James H. Fetzer: Mossad Played a Crucial Role in 9/11 Attacks

Iran Review – Interviews

James H. Fetzer: Mossad Played a Crucial Role in 9/11 Attacks

Interview with James H. Fetzer
By: Kourosh Ziabari

(THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012) – More than one decade after the 9/11 attacks which completely diverted the path of the U.S. foreign policy and led to the waging of two lethal, erosive wars on Afghanistan and Iraq and killing of thousands of innocent civilians, an influential, diligent group of researchers and authors have dared to question the authenticity and veracity of the claims made by the U.S. government that they were Islamist terrorists who crashed hijacked planes into the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon and killed some 3,000 people.
One of these high-ranking, renowned researchers is Dr. James H. Fetzer, a retired professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He has written on the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science.
According to Dr. Fetzer, George W. Bush and his administration officials were responsible for the atrocities which happened on September 11, 2001. He firmly believes that Israel’s Mossad was involved in the 9/11 attacks and that the U.S. government tries to withhold this truth from the public; however, he has written tens of articles for different magazines and news websites, providing evidence of the involvement of Israel’s intelligence service in the attacks.
Dr. Fetzer has edited several books, such as “Murder in Dealey Plaza: What we know now that we didn’t know then”, which are dedicated to the study of the assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Among his seven authored scientific books are “Artificial Intelligence: Its Scope and Limits” and “The Evolution of Intelligence:  Are Humans the Only Animals with Minds?”
Dr. James H. Fetzer took part in an exclusive interview with Iran Review on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and answered some questions about the uncertainties about the horrendous incident which took place 11 years ago in the heart of New York.
Q: Would you please talk about the difficulties and problems the 9/11 Truth movement has faced during the past decade? Does the U.S. government directly persecute or put pressure on independent researchers and authors who cast doubt on the official accounts given of the 9/11 events? What about the mainstream media? Have they made efforts to silence you and other researchers such as David Ray Griffin, Christopher Bollyn, Webster Tarpley, etc. who believe that 9/11 attacks was a false flag operation?
A: The most serious problems confronting the 9/11 Truth movement have arisen from conflicts internal to the movement coming from various factions, which have adopted negative and even hostile attitudes toward the others. One branch is the conservative, public-relations oriented branch, such as the 9/11 movement in the UK led by Ian Henshall, which doesn’t want to ruffle feathers by addressing the discoveries that make a difference, such as the use of mini-nukes to blow apart the Twin Towers, that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, that all four of the crash sites were fabricated or faked, albeit in different ways, and that the Mossad played a crucial role in 9/11. We have all heard about WTC-7 and other hum-drum aspects of 9/11, but it has not done what was originally hoped by arousing the public. More of the same is not going to do it, either.
Then we have the “thermite sniffers”, led by Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, who insist that this obscure incendiary could have blown apart the buildings, which, as T. Mark Hightower has shown, turned out to be physically impossible, and the “plane huggers,” such as Rob Balsamo, the head of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, who want to hang onto the myth that these big Boeings actually crashed on 9/11, when all the evidence contradicts them.  Ironically, Pilots has done some of the most important work on this subject, including establishing that Flight 93 was over Urbana, IL, after it had allegedly crashed in Shanksville; and that Flight 175 was over Pittsburgh, PA, long after it had allegedly entered the South Tower. With friends like these, 9/11 Truth doesn’t have to have disinformation ops working against us to be fragmented, even though there are plenty of them, too.
Q: Some authors and researchers have argued that there were explosive materials which caused the Twin Towers to collapse after the planes associated with Flight 11 and Flight 175 crashed into the North Tower and South Tower. Is there compelling evidence confirming this? Somewhere you argued that these flights were formally taken out of service until September 28, 2005 and non-existent planes cannot crash into a colossal building in the heart of Manhattan. Would you please expand more on these two points?
A: Bureau of Transportation Statistics records show that Flights 11 and 77 were not even scheduled to fly that day, while FAA Registration data show that the planes associated with Flights 93 and 175 were not de-registered or formally taken out of service until 28 September 2005, which raises the questions, How could planes that were not in the air have crashed on 9/11?  and how could planes that crashed on 9/11 have still been in the air four years later?Although it sounds like a stretch, the hits on both of the towers appear to have involved the projection images of planes–though in the case of the North Tower, it really does not look much like a plane at all–as I have explained in many places, including “Planes/No Planes and Video Fakery” and “Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of Rob Balsamo.” Until you study the evidence,
“Were the 9/11 crash sites faked?” (Seattle, WA, 13 June 2012):
it is very difficult to believe. I resisted the very idea for a year and a half until Morgan Reynolds convinced me that I had to study the evidence. Now that I have, I can’t believe we were taken for such a ride! If there were no “Big Boeing” plane crashes, after all, and these were phantom flights, then the passengers were imaginary.  And if the passengers were imaginary, then there were no Islamic hijackers aboard any of those planes. And if there were no Islamic hijackers aboard any of those planes, the whole “War on Terror” has been justified by an elaborate hoax.
Q: Do you have any information of the possible complicity of Israel’s Mossad in carrying out the 9/11 attacks? We’ve heard of the story of 5 dancing Israelis who had set up cameras directed at the Twin Towers before the planes crashed into the buildings, and were seen celebrating and congratulating each other after the towers collapsed. What’s your take on that?
A: The evidence of Israeli involvement and Mossad participation in 9/11 is abundant and compelling. Christopher Bollyn has a book about it, which goes overboard about nanothermite, but otherwise offers important evidence about this aspect of the case.  Articles by Alan Sabrosky whom I had invited to speak during The Vancouver Hearings but medical problems intervened, elaborate on many aspects of Israeli involvement. And the web site, “Israel did 9/11–all the proof in the world” does an exceptional job of brining together an enormous body of proof that even the transfer of the World Trade Center from the New York Port Authority into the hands of Larry Silverstein was part and parcel of the larger plan.  An exceptional study, “9/11 and Zion: What was Israel’s role?”, by Nicholas Kollerstrom, a historian of science from the UK and an expert on the London 7/7 subway bombings, which recently appeared in Veterans Today, is required reading on this issue.
Q: What’s your viewpoint regarding the possible involvement of Osama bin Laden in the 9/11 attacks? The FBI website had blacklisted him as the world’s most wanted terrorist, but did not attribute the 9/11 attacks to him due to a lack of sufficient evidence. We also know that in the 1970s and 1980s, CIA and other Western intelligence agencies along with the Saudi government armed, equipped and financed him to fight the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. So, is it rational to claim that bin Laden has revolted against his former allies and the ones who had once backed him unconditionally?
A: Osama bin Laden was “our man in Afghanistan.” When first asked about 9/11, he explained that he had nothing to do with it, that it was contrary to the tenets of the Koran to murder innocent women and children and that, while he had differences with the U.S., especially over stationing its forces in Saudi Arabia, the home of Mecca and Medina, the most holy sites in Islam, that there is a “government within the government” that brought 9/11 about and wanted to blame Muslims, even though they had nothing to do with it. And, indeed, as Elias Davidsson has documented, the U.S. has never been able to prove that any of the alleged hijackers were aboard any of those planes, while David Ray Griffin has noted that a half-dozen or more of those alleged to have been aboard them were found alive and well after 9/11. Interestingly, another expert who remarked that there is a “government within the government” of the U.S. was former President William Clinton.
Q: In one of your articles, you cited the accounts of William Rodriguez, the janitor of the North Tower and reports by a scientific lab at the Columbia University which attested that huge explosions took place at least 16 or 17 seconds before the planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. What does this fact indicate?
A: Willie’s reports have been confirmed by Craig Furlong and Gordon Ross, “Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an inside job,” where they compared very precise seismic data from a geological lab run by Columbia University with FAA and military radar data for the alleged impact times of the planes and found that they occurred 14 and 17 seconds prior to the alleged impacts. Since that would have been rather difficult for Islamic terrorists to have arranged, it provides powerful proof that 9/11 was indeed an “inside job.”  The graph that summarizes their study, which can be found on-line at Scholars for 9/11 and 911studies.org, also appears in “Seven Questions about 9/11,” which can be found at Veterans Today along with photographs substantiating that no Beoing 757 hit the Pentagon, substantiated in Vancouver, as I explain, “9/11 Truth will out: The Vancouver Hearings I.”
Q: At the Vancouver Hearings, you submitted the names of George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld as the possible accomplices of the 9/11 atrocities. Would you please talk about the reasons you named them, along with Philip Zelikow, Richard B. Cheney and Lt. Col. Steve O’Brien, as those who should be held accountable with regards to the 9/11 events?
A: The key players in relation to 9/11 were the neo-conservatives in the Department of Defense and the Israeli Mossad. Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, for example, had as his area of academic specialization before entering government the creation and maintenance of public myths, M-Y-T-H-S, which is what he gave us in the 9/11 Commission Report.  As Elias Davidsson has shown, the government has never shown that the alleged hijackers were abroad any of those planes. As David Ray Griffin and A.K. Dewdney have shown, all of the alleged phone calls from those planes were faked. As Col. George Nelson, USAF (ret.), has observed, although there were millions of uniquely identifiable pieces from those four aircrafts, the government has yet to produce even one! Neither the FBI nor the NTSB even investigated those “crashes,” claiming that it wasn’t necessary because “we saw what happened on television”.  But it was all a fraud.
Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, George W. Bush and an obscure Minnesota Air National Guard pilot named Lt. Col. Steve O’Brien, MNANG, all played roles in managing these atrocities or in covering them up, which I have detailed in “9/11 J’accuse: Zelikow, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, and O’Brien.”  The others’ roles are relatively obvious, but Lt. Col. O’Brien was piloting the C-130 that was circling the Pentagon, from which the debris that later showed up on the lawn appears to have been dropped. One especially conspicuous piece of fuselage has been tracked back to a crash in Cali, Columbia, in 1995. I discussed all of this with the BBC, but it misrepresented my position by switching photos that I was talking about with others taken later.  See “The BBC’s instrument of 9/11 misinformation.”
Q: Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush declared the commencement of his War on Terror. As the first move, he attacked and invaded Afghanistan, and two years later, he occupied Iraq. We can think that Iraq was occupied because its vast oil reserves should have been dominated by the U.S., but what was the reason for the occupation of Afghanistan? Was this country of some geopolitical or strategic importance to the United States?
A: Of course, the Taliban offered to surrender Osama bin Laden if we could prove that he had been involved, which we promised to do but of course ignored. The invasion of Afghanistan began on 7 October 2001, less than one month after 9/11. An article that appeared in The New York Times on 13 June 2010 discussed the vast mineral wealth of that nation, including gold, iron, copper and especially lithium, which is used in computers, triggers for nuclear weapons, but especially in electric car batteries and a reported new process to extract cheap energy from sea water. We appear to be there to do for Afghanistan what the first Secretary of the Treasury under Bush, Paul O’Neill, said the Bush administration was doing to the United States: looting!  When we are done looting, we will leave Afghanistan.
Q: U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said that the 9/11 attacks created “the kind of opportunities that World War II offered, to refashion the world.” So, do you believe that the U.S. government had been waiting for such an opportunity to find the pretext to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq and declare Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the Axis of Evil? Can we think of the 9/11 attacks as a broader plan to dominate the Middle East and its vast oil reserves?
A: Our presence there appears to have more to do with the Israeli “master plan” to dominate and control the Middle East than any longing for more oil. Gen. Wesley Clark, the former Supreme Commander of NATO, has reported being informed immediately following 9/11 of a plan to destabilize and overthrow the governments of seven nations in five years, including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, but working up to Syria and eventually Iran. This appears to be what is driving the US presence there, where the Israeli lobby, AIPAC, which ought to be registered as a “foreign agent,” dominates Congress and U.S. foreign policy. Some wags have suggested this country ought to be renamed “The United States of Israel,” which, I am sorry to say, is very close to the mark, especially with regard to foreign policy.
The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) has made it their practice to condemn anyone remotely critical of the actions of Israel as “anti-Semitic,” including a recent article in which Gordon Duff, Alan Sabrosky, Kevin Barrett and I were offered as examples of “anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theorists.”  But I agree with Michael Moore who, when asked if he believes in conspiracy theories, replied, “Only those that are true!”  There is abundant and compelling evidence that 9/11 was brought to us by the US neo-conservatives and the Israeli Mossad. When asked who could have had the resources to pull off 9/11, intelligence experts have been unanimous that only two agencies could have done it:  the CIA and the Mossad. Astonishingly, California, where I was born, has just passed a law making any criticism of the actions of the government of Israel “anti-Semitic,” which is completely absurd, as I explained in, “Is 9/11 research ‘anti-Semitic’?”  It is symptomatic of the political power Israel exercises over the United States.
Q: You have just invited Susan Lindauer to speak at the Vancouver Hearings. We know that she has been a U.S. intelligence asset and helped with the facilitation of talks between the U.S. government and Saddam Hussein. What have been the most revealing and important parts of her testimonies regarding the 9/11 events?
A: What Susan reveals is inside information that 9/11 was an “inside job.” She served as the liaison between the CIA and Saddam Hussein, who was so eager to avoid war with the U.S. that he offered to purchase 1,000,000 cars per year for the next ten years. If that was not enough, he said, make it the next twenty [years]!  Imagine where the U.S. would be economically if we had only taken up his proposal? Instead, when Susan learned of plans to attack Iraq, she protested vigorously to President Bush. For taking that step, for speaking out about her concerns over the injustice of it all and the violations of international law that would be involved, she was harassed, intimidated, imprisoned and tortured. This is a stunning case that reveals the depths of depravity to which the U.S. has sunk.  I have just published her astonishing, horrific story, “9/11: Confessions of a former CIA Asset,” on Veterans Today.
Q: We are observing the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. As my final question, I would like to ask you to give us an overview of the whole story that happened on that day. What realities have remained obscured and hidden so far?
A: 9/11 was conceived as an elaborate psychological operation to instill fear into the American people in order to manipulate them into supporting the political agenda of the Bush/Cheney administration, which included the invasion of several nations in the Middle East and the creation of a new century of American domination of the world for the next 100 years.  The evidence supports the inference that 9/11 was a “national security event” which was authorized at the highest levels of the American government–the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon and The White House. It facilitated a reversal of US foreign policy and extraordinary constraints on the Constitution of the United States, which have dramatically increased the centralization of political power in the executive branch and dominating the legislative and judicial branches of government.
The creation of the Department of Homeland Security has been especially ominous, where DHS has now requisitioned more than 1.5 billion rounds of .40 caliber hollow point ammo, which is not even permissible in the conduct of warfare under The Geneva Conventions. Combined with more than 300 FEMA camps around the country, which I have discussed in “From America to Amerika: The End Game” (with Dennis Cimino), even American should be alarmed at the parallels with the rise of The Third Reich in Germany before WWII. As a former Marine Corps officer, I am extremely apprehensive over the future of my country, which has been transformed from the most admired and respected nation in the world–along with our “gallant ally”‘ in the Middle East, Israel–to the most despised and reviled.  I never expected that the U.S. would turn to “the dark side” in my lifetime, but it already has.

Key Words: 9/11 Attacks, U.S. Foreign Policy, War on Afghanistan and Iraq, Islamist Terrorists, World Trade Center Towers and Pentagon, Israel’s Mossad, Fetzer
NOTE: This article is republished from IRAN REVIEW (13 September 2012) and may be found at this link.
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4 thoughts on “James H. Fetzer: Mossad Played a Crucial Role in 9/11 Attacks”

  1. Jim Fetzer,
    How do you explain several mini-nukes set off up to 300 m above street level without killing hundreds of people in the area around ground zero?
    One single mini nuclear bomb at smallest effect, i.e. 0,01 kton, will kill 50 percent of all unprotected human beings within a radius of 250 m due to radiation.

  2. Dr. Steve Pieczenik believed Israel would attack Iran by September 2012 and was on Alex Jones stating as much. Instead we have the Benghazi house being rented by the US a few of months before September 2012. Ambassador Stevens was an Arabist, fluent in all Arab dialects. They may have been working with the Syrians out of that house to arm the Free Syrian Army, which was formed in July 2012 by the defection of high ranking regular Syrian army officials, due to the regular army firing on unarmed Syrian citizens. See Dr Steve Pieczenik's youtube videos with Alex Jones and now under his own name since Alex is no longer able to have the Doctor on his show due to threats. Israel wants to attack Iran. Everything is making sense now.

  3. How dare the National Geographic publicize on national television last week 9/11 and what occurred. Till this day, they think it happen because of terrorist influence. They had Bush telling what happen that day, lying to the world STILL!!
    I am OUTRAGED!! To continue telling millions of viewers something other than the truth by National Geographic is WRONG!! We know Dam well that Bush and his people took the towers down that day along with the 3000 people as well.. I am a Native New Yorker, I do not forgive, I do not forget…

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