US sets sights on China and Russia: American scholar

by Jim Fetzer with PressTV The United Sates has set its sights on China and Russia, because they are threatening Washington’s global dominance, American scholar James Henry Fetzer says. To listen to the interview, click here: PressTV with Professor Fetzer “The United States is now attempting to focus on China and Russia, no doubt in large measure because of the emergence of the BRICS, [whose] banking system worldwide is going to replace the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank,” Fetzer told Press TV on Wednesday. Fetzer, who is also…

US intel: Iran not pursuing nukes / Sanctions violate Geneva Conventions and are War Crimes!

by Jim Fetzer The historic agreement between the P5 +1 according to which Iran will constrain its processing of nuclear materials and the sanctions imposed upon it will be lifted has created an enormous outcry of protest from politicians of both parties, where the usual Neo-Con hawks have been joined by the non-interventionist Sen. Rand Paul and the more liberal Sen. Jim Webb, who are competing in their denunciation of the outcome of arduous negotiations that not only deserves support world-wide but the history of which reflects deception and duplicity,…

Wolfgang Halbig and Sandy Hook: Trick or Treason?

By Jim Fetzer with “Barry Soetoro, Esq” Wolfgang Halbig, the former Florida State Trooper, former school principal and nationally recognized school safety expert, has made great strides in exposing the corrupt background of the Sandy Hook event, including that the school was in deplorable condition (inside and out), confirming my previous determination that it had been abandoned by 2008 and was used as a prop (or stage setting) for the FEMA drill rehearsal on 13 December 2012 and “going LIVE” on 14 December 2015, available on-line directly or from…

Top Ten Reasons WE KNOW that ISIS was “Made in the USA”

by Jim Fetzer The nominee to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Joseph Dunford, has advised the US Senate during his confirmation hearings that the greatest threats facing the national security of the United States are Russia, China, North Korea and ISIS. White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, distanced the White House from his remarks, but added Russia’s destabilizing actions in the Ukraine and “saber-rattling” over its nuclear program were worrisome: Serious students of Eastern Europe are aware that the US invested $5 billion to destabilize…

Profitability and Immorality: Philosophical Reflections on Capitalism

by Jim Fetzer “The proper principle on which societies should be based is that of treating every person as intrinsically valuable and never merely as a means” – Jim Fetzer (following Immanuel Kant) The Pope has taken the extraordinary measure of castigating capitalism as immoral and exploitative, which may sound shocking to those who are unfamiliar with moral theory. But the Pope is correct, where my purpose here is to explain the philosophical foundations that justify his criticism. He also condemned Marxism, because of its commitment to materialism and denial of…

Voter Fraud vs. Election Theft: Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Re-election

by Jim Fetzer with Richard Charnin If political parties did not lie, steal, cheat and control vote counts, they might never win elections. And the mechanism that enables them to fake votes, steal elections and dominate Congress, alas, also allows our own government to bring us Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing and other forms of abuse, including pilfering our pensions and looting our bank accounts. In the past, Democrats earned reputations for “machine politics” in cities like Chicago. But today, the advent of electronic voting machines whose company owners–including some…

JFK: Judyth Vary Baker cements Oswald in the Doorway

by Jim Fetzer (with Judyth Vary Baker) “[T]he shirt seen on the Doorway figure cannot be the shirt (in the Groden photographs) alleged to have been worn by Billy Lovelady “–Judyth Vary Baker Among the most contentious issues in JFK research has been  whether Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of JFK, was caught in a famous photo taken by AP photographer James “Ike” Altgens in (what is known as) the Altgens6. The question is of enormous importance, since, if he was in the doorway at the time, he could…

JFK: Reconsidering the Moorman photograph

by Ralph Cinque (with Jim Fetzer) Among the most important photographs taken during the assassination of JFK in Dealey Plaza on 22 November 1963 was taken by Mary Moorman, who used her Polaroid to snap a photo that has been taken to have occurred a fraction of a second after the shot that entered the vicinity of the right temple and blew his brains out to the left/rear. It has been the subject of intense debate in the past, including a lengthy study to which David Mantik, Jack White and…

The Holocaust Narrative: Politics Trumps Science

by Jim Fetzer   [Editor’s note:: Because of the great interest shown in my research on the Holocaust–which, like my work on JFK, 9/11 and other events, such as Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, has been in collaboration with other students–I am republishing it here in order to preserve it on the record. Originally published 3 July 2015; refurbished 1 July 2021.] “The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in World War II,…

The New World Order: TPP, JADE HELM and the future of the nation

by Jim Fetzer George H.W. Bush talked about “the New World Order” and that they would eventually be successful in bringing it about. The outlines of the NWO have now become apparent: the world will be governed by transnational boards of corporate attorneys, who will run a government of, by and for corporations! No nation’s sovereignty will be respected under the new TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)–and that includes the Constitution of the United States. We are descending into an abyss from which there will be no return. We are in the…