by Ralph Cinque (with Jim Fetzer) Among the most important photographs taken during the assassination of JFK in Dealey Plaza on 22 November 1963 was taken by Mary Moorman, who used her Polaroid to snap a photo that has been taken to have occurred a fraction of a second after the shot that entered the vicinity of the right temple and blew his brains out to the left/rear. It has been the subject of intense debate in the past, including a lengthy study to which David Mantik, Jack White and…
Category: blog
The Holocaust Narrative: Politics Trumps Science
by Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note:: Because of the great interest shown in my research on the Holocaust–which, like my work on JFK, 9/11 and other events, such as Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, has been in collaboration with other students–I am republishing it here in order to preserve it on the record. Originally published 3 July 2015; refurbished 1 July 2021.] “The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in World War II,…
The New World Order: TPP, JADE HELM and the future of the nation
by Jim Fetzer George H.W. Bush talked about “the New World Order” and that they would eventually be successful in bringing it about. The outlines of the NWO have now become apparent: the world will be governed by transnational boards of corporate attorneys, who will run a government of, by and for corporations! No nation’s sovereignty will be respected under the new TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)–and that includes the Constitution of the United States. We are descending into an abyss from which there will be no return. We are in the…
Charleston Church Shooting: An Obama/Katzenberg/Spielberg Production
by Jim Fetzer The Charleston Church shooting not only has the earmarks of a staged event, featuring an alleged shooter, Dylann Storm Roof, who has been depicted as a racist but using photoshopped images and a contrived “manifesto”, where his videotaped entry into the church displays the wrong date and time; and we have no actual proof that any of the nine purported victims actually died, where the open casket funeral for Pastor Clementa Pinkney presents a close but not close-enough fascimile. This event appears to have been very well-planned…
South Carolina Church Shooting: 10 signs this was another “false flag”
by Jim Fetzer A 20-year Marine intelligence officer and former CIA-clandestine services case officer, Robert David Steele, has reported that every terrorist event in the US (9/11 and since) has been brought to us by our own government. Those “false flag” events have included Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, which has been established by mountains of proof. The key players appear to be especially the FBI and the DHS. The shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, and of Walter Scott in North Charleston, SC, both appear to be staged…
Charlie Hebdo: Gateway to Totalitarian Government
by Jim Fetzer That the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine, in Paris on 7 January 2015, in which two gunmen forced their way into the building and killed twelve, including staff cartoonists and several others, was a “false flag” event became apparent almost immediately, where there was an “X” on the street for the vehicle to park to provide the best view for a surveillance camera and where the shooting of a police officer with an AK-47 did not blow his head apart like…
Spilling the Beans: The truth about Libya and Benghazi
by James and Joanne MoriartyOur storyJames and Joanne had a sensational interview with Stew Webb on on 15 June 2015. Listen to it here. We were business people doing business in Libya since 2007 January. We made a unique enzyme that rejuvenates oil wells and cleans up sludge pits, cleans out pipelines and tanks and does a whole lot of neat things to oil. We booked a huge amount of business in Libya from 2007 to 2011: 5 billion dollars worth of our product. We signed a JV with the Social…
JADE HELM going LIVE 15 June with an EMP over Texas?
by Jim Fetzer While we have been told that JADE HELM is a “routine training op” involving 1,200 National Guard troops, those claims have been blown out of the water with the accumulation of more and more stunning evidence. My purpose here is to review the bidding by providing the background against which Kerry Cassidy’s new interview with “White Rabbit”, who has been trained for JADE HELM, can be better understood. Although it is from a second-hand source, there are reasons to believe that he may be on the mark…
And I suppose we didn’t go to the moon, either?
by Jim Fetzer If you thought that Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing were “big lies” from the US government, you haven’t seen anything yet! This new book–second in the series, “Save the World / Resist the Empire”— tackles the Apollo Moon Landing, the Beatles’ Greatest Mystery, replacing Saddam and Osama, and (most controversial of all) the Holocaust. If you think you know the score about these events, then test your beliefs against the evidence it presents. You may have a lot to learn from this sensational new book! For…
JADE HELM: Our Constitutional Duty and Civilian Response
by Scott Bennett with Jim Fetzer In this advisory about the appropriate response to JADE HELM, Scott Bennett, a former counter-terrorism expert who has blown the whistle on CIA funding for ISIS, which, as I have previously reported, is a creation of the DIA (“ISIS and other absurdities ‘Made in the USA’”), explains what we as American citizens can do to bring JADE HELM to a halt through the Constitutional legal process. Among his most important points are the following: (1) Since the power of law is what is being used to…