Charlie Hebdo: Gateway to Totalitarian Government

by Jim Fetzer That the attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine, in Paris on 7 January 2015, in which two gunmen forced their way into the building and killed twelve, including staff cartoonists and several others, was a “false flag” event became apparent almost immediately, where there was an “X” on the street for the vehicle to park to provide the best view for a surveillance camera and where the shooting of a police officer with an AK-47 did not blow his head apart like…

Spilling the Beans: The truth about Libya and Benghazi

by James and Joanne MoriartyOur storyJames and Joanne had a sensational interview with Stew Webb on on 15 June 2015. Listen to it here. We were business people doing business in Libya since 2007 January. We made a unique enzyme that rejuvenates oil wells and cleans up sludge pits, cleans out pipelines and tanks and does a whole lot of neat things to oil. We booked a huge amount of business in Libya from 2007 to 2011: 5 billion dollars worth of our product. We signed a JV with the Social…

JADE HELM going LIVE 15 June with an EMP over Texas?

by Jim Fetzer While we have been told that JADE HELM is a “routine training op” involving 1,200 National Guard troops, those claims have been blown out of the water with the accumulation of more and more stunning evidence. My purpose here is to review the bidding by providing the background against which Kerry Cassidy’s new interview with “White Rabbit”, who has been trained for JADE HELM, can be better understood. Although it is from a second-hand source, there are reasons to believe that he may be on the mark…

And I suppose we didn’t go to the moon, either?

by Jim Fetzer If you thought that Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing were “big lies” from the US government, you haven’t seen anything yet! This new book–second in the series, “Save the World / Resist the Empire”— tackles the Apollo Moon Landing, the Beatles’ Greatest Mystery, replacing Saddam and Osama, and (most controversial of all) the Holocaust. If you think you know the score about these events, then test your beliefs against the evidence it presents. You may have a lot to learn from this sensational new book!  For…

JADE HELM: Our Constitutional Duty and Civilian Response

by Scott Bennett with Jim Fetzer In this advisory about the appropriate response to JADE HELM, Scott Bennett, a former counter-terrorism expert who has blown the whistle on CIA funding for ISIS, which, as I have previously reported, is a creation of the DIA (“ISIS and other absurdities ‘Made in the USA’”), explains what we as American citizens can do to bring JADE HELM to a halt through the Constitutional legal process. Among his most important points are the following: (1) Since the power of law is what is being used to…

Catastrophic effects of Fukushima continue to mount

by ENENews Published: June 4th, 2015 at 12:30 pm ET Scientists warning of mass die-off along California coast — Official: Seafloor littered with dead fish, washing up “as far as I could see” —  Toxin has spread all up and down West Coast — Experts: “Very, very unusual… Really extraordinary” (VIDEO) « Scientists reveal details of unprecedented mass mortality on West Coast that began summer 2011 — “Many millions” of deaths before sea star wasting syndrome — Multiple species wiped out in days — Mortality rate of 99.99% over large region —…

“Open Mind” Conference in Holland assailed by Zionists

by Ole Dammegardwith Jim Fetzer The Open Mind Conference in Amsterdam, Holland, June 6-7 2015, organised by former KLM captain and TCP-gas whisteblower, Willem Felderhof, present factual, scientific and historical evidence related to 9/11 Truth, weather modification, geo-engineering and the New World Order, has been attacked by Zionists, who forced the original venue to cancel and who continue to enflame opposition in the press.  The Oldschool in Amsterdam withdrew under political pressure from those whose minds are not open.  Ironically, Amsterdam is know as “the capitol of free speech”. The…

ISIS and other atrocities “Made in the USA”

by Jim Fetzer Listen to Joel Skoulsen, the editor of World Affairs Daily, specializing in “hidden agendas” that are at work in the world today. His comments (from 10:20-27:20) are highly revealing for disentangling info from disinfo on the internet. Joel talks about the militarization of local police departments. President Obama has stated he opposes this, but only for special cases of equipment, such as tracked vehicles, which are seldom provided to those departments. Other kinds of military equipment are still allowed, including fully automatic weapons, which is not good…

Adam Lanza: The fictional perpetrator of the Sandy Hook hoax

by Dreadnought with Jim Fetzer Here, “Dreadnought” reflects on the contents of (what purports to be) Adam Lanz’s room and finds anomaly after anomaly, which support the inference that “Adam” was a creation of the imagination. But he also offers speculations of his own that the Lanza’s had a real child, Ryan, and that “Ryan” may be Adam-moved-away. It is a fascinating review of an heretofore unexplored aspect of the elaborate event known as “Sandy Hook”.We know that Sandy Hook was a hoax. The school was closed by 2008 and…

PressTV: CIA trying to link conspiracy theorists with Osama bin Laden (UPDATED!)

byJim Fetzer  Click here to listen to first interview on PressTV. A new government report revealing a list of books     allegedly seized by US special forces when they    raided Osama bin Laden’s compound and killed him                in 2011 is “ludicrous” and a “complete fabrication,”  an American scholar says. Click here to listen to a second interview with FARS. The CIA is trying to create a connection between so-calledconspiracy theorists who are in fact critics of the US government and Bin Laden, said James Henry Fetzer, a retired professor in Madison, Wisconsin. The US government labels its critics…