NATO’s 25th Summit in Chicago: Global Full-Spectrum Dominance

NATO`s 25th Summit in Chicago in Preparation of Global Full Spectrum Dominance By Christof Lehmann, nsnbc 16 May 2012 NATO and Chicago prepare for NATO`s 25th Summit while a 17 nations war games exercise is planned in northern Jordan, near the Syrian border. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called US President Obama and declared that he will not take part in NATO`s Summit. Russia is threatening with the option of a preemptive strike over NATO missile defense shield, while NATO is expected to declare the missile defense shield, stationed in…

What happened to JFK’s body? A cover-up “on the fly”

What happened to JFK’s body? A cover-up “on the fly” by Jim Fetzer (with Douglas Horne) EDITOR’S NOTE: For this study, I interviewed Douglas Horne , who served as the Chief Analyst for Military Records for the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), a five-member civilian panel established by Congress to declassify documents and records held by the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, and other agencies related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Its creation was motivated by the resurgence of interest in the case that was brought about by Oliver Stone’s “JFK”. George H.W. Bush, who…

The Sixth Floor’s Message to History: Just Hush Now

The Sixth Floor’s Message to History: Just Hush NowBy Jim Schutze Thursday, Mar 15 2012http:// Someone with a lot of clout in this town thinks Dallas should clamp down on free speech at Dealey Plaza for the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination coming up next year. There’s only one right way for free Americans to deal with that kind of thinking. Clamp down on Dallas. In talking to assassination experts around the country for the past week or so, the phrase that pops up is “Occupy Dealey Plaza.” I…

Kenneth R. Timmerman: Award Winning Journalist or Political Hack?

Kenneth R. Timmerman: Award Winning Journalist or Political Hack? By Jim Fetzer and Joshua Blakeney According to his home page, Kenneth Timmerman is an “investigative reporter”, a phrase that suggests he conducts investigations and then reports about them. No less an eminence than Simon Wiesenthal has endorsed him, observing, “I have spent my life tracking down the murderers of yesterday. Mr. Timmerman is tracking down the murderers of tomorrow.” And he has received awards for his efforts. Accuracy in Media (AIM), for example, announced on 31 January 2011 that he…

JFK: Was Oswald in the doorway, after all?

JFK: Was Oswald in the doorway, after all? James Fetzer After publishing “JFK: What we know now that we didn’t know then”, I encountered the remarkable work of Dr. Ralph Cinque, who had seen something that no one else had noticed in nearly 50 years of study on the assassination of JFK, namely: that, in relation to the long-standing debate over the identity of the man in the doorway in the famous Altgens photograph, usually referred to as “Doorway Man”, between Lee Oswald, the accused assassin of JFK, and Billy…

IRAN: Is this what NATO has in store?

IRAN: Is this what NATO has in store? Christof Lehmann, James Fetzer and Joshua Blakeney In “USA: Massive Transports of Military Equipment”, Christof Lehmann, the first author, has reported the stunning videos taken by Mr. Andrew Tuckman on 19 January 2012, who began filming this after a dozen or so train cars went by on a stretch of track south of Santa Cruz, California. “Where are the military vehicles going? Why are they being shipped? What could this possibly be for? Barack Obama, what are you up to? We want…

Review of Hamas by Beverley Milton-Edwards and Stephen Farrell

Review of Hamas by Beverley Milton-Edwards and Stephen Farrell (2010 Polity Press) by Dr. Stuart Jeanne Bramhall Beverly Milton-Edwards is Professor in the School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy at Queen’s University Belfast. Steven Farrell, who has dual British-Irish citizenship, is Middle East Correspondent for The New York Times. Hamas is about the militant Palestinian group which was democratically elected to run the Palestinian Authority in 2006. The main value of the book is the rich context it provides regarding the Israeli occupation of Palestine, which is totally absent…

IRAN: US/Israeli “False Flag” attack may be underway

Jim Fetzer and Joshua Blakeney Several warnings of an imminent “false flag” attack by the Israeli-influenced United States on one of its own warships, which will be attributed to Iran, have been reported by several reliable sources. In recent years “false-flag” terrorism has been utilized multiple times by US and Israeli political actors to provide pretexts for otherwise unjustifiable, anti-Islamic military excursions. The plan is to justify an all-out assault on Iran based upon a new fabricated “Pearl Harbor”. Israel is the primary motivator behind the attempts to destabilize Iran.…

Fallujah Babies: Under a New Kind of Siege

Fallujah babies: Under a new kind of siege NOTE: This serves as a sequel to my interview with Leuren Moret and Christopher Busby on “The Real Deal”, which was published as “New bombs and war crimes in Fallujah”, Veterans Today (3 November 2011). Doctors and residents blame US weapons for catastrophic levels of birth defects in Fallujah’s newborns. Dahr Jamail (6 January 2012) Congenital abnormalities have mushroomed in the wake of devastating US sieges in Fallujah in 2004 [EPA] Fallujah, Iraq – While the US military has formally withdrawn from…

ME & LEE Reviewed by Stuart Bramhall

Me & Lee: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey OswaldJudyth Vary Baker (2010 TrineDay) “They thought they could frighten Judyth Vary Baker into silence. And for decades they succeeded. But it’s too late to shut her up now. She’s already blown the whistle! And she did it for her friend Lee Oswald. Judyth’s story is a dark odyssey of disease, murder and betrayal, but it is one laced with innocence, hope and love.” —Edward T. Haslam Review by Stuart Bramhall Me & Lee is a memoir…