“New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?” By Stephen Lendman

New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?By Stephen Lendman / 5 May 2010 On May 1, New York Times writers Al Baker and William Rashbaum headlined, “Police Find Car Bomb in Times Square,” saying: “A crude car bomb of propane, gasoline and fireworks was discovered in a ‘smoking’ Nissan Pathfinder in the heart of Times Square on Saturday evening, prompting the evacuation of thousands of tourists and theatergoers on a warm and busy night.” Mayor Michael Bloomberg claimed “We were very lucky. We avoided what could have been a…

Judyth Vary Baker in New Orleans

During her recent visit to London, where she shared the company of two of my closest associates, Declan and Lola Heavey, Judyth Vary Baker and I took advantage of the opportunity for us to discuss many aspects of her life story, which include her experiences in New Orleans, meeting Lee Harvey Oswald, and conducting research on cancer with David Ferrie and Mary Sherman, M.D., with the objective of developing a bio-weapon that the agency could use to take out targets, such as Fidel Castro, while leaving no trace of non-natural…

“Social Security, the Military Budget and Wall Street” by Jerry Mazza

Social Security, the Military Budget and Wall StreetJerry Mazza / 20 April 2010 The new Goldman Sachs global headquarters in Manhattan Lately just about every month I find myself writing a check to the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare. As a recipient of both, I feel it’s a cause worth supporting, especially now, and since Barbara Kennelly, its President and CEO, tells me in her newsletter that the “P” word for Privatization has reared its ugly head again. Bad ideas never seem to go away. As Barbara…

Edward Haslam – DR. MARY’S MONKEY – Part II

Perhaps no one else has a better understanding of mysterious events that were unfolding in New Orleans during 1963 than Edward Haslam, who grew up in that enchanting city and learned of Dr. Mary Sherman from his father, who was an accomplished physician in his own right and a member of the faculty at the Tulane Medical School. Ed’s curiousity and perserverence in attempting to unravel the circumstances of the death of Dr. Sherman (the DR. MARY of the title of his book) led him into a network of secret…

“Depleted uranium is destroying life” by Jerry Mazza

Depleted uranium is destroying lifeJerry Mazza / 15 April 2010 A Depleted Uranium shell – Photo courtesy of Professor Siegwart-Horst Gunther I have long heard sound-bites or seen passages about depleted uranium that sounded more than dire. But given my own cognitive dissonance, and the fact that I was writing about many other dire topics at the time, I filed depleted uranium in my cranium for future investigation, which, given the human aversion to bad news, could have been never. But never was over in an exchange of emails about…

Edward Haslam – DR. MARY’S MONKEY

NOTE FROM THE WEBMASTER: THE FOUR RADIO INTERVIEWS BELOW, BY EDWARD T. HASLAM ON COAST-TO-COAST, HAVE BEEN BLOCKED. WE WILL GET THESE FILES WORKING AGAIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THE YOUTUBE VIDEO (BELOW) IS STILL VIEWABLE. Those who are most critical about Judyth Vary Baker appear to be those who know the least about her. It is therefore fortunate indeed that the author of DR. MARY’S MONKEY, Edward Haslam, has spent some 1,000 hours questioning her and establishing the core authenticity of her story. His book, which appeared in 2007,…

aka “Curtis”: Were Tesla-style Weapons Used on the Twin Towers?

A guest who has now appeared on “The Real Deal” thrice to discuss Nikola Tesla and some of his remarkable inventions and uses the name “Curtis” has sketched how he believes the Twin Towers may have been taken out. His suggestion is that a Tesla-style vibrating device may have been used to bring about the demolecularization of the concrete and the steel. We are talking about very high frequencies of vibration, which were discussed on the program on Monday, 8 February 2010, Friday, 19 March 2010, and then again on…

Bin Laden threatens US over purported 9/11 perp

The continued use of Osama bin Laden as the official Americana “boogie man” to this date almost defies belief. As Scholars for 9/11 Truth explained in its press release, “Osame Tape appears to be Fake” (28 May 2006), there are many reasons to suspect that he died on or about 15 December 2001, as David Ray Griffin has substantiated in his new book, OSAMA BIN LADEN: DEAD OR ALIVE? (2009). The video and audio tapes that have been released since then, display many similar indiciations of fakery. As Griffin and…

David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., on the JFK Skull X-rays

David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., the leading expert on the medical evidence in the assassination of JFK in the world today, discusses his research on the “official” JFK skull X-rays kept at the National Archives. If you visit assassinationscience.com, you will find his Powerpoint presentation. He addresses the “white patch” on the right-lateral cranial X-ray (of the skull taken from the side), which was imposed to conceal a massive blow-out to the back of the skull; the 6.5 mm metallic slice on the anterior-posterior (front to rear) X-ray, in an…

“U.S. and Israel sign a massive arms deal” by Jerry Mazza

Jerry Mazza, an independent journalist from New York, has just published a new column about a massive arms deal between the US and Israel, in spite of the recent snub by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu of US Vice President Joe Biden. During Biden’s recent visit, the Minister of the Interior announced that Israel was planning some 1,600 new settlements in land that historically belongs to the Palestinians, thereby subverting American efforts to maintain peace talks between the conflicting parties. In addition, Netanyahu further insulted Biden by deliberately breaking the frame…