Peter Beinart / HARRETZ
[Editor’s note: As Cynthia McKinney explained to Marzieh Hasmhimi on Press TV in 2011 (the video of which has been suppressed), new members of Congress are asked to sign a pledge to put the interests of Israel ahead of those of the United States, where those who decline find themselves confronted with a well-financed alternative candidate next time around or that their district has been redrawn and they no longer have a seat. She was able to overcome those obstacles, but even as notable a member as Dennis Kuchinich was not. When two distinguished social scientists from Harvard and the University of Chicago published their copiously documented analysis of the enormous influence exercised by Israel over the US government, The Israel Lobby (2008), they, like Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) today, were savagely attacked. As even Noam Chomsky recently observed in relation to the Mueller Investigation, a foreign nation does attempt to influence the outcome of our elections: it isn’t Russia, but Israel.]
With every passing year, the American Jewish establishment poses a greater threat to free speech in the United States.
The reason is simple. With every passing year, Israeli control of the West Bank grows more permanent. And so, with every passing year, more American progressives question Zionism.
After all, if Jewish statehood permanently condemns millions of West Bank Palestinians to live as non-citizens, under military law, without free movement or the right to vote for the government that controls their lives, it’s hardly surprising that Americans who loathe discrimination and cherish equality would grow uncomfortable with the concept.
And the more those Americans voice this discomfort, the more establishment American Jewish organizations work to classify anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism, punishable by law.
The latest example is The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, which the Senate passed unanimously on December 2. The Act – pushed by AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federations of America – instructs the Department of Education’s Civil Rights office to follow “the definition of anti-Semitism set forth by the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism of the Department of State in the Fact Sheet issued on June 8, 2010.”

Sounds innocuous enough. Until you look at what the Fact Sheet says. Following the definition hatched by Soviet dissident turned Israeli right-winger Natan Sharansky, the Fact Sheet defines anti-Semitism as, among other things, “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, and denying Israel the right to exist.”
This is nuts. Across the world, numerous peoples desire “self-determination.” Kurds have been seeking their own state since the late nineteenth century, roughly the same period when Jews hatched Zionism.
So have Basques. Sikhs have been agitating for their own country, in Punjab, since India’s creation. The Igbos of eastern Nigeria actually created one, Biafra, for three years between 1967 and 1970.
There are reasonable arguments in favor of these efforts at self-determination. There are also reasonable arguments in favor of requiring Kurds, Basques, Sikhs and Igbo to live in multi-ethnic countries based upon a national identity that supersedes their own.

Either way, bigotry has nothing to do with it. If opposing a people’s desire for self-determination makes you bigoted against that group, then a lot of American Jewish leaders should report themselves to the Department of Education’s Civil Rights office right now.
After all, Palestinians want their own state. Many American Jewish leaders oppose it. Why aren’t those leaders bigots under the very principle they’re trying to write into law?
The truth is that political Zionism – the belief that Jews enjoy the greatest safety and self-expression in their own state – has always been controversial even among Jews. In the early twentieth century, many Orthodox Jews called Zionism a violation of Jewish law.
Many American Reform Jews argued that Jews were a faith, not a people, and thus had no homeland other than the United States. Other prominent Jewish thinkers – including Judah Magnes, who founded Hebrew University,
Henrietta Szold, who founded Hadassah and the philosophers Hannah Arendt and Martin Buber – argued that a Jewish state would dispossess Palestinians and bring war. They argued for a binational state instead. That didn’t make them anti-Semites.
As the twentieth century progressed, these arguments against Zionism faded. The Holocaust buttressed the case for a country of Jewish refuge. Israel became an established fact, and in many ways an extraordinary success.
Then, in 1993, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat declared that “The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security.” In 2002, the Arab League offered to “sign a peace agreement with Israel” if it returned to the 1967 lines and found a “just” and “agreed upon” solution to the Palestinian refugees.
Once even Palestinian and Arab leaders publicly declared that they could accept a Jewish state alongside a Palestinian one, the historic debate over Zionism dwindled.
It is returning in the twenty-first century because a Palestinian state was never born. (A failure for which both sides deserve blame). That failure, combined with decades of Israeli settlement growth, has convinced many progressives that a Palestinian state is now impossible.
Thus, they argue, the only way West Bank Palestinians can win their rights is in one state – including the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Israel proper – that does not privilege Jews.
This is not my view. Despite everything, I still consider the two state solution more realistic than the binational alternative. But you don’t have to be an anti-Semite to disagree.
Anti-Zionism never died; there have always been people – Jewish and non-Jewish – who oppose any kind of Jewish state within any borders. But anti-Zionism is growing because deepening Israeli control of the West Bank makes it harder to reconcile Zionism with basic Palestinian human rights.
Faced with the growing number of Americans who deny that Zionism is compatible with liberal democracy, establishment American Jewish groups could try to make Zionism more compatible with liberal democracy. They could publicly challenge Israel’s undemocratic occupation of the West Bank. But that would require confronting Benjamin Netanyahu, and many of their own donors.
So they’ve chosen an easier path: get the Department of Education to define anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism and thus threaten the campus activists who are challenging Jewish statehood with legal sanction. The Senate bill claims that “Nothing in this actshall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected by the First Amendment.”
But that’s exactly what the bill does. In the words of Michael Macleod-Ball, chief of staff of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Washington, DC legislative office, it “opens the door to considering anti-Israel political statements and activities as possible grounds for civil rights investigations.”
It’s an old story: When people in power fear a debate, they try to criminalize it. It won’t work. If Zionism means permanent control of millions of Palestinians who lack basic rights, Zionists will gradually lose the contest of ideas in the United States. And the American Jewish establishment – which chose silencing Zionism’s opponents over fighting for a Zionism they could honestly defend – will bear some of the blame.
Hey toni, sorry you don’t like the word I used. Guess what toni, I don’t like any of the words you use.
Hi Willy: you referred me to Ernst Zundel. He was a lifelong Nazi sympathizer and co-wrote ”The Hitler We Loved and Why”.
If you want to follow that guy, go ahead, that says more about you.
People get careless here on Dr. Fetzer’s blog and eventually reveal who they really are.
Don, that all you got?
“People get careless here on Dr. Fetzer’s blog and eventually reveal who they really are.”
Ain’t that the truth.
The Allies in WWII did not bomb Concentration Camps. They knew about them but avoided bombing them out of not wanting to kill the inmates.
I see we have several new shills on this site…..Toni and Bahmi….plus the old ones. Keep replying, because you reveal who you are. With each new Reply we all learn more about you.
Zyklon B is an anti- pest poison used in open spaces outside. When the pellets are dropped into an airtight chamber it kills the humans inside in about 20 minutes. The fake showers at the Camps could kill from 700 to 1000 at one time using Zyklon.
I would bet the farm Bahmi and Toni are not shills.
Thank you, Willy.
Don says: “I see we have several new shills on this site…..Toni and Bahmi….plus the old ones. Keep replying, because you reveal who you are. With each new Reply we all learn more about you.”
I don’t know who you think I am, but you reveal yourself to be someone who is unable to absorb information contrary to your ideology.
It must be asked, why is the Holocaust narrative the one story you will not question?
I question all narratives.
I questioned the official narrative of Sandy Hook.
I questioned 911, Obama and many others.
Toni, your comments are so wackadoodle they’re actually mind boggling. So, those rooms by the ovens at the Camps were used as showers and not gas chambers to kill people? Is that correct?
Don, there is a wealth of information out there other than the official narrative.
Good place to start would be with Ernst Zundel……who spent time in prison because he challenged the official story. He died in ’17, but much of what he researched is still out there…but of course, it’s been buried.
Toni’s ideas are far from “wackadoodle” and is by far not the only one who questions the holocaust.
So, if you have questioned all narratives, who not the holocaust narrative? It’a just another official story that has more holes than a sieve.
….thanks for your very revealing answer, willy.
Maybe toni will answer my questions and my comments about the holocaust. Most people like toni flee the scene when we get down to specifics. Let’s see how you do.
Why did Camp survivors see thousands of naked people being marched off to ”showers” and never saw those prisoners again? What happened to them?
“Flee the scene” ha! Now that’s rich.
Oh, I’ve replied, Don. My comment is still moderation, because I, unlike you, have linked to several sources.
Not sure you’re aware but when use language like wackadoodle, it undercuts your argument.
Refutation of the existence of gas chambers at Dachau:
“Even though it has been “officially” admitted since the early 1960s that no one was ever “gassed” at Dachau, the belief that the camp was a center for the gassing of concentration camp prisoners has persisted.”
Refutation of the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz:
“The German chemist Germar Rudolf, who worked at the Max Plank institute for Solid State Physics, is now in jail, because he likewise measured the high levels of the cyanide in the walls of the de-lousing chambers. It happens that this gas bonds permanently with iron, and iron is present in all the cement etc of stone walls. Whereas, he found none in the walls of what were supposed to be the ‘gas chambers’ which were mainly shower units.”
Refutation of the existence of gas chambers at Majdanek:
“Majdanek was the first major concentration camp liberated by the victorious Allies. Upon capture by the Soviet Union, original propaganda claimed that 2 million were murdered in a “factory of death” which included seven homicidal gas chambers.
However, Majdanek was captured largely intact and a large amount of documentation and physical evidence helps to acquit the Germans of the “Gas Chambers disguised as shower rooms” blood libel.”
Shall I go on?
Here it is again, as it seems to have disappeared:
Toni says:
March 11, 2019 at 8:21 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Not sure you’re aware but when you use language like wackadoodle, it undercuts your argument.
Refutation of the existence of gas chambers at Dachau:
“Even though it has been “officially” admitted since the early 1960s that no one was ever “gassed” at Dachau, the belief that the camp was a center for the gassing of concentration camp prisoners has persisted.”
Refutation of the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz:
“The German chemist Germar Rudolf, who worked at the Max Plank institute for Solid State Physics, is now in jail, because he likewise measured the high levels of the cyanide in the walls of the de-lousing chambers. It happens that this gas bonds permanently with iron, and iron is present in all the cement etc of stone walls. Whereas, he found none in the walls of what were supposed to be the ‘gas chambers’ which were mainly shower units.”
Refutation of the existence of gas chambers at Majdanek:
“Majdanek was the first major concentration camp liberated by the victorious Allies. Upon capture by the Soviet Union, original propaganda claimed that 2 million were murdered in a “factory of death” which included seven homicidal gas chambers.
However, Majdanek was captured largely intact and a large amount of documentation and physical evidence helps to acquit the Germans of the “Gas Chambers disguised as shower rooms” blood libel.”
Shall I go on?
My reply here to Don has now disappeared from this thread, and I’m unable to re-post it.
Please view it with the Dissenter, the browser plugin that allows you to comment on any page on the internet.
I’m afraid to post a link to it, but search for Dissenter. It’s simple to use, and easy to install in any browser.
Quotes from my sources (noted in my Dissenter comment on this page) refuting gas chambers at three camps:
“Even though it has been “officially” admitted since the early 1960s that no one was ever “gassed” at Dachau, the belief that the camp was a center for the gassing of concentration camp prisoners has persisted.”
“The German chemist Germar Rudolf, who worked at the Max Plank institute for Solid State Physics, is now in jail, because he likewise measured the high levels of the cyanide in the walls of the de-lousing chambers (at Auschwitz). It happens that this gas bonds permanently with iron, and iron is present in all the cement etc of stone walls. Whereas, he found none in the walls of what were supposed to be the ‘gas chambers’ which were mainly shower units.”
“Majdanek was the first major concentration camp liberated by the victorious Allies. Upon capture by the Soviet Union, original propaganda claimed that 2 million were murdered in a “factory of death” which included seven homicidal gas chambers.
However, Majdanek was captured largely intact and a large amount of documentation and physical evidence helps to acquit the Germans of the “Gas Chambers disguised as shower rooms” blood libel.”
Shall I go on, Don?
Toni, with comments AND entire articles disappearing, I find it best to take a sabbatical from commenting. I more than appreciate what Dr. Fetzer is doing here, but censorship in any form (other than to remove shills et al) does simply not work for me…especially censorship AND removal of articles without explanation.
Willy, I don’t think it’s censorship. It may just be the vagaries of this blogging software. I say this because, although the original comment is still gone, I re-posted it at 11:19pm, which never went into moderation or appeared at all – just poof! gone, but has now been posted this morning. Go figure.
Toni March 12, 2019 at 10:08 am ….
So, what happened to that “erasing 9/11 truth” article?
Willy, I don’t know what happened to the article, but I think it’s a mistake to put it down to censorship. It could be unavailable here for reasons that don’t occur to us. It’s still over at Veteran’s.
I don’t think Fetzer is curating this comment section as closely as you think he is. He’s got real problems, you know, lol. ‘Bob’ is just like a play toy that he bats around for amusement. His real nemesis is Pozner. If you’re unfamiliar with Leonard Pozner, just ask around.
Toni ….March 12, 2019 at 1:43 pm
I have the greatest respect for JF and am very familiar with Pozner…I have spoken with Halbig and followed him from day one.
Bob is obviously a shill and I think Don is just closed minded in this case.
I respect your comments and am only replying to you out of respect.
In that article that disappeared from this blog, I commented in regard to the absence of Dmitri Khalezov’s MAJOR contribution to the 9/11 nuke scenario (long before anyone else, btw)….in the form of a 1096 page tome that was incredibly researched called 911-Thology…The Third Truth. The article and comment then disappeared. I only mention this because I have had that happen on at least 3 other blogs years ago. To say the least, that gives me pause.
I’ll leave it at that for now.
Thank you, Willy, for your respect. I figured you were familiar with Pozner; I was just trying to be sardonic lol.
If you have a copy of your lost comment, post it into Dissenter while you’re on this blog. That way, there’ll always be a copy of it attached to this blog as well as to your Dissenter profile. It’s kind of genius.
Anyway, think about it. It’d be a shame if you stopped commenting.
Don, so let me get this straight: you don’t believe in Obama, Sandy Hook or 9/11, but you’re buying into the official account of the Holocaust? With the rest of the 20th century so demonstrably a lie, and our own short time in this century so riddled with deception in every news cycle?
Zyklon was used to kill lice which carry typhus which killed multitudes. Allied bombing did destroy supply lines, which starved millions. There were no gas chambers.
And not all survivors, or victims, of WWII were allowed membership in a #MeToo movement.
Toni, your comment that the underground death chambers were used for bathing inmates is a disgusting lie. Photos of hundreds of empty cans of Zyklon gas pellets tell a different story.
In fact the gas chambers were directly linked to the above ground crematoriums.
Your sick idea that the disease and deaths of camp inmates was caused by allied bombing is very nauseating.
The few remaining inmates of Dachau and Buchenwald wrote books about their experiences in the camps. The photos of the liberated inmates reveal that the camps were one thing: DEATH CAMPS.
Did you look at the article?
I can see by your emotional reaction (disgust, nausea) that you are heavily invested in Holocaust propaganda. Why is that?
Your visceral response should be aimed at the perpetrators of the lie.
Death and disease caused by the effects of bombing……the sequelae of bombing. Not directly by the bombing. As in starvation leading to disease and death. Tell us how the photos totally certainly revealed the camps as death camps, rather than labor camps. Are you saying dead inmates were released from the camps?? How did they put their shoes on if they were dead?
6, million the biggest lie ever
Chris, your comment is so brief its hard to understand what you are talking about. What is the ”biggest lie”?
The biggest lie is the fiction that 6 million jews were murdered during the Holocaust. Various sources put this number far below this. Note that after WW2, roughly double this number of innocent German men, women, and children were outright murdered thanks to the thoughtfulness of jews.This is called revenge killing and part of this was called the Morgenthau plan. Crush residual Germany and turn into a strictly agrarian society. Jews are strangely quiet about this aspect of the immediate post WW2 period, wonder why?
Whatever the number is it has to be several millions. Arguing over the EXACT number is futile.
The piles of ashes and huge stacks of dead bodies speak for themselves.
You have to admit that the WW II era Germany was not a friend of the Jews and others they didn’t like.
Far more post-war Germans of all ages were killed than all the jews put together during the war. So, if WW2 era Germany was not a friend of the jews, were the Germans friends of the jews? There were no furnaces,strike that from your account. You obviously don’t know where the “stacks of dead bodies came from”,so strike that from your calculations.
Those piles of bodies were used to the Zionists advantage, but I doubt anyone could testify as to the ethnicity.
Don, Bahmi is right. Check out this article:
Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies, by Theodore J. O’Keefe (1995)
in which the details of the propaganda drive are described.
“The conclusions of the early US Army investigations as to the truth about the wartime German concentration camps have since been corroborated by all subsequent investigators and can be summarized:
1. The harrowing scenes of dead and dying inmates were not the result of a German policy of “extermination,” but rather the result of epidemics of typhus and other disease brought about largely by the effects of Allied aerial attacks.
2. Stories of Nazi supercriminals and sadists who turned Jews and others into handbags and lampshades for their private profit or amusement were sick lies or diseased fantasies; indeed, the German authorities punished corruption and cruelty on the part of camp commanders and guards.
3. On the other hand, portrayals of the newly liberated inmates as saints and martyrs of Hitlerism were quite often very far from the truth; indeed, most of the brutalities inflicted on camp detainees were the work of their fellow prisoners, in contravention of German policy and German orders.
4. The alleged homicidal showers and gas chambers were used either for bathing camp inmates or delousing their clothes; the claim that they were used to murder Jews or other human beings is a contemptible fabrication. Orthodox historians and professional “Nazi-hunters” have quietly dropped claims that inmates were gassed at Dachau, Buchenwald and other camps in Germany. They continue, however, to keep silent regarding the lies about Dachau and Buchenwald, as well as to evade an open discussion of the evidence for homicidal gassing at Auschwitz and the other camps captured by the Soviets.”
The fifty ton elephant in Congress is the fact of Israel’s Mossad involvement in 911.
And George Washington lamented that “the jews should be hunted down as pest to society.”
Sen. Fulbright said in 1973 that israel controls the senate.
Peter Beinart is dreaming if he believes Zionists will ultimately lose the contest in the US. Zionists aren’t losing power, they are gaining power.
Jews already control the US; they aim to control the world. This is not my opinion. And note for the record that you don’t hear a peep out of US Jews in opposition to the tribe’s agenda. This makes Jews a 5th column in this country.
Think about it.
Jews, non-Zios, are very afraid of being squashed by Zios should they step out of line. Remember, this is a bunch that sticks together. However, an old friend of mine many years ago said “there’s nothing a jew likes more than skinning another jew”. So to speak….
Are jews a 5th column in the US? Hard to generalize.
I do believe that Zionism has to be moderated in the future, but it will take overt, in your face, marginalization. How long do we keep taking their Shoah crap, anyway? I believe most/all of our Congress is blackmailed through various sex acts and other secretive ways. Omar is just one of the earlier whistle blowers and she will not be the last. Sure, Pelosi made her eat some crow feathers but another person will come forth soon and repeat with more conviction what Omar said.
There are jews and there are jews. Some of those jews sent other jews to the Nazi camps, remember that. The feeling was that a Shoah of sorts was needed to guarantee jewish searching for a new home land would be successful. If it’s in the best interest of the group, so be it.And this is not new.
That said, I don’t want ’em as my landlord.
The good news is that the Jews do have two problems:
1. China doesn’t care about their stupid narcissistic fairy tales and it very well may be the next global power because this Jewish minority in the US is killing its host.
2. People are beginning to catch on to the true Jewish agenda and associated propaganda.
it is not antisematic….to be antisatanic….
The simple question that no one seems to address is what is the power that Israel has over EVERY member of CONgress? All I can think of is some form of blackmail….but is that possible? Or is AIPAC so powerful that any legislation does not get passed unless it goes through them…or is it a combination of both?
Whatever it may be, it’s been going on for as long as I remember.
Any worthwhile discussion is quickly halted lest the anti-Semite ploy be employed.
I don’t see this coming to a halt any time soon.
So, the idea the US, INC. is ruled by Israel and not its own people is indisputable fact…as sad as that is.
Best comment regarding Ms. Omar
“Omar was severely challenged as being anti-Semitic when she said the jews have excessive power over our nation and our foreign policy. However, note that the jews used their power to smack her down to the level of apologizing when she uttered this statement. So much for having power”…..
Just a matter of time, friends. Justice will be along some day, yes, it will.