Quassim Cassam: A bona-fide Anti-Conspiracy-Theory buffoon

by Jim Fetzer Quassim Cassam A professor of philosophy at Warwick University, Quassim Cassam, during an interview with The Independent (7 August 2015), “What turns someone into a conspiracy theorist?”, stated that he has been funded to conduct a study about why some people are more “receptive” to conspiracy theories than other, suggesting that those who are susceptible are either “literally mad or mentally ill”, where he inclines to believe they have “certain intellectual traits”, such as dogmatism, gullibility or close-mindedness, which is about as absurd as it gets. Consider:…

Clyde Lewis on “Ground Zero”: Conspiracy for Republicans

by Jim Fetzer Having done thousands of interviews about JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, JADE HELM and the Holocaust, among other matters, it came as no surprise when I was invited to appear on “Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis”, which is broadcast over 200 stations across the nation. His producer, Ron Patton, sent me a link to his opening monologue, which I thought was very good. Here’s part of our exchange: [7/31/15, 8:25:21 PM] Ron Patton: http://www.groundzeromedia.org/conspiracy-culture-so-you-think-you-are-not-radicalized/  [7/31/15, 8:25:53 PM] Ron Patton: please check it out when you have…

Voter Fraud vs. Election Theft: Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Re-election

by Jim Fetzer with Richard Charnin If political parties did not lie, steal, cheat and control vote counts, they might never win elections. And the mechanism that enables them to fake votes, steal elections and dominate Congress, alas, also allows our own government to bring us Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing and other forms of abuse, including pilfering our pensions and looting our bank accounts. In the past, Democrats earned reputations for “machine politics” in cities like Chicago. But today, the advent of electronic voting machines whose company owners–including some…

The Holocaust Narrative: Politics Trumps Science

by Jim Fetzer   [Editor’s note:: Because of the great interest shown in my research on the Holocaust–which, like my work on JFK, 9/11 and other events, such as Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, has been in collaboration with other students–I am republishing it here in order to preserve it on the record. Originally published 3 July 2015; refurbished 1 July 2021.] “The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in World War II,…

South Carolina Church Shooting: 10 signs this was another “false flag”

by Jim Fetzer  A 20-year Marine intelligence officer and former CIA-clandestine services case officer, Robert David Steele, has reported that every terrorist event in the US (9/11 and since) has been brought to us by our own government. Those “false flag” events have included Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, which has been established by mountains of proof. The key players appear to be especially the FBI and the DHS. The shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, and of Walter Scott in North Charleston, SC, both appear to be staged…

Charlie Hebdo: Gateway to Totalitarian Government

by Jim Fetzer That the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine, in Paris on 7 January 2015, in which two gunmen forced their way into the building and killed twelve, including staff cartoonists and several others, was a “false flag” event became apparent almost immediately, where there was an “X” on the street for the vehicle to park to provide the best view for a surveillance camera and where the shooting of a police officer with an AK-47 did not blow his head apart like…

And I suppose we didn’t go to the moon, either?

by Jim Fetzer If you thought that Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing were “big lies” from the US government, you haven’t seen anything yet! This new book–second in the series, “Save the World / Resist the Empire”— tackles the Apollo Moon Landing, the Beatles’ Greatest Mystery, replacing Saddam and Osama, and (most controversial of all) the Holocaust. If you think you know the score about these events, then test your beliefs against the evidence it presents. You may have a lot to learn from this sensational new book!  For…

Why Ringo’s Confession, “We replaced Paul!”, appears to be authentic

by Jim Fetzer [NOTE: This article was originally posted on Veterans Today on March 29, 2015. When I was sacked by Gordon Duff for speaking out about JADE HELM and his abusive treatment of Robert O’Dowd for an earlier article regarding JADE HELM, I discovered that he had taken down my four most recent articles about the Boston bombing and this article as well. In one of the most brutal media massacres of all time–where he has deleted 150 articles of mine on JFK, 9/11, Wellstone, Sandy Hook, the Boston…

JADE HELM: Kevin Barrett and Gordon Duff move to The Dark Side

by Jim Fetzer It was bad enough when Kevin Barrett published a blog that grossly distorted what I have reported about recent events involving Stew Webb, Jeff Rense and Gordon Duff, where Duff fired Webb while he was on the air with me and Preston James. Not long thereafter, he added an “Editor’s Note” trashing an article by Robert O’Dowd, which raised questions about the military operation, JADE HELM. And when I spoke up on behalf of O’Dowd and explained why he appeared to be right, I was given the…

THEY DIDN’T DO IT! Maret Tsarnaev blows apart the Boston Show Trial

by Jim Fetzer (with Maret Tsarnaeva) As a retired university professor, former Marine Corps officer and journalist for veteranstoday.com, I have published several articles about the Boston bombing. Given my understanding that defense attorneys have an ethical obligation to provide clients with a vigorous defense, I have been stunned that Judy Clarke, the attorney of record for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, has said that Dzhokhar did it, when there is a superabundance of evidence that this was a drill and that neither he nor his brother were involved. Here is an update…