by Jack White (with Jim Fetzer) Jack White was a legendary photo and film analyst who made magnificent and enduring contributions to the study of JFK, which I archived in three books with color-photo sections by him, namely: Assassination Science (1998), Murder in Dealey Plaza(2000), and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003). He was my dear friend. He also contributed a color-photo section to The 9/11 Conspiracy (2007), where our last collaboration was on this series of studies for a new book on 9/11 that I was editing, which has not yet found a publisher. Here I want to publish…
Is “9/11 Truth” based upon a false theory?
by Jim Fetzer (with T. Mark Hightower) Given my background in the history and the philosophy of science and as a professional scholar, I founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth for the purpose of promoting collaborative research on the events of 9/11 by creating a web site, issuing press releases, archiving old research and supporting new research, sponsoring conferences, announcing public presentations, and making efforts to reach out to the public with the results of our investigations. The most intense conflicts in relation to the 9/11 Truth movement, however, turn out to come…
Top Ten 9/11 Cons: “Fraud Vitiates Everything” (FVE)
by Jim Fetzer, Dennis Cimino and Mike Sparks “Fraud vitiates every transaction and all contracts. Indeed, the principle is often stated, in broad and sweeping language, that fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters”–37 Am Jur 2d, Section 8 “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING” (FVE) is the legal principle that, once it has been shown shown that one party has lied or committed a deliberate misrepresentation, their whole case is thereby compromised and no longer defensible in a court of law. 37 Am Jur 2d, Section 8, states, “Fraud vitiates every…
LUNATICS ‘R US: The Santilli/Wood/Sunstein Gambit
By Jim Fetzer The latest hysterical tirade from Pete Santilli during his interview with Morgan Reynolds on Friday, 18 January 2013, may qualify as the most irresponsible radio program in history. It demonstrated beyond any doubt that Santilli has no scruples about defaming those of us who have been dedicating our lives to exposing the fabricated events of 9/11, going so far as to claim that I was involved in the death of Michael Zebuhr, a graduate student of Judy Wood, in St. Paul, MN, on Saturday, 18 March 2006;…
Judy Wood and DEWs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
By Jim Fetzer and Don Fox On 11 November 2006, I (Jim Fetzer) first interviewed Judy Wood on a program with Republic Broadcasting Network. I was in Tucson, AZ, at the time, and would discuss her ideas about the use of directed energy weapons (or “DEW”s) during lectures I would present in the following days. I had founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth almost exactly a year earlier and had invited Steve Jones, Ph.D., a physicist from BYU, to be my co-chair as the recommendation of David Ray Griffin. But…
The Nuclear Truth about 9/11: A photographic portfolio
“Ground Zero: The point directly above, below, or at which a nuclear explosion occurs”–Webster’s Dictionary. Gordon shared a link that was found on our “Comments” page, a massive set of photographs that record the clean up at “Ground Zero”. It’s title is “The Nuclear Truth about 9/11”–and I was so impressed that I wanted to share a sampler of the fascinating array of photographs it presents. Veterans Today has published article after article about the use of nukes in New York by Don Fox, Jeff Prager, Dr. Ed Ward, Gordon Duff, Dennis…
Rainbow in the Dark: Powerful Proof of 9/11 Nukes
by Don Fox with Jim Fetzer In accounting for the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11, there are three contending factions within the 9/11 research community. While virtually everyone agrees that WTC-7 was brought down in a (classic) controlled demolition, they differ with respect to how the Twin Towers were destroyed, which was obviously not by means of any kind of collapse, which we know, given their design, would have been impossible, but which the government has told the American people was the case. These three factions advance different alternative…
9/11: A World Swirling in a Volcano of Lies
by Dennis Cimino with Jim Fetzer BREAKING NEWS: We have found a resolution that validates and integrates three apparently inconsistent positions (on the use of big nukes, small nukes and nanothermite) from respected experts on 9/11. The contentious debate over how the Twin Towers were destroyed has pitted those favoring large (“basement”) nukes against those identifying small nukes distributed in the elevator shafts throughout the buildings against those promoting thermite (or “nanothermite”). Some of the most interesting and important research on the mode of destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC)…
2 + 2 = Israel nuked the WTC on 9/11
By Don Fox (with Jim Fetzer) “[I]f New York was outsourced to the Mossad and if the Twin Towers were nuked, then the nukes that were used must have been Israeli….[N]o alternative explanation is reasonable.”–Jim Fetzer How many wars is the US supposed to fight for Israel? How many of our sons and daughters must die? How much of our national treasury and moral standing must be squandered to insure Israeli domination of the Middle East? Does any serious analyst actually believe that the Syrian government–which has been routing the rebels…
9/11 Truth will out: The Vancouver Hearings II
by Jim Fetzer “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”― Arthur Schopenhauer The evidence that none of the “official plane crashes” actually took place is simply overwhelming, even if there are 9/11 Truth groups that want to avoid it. Not only did Flight 77 not hit the Pentagon, but Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville and, even though we have all seen videos purporting to show Flight 11 hit the North Tower and Flight 175 hit…