used to pay all my house bills…I’m not remotely mercenary and other things are far more important to me than money, especially having such an excellent pair of human beings as Declan & Lola under my roof! but still, I have to balance the books here, this house is expensive to keep as well as life generally. Hence priority has to go to visitors who can stay for several weeks rather than just one.

So I’m going to have to ask you and Kevin and the gentleman-for-one-night to run the gauntlet of London hotels or B/Bs for the 5-6 days you’re here, perhaps we can find one near to here less expensive than central London, will certainly collaborate with D & L to make sure you’re comfortably and conveniently accommodated, plus as cheaply as possible.

Then re. contacting the 9/11 community in London, my contacts list is very out of date because I haven’t been doing 9/11 things for the past nearly three years now, have been working mainly for Make Wars History (anti-war campaign based on securing compliance with war-law), then things are suddenly getting interesting with the Starchild Project & Exopolitics, but most recently of all have become involved in the issue of child-abuse and am busy with a parliamentary campaign to expose and deal with paedophilia in public life. This is very sensitive and intensive as you can imagine and leaves little time for any other campaigning. I got a bit disenchanted with the 9/11 truth campaign to be honest as the issue seemed to be engendering so much squabbling with people taking up entrenched positions as to the physical evidence. Which was probably exactly what those who planned 9/11 intended to happen!

Quite how much the 9/11 truth movement here is in the doldrums at the moment was shown up last summer when Adrian and Francisco 2 very enterprising and energetic young events management professionals decided to mount a major 9/11 truth event in London, Kevin knows all about this because he was to have been a speaker at it! They pointedly chose 7th July as the date for the event and booked one of London’s largest venues seating 1000, right in the middle of the university campus. The other speaker was Neils Harrit. They leafleted and advertised like mad for the best part of 2 months but with only 2 weeks left to go they’d only sold 20 tickets! So finally decided to pull it, in best Silverstein-speak. Instead they held a much smaller meeting in a pub for the 20 who had booked and some 20 more turned up and that was very successful but mostly the old faces, very few newcomers.

Actually come to think, wouldn’t Adrian be a better person to supply the contacts list, he’ll have a more up-to-date one. I gather that Declan and Lola don’t know many people in the 9/11 community in London, possibly because they’re being kept so horrendously busy by you, day in day out! So much so, that when Judyth was here there was no time even for us to have dinner together! although I certainly invited her. Is all this overwork and haste etc. really healthy and necessary?! So I don’t know if they’ve been going to any of the Reinvestigate 9/11 meetings? If they have then they will have access to that list which again is newer than mine.

But of course will help network the event to the best of my ability.

More anon no doubt



—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: 23 May 2010 14:06
To: Belinda McKenzie
Subject: Re: Fwd: Symposium: “Debunking the ‘War on Terror'”


Please know that I am just the least bit concerned that I have not heard back from you. Usually, you are right there on the spot! I hope nothing is wrong. I assume your 9/11 list would like to know about a major 9/11 event in London. And of course Declan needs to have his materials printed up. I hope you did not think I was my intent that you should do any of this off-the-cuff! By no means!

Let me know what you charge for 500, black-and-white, singe page print runs (times two) and I will settle up with you. And since you already told Declan and Lola that Elias and Kevin were welcome, I assumed that extended to Kevin and me, since Elias is not going to be participating in this event–though I look forward to having him involved in a future event. He is quite an excellent fellow.

Please confirm all these matters, since they are time-sensitive. I am so glad for your assistance and knowing that you are there.

Warm regards,



Corrected/Corrected (I added the date to the short announcement).
Thanks! Jim


I have great news! Kevin Barrett, Gilad Atzmon, and I will be putting on an international symposium, “Debunking the ‘War on Terror’: Are the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Justified by 9/11?”, from 6-9:30 PM, Friends House, Euston Road opposite the Euston Station. I therefore wanted to write to ask if I could book rooms for me and Kevin Barrett during our stay in London. We haven’t fixed our dates of arrival and departure yet, but we are probably talking about six days and five nights. Let me know what that would run.

Declan and Lola have mentioned that you have a marvelous list of those who are interested in 9/11. I therefore also wanted to ask if you would be willing to send out an announcement about our symposium. I will provide it below. Third and last, he (Declan) will be distributing letters and flyers about this event, for which he needs high-quality, single-page, black and white copies. I also understand that you have the best press around. What would you charge for 500 copies each of two single-page letters?

Thanks for being so cordial with Judyth. I heard only good things about her visit and I am very much looking forward to meeting you on this visit.

Warm regards,


A LONDON SYMPOSIUM: “Debunking the ‘War on Terror’: Are the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Justified by 9/11?” 6-9:30 PM, 14 July 2010, Friends House opposite the Euston Station

An international symposium, “Debunking the ‘War on Terror'”, is scheduled to occur in London, UK, as an evening event from 6:30-9:30 PM on Wednesday, 14 July 2010. This symposium will feature James Fetzer, Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Kevin Barrett, Co-Founder, Muslims for 9/11 Truth, and Gilad Atzmon, jazz musician and political commentator, who will offer their assessments of the evidence that 9/11 has been misrepresented by the US government for its own political purposes.

The speakers will focus on the use of the events of 9/11 to manipulate American and British citizens into supporting invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan in violation of international law, the UN Charter, and even the US Constitution. The event will be held in The Large Meeting Hall of Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London. Friends House is on the south side of Euston Road directly opposite the Euston Station (BR main line, Victoria and Northern underground lines). The doors will open at 6 PM with a £10 admission fee.

For more information, visit

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