James H. Fetzer: Mossad Played a Crucial Role in 9/11 Attacks

by Jim Fetzer Here is an interview conducted this week on “Truth vs. NEW$” that provides further substantiation for the claims that I advanced during my 9/11 interview with IRAN REVIEW (13 September 2013):   Interview with James H. Fetzer By: Kourosh Ziabari (THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012) – More than one decade after the 9/11 attacks which completely diverted the path of the U.S. foreign policy and led to the waging of two lethal, erosive wars on Afghanistan and Iraq and killing of thousands of innocent civilians, an influential, diligent…

Abortion Debate: A Muslim, a Catholic and an Agnostic

Broadcast on Truth Jihad RadioTuesday, September 1, 2015 At the 38:20 mark of last week’s False Flag Weekly News, co-host Jim Fetzer and I argued about Planned Parenthood, the breakdown of the family, and related issues. So I thought it would be interesting to bring Jim face-to-face with some even MORE opposing views: Those of Catholic historian-activist E. Michael Jones. I had hoped for a philosophical discussion of family values issues, using Planned Parenthood as a touchstone. But what I got was mainly an exchange of utterly incommensurable views on abortion.…

The 9/11 Crash Sites with Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebein, USA (ret.)

by Jim Fetzer Major General Albert Stubblebein, USA (ret.) had a long and distinguished career with the US Army spanning 32 years. Beginning as an armor officer, he later transferred to intelligence and is  credited with redesigning the U.S. Army intelligence as Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) from 1981 to 1984. He is among the very few high-ranking military officers to apply their expertise to exposing the fraudulent events of 9/11.      For a contrasting point of view, Mike Rivero, “What Really Happened”, has attacked Pentagon skeptics and described them as “disinformation agents”, which…

Something is wrong at amazon.com: The Protected Review

by Jim Fetzer When I first published, AND I SUPPOSE WE DIDN’T GO TO THE MOON, EITHER? (2015), I anticipated that it would be controversial. After all, it exposes and debunks the moon landing theory (because we didn’t go to the moon); reveals that the musician who currently goes by the name, “Paul McCartney”, is not the original Beatle; explains that Saddam Hussein was taken out by a B-1 bomber on 7 April 2003 (and was not found in a spider-hole, tried and hung); that Osama bin Laden died on…

19 Intriguing Coincidences Surrounding the Virginia Shooting Posted on August 31, 2015 by Bernie Suarez The problem with repeated false flags and staged events executed for a particular political purpose is that they demand a commitment from the minds of the masses and it has to happen in real-time. You either get it right away that the event is staged or you don’t. That is, you require “proof.” Until you receive that proof or, should I say, until you consciously register a series of information that convinces you that it must have been fake, you…

Unexpected Blow-Back reveals Establishment’s Evil Agenda

by Preston James and Mike Harris [Editor’s Note: This is a long article and some readers who are short of time may find it useful to skip to the numbered “Establishment Goals” below and read only the underlined parts. This will provide a good summary of the article in a very short time. It originally appeared in Veterans Today.] In America, We The People have all been BETRAYED by our elected leaders. We Americans are finally waking up to the sad and tragic fact that we have been terribly betrayed…

FUKUSHIMA: The End of Mankind?

By Dennis Cimino In the aftermath of the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, it’s hard to fathom or describe the environmental damage to the Earth, because it eclipses all prior nuclear accidents by such a huge margin. In the four years now since the earthquake caused the breakage of critical reactor cooling apparatus and plumbing to the point where the plants were not able to sustain or maintain the nearly one million gallons per reactor per minute, needed to cool them, the continued exposure…

James Tracy: VA Reporter and Cameraman Shooting Discrepancy

August 27, 2015by James Tracy • Home • Tags: gun control, news media, news media analysis, propaganda Imagery allegedly circulated via social media of “Bryce Williams” confronting Alison Parker. Video and photographic evidence suggests assailant in video is white, yet so-called shooter Bryce Williams is black. There appears to be a major contradiction in what has been presented as the official storyline of what has come to be known as the “TV Reporter, Cameraman Murdered Live on Air” story being pushed by mainstream and even some “alternative” news outlets. Earlier today MHB‘s companion website Scoopfeed posted a video depicting the scene…

What your Senators don’t know about ISIS and IRAN–Let them know NOW!

by Jim Fetzer The situation is completely absurd. Iran has not attacked any other nation since 1775. It has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty. It has allowed inspectors. All 16 of our own intel agencies concluded in 2007 that Iran was not pursuing nuclear weapons, which they reaffirmed in 2011. Even the Mossad reached the same conclusion in 2012–three weeks before Bibi Netanyahu went to the UN to declare precisely the opposite! Now we have hysterical opposition to the P5 + 1 agreement that governs its non-existent program. And we even…

International Conference: Covert Harassment and Mind Control, Berlin, 1-2 October 2015

FORUM-Factory, Berlin – Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: COVERT HARASSMENT / INHUMANE MIND CONTROL / EXPERIMENTATION AND ROBOTIZATION OF HUMANITY Contact: http://www.covertharassmentconference.com Global surveillance disclosures leaked by ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden have sent planetary shock waves around the globe and outraged the public. In fact, they only represent a small percentage of the numerous illegal activities and programs perpetrated on citizens in the EU and beyond. “Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically…