US “Terror Alert” a political stunt and other NSA absurdities

by Jim Fetzer   “It [the closing of embassies and consulates around the world in response to an al-Qaeda threat] is ridiculous. It appears to be another psychological political stunt to intimidate the American people and make them believe that there is a real terrorist threat from abroad.“–Jim Fetzer US relations with its allies are falling apart over the revelations of massive spying by the NSA. According to the latest reports, the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office says “it is preparing to bring charges against US and British intelligence agencies over…

Coup d’etat — Paul Craig Roberts

by Paul Craig Roberts The American people have suffered a coup d’etat, but they are hesitant to acknowledge it. The regime ruling in Washington today lacks constitutional and legal legitimacy.  Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere “scrap of paper.” An unconstitutional government is an illegitimate government. The oath of allegiance requires defense of the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” As the Founding Fathers made clear, the main enemy of the Constitution…

An Open Letter to Steven Jones: Hard Evidence supports the 9/11 Mini-Nuke Hypothesis

by Don Fox and Jeff Prager The WTC Mini-Nuke Hypothesis Our hypothesis is that World Trade Center Buildings 1 and 2 were demolished by a series of very low-yield micro nuclear devices that were planted in the center columns of the buildings and detonated sequentially from top to bottom and configured or directed to explode upward in order to simulate a free fall collapse. A mini-nuke or series of mini-nukes were also detonated in the basement of WTC 6. The bombs appeared to be fission/fusion devices that had powerful but…

The Debate over 9/11 Truth: Dick Eastman vs. Jim Fetzer

by Jim Fetzer (with Dick Eastman) Dick Eastman and I are going to have a public debate over whether or not the Twin Towers were hit by Boeing 767s, which he claims is true but I deny. It will be held on The Mike Harris Show on Thursday, 18 July 2013, from 3-5 PM/CT on the Rense Radio Network. So those who care about these issues may want to join us. It will be a two-hour program with the time to speak allocated impartially between us about a crucial bone of contention regarding…

Why Snowden Matters: National Security vs. The National Security State

By Jim Fetzer and PressTV “Snowden is not revealing information that places the national security of the nation at stake but information revealing the NSA has instead been tracking enemies of the national security state.” The most obvious responses to Edward Snowden’s revelations that the NSA has been conducting massive and all-pervasive surveillance of the American people–and, indeed, of targeted populations abroad–have come from those, such as Sens. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsay Graham (R-SC), who maintain that he is placing the national security of the United States at risk.…

JFK 50th: The keys to understanding his assassination

by Jim Fetzer On 22 November 2013, the Oswald Innocence Campaign will be hosting the premiere event to commemorate the 50th observance of the JFK assassination in Santa Barbara, CA, at the FessParker Doubletree Hotel (1-10:30 PM). Presenting cutting-edge research on the death of our 35th President, which holds the keys to understanding what took place, it will feature some of the best authors on some the most important evidence that clarifies and illuminates that tragic event in Dallas on 22 November 1963. The research presented will advance extensive, detailed evidence establishing that…

DHS insider: It’s about to get Very Ugly

By Douglas J. Hagmann “Everyone needs to reflect on the United States having become obsessed with national security, even to the extent of gutting our Bill of Rights and turning the country into a “surveillance society”. It is long past time that serious consideration be given to dismantling DHS and returning the organization of our government to its far saner past.”–Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: While I would like to believe that Douglas Hagmann is exaggerating, all the evidence is against it. From my point of view, it is astounding that…

Rob Kall: The Petty Tyrant of OpEdNews

by Jim Fetzer “This article is not currently available”–return to search on “New Proof of JFK Film Fakery” (and to 42 other articles) New questions are being raised about the definition of “journalist” and who should properly qualify, which appears to be one more attempt by the federal government to suppress freedom of speech and of the press and to further abrogate the rights of American citizens under the First Amendment of the Constitution. A thoughtful discussion of this question has been published in “Journalist Shield Law has Problems” by Jonah Goldberg.  Goldberg is a…

by Jim Fetzer “When did fact become myth? Is Jewish ownership of large sections of the media a myth? Are AIPAC and the US government’s subservience to Israel a myth? Is repeated interference in Church affairs by Jewish groups a myth?”–Stuart Littlewood As Stuart Littlewood has reported, “These ‘commandments’ must be obeyed”, a new surge of suppression of criticism of the policies and actions of the government of Israel has surfaced.  These “commandments” are clearly intended to reflect a conception of anti-Semitism that is vastly broader than is justifiable and which has…

Senate Betrays Constitution for Israel: Commitment to Attack Iran

by Jim Fetzer (with M.J. Rosenberg) One more war for Israel In a stunning betrayal of the Constitution of the United States, which, under Article VI grants treaties the same status under the Constitution as the Constitution itself and therefore obligates the United States to conform to the UN Charter and international law to which it is bound by treaties, the US Senate has passed a resolution that commits the nation to support Israel militarily, diplomatically, and economically should it decide to attack Iran “in its legitimate self-defense”, where every action Israel…