From America to Amerika: The End Game Jim Fetzer (with Dennis Cimino) FEMA Camps across the USA The brutal suppression of the exercise of freedom of speech and of the right to petition our government for redress of grievances of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement by local and campus police departments, who are clad in riot gear and helmets with masks, appears to be a manifestation of the increasing militarization of police departments at the local, state, and federal level through the creation of “fusion centers” supervised by the Department…
Category: blog
Palestine Israel History and Theirstory
Palestine Israel History and Theirstory. by Christof Lehmann November 13, 2011 by nsnbc HisStory and TheirStory I hope that the reader will bear over with me for inventing the word theirstory, but if history is written by those who are victorious and powerful enough to position them selves and their narratives about historical events into acceptance by mainstream historians and media, then, what else should one call the narratives of those who have suffered defeat. Palestinians have suffered from being in the position of the defeated for decades. Their history…
Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of JFK
Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of JFK Jim Fetzer and Douglas Horne As an illustration of the depravity of the main stream media in this country today, I have been struck by the astute observations of Douglas Horne, who was the Chief Analyst for Military Records for the Assassination Records Review Board, a five-member civilian board entrusted with the responsibility for declassifying documents and records held by the CIA, the NSA, the FBI and the Secret Service, among other agencies of the government, created by an act…
Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of Libya
Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of Libya by Jim Fetzer In collaboration with Christof Lehmann, “Libya, Green Flags, and The Heart of Darkness”, I have explained why, based upon the information available to us both, even if Moammar Gadaffi qualified as a dictator, he was a remarkably benevolent one, who provided his citizens with a national health care program, financed their education (even at the college level), provided them with homes and even a share of royalties derived from the nation’s oil resources. Under Gadaffi, Libya had…
Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of Ron Paul
Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of Ron Paul by Jim Fetzer During the organizing meeting of The Human Behavior and Evolution Society at the University of Michigan in 1988, I raised my hand after a presentation by Lida Cosmides, then the doyen of the movement, which had made a certain impression on me, and said, “I have only two concerns regarding your presentation”. She said, “Yes?”; and I continued, “One is your conclusion”. She took a few paces with her hand on her chin and again said,…
From New York to Occupy the World: Will it Work?
From New York to Occupy the World: Will it Work? by Jim Fetzer “Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”— John F. Kennedy (1962) Protesters at “Occupy Wall Street” The responses to “Occupy Wall Street” have ranged from hypercritical and dismissive to completely sympathetic and supportive. Some have suggested that this is really COINTELPRO in action, while others submit that it is instead a preemptive move by the far right to undermine the public’s growing disenchantment with endless wars, bank bailouts, and the decimation of the middle…
Flossing can be Murder: Inventor becomes Victim
Flossing can be Murder (Update): Inventor becomes Victim Jim Fetzer and Sean Dix Sean Dix at “Occupy Wall Street” Sean Dix has invented an ingenious device known as “the floss ring”. He brought it to Johnson & Johnson (hereafter “J&J”) in 1994, unaware that J&J had been attempting to develop a similar product of its own, but without success. That began a series of horrendous experiences that culminated on 21 December 2009, with an apparent attempt on his life by means of a massive injection of flouride administered by his…
Libya, Green Flags, and The Heart of Darkness
by Jim Fetzer (and Christof Lehmann) NATO bombing in Tripoli, Libya One of the great virtues of Veterans Today appears to be that diverse opinions about the most important issues that confront us are welcomed with respect as long as they are well-reasoned and responsible. I have been dismayed by the support for NATO’s intervention in Libya from some of our most significant contributors, which has led me to conduct interviews and additional research about what is going on there. That the first act of this “rebel uprising” was to…
9/11 Interview with IRNA (The Islamic Republic News Agency)
9/11 Interview with IRNA (The Islamic Republic News Agency) Jim Fetzer Perhaps the most interesting of my 9/11 interviews was one with IRNA (The Islamic Republic News Agency) of Iran, which came in the form of a series of written interrogatories. I have discussed it and the problems entailed by its translation into Farsi and then back into English in a column on Veterans Today. Here I want to present the bare bones of the questions asked and answers given, for those who may be searching for an overview about…
Mike Palacek’s “New American Dream” — Post 9/11
Presented on the occasion of Minnesota 9/11 Truth’s 10th year observance of 9/11 in the Rotunda of the Capitol in St. Paul, MN, 11 September 2011. We have a dream … Mike Palacek … of bringing the United States politicians, journalists and generals who have brought about this long ten-year war and debacle to trial — and put on TV just like O.J. — every goddamned afternoon — so every American can watch … just like the McCarthy Hearings and the JFK funeral procession … —— What we need is…