by Jim Fetzer My earliest warning had come from Preston James, Ph.D., among the most prolific and widely-read contributors to A social psychologist who is an expert on intel and covert ops, Preston had told me, “The book is too good. It has the potential to bring down the Obama administration. They are going to do everything that they can to suppress it–so don’t be surprised when it happens!” The hammer fell on Thursday, when suppressed NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), where I cannot even order a…
Debunking the Sandy Hook Debunkers: #4 INSIDE EDITION does a hit piece
by Jim Fetzer This afternoon, I received a request from Alison Hall with INSIDE EDITION (ABC daily, early evening in most cities). She said they were doing a story about NURTURING AND HEALING (2014) by Scarlett Lewis, one of the purported parents of a child, Jesse Lewis, whom the “official reports” allege to have been killed by Adam Lanza. Apparently, they noticed that advertises NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015) on the same page as Scarlett’s book, which led them to contact me to discuss what we had found.…
Debunking the Sandy Hook Debunkers: #3 Deanna Spingola and C.W. Wade
by Jim FetzerThe disinformation campaign against NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), like the “active shooter” drills being conducted around the country (where the latest “false flag” attack has occurred in Paris), continues unabated, where there are signs that the enemies of truth are being defeated, one by one, over the course of time, as more and more students of Sandy Hook stand up for truth, where the occurrence of an elaborate hoax in no one died has been demonstrated in this 425-page volume, loaded with photos, documents and records.…
Debunking the Sandy Hook Debunkers: #2 What’s wrong with
by Jim Fetzer The earliest reviews of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015) on were highly favorable, which appears to have struck fear in those who want to suppress the truth about this elaborate hoax. The evidence that we have produced in this 425-page book is so extensive, thorough and detailed that they had to find a tactic for coping with the immense public interest it was bound to generate. Here is an example of one of the very first, if not the very first, reviews to appear: The…
Debunking the Sandy Hook Debunkers: #1 Was this an operational school?
by Jim FetzerEnough objections have been raised that it appears to be timely to respond to some of the attempts to undermine our research. Our book, NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), provides 425 pages of photos, documents and other records that substantiate that this was not a child massacre but a two-day FEMA drill to promote gun control. No one who reads the book has any doubt about it, where we have a large number of 5-STAR reviews from those who have read the book, offset by a lesser…
Rebekah Roth: A fiction producing fiction about a fiction
By Allan William Powell I think Ms. Roth is a fiction producing fiction about a fiction. She keeps the planes in the air. I don’t think they were there. She has no history of any kind and I don’t mean academic or research. She has no Internet footprint that I can find and I would be grateful to anyone who can point me in any direction in that respect who has found anything indicating the presence of a Rebekah Roth, this Rebekah Roth on the Internet. All I see are…
Halbig Family Harassed By Forces Seeking to Quell Investigation Efforts
November 12, 2015 Halbig Family Harassed By Forces Seeking to Quell Investigation Efforts 3 by James Tracy • Documents, Home • Tags: Sandy Hook Elementary, surveillance, terrorism Former State Trooper Pleads With Local Sheriff For Protection [As Wolfgang Halbig uses FOI requests and court actions to unearth more damning information suggesting that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was fraudulent, he and his loved ones are experiencing increased harassment, including “gangstalking” and death threats. Mr. Halbig’s new website is Sandy Hook Justice Report.-JFT] Wolfgang HalbigSandy Hook Justice Report(November 9, 2015) From Wolfgang Halbig’s Facebook Page: I need to share with all…
SANDY HOOK: A FEMA drill to promote gun control
by James Fetzer, Ph.D. What was widely reported as a school massacre in which 20 children and six adults were shot to death by a young man named “Adam Lanza” has been exposed to have been a FEMA drill to promote gun control, where no one died, as even officials in the Obama Department of Education have acknowledged to an LA school safety expert. Those are the stunning findings of a dozen experts who have been investigating the event for the past three years, whose research has now appeared in…
NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK: Further exchange with Michael Flagg
This further exchange with Michel Flagg can be found on click here. In reply to your post on Nov 6, 2015 8:33:05 PM PSTLast edited by the author 6 hours ago Michael Flagg says: I must have hit a nerve for you to make a blog post about me and my review. So, you have no facts to prove nobody died and that it was a FEMA drill, so you resort to attacking Keith Johnson. No, you have 50 photographs from the crime scene. Fifty (50)!!! They look like before and after…
NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK: Michael Flagg vs. Jim Fetzer
The original exchange on can be linked here: the exchange.14 of 19 people found the following review helpful No Ph.D. required to know that this book is why we cannot ignore mental health! Sickening title and a book of lies!, November 5, 2015 By Michael Flagg This review is from: Nobody Died At Sandy Hook: It wasn’t a School Massacre. It was a FEMA drill. (Moon Rock Books) (Volume 3) (Paperback) Book title: “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook: It wasn’t a School Massacre. It was a FEMA drill.” The…