by Jim Fetzer (with James Norwood) “The second she jumped up was the second that everyone there knew something horrible had happened,” Dr. Glover said. “This was the most sophisticated woman in the world, and she was climbing out of the back seat in a skirt and she was sliding across the trunk. You couldn’t say, ‘OK, he’s dead,’ but you knew it was horrible. It was beyond unimaginable.”–Toni Glover, Ph.D. Toni Glover, Ph.D., JFK witness The alteration of the home movies of the assassination of JFK is among the most powerful…
Did Zapruder film “the Zapruder film”?
by Jim Fetzer (with Mike Pincher) At first consideration, the question sounds very odd on its face. How could Zapruder have not taken “the Zapruder film”? So here is some background. As many readers may be aware, I organized a JFK research group in 1992 of the most highly-qualified persons to ever study the case, including a world authority on the human brain, who was also an expert on wound ballistics; a Ph.D. in physics who was also an M.D. and board-qualified in radiation oncology; another M.D. who had been…
Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Analysis and Implications
by Douglas Horne (with Jim Fetzer) The authenticity of the Zapruder film and of the other home movies purportedly taken of the assassination in Dealey Plaza has been hotly contested since I (Jim Fetzer) first organized and moderated the first Zapruder Film Symposium during the JFK Lancer Conference in 1996. We have accumulated an enormous quantity of confirming evidence since that time, where those who want to know what actually happened are better off reading the compilation of witness reports from those who were present, which John P. Costella, Ph.D.,…
Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events Pointing to its Alteration
by Douglas P. Horne (with Jim Fetzer) Douglas P. Horne, who served as the Chief Analyst for Military Records for the ARRB (formally, The Assassination Records Review Board), a five member civilian panel that was entrusted with the mission of locating and declassifying documents and records held by the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, ONI, and other federal agencies under The JFK Records Act (which was passed by Congress in the wake of the resurgence of interest in the death of JFK, which was brought about by Oliver Stone’s…
Who’s telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?
by Jim Fetzer Agent’s reports contradict JFK film, autopsy X-rays and other crucial photographs “In the midst of the mayhem the agents were calm, but ready to react in a milisecond”–Jerry Blaine, THE KENNEDY DETAIL According to Jerry Blaine, the author of THE KENNEDY DETAIL (2010), his purpose in writing this book was “to set history straight, to leave a book for [his] grandchildren that they could read and know the truth beyond any measure of doubt.” What Blaine has actually done, however, moves us further toward the truth by revealing…
US Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication
by Jim Fetzer Douglas Horne, who served as the Senior Analyst for Military Affairs of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), a five-member civilian panel that Congress entrusted with the authority to declassify documents and records related to the death of JFK held by the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, and other government agencies, where only the President could over-ride its decisions, recently published INSIDE THE ARRB (2009), a five-volume study of the efforts of the board to declassify documents and records held by the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, and…
49 years in the Offing: The Altgens Reenactment
By Ralph Cinque (with Jim Fetzer) This is the seventh in a series of studies of the Altgens photograph — technically, the Altgens6, out of the seven attributed to him, where the Altgens7 als0 appears to have been faked — where it is now beyond any reasonable doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, could not have killed him, since he was in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository at the time and therefore cannot possibly…
Judyth Vary Baker cements Oswald in the Doorway
by Jim Fetzer (with Judyth Vary Baker) “[T]he shirt seen on the Doorway figure cannot be the shirt (in the Groden photographs) alleged to have been worn by Billy Lovelady “–Judyth Vary Baker The Doorman Among the most contentious issues in JFK research has been whether Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of JFK, was caught in a famous photo taken by AP photographer James “Ike” Altgens in (what is known as) the Altgens6. The question is of enormous importance, since, if he was in the doorway at the time, he could not have…
Lovelady’s “arrow” points to conspiracy and cover-up
By Ralph C. Cinque (with Jim Fetzer) “No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who does not want to adopt a rational attitude.”–Sir Karl Popper The great British philosopher of science, Karl R. Popper, to whom my first book, Scientific Knowledge (1981) was in fact dedicated, championed the importance of falsification (or of attempts to show hypotheses and theories are false) as the key to understanding scientific knowledge. It was his position that the content of an hypothesis or theory is directly related to the extent to which they…
Why Buell Wesley Frazier was erased from the Altgens6
By Larry Rivera (with Jim Fetzer) “The world is a dangerous place, not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”–Albert Einstein Guess what, we are not going to talk about curtain rods in this article. The curtain rod story is a red herring, so we will do away with it right from the top. The Oswald Innocence Campaign (OIC) has already shown that Oswald was Doorman and that Lovelady was “Black Hole Man”, who is holding his arms up to…