On Wall Street: Are Corporations Inherently Immoral?

by Jim Fetzer Zbig, his daughter, Mika, and Joe That Zbig Brzezinski is discussing the gross discrepancy between the rich and the poor, where he predicted some years ago that, because of the growing distance between the rich and powerful (who have become the “rich and shameless”) and the poor and powerless, the nation would confront a massive movement for more distributive justice, it occurred to me that what he has to say can only be adequately appreciated against a background of familiarity with moral theory and why there is a case to be…

Academic Freedom: Are there Limits to Inquiry? JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust

by Jim Fetzer An unprecedented conference entitled, “Academic Freedom: Are there Limits to Inquiry? JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust”, was held at the University of Illinois UC, Illini Union, Room 314A, from 9 AM-6 PM/CT on 26 April 2014. The idea for this conference originated with Stephen Francis, who also organized The Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference, which was held at the Urbana Free Library on 22 September 2013, featuring as speakers Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer and Wayne Madsen. See “The Complete Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference” on Veterans Today. Stephen Francis While there have been…

Oregon Shooting: 13 Potentially Troubling Signs of yet another False Flag

By Bernie Suarez When you practice something all the time you eventually get very good at it. The one thing many awakened and vigilant Americans have become good at over the past few years is sniffing out government false flags because they have so much practice at it. You may find that the events surrounding the recent Umpqua Community College shooting in southern Oregon may ring a few familiar false flag bells after you consider what the mainstream media is saying about the shooting. It is at least extremely reasonable to…

Conspiracy + Theory = Kook ?

By Terry Rankin Conspiracy + Theory = KookHm. Really? If that’s the formula for “conspiracy theory”, please tell me the formula for conspiracy science in equally simple and precise terms, i.e.: Conspiracy + Science = ? After all, any theory is only as plausible as the science upon which it rests, right? Are there no scientifically viable values for “?” to render this formula true? Tried setting “? = 0”, as in, putting those two together comes to nothing? If so, the formula now asserts that no scientific inquiry could reasonably assign truth to any conspiracy claim.…

Occupy Democrats promote New Anti-Gun Scam

by Jim Fetzer A new “Occupy Democrats” anti-gun campaign has begun, featuring a host of actors and actresses who are completely ignorant of the facts about Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing and the other frauds that have been perpetrated upon the American public. It began in earnest with Sandy Hook, which was an elaborate FEMA drill to promote gun control. Here is the pitch from some intelligent and well-meaning figures in Hollywood who have never looked at the evidence! This is embarrassing beyond words. Don’t allow yourself to be played…

Oregon Shooting: 13 Troubling Signs of Potentially Yet Another “False Flag”

by Bernie Suarez Posted on October 2, 2015  When you practice something all the time you eventually get very good at it. The one thing many awakened and vigilant Americans have become good at over the past few years is sniffing out government false flags because they have so much practice at it. You may find that the events surrounding the recent Umpqua Community College shooting in southern Oregon may ring a few familiar false flag bells after you consider what the mainstream media is saying about the shooting. It is at least extremely reasonable to suspect that this is yet another…

Forrest Gump on the Grassy Knoll

by Jim Fetzer As a huge fan of actor Tom Hanks, I have admired him in many roles, including in Charlie Wilson’s War and Saving Private Ryan. I am also a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, who became a worldwide phenomenon in Titanic. But I was distressed and dismayed to learn that they had committed to films about the death of JFK – in Tom’s case, one based on Vincent Bugliosi’s Reclaiming History (2008), and in Leonardo’s, based on Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann’s Legacy of Secrecy (2008) – which are indefensible books. According to Bugliosi, the Warren commission…

The Cartha DeLoach FBI Memo and the Altgens6

By Larry Rivera with Jim Fetzer “The DeLoach memorandum provides ‘smoking gun’ proof that both the FBI and the AP were actively involved in altering the Altgens6 photograph. So much for the denials by pseudo-skeptics, who oppose the truth and continue to insist that Oswald fired the shots from the 6th floor, when the photo shows he was in the doorway at the time.”–Jim Fetzer Cartha “Deke” DeLoach Deep within the bowels of FBI 62-109060 JFK HQ File, Section 4, at the very end (page 187 of the 189 page pdf file available…

JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, the Patsies that Didn’t

by James Fetzer Note: This article originally appeared in Voltairenet.org (13 June 2010). Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated 42 years ago in the midst of his campaign for the U.S. presidency. Largely overshadowed by the death of his brother, President John F. Kennedy, the official account of RFK’s tragic end, allegedly shot down by a lone gunman, like his brother, has received vastly less attention. In both instances, we are looking at staged events that fit into a recurrent pattern in U.S. and world history where innocent individuals (or “patsies”) are…

The JFK War: Welcome coverage from CBS and the Santa Barbara Independent

by Jim Fetzer Those of us who deal with the complex and controversial issues of our time, such as the death of JFK, the plane crash that took the life of Sen. Paul Wellstone, the atrocities of 9/11, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing are inclined to welcome any coverage we receive from the main stream media or even a close approximation, since CIA domination of the media has made that all but impossible.  It was therefore gratifying when CBS covered the JFK 50th Santa Barbara Conference that I organized and moderated on…