by Jim Fetzer “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” — the motto of the CIA, taken from the Gospel according to St. John, which was inscribed on the facade of its Headquarters Building in 1959. The array of ongoing attacks on the 9/11 Truth movement has reached astonishing proportions. A “10th anniversary 9/11 Truth ‘Hit Piece’ Roundup” published on 12 September 2011, a year and a day after 9/11, included excerpts from and links to no less than 32 attacks, where the majority emphasize the…
An Aeronautical Engineer: No Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon
by An Aeronautical Engineer (with Jim Fetzer) “This article explains why high-speed flight in relatively close proximity to the ground [as for Flight 77] is virtually impossible – in any fixed-wing aircraft”–An Aeronautical Engineer Among the most important proofs that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon is that the official trajectory — barely skimming the ground at over 500 mph and taking out a series of lampposts — is both aerodynamically and physically impossible. I have argued in the past that it is aerodynamically impossible because ground effect would not allow a 757…
Reflections on the Pentagon: A 9/11 photographic review
by Dennis Cimino (with Jim Fetzer) “Frank Legge paid special attention to a prominent piece of fuselage, which had come from a Boeing 757–not one that had hit the Pentagon on 9/11, but one that had crashed in Cali, Columbia, in 1995”–Jim Fetzer Dennis Cimino As we explained in “Limited hangouts: Kevin Ryan, A&E911 and the Journal of 9/11 Studies”, the Pentagon serves as a litmus test for those who profess to be dedicated to exposing falsehoods and revealing truths about 9/11. By that standard, the Journal of 9/11 Studies does not measure up, because…
Limited hangouts: Kevin Ryan, A&E911 and the Journal of 9/11 Studies
by Jim Fetzer (with Dennis Cimino) “Ryan’s book … confirm(s) my impression that Steve Jones, Kevin Ryan and Richard Gage are the core of a limited hang-out designed to contain the breadth and depth of 9/11 research”–Jim Fetzer In my critique of Richard Gage on C-SPAN, I faulted him especially for offering an answer to the question of HOW that was provably false–the myth of explosive nanothermite. I also faulted A&E911 for its failure to address the WHO and the WHY, which are ingredients that are essential to constructing a narrative about 9/11 for…
On C-SPAN, Richard Gage leaves 9/11 Truth in a “time warp”
by Jim Fetzer “9/11 was conceived as an elaborate psychological operation to instill fear into the American people in order to manipulate them into supporting the political agenda of the Bush/Cheney administration”–Jim Fetzer Everyone who’s committed to 9/11 Truth should welcome more coverage from C-SPAN. Perhapsthe greatest coverage to reach the public in the past was also from C-SPAN, when it covered the panel discussion of the American Scholars Conference, Los Angeles, 24-25 June 2006. But this one might be an exception. We heard then about nanothermite from Steve Jones, Co-Chair of Scholars for…
James H. Fetzer – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia BUSTED!
by Jim Fetzer Imagine the benefits that would be derived from a dictionary in which the words were improperly defined, whether that occurred accidentally or not. And similar considerations apply to encyclopedias.–The author Having encountered the abuse of Wikipeida for political purposes both in relation to the entry for Scholars for 9/11 Truth, “Wikipedia as a 9/11 disinformation op”, and in relation to my own biographical entry, “James H. Fetzer — Wikipedia NOT”, I suppose I should not have been surprised. When it turned to the latest version of my entry–which has…
Rebekah Roth’s METHODICAL ILLUSION: Pros and Cons
by Jim Fetzer It has taken me some time to come out about Rebekah Roth and her book, METHODICAL ILLUSION (2015), which has now been supplemented by her second, METHODICAL DECEPTION (2015). I learned of her book six months or so ago from my friend, Dennis Cimino, who was the Navy’s top electronics trouble shooter before he left and joined Raytheon. Rebekah had contacted him in an effort to gain his support for her work, where they spent some time (around six hours) in conversation. Dennis told me that he…
9/11: Even the frames from the Pentagon were faked
by Vince Giesbrecht Dear Jim, I just finished listening to the Stubblebine interview, which was truly remarkable. Once again, it impressed on me how LITTLE some of these top Generals probably know in general(!) … about what is really going on … because they just blindly trust their government. He’s done pretty good though, all things considered. Now, you two were discussing the Pentagon surveillance videos and I was just looking at these again in the last couple of days so it was rather co-incidental that some of my…
9/11: Who was Responsible and Why (with Dennis Cimino)
By Jim Fetzer and Dennis Cimino Just as Major General Albert Stubblebein, USA (ret.), was in charge of all US military intelligence during his career, Dennis Cimino was the Navy’s top electronic’s “trouble shooter” and is among the most knowledgeable experts I know about technical aspects of 9/11.Between my interview with the general (about the faking of all four “crash sites”) and this interview with Dennis Cimino (about who was responsible and why), the public has access to about 95% of what is known about the events of 9/11, which…
US government was complicit in 9/11 attacks: Scholar
by Jim Fetzer and PressTV The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States were staged by the CIA, Pentagon and neoconservatives within the US government, an American scholar says. To listen to this six minute interview with Press TV, click on this link and then begin the recording. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States were staged by the CIA, Pentagon and neoconservatives within the US government, an American scholar and retired professor says. “This was brought to us compliments of the CIA, neocons and the Department…