False Flag Attacks in Argentina: 1992 and 1994

This article originated in an interview between me and Adrian Salbuchi on “The Real Deal”, which took place on 21 September 2009, and is archived at radiofetzer.blogspot.com. My interest in the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in 1992 and of the Jewish Community Center in 1994 had been peaked by discussions in Buenos Aires when I presented my lecture, “Was 9/11 an ‘Inside Job’?”, at The National Library with Kurt Sonnenfeld, Dr. Oscar Abudara Bini and others on 11 September 2009. When I learned after my return that Adrian was…


Web Sites: Academic: http://www.d.umn.edu/~jfetzer/ Public Issues: http://assassinationscience.com JFK Journal: http://assassinationresearch.com 9/11 Scholars: http://911scholars.org Scholars Forum: http://911scholars.ning.com Other: OpEdNews Articles: “OpEdNews, Jim Fetzer“ Radio Archives: radiofetzer.blogspot.com Recommended: http://religionandmorality.net