US propaganda against Russia could lead to nuclear winter

  US propaganda against Russia could lead to nuclear winter Press TV Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:10P Nagasaki after an atomic bomb in August 1945. Click here to listen to the interview. Washington’s unprecedented propaganda campaign to demonize Russia and President Vladimir Putin could lead to a nuclear catastrophe, according to an American scholar in Madison, Wisconsin. Professor James Henry Fetzer, an editor at Veterans Today, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Sunday while commenting on a former White House official’s article in which he warned…

US paranoia over Iran’s role in Yemen unjustified: American philosopher

US paranoia over Iran’s role in Yemen unjustified: American philosopher  Press TV   Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:3PM  To listen to the interview with Press TV, click here. The United States move to join a naval blockade against Yemen has “the effect of keeping food from the people rather than weapons form the rebels”, says American philosopher James Fetzer. The US was “embarrassed” last week after one of its ships, taking part in the blockade, boarded a Panamanian cargo ship, accused of carrying Iranian weapons to Yemen’s Houthi fighters, but…

JADE HELM is NOT “an ordinary training drill”

by Jim Fetzer Something is wrong at Veterans Today. A former Marine, who has published many articles here, was slammed by Gordon Duff and by Jim Dean for perpetrating “a hoax” by raising concerns about this mysterious “training op” called JADE HELM. I admire VT and like Gordon personally, although from time to time we have a divergence in our point of view. I have never felt as positive about Jim Dean because, as an old-time reporter and editor, he has come across to me as having an anti-academic prejudice,…


SIX JFK SHOOTERS, INCLUDING THREE TIED TO CIA, NAMED BY ASSASSINATION AUTHORITY by Sherwood Ross (with Jim Fetzer) Six shooters who participated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, including three with ties to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), were named by a prominent critic of the Warren Commission Report (WCR). Remarkably, Lee Harvey Oswald, the Warren Commission’s lone-assassin-designate, was not among them.  During an interview published this past Nov. 20th in The Santa Barbara Independent, WCR critic/researcher Dr. James Fetzer of Madison, WI, and Chairman of the Oswald…

The JFK War: CBS endorses the “magic bullet” absurdity

By Jim Fetzer “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth”– Sherlock Holmes  The latest defense of the “magic bullet” absurdity comes from CBS, which featured a father and son combination who claim to have used “new forensic technology” to demonstrate that The Warren Report (1964) had it right when it posited the “magic bullet” scenario, where one bullet passes through JFK’s neck and exits his throat to enter the back of Texas Gov. John Connally.   The distinctive feature of this “reenactment” may…

The JFK War: The two Cyril Wechts, the “magic bullet” and the HSCA

By Jim Fetzer (with David S. Lifton)  “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves”― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin  As serious students of the death of JFK are aware, the FBI and the Secret Service concluded on the day of the assassination that there had been three shots and three hits:  * the first shot had hit JFK in the back, about 5.5″ below the collar to the right of the spinal column;  * the second had hit Texas Governor John Connally in the back, shattered a…

JFK: Cartha DeLoach FBI Memorandum and Altgens6

By Larry Rivera (with Jim Fetzer) “The DeLoach memorandum provides ‘smoking gun’ proof that both the FBI and the AP were actively involved in altering the Altgens6 photograph. So much for the denials by pseudo-skeptics, who oppose the truth and continue to insist that Oswald fired the shots from the 6th floor, when the photo shows he was in the doorway at the time.”–Jim Fetzer Deep within the bowels of FBI 62-109060 JFK HQ File, Section 4, at the very end (page 187 of the 189 page pdf file available at The…

The JFK War: Outing the JFK Assassination Research Bureau

by Jim Fetzer During the past few days, I have been drawn into an extended exchange about the assassination of JFK on a facebook web site that carries the most imposing name, “JFK Assassination Research Bureau”. It certainly sounds impressive, but I have discovered — through personal experience — that they do not live up to the impression they convey. This site is not about JFK Truth. If they don’t like you, they simply delete you. With the 50th observance of the death of John Kennedy rapidly approaching, the government is…

The JFK War: Hany Farid, Jefferson Morley and the Zapruder film

by Jim Fetzer “How can Jefferson Morley pretend to be an expert on the assassination of JFK when he is abysmally ignorant about it?”–Jim FetzerWe are encountering the most massive disinformation in American history as the 50th observance of the assassination of JFK approaches. Long discredited theories–such as that a Secret Service man accidentally shot JFK with his AR-15, that Jackie shot JFK with a derringer, and an impostor was killed, while JFK is in Tahiti sipping Mai-Ties–are being marketed around the web. The obvious cases are bad enough, but…

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC 9/11 Shill

By Jim Fetzer “The secrecy state is at the heart of the leaks by whistleblowers Manning and Snowden; the court proceedings and surveillance of journalists by the government; the necessary or unnecessary (who knows?) closure of diplomatic posts abroad; the refusal to respond to FOIA requests by the public; the efforts even by local and state governments to even keep citizens from overseeing the tabulation of ballots cast in their own public elections.”–Brad Friedman There was a time when I was a huge fan of msnbc, especially of “Countdown” with Keith Olbermann,…