Jim Fetzer
When I was served with a lawsuit by Leonard Pozner for defamation for having characterized the death certificate he gave to Kelley Watt as a “fabrication”, which I have asserted hundreds of times, the process server said she had never seen anyone so glad to be served! And, indeed, she had it right, because I have wanted to have the chance to expose the elaborate charade known as “the Sandy Hook shooting” for what it was: a two-day FEMA exercise presented to the public as mass murder.
For those who need to play “catch up” about the suit, “Pozner v. Fetzer” was filed in Dane County Circuit Court on 27 November 2018, which I appreciated because that is the county in which I have resided since my retirement from the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota in 2006. I was served on 29 November 2018 and submitted an Answer rather than a Motion to Dismiss on 4 January 2019, because I don’t want the case to be dismissed but to be resolved in a Court of Law. Check out:
Having filed an Answer and thereby joined the case, I became entitled to Discovery, which allows the Defendant the right to request admissions from the Plaintiff to clarify and resolve issues in disputer prior to trial. I have accordingly submitted a Request for Admissions, including that the Plaintiff, Lenoard Pozner, admit that his alleged child, “Noah Pozner”, is a fiction made up out of photographs of his purported older step-brother, Michael Vabner, and that even “Lenny” himself is using a fake name, since he appears to be the real father of Michael Vabner, whose name is Reuben Vabner. Read about it here:
FAKE NEWS about FALSE FLAG Lawsuit: AP Reporter caught Falsifying Story
My requests for these admissions have multiple forms of evidential support, where additional proof now comes from Dr. Eowyn, who manages the Fellowship of Our Minds website. Dr. Eowyn has been among the most precise, exacting and persevering students of Sandy Hook and has been a frequent contributor to the conspiracy catalogue at moonrockbooks.com. When I edited the first edition of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), which amazon.com would ban less than a month after it went on sale, she had already published 80 articles about Sandy Hook, where I myself had already published 30.
Dr. Eowyn has done repeated, extensive and thorough searches for “Leonard Pozner” in national data bases, where he ought to have been identified, where someone by that name a real person. I has come as no surprise to those of us who are doing the most research on Sandy Hook (including Vivian Lee, James Tracy, Tony Mead and Wolfgang Halbig) that her searches have come up dry. When :”Lenny” previously sued Wolfgang (again for defamation), for example, when the Judge ruled that “Lenny” had to sit for a video deposition, he withdrew the suit rather than have his image recorded for the public. Consider:
My own experience with “Lenny” has been similar. When “Dark Net”, a TV series for Showtime, decided to do a segment on Sandy Hook, they pitted me against “Lenny”. In the video broadcast, my features are well-defined–actually, more well-defined than in any other video of me I have ever seen–but “Lenny” refused to allow his image to be broadcast, no doubt, I infer, because he didn’t want someone to see him and say, “Hey! I know that guy: it’s Reuben Vabner!” Sandy Hook was a very cleverly contrived scam on the public to promote gun control, which appears to have been years in preparation. Here’s additional proof:
NO. 2018-CV-003122
DEFENDANT JAMES FETZER hereby propounds the following requests for admission from Plaintiff Leonard Pozner.
PURSUANT TO WISCONSIN STATUTE SECTION 804.11(1)(A), you are hereby required to admit the truth of the following facts:
REQUEST NO. 1: Admit that Exhibit A is a web page for Michael Vabner.
REQUEST NO. 2: Admit that Exhibit B is another photograph of Michael Vabner.
REQUEST NO. 3: Admit that Exhibit C includes two photographs of “Noah Pozner” on the left (top and bottom).
REQUEST NO. 4: Admit that Exhibit C includes two photographs of Michael Vabner on the right (top and bottom).
REQUEST NO. 5: Admit that Exhibit C reflects the conjecture advanced by Kelley Watt that “Noah Pozner” is a fiction created out of photographs of Michael Vabner as a child.
REQUEST NO. 6: Admit that Exhibit D is another photograph presented as a photograph of “Noah Pozner”.
REQUEST NO. 7: Admit that Exhibit E provides prima facie proof that “Noah Pozner” and Michael Vabner are one and the same person.
REQUEST NO. 8: Admit that Exhibit E provides prima facie proof that “Noah Pozner” is a fiction created out of photographs of Michael Vabner as a child.
REQUEST NO. 9: Admit that Exhibit F shows that the right eye and the right ear of Exhibit D (of “Noah Pozner”) were photoshopped to slightly differ from the right eye and right ear of Exhibit B (of Michael Vabner).
REQUEST NO. 10: Admit that this was done to justify the specious allegation that the eyes and ears of Michael Vabner and the eyes and ears of “Noah Pozner” are not the same.
REQUEST NO. 11: Admit that, when these minor tweaks are taken into consideration, there is no room for doubt that “Noah Pozner” is a fiction made up out of photographs of Michael Vabner.
REQUEST NO. 12: Admit that this was one more step in advancing the deception that you lost a son named “Noah Pozner” during the alleged shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES).
REQUEST NO. 13: Admit that you are also the Plaintiff with Veronique De La Rosa in a suit against Alex Jones in Cause No. D-GN-18-001842 in the 345th District Court, Travis County, TX.
REQUEST NO. 14: Admit that, as a Plaintiff in Cause No. D-GN-18-001842, you receive or are notified of submissions accepted into the file of that case by the Clerk of the Court.
REQUEST NO. 15: Admit that, as a Plaintiff in Cause No. D-GN-18-001842, you were notified that Defendant had entered an amicus curiae brief as a friend of the Court.
REQUEST NO. 16: Admit that, as a Plaintiff in Cause No. D-GN-18-001842, you received or were made aware of Defendant’s submission, “Exhibit (1): Is ‘Noah Pozner’ Michael Vabner?”, which is included here as Exhibit G.
REQUEST NO. 17: Admit that, as a Plaintiff in Cause No. D-GN-18-001842, you received or were made aware of Defendant’s submission, “Exhibit (2): ‘Noah Pozner’ is Michael Vabner”, included here as Exhibit H.
REQUEST NO. 18: Admit that, as a Plaintiff in Cause No. D-GN-18-001842, you received or were made aware of Defendant’s submission, “Exhibit (3): Michael Vabner identifies himself”, which is included here as Exhibit I.
REQUEST NO. 19: Admit that, as a Plaintiff in Cause No. D-GN-18-001842, you received or were made aware of Defendant’s submission, “Exhibit (4): ‘Noah Pozner’ all grown up”, which is included here as Exhibit J.
REQUEST NO. 20: Admit that, as a Plaintiff in Cause No. D-GN-18-001842, you received or were made aware of Defendant’s submission, “Exhibit (5): Death Certificate ‘Lenny’ sent to Kelley”, which is included here as Exhibit K.
REQUEST NO. 21: Admit that Exhibit L, “Wolfgang Halbig Photo of Sandy Hook Girls, Alive and Well”, appears to be a photograph of eight (8) of the Sandy Hook girls, juxtaposed with the photos used to present them as decedents of the alleged shooting at SHES.
REQUEST NO. 22: Admit that Exhibit L, “Wolfgang Halbig Photo of Sandy Hook Girls, Alive and Well”, provides prima facie proof that the alleged shooting at SHES was an elaborate hoax.
REQUEST NO. 23: Admit that Exhibit M, “Wolfgang Halbig Photo of Sandy Hook Girls and Boys”, appears to be a composite of at least 11 Sandy Hook girls and four Sandy Hook boys.
REQUEST NO. 24: Admit that Exhibit M, “Wolfgang Halbig Photo of Sandy Hook Girls and Boys”, provides prima facie proof that the alleged shooting at SHES was an elaborate hoax.
REQUEST NO. 25: Admit that Exhibit M, “Wolfgang Halbig Photo of Sandy Hook Girls and Boys”, includes the image of “Noah Pozner” (at the bottom right) all grown up as Michael Vabner.
REQUEST NO. 26: Admit that Exhibit M, “Wolfgang Halbig Photo of Sandy Hook Girls and Boys”, provides prima facie proof that nobody died during the alleged shooting at SHES.
REQUEST NO. 27: Admit that Exhibit N, “Fabricated Passport for Noah Samuel Pozner”, purports to be page from a U.S. passport for a child by the name of ‘Noah Samuel Pozner’.
REQUEST NO. 28: Admit that Exhibit N, “Fabricated Passport of Noah Samuel Pozner”, does not conform to U.S. passport requirements, for example, because the purported image of ‘Noah Samuel Pozner’ extends beyond the space allocated and thus appears to be another fabrication.
REQUEST NO. 29: Admit that Exhibit N, “Fabricated Passport of ‘Noah Samuel Pozner’”, includes a passport number with “666” as its middle digits, the occurrence of which by chance is so remote it appears to be telegraphing that the alleged SHES shooting was a hoax that had Satanic elements.
REQUEST NO. 30: Admit that in bringing this lawsuit for defamation against Defendant, you, Plaintiff, have thereby perpetrated a fraud upon the Court.
Dated: February 5, 2019
800 Violet Lane
Oregon, WI 53575
(h): (608) 835-2707
(c): (608) 354-4280
Exhibit A:
Page from Website of Michael Vabner
Exhibit B:
Another Photograph of Michael Vabner
Exhibit C:
Photos of “Noah Pozner” and of Michael Vabner
Exhibit D:
Another Photo of “Noah Pozner”
Exhibit E:
From “Noah Pozner” to Michael Vabner
Exhibit F:
Proof Exhibit D was Photoshopped around Eyes and Ears

Exhibit G:
CAUSE NO. D-1-GN-18-001842 Exhibit (1)
Exhibit H:
CAUSE NO. D-1-GN-18-001842 Exhibit (2)
Exhibit I:
CAUSE NO. D-1-GN-18-001842 Exhibit (3)
Exhibit J:
CAUSE NO. D-1-GN-18-001842 Exhibit (4)
Exhibit K:
CAUSE NO. D-1-GN-18-001842 Exhibit (5)
Exhibit L:
Wolfgang Halbig Photo of Sandy Hook Girls, Alive and Well
Exhibit M:
Wolfgang Halbig Photo of Sandy Hook Girls and Boys
Exhibit N:
Fabricated Passport for “Noah Samuel Pozner”
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota and, with Mike Palecek, co-founder of moonrockbooks.com.

The Lenny Pozner law suit vs Jim Fetzer : Served on 29 November 2018 and James Madison introduced Constitutional Amendments
See also :
The 2018 Valentines Day Massacre at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, FLA : Nikolas Cruz and the US Constitution
It was POTUS #4, Founding Father, James Madison who introduced the Amendments to the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, on June 8, 1789
James Madison
After studying over two hundred amendments that had been proposed at the state ratifying conventions, [ 78 ] Madison introduced the Bill of Rights on June 8, 1789.
Primary Documents in American History
The Bill of Rights
Portrait of James Madison.
On June 8, 1789, James Madison introduced his proposed amendments to the Constitution, which would eventually become known as the Bill of Rights.
It is therefore no surprise, that James Madison features so frequently in shooting event scripts.
Jim Fetzer :
On 27 November 2018, the Minneapolis law firm, Meshbesher and Spence, Ltd., filed a suit against me on behalf of its client, Plaintiff Leonard Pozner, for defamation, and I was properly served on 29 November 2018.
From James Madison introduced the Amendments to the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, on June 8, 1789
to the Lenny Pozner law suit vs Jim Fetzer, formally served on November 29, 2018 is :
= 83814 days
= 666 days
+ 4973 + 4973 + 4973 + 4973 + 4973 + 4973 + 4973 days
+ 48337 days
4973 is the 666 th Prime Number = P( 666 ) = P666
48337 is the 4973 rd Prime Number = P( 4973 ) = P( P( 666 )) = PP666
So : 83814 days =
= 666 days
+ P666 + P666 + P666 + P666 + P666 + P666 + P666 days
+ PP666 days >
( 666 x3 x3 )
666 666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666
83814 days =
= P666 weeks, 666 + PP666 days >
( 666 x3 )
Once again, that’s perfect Kabbalistic precision, spanning 229 years, 5 months, 21 days, using 3x 666 and / or 3x 3x 666, to the exact day …
Dead Sandy Hook girls get together for a reunion.
Don’t know about this photo but food information discernible.
The death of journalist, Michael Hastings : Bill & Hillary Clinton
See also this post above :
The release of the Sandy Hook death certificates and Bill & Hillary Clinton
June 18, 2013 was also the date that journalist Michael Hastings was probably murdered in the “fiery car crash” …
Michael Hastings (journalist)
Michael Mahon Hastings (January 28, 1980 – June 18, 2013) was an American journalist, author, contributing editor to Rolling Stone and reporter for BuzzFeed.[3] He was raised in New York, Canada, and Vermont, and attended New York University. Hastings rose to prominence with his coverage of the Iraq War for Newsweek in the 2000s. After his fiancée Andrea Parhamovich was killed in an ambush, Hastings wrote his first book, I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story (2008), a memoir about his relationship with Parhamovich and the insurgency that took her life.[citation needed]
He received the George Polk Award for “The Runaway General” (2010), a Rolling Stone profile of General Stanley McChrystal, commander of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in the Afghanistan war. The article documented the widespread contempt for civilian government officials exhibited by the general and his staff and ultimately resulted in McChrystal’s resignation. Hastings followed up with The Operators (2012), a detailed account of his monthlong stay with McChrystal in Europe and Afghanistan.[citation needed]
Hastings became a vocal critic of the Obama administration, Democratic Party, and surveillance state during the 2013 Department of Justice investigations of reporters, referring to restrictions of freedom of the press as a “war” on journalism.[4] His last story, “Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans”, was published by BuzzFeed on June 7, 2013.[5][6]
Hastings died in an automobile crash on June 18, 2013, in Los Angeles, California.[7] Blue Rider Press published his only novel, The Last Magazine (2014), a year after his death.[8]
Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947
Bill Clinton was inaugurated POTUS for his 2nd term on January 20, 1997
From Hillary Clinton born on October 26, 1947
to the death of journalist Michael Hastings on June 18, 2013 is :
INTerval =
= 23976 days
= 36 x 666 days
= 6x 6x 666 days >
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
Note : The date calculator cannot show INTerval type date calcs ( whole days between dates ), so the result date is always shown as one day short. ( See below )
From Bill Clinton’s 2nd POTUS inauguration on January 20, 1997
to the death of journalist Michael Hastings on June 18, 2013 is :
INClusive =
= 5994 days
= 9x 666 days
= 3x 3x 666 days >
666 666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666
The release of the Sandy Hook death certificates and Bill & Hillary Clinton
According to the New York Post, on June 18, 2013, the Sandy Hook death certificates were released in response to their FOIA request :
Source : https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2015/10/22/sandy-hook-adam-lanzas-strange-dec-13-date-of-death-just-wont-go-away/
Web archive :
NY Post : Nearly all 26 Newtown massacre victims suffered ‘multiple gunshot wounds,’ death certificates reveal
By Reuven Fenton
June 18, 2013 | 4:21pm
All but two of the 26 students and staffers killed in the Sandy Hook school massacre died from “multiple gunshot wounds,” according to death certificates obtained by The Post today.
Lanza, 20, then killed himself with a single gunshot wound to the head with a Glock 10 mm handgun as cops closed in.
He’d earlier killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, 52, shooting her multiple times in the head with a Savage .22 caliber rifle as she slept in her bed in the family’s Yogananda Street home, her death certificate states.
The records were released today in a belated response to a Freedom of Information request filed by The Post.
Lanza, 20, fired 154 rounds from a Bushmaster military-style assault weapon inside the school, according to search warrant affidavits released earlier.
The terse, one-page death certificates issued by the Chief State Medical Examiner’s Office list the cause of death and manner of death – which was homicide for the victims and suicide for Lanza. They also include information about whether the victims were buried or cremated, and where the burials took place.
Newtown town clerk Debbie Aurelia had defied the state’s FOI law by refusing to release the documents, which had historically been available for public inspection.
But the state’s Freedom of Information Commission sided with The Post, maintaining the documents were public record.
Connecticut lawmakers had also pitched a number of proposed laws seeking to make exceptions in the state FOI laws to block release of information about the mass murder.
But only one passed, banning the release of photos and videos of murder victims.
Two bills that would have blocked the release of the death certificates – pushed by Aurelia and other Newtown officials – never made it to a vote in the Legislature, paving the way for the release of the documents.
Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947
Bill Clinton was inaugurated POTUS for his 2nd term on January 20, 1997
From Hillary Clinton born on October 26, 1947
to the Sandy Hook death certificates released on June 18, 2013 is :
INTerval =
= 23976 days
= 36x 666 days
= 6x 6x 666 days >
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666
Note : The date calculator cannot show INTerval type date calcs ( whole days between dates ), so the result date is always shown as one day short. ( See below )
From Bill Clinton’s 2nd POTUS inauguration on January 20, 1997
to the Sandy Hook death certificates released on June 18, 2013 is :
INClusive =
= 5994 days
= 9x 666 days
= 3x 3x 666 days >
666 666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666
Notes on date arithmetic methods :
For an explanation of the date arithmetic methods ILUAF and ISUAF, INClusive, INTerval and NORMAL, see here :
NORMAL type date calculations follow conventional arithmetic as in d2 -d1
INTerval type date calculations count only the whole number of YMWD between events, as in : ( d2 – d1 ) – 1.
For INTerval calculations, the date calculator cannot show the real result date, so for INTerval date calcs, the result date is always shown as being one day short.
INClusive date calculations count both the start and end dates, as in : ( d2 – d1 ) + 1
as explained in the links above.
An explanation of the underlying Kabbalism provided by the 111 to 999 triplets and their common factor of 37 vis The Seal of Solomon / Star of David is here :
Note on the conjunction of the two Clinton relationships to this event :
If the Sandy Hook death certificates had been released one day earlier on June 17, then the tell-tale Kabbalistic relationship from HRC would have been Normal arithmetic, but the relationship to WJC would not then exist.
If the Sandy Hook death certificates had been released one day later on June 19, then the tell-tale Kabbalistic relationship from WJC would have been Normal arithmetic,but the relationship from HRC would not then exist.
June 18, 2013 therefore, was the only date in this time frame, that would produce the requisite 666 Kabbalism from both Clinton events to the Sandy Hook death certificates release.
Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell and ‘Noah Pozner’
Mitch McConnell the bête noire of the gun control lobby …
Mitch McConnell
Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ( born February 20, 1942 ) is an American politician serving as Kentucky’s senior United States Senator and as Senate Majority Leader.
On the weekend of January 19–21, 2013, the McConnell for Senate campaign emailed and robo-called gun-rights supporters telling them that “President Obama and his team are doing everything in their power to restrict your constitutional right to keep and bear arms.” McConnell also said, “I’m doing everything in my power to protect your 2nd Amendment rights.”[174] On April 17, 2013, McConnell voted against expanding background checks for gun purchases.[175]
In January 2016, after President Obama announced new executive actions to combat gun violence, McConnell charged Obama with playing politics and panned the administration’s record on prosecuting gun law violations as “abysmal”. McConnell stated that examinations of the mass shootings “sort of underscores the argument that if somebody there had had a weapon fewer people would have died” and predicted Obama’s proposals would fail to keep “guns out of the hands of criminals”.[176] In June, after the Orlando nightclub shooting occurred, then the deadliest mass shooting by a lone gunman in American history, four partisan gun measures came up for vote in the Senate and were all rejected. McConnell opined that Democrats were using the shooting as a political talking point while Republicans John Cornyn and Chuck Grassley were “pursuing real solutions that can help keep Americans safer from the threat of terrorism.”[177]
In October 2017, following the Las Vegas shooting, McConnell told reporters that the investigation into the incident “has not even been completed, and I think it’s premature to be discussing legislative solutions if there are any.” He stated that he believed it “particularly inappropriate to politicize an event like this” and the issue of tax reform should remain the priority while the investigation was ongoing.[178]
web search : Mitch McConnell guns
The reported birth date attribute for the entity known as “Noah Pozner” is 20 November 2006
From Senator Mitch McConnell Jr. born on 20 February 1942
to the reported birth date attribute for the entity known as ‘Noah Pozner’ is 20 November 2006 is :
= 777 months
Bill Clinton’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban and Sandy Hook.
The “Bill Clinton assassination attempt” narrative aka “just make sure you sign the Bill, Bill !”
It was reported that, on September 11, 1994, a chap called Frank Eugene Corder stole a Cessna aircraft.
The following morning, September 12, he is reported to have crashed it onto the White House lawn, apparently to try and kill President Bill Clinton.
The day after that, on September 13, 1994, President Clinton signed the Federal Assault Weapons ban.
Frank Eugene Corder
Federal Assault Weapons Ban
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), officially the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, is a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a United States federal law, which included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons as well as certain ammunition magazines that were defined as “large capacity.”
The 10-year ban was passed by the US Congress on September 13, 1994, following a close 52–48 vote in the US Senate, and was signed into law by US President Bill Clinton on the same day. The ban applied only to weapons manufactured after the date of the ban’s enactment. It expired on September 13, 2004, in accordance with its sunset provision.
The “Sandy Hook narrative”, reported events from December 12 to 14, 2012 :
December 12 : Sandy Hook victim, Nancy Lanza, from a “fine dining hotel” in New Hampshire, Facebook messaged John Bergquist: “Tattoo girl talked me into Dragon Tattoo”
Source : PBS Frontline: Raising Adam Lanza (Transcript)
December 12 : Sandy Hook victim, behavioural therapist, Rachel Davino, started work at Sandy Hook School and made a time capsule in the evening because it was 12-12-12.
Source : Hartford Courant : Rachel D’Avino: Fun-Loving But Serious About Aiding Those With Autism
December 12 : Rachel D’Avino‘s longtime boyfriend Anthony Cerritelli asked her parents to marry her on December 12
Source : Boyfriend Of Murdered Teacher Planned To Propose On Christmas Eve
December 12 : “Lenny Pozner” posts a photo of “Noah Pozner” dated December 12, 2012
December 13 : Sandy Hook victim, reported Headmistress, Dawn Hochsprung’s 99th ( 9×11 ) & last Tweet on Twitter
Source : https://twitter.com/DHochsprung
December 13 : Adam Lanza’s GPS device last route in memory
Source : Report of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012
December 14 : The Sandy Hook production.
From Bill Clinton’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban began on September 13, 1994 to the events on :
December 12, 2012 = INClusive
December 13, 2012 = Normal
December 14, 2012 = INTerval
= 6666 days
Now we see the usual Kabbalistic signature, denoting the main reason why the Sandy Hook production occurred on December 14 and why it just had to be an AR-15 – yet again …
December 16 : Barack Obama :
Speaking at a December 16 memorial service in Newtown, Obama said he would “use whatever power this office holds” to prevent similar tragedies.[6]
Source : Assault Weapons Ban of 2013
Notes on date arithmetic :
Consider the case of expressing the difference between the start of a project on Monday ( Day1 ) and the end of the project on Friday ( Day5 )
When doing date arithmetic, there are three variants to consider :
Case 1 : INClusive = Include the first day in the count
= ( Day5 – Day1 ) + 1 = 5
= Friday is the 5th day of the project that began on Monday
Case 2 : NORMAL = Date2 – Date1 = normal arithemetic
= ( Day5 – Day1 ) = 4
= The project finished on Friday, 4 days after it began on Monday
Case 3 : INTerval = ( Day5 – Day1 ) – 1 = 3
= ( Day5 – Day1 ) – 1 = 3
= There were 3 whole days between the start of the project on Monday evening and the end of the project on Friday morning.
The OKC / Timothy McVeigh narrative and Bill Clinton’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban
According to the OKC narrative, September 13, 1994 – the first day of Bill Clinton’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban, was also the first day of Timothy McVeiggh’s OKC plot !
Source : The Oklahoma City Bombing & The Trial of Timothy McVeigh
by Douglas O. Linder (2006)
In September 1994, according to both McVeigh and the findings of a federal grand jury, that the ex-Army sergeant began plotting to blow up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The date identified by the grand jury for the start of the conspiracy was September 13. On that day, McVeigh was–according to FBI records showing a receipt for a motel room in Vian, Oklahoma–visiting Elohim City, and probably participating with other anti-government activists in a series of military maneuvers. September 13 also marked the day, coincidentally or not, that a new federal law banning assault weapons became law.
The NRA – National Rifle Association first President, General Ambrose Burnside and Bill Clinton’s 10 year Assault Weapons Ban of 1994
The first President of the NRA – The National Rifle Association was Civil War General Ambrose Burnside.
A Brief History of the NRA
Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to “promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis,” according to a magazine editorial written by Church.
After being granted a charter by the state of New York on November 17, 1871, the NRA was founded. Civil War Gen. Ambrose Burnside, who was also the former governor of Rhode Island and a U.S. senator, became the fledgling NRA’s first president.
Ambrose Burnside
Ambrose Everett Burnside (May 23, 1824 – September 13, 1881) was an American soldier, railroad executive, inventor, industrialist, and politician from Rhode Island. He served as governor and as a United States Senator. As a Union Army general in the American Civil War, he conducted successful campaigns in North Carolina and East Tennessee, as well as countering the raids of Confederate General John Hunt Morgan, but suffered disastrous defeats at the Battle of Fredericksburg and Battle of the Crater. His distinctive style of facial hair became known as sideburns, derived from his last name. He was also the first president of the National Rifle Association.
Bill Clinton’s 10 year Assault Weapons Ban began on September 13, 1994, – the 113 th anniversary of the death of the NRA’s first President, Ambrose Everett Burnside on September 13, 1881
Bill Clinton\’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban and Sandy Hook.
The \”Bill Clinton assassination attempt\” narrative aka \”just make sure you sign the Bill, Bill !\”
It was reported that, on September 11, 1994, a chap called Frank Eugene Corder stole a Cessna aircraft.
The following morning, September 12, he is reported to have crashed it onto the White House lawn, apparently to try and kill President Bill Clinton.
The day after that, on September 13, 1994, President Clinton signed the Federal Assault Weapons ban.
Federal Assault Weapons Ban
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), officially the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, is a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a United States federal law, which included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons as well as certain ammunition magazines that were defined as \”large capacity.\”
The 10-year ban was passed by the US Congress on September 13, 1994, following a close 52–48 vote in the US Senate, and was signed into law by US President Bill Clinton on the same day. The ban applied only to weapons manufactured after the date of the ban\’s enactment. It expired on September 13, 2004, in accordance with its sunset provision.
The \”Sandy Hook narrative\”, reported events from December 12 to 14, 2012 :
December 12 : Sandy Hook victim, Nancy Lanza, from a \”fine dining hotel\” in New Hampshire, Facebook messaged John Bergquist: \”Tattoo girl talked me into Dragon Tattoo\”
Source : PBS Frontline: Raising Adam Lanza (Transcript)
December 12 : Sandy Hook victim, behavioural therapist, Rachel Davino, started work at Sandy Hook School and made a time capsule in the evening because it was 12-12-12.
Source : Hartford Courant : Rachel D\’Avino: Fun-Loving But Serious About Aiding Those With Autism
December 12 : Rachel D’Avino‘s longtime boyfriend Anthony Cerritelli asked her parents to marry her on December 12
Source : Boyfriend Of Murdered Teacher Planned To Propose On Christmas Eve
December 12 : \”Lenny Pozner\” posts a photo of \”Noah Pozner\” dated December 12, 2012
December 13 : Sandy Hook victim, reported Headmistress, Dawn Hochsprung\’s 99th ( 9×11 ) & last Tweet on Twitter
Source : https://twitter.com/DHochsprung
December 13 : Adam Lanza\’s GPS device last route in memory
Source : Report of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012
14 December : The Sandy Hook production.
From Bill Clinton\’s Federal Assault Weapons Ban began on September 13, 1994 to the events on :
December 12, 2012 = INClusive
December 13, 2012 = Normal
December 14, 2012 = INTerval
= 6666 days
Now we see the usual Kabbalistic signature, denoting the main reason why the Sandy Hook production occurred on December 14 and why it just had to be an AR-15 – yet again …
December 16 : Barack Obama :
Speaking at a December 16 memorial service in Newtown, Obama said he would \”use whatever power this office holds\” to prevent similar tragedies.[6]
Source : Assault Weapons Ban of 2013
Notes on date arithmetic :
Consider the case of expressing the difference between the start of a project on Monday ( Day1 ) and the end of the project on Friday ( Day5 )
When doing date arithmetic, there are three variants to consider :
Case 1 : INClusive = Include the first day in the count
= ( Day5 – Day1 ) + 1 = 5
= Friday is the 5th day of the project that began on Monday
Case 2 : NORMAL = Date2 – Date1 = normal arithemetic
= ( Day5 – Day1 ) = 4
= The project finished on Friday, 4 days after it began on Monday
Case 3 : INTerval = ( Day5 – Day1 ) – 1 = 3
= ( Day5 – Day1 ) – 1 = 3
= There were 3 whole days between the start of the project on Monday evening and the end of the project on Friday morning.
VP Biden claimed he had seen photos of the Sandy Hook massacred kids but he didn’t want to further comment on the photos because there were reporters in the room. [But his comment was caught on video.]
President Obama was seen laughing his head off at a photo session with the fake dead kids. This was Dec. 16, 2012.
The closets in the Lanza home were filled with CT State Police uniforms.
One of the Sandy Hook kids who was hiding in a room, said he heard a lot of noise outside the school room. To him he said it sounded like someone was banging pots and pans [to simulate gunfire.].
Another kid said a cop opened the door of his school room where he was supposedly hiding and said…”Is he in here?”
Aerial photos show 26 Christmas trees hidden behind the Fire Station on the morning of the Hoax.
One Sandy Hook kid was asked by a TV reporter about the day ….the boy quietly said ‘We were told it was a Drill.”
Newtown area ambulance drivers were told they could not get near the school and were told to park their vehicles on the main road.
Noah Pozner & Obama’s VP, Joe Biden
The reported birth date attribute for the entity known as “Noah Pozner” is 20 November 2006
Joe Biden’s 64 th birthday …
“Aerial photos show 26 Christmas trees hidden behind the Fire Station on the morning of the Hoax.”
Aerial photos show the opposite:
Another angle:
There is a road that goes right in front of the firehouse, so anyone lookibng to the right or left will see the trees, they were not hidden.
“The closets in the Lanza home were filled with CT State Police uniforms.”
JF : …Sandy Hook was a very cleverly contrived scam on the public to promote gun control …
The first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, were adopted on 15 December 1791
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The Sandy Hook production was on 14 December 2012
Which was the 221 st anniversary of the adoption of the 2nd Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms …
14 December 2012 was also :
James Comey’s 52 nd birthday …
Great job so far Dr. Fetzer. But I am confused.
How could Pozner possibly be this stupid- to bring this action against you?
But never mind Pozner; what about the higher-ups who put him up to all this. They have nothing to gain, and a lot to lose by being exposed.
I smell a rat somewhere in this woodpile.
All of these “actions” are multi-purpose. THEY are holding all the power and all the options so however things proceed or turn out, THEY win. THEY always gain and have nothing to lose.
We are living in a totally corrupt millieu. As an example, someone who was a staffer in a U S congressional office about 35 years ago told me that it was wise always to suspect that staffers for a congress member were actually CIA plants. Withing the halls of congress, the people there are all playing the ugliest of games against each other, mainly games revolving around blackmail, bribery and extortion concomitant with many mysterious deaths. We the people and concepts such as truth and justice are totally external and irrelevant to that process.
All of our intelligence agencies, especially the CIA, are not working to protect the USA and its citizens. They are working to do evil things. The CIA has started many wars and civil uprisings in many countries all over the world since WWII resulting in the murder of millions of innocent people.
Still, exposure, is our strongest tool, because truth is always the real winner. Continuing to expose these many false events, such as 9-11 and Sandy Hook, fact by fact. Using the power of the Internet to find fact and expose it is certainly a good thing, but the Internet is a minefield and there are unexploded intelligence agency bombs planted everywhere in cyberland. At the same time, the Internet and social media is being effectively shut down and all forms and level of media and news, is wisely becoming increasingly untrusted and certainly not worthy of response.
We will not back down, and having done all, we will stand.
All five Vabner/Pozner children:
Don’t you know how Fetzer and his ilk operate? They will claim that is obviously photoshopped (as are all photographs that disprove their lunacies).
Right! That’s what we expect from a distinguish professor and former Marine Corps officer–not to mention the five other Ph.D. professors (current or retired) who contributed to NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015) and continue their research on this elaborate hoax. When you make stuff up to discredit us, it has to be at least remotely plausible. But you are so intellectually deficient that you can’t even do a decent job of fabricating fake smears!
Explain the photo of the five Vabner/Pozner children?
Find a better link.
Or you can just look at Daniele Vabner’s Twitter.
Just so you know, Mike Vabner is not Noah Pozer all grown up. There is a picture in a video of older Mike and Noah in the same shot. @ the 00:16 Mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6xF9p3jD3I … … Just Saying… Cheers!
The “in same shot” point on the video at 0:14 needs professional analysis, but I find it odd that both of the two younger children in the three-person photo have their eyes closed and appear for a very brief time (half second?) and full face partially cut off, and neither is clearly recognizable as “Noah and his sister” as shown in the other photos. No photoshopping necessary when you do it this way.
I tried 4 search engines and got nothing.
Try a live link.
Ears still do not match. Instead of posting the same thing, post separate photos of Noah and Michael and let’s see how their ears look.
Yes they do!
Noah’s ear is rounder. Michael’s curves inward
Ear not the same.