What your Senators don’t know about ISIS and IRAN–Let them know NOW!

by Jim Fetzer The situation is completely absurd. Iran has not attacked any other nation since 1775. It has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty. It has allowed inspectors. All 16 of our own intel agencies concluded in 2007 that Iran was not pursuing nuclear weapons, which they reaffirmed in 2011. Even the Mossad reached the same conclusion in 2012–three weeks before Bibi Netanyahu went to the UN to declare precisely the opposite! Now we have hysterical opposition to the P5 + 1 agreement that governs its non-existent program. And we even…

International Conference: Covert Harassment and Mind Control, Berlin, 1-2 October 2015

FORUM-Factory, Berlin – Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: COVERT HARASSMENT / INHUMANE MIND CONTROL / EXPERIMENTATION AND ROBOTIZATION OF HUMANITY Contact: http://www.covertharassmentconference.com Global surveillance disclosures leaked by ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden have sent planetary shock waves around the globe and outraged the public. In fact, they only represent a small percentage of the numerous illegal activities and programs perpetrated on citizens in the EU and beyond. “Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically…

FBI evidence proves innocence of Zhokhar Tsarvaev, accused Boston bomber

Confessions are worthless as indicators of guilt by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS | INFOWARS.COM | [Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on the web site of Paul Craig Roberts and was reprinted at InfoWars.com. For its re-publicaton here, I have added my interview with Maret, in the first instance, and my Boston bombing update, in the second.] �I have been contacted by attorney John Remington Graham, a member in good standing of the bar of the Minnesota Supreme Court and of the United States Supreme Court. He informs me that acting in behalf of Maret Tsanaeva, the…

ISIS and the CIA: Treachery from Within

by Jim Fetzer We already know that the DIA allowed ISIS to form and that the US has been supporting ISIS, both financially and through the use of military advisers, as I explained in “Top Ten Reasons WE KNOW that ISIS was “Made in the USA”. We have proof upon proof, including the DIA document that facilitated its creation and photos of alleged “ISIS terrorists” sporting US Army tattoos. What comes as a greater shock is emerging evidence that John Brennan, the Director of the CIA, converted to Wahhabism, which…

Quassim Cassam: A bona-fide Anti-Conspiracy-Theory buffoon

by Jim Fetzer Quassim Cassam A professor of philosophy at Warwick University, Quassim Cassam, during an interview with The Independent (7 August 2015), “What turns someone into a conspiracy theorist?”, stated that he has been funded to conduct a study about why some people are more “receptive” to conspiracy theories than other, suggesting that those who are susceptible are either “literally mad or mentally ill”, where he inclines to believe they have “certain intellectual traits”, such as dogmatism, gullibility or close-mindedness, which is about as absurd as it gets. Consider:…

What about the Holocaust witnesses? The Zundel Trials (1985 and 1988)

by Robert Faurisson On May 13, 1988, Ernst Zündel was sentenced by Judge Ronald Thomas of the District Court of Ontario, in Toronto, to nine months in prison for having distributed a Revisionist booklet that is now 14 years old: Did Six Million Really Die? Ernst Zündel and attorney Ernst Zündel lives in Toronto where, up until a few years ago, he worked as a graphic artist and advertising man. He is now 49 years old. A native of Germany, he has kept his German citizenship. [Editor’s note: Images have been…

Clyde Lewis on “Ground Zero”: Conspiracy for Republicans

by Jim Fetzer Having done thousands of interviews about JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, JADE HELM and the Holocaust, among other matters, it came as no surprise when I was invited to appear on “Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis”, which is broadcast over 200 stations across the nation. His producer, Ron Patton, sent me a link to his opening monologue, which I thought was very good. Here’s part of our exchange: [7/31/15, 8:25:21 PM] Ron Patton: http://www.groundzeromedia.org/conspiracy-culture-so-you-think-you-are-not-radicalized/  [7/31/15, 8:25:53 PM] Ron Patton: please check it out when you have…

Peeling the 9/11 Onion: Layers of Plots within Plots

by Jim Fetzer(with Preston James) One of the primary means of immobilizing the American people politically today is to hold them in a state of confusion in which anything can be believed and nothing can be known… nothing of significance, that is.– E. Martin Schotz, HISTORY WILL NOT ABSOLVE US (1996) North Tower destruction on 9/11 9/11 appears to have been a classic “false flag” operation in which an attack is planned by one source but blamed upon another.  In this case, the evidence suggests neo-cons in the Department of Defense…

9/11 J’accuse: Zelikow, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush and O’Brien

by Jim Fetzer As the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth (2005), the editor of THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY (2007), the chair of the Madison conference (2007) and the co-chair of The Vancouver Hearings (2011), it has been astonishing to me to discover that the atrocities of 9/11 were not simply allowed to happen but come closer to having been produced as a Hollywood- style spectacle, with phantom flights, faked phone calls, and fabricated crash sites.  Anyone who wants to continue in a state of naive belief in their government as a nurturing institution that is dedicated to the…

Cheney was in charge of 9/11 “false flag” operation, American Scholar

by Jim Fetzer with Press TV  Former US Vice President Dick Cheney was in charge of the September 11, 2001 “false flag” operation in the United States, says American scholar James Henry Fetzer, who has extensively researched the 9/11 attacks. To listen to the interview with Press TV, click here: The Press TV interview Fetzer, a retired professor at the University of Minnesota who currently resides in Madison, Wisconsin, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Saturday while commenting on release of dozens of never-before-seen photos from…