JADE HELM is NOT “an ordinary training drill”

by Jim Fetzer

Something is wrong at Veterans Today. A former Marine, who has published many articles here, was slammed by Gordon Duff and by Jim Dean for perpetrating “a hoax” by raising concerns about this mysterious “training op” called JADE HELM. I admire VT and like Gordon personally, although from time to time we have a divergence in our point of view. I have never felt as positive about Jim Dean because, as an old-time reporter and editor, he has come across to me as having an anti-academic prejudice, which I as a former professor have sensed from our initial encounters. But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Robert O'Dowd But let’s consider the case of this article and its author, Robert O’Dowd. Although I had not read any of his work at VT before, I thought it was raising a perfectly appropriate issue as to whether or not JADE HELM, which is an operation that covers at least seven states (and now seems to have expanded to five or six more) could possibly be the cover for imposing martial law under the pretext of conducting operations in urban settings, which are meant to train personnel “for foreign operations”, where nothing about this has struck me as right from the beginning. As a consequence, I was glad to see he had published about it: O'Dowd's article with Editor's Note But I could hardly believe the response from Gordon and Jim. Not only did they “tag team” Robert and imply that he had been played for a sap but asserted that, “We have checked our sources who would be in a position to know if something like this were going on, and it categorically is not.” The problem with this approach is that we ordinary readers are not in the position to verify “their sources”. This is a classic appeal to authority, where we are supposed to take their word for it. And while I might be disposed to accept those assurances on routine matters, in this instance, the case of JADE HELM is anything but “routine”.

Jim Dean piles on

It further astonished me that Jim Dean would reiterate his and Gordon’s position in both the facebook and ordinary comments sections on O’Dowd’s article, which you can easily confirm for yourself. This left some readers, such as Bonny Amey, at a loss as to exactly what was going on. And, indeed, others expressed concern, even in the ordinary comments section, where O’Dowd (in my view, with complete justification) submitted his resignation as a journalist for VT on facebook, explaining that he did not appreciate being used as a whipping boy for having published “a bogus story”, especially when the facts are still in doubt: Jim Dean comment Exchange between Bonnie and O'Dowd Robert O'Dowd's resignation

So is this “a bogus story”?

The fellow who seems to be arranging this op and speaking about it in public is one Tony Mead, where his characterization of “JADE HELM” is reasonably elaborate, involving the use of Army Green Berets, Navy SEALS and representatives of the other branches of the US military, which suggests that those who have asserted that this only involves “the national guard” appear to be wrong. Indeed, if what he is telling us in this video presentation is correct, then the appeal to “the national guard” is a bogus story, which troubles me because I heard it from Gordon Duff. But perhaps he had not looked into the situation deeply enough.

If Gordon had not looked into the situation “deeply enough”, however, then it makes no sense for him to have attacked Robert’s article and assailed him as a dupe who was pushing “a bogus story”. I was troubled enough by all of this that I brought together a group of four guests, including Terri from Nebraska (who had sent me many links), Robert O’Dowd himself (as the one who had raised this issue on VT), Preston James (whom I regard as one of the most astute intellects I have ever known), and last but not least (as a late arrival), Dennis Cimino (with whom I have co-authored multiple articles here) to try to sort all this out:

While I think we made progress in sorting this out, none of our considerations supported the idea that this was “a bogus story” and that no one should be concerned. It came as news to me when my producer, Chance, observed that a parallel operation is taking place in Canada under the name of “Maple Resolve”, which includes closing some 133 Target Stores, not merely for the two months the operation is officially supposed to run but for nine months at the cost of some 17,000 jobs, where their former employees are even being encouraged to find other lines of work. In my opinion, this alters the equation and leaves no doubt: 

What conclusion should we draw?

Dave Hodges-Canadian troops to assist US Several features of “the big picture” strike me as enormously important. Walmart and Target are stores with mass appeal for the middle and lower class of both Canadian and American society. That some 15 Walmarts should be taken over in the United States alone and now another 133 Targets in Canada is alarming! There is nothing “bogus” about this story. And other sources, such as David Hodges’ “Common Sense Show” have made equally telling observations about the redistribution of resources for a purported “training op” when it entails the dismissal of 17,000 employees, who no doubt are being left in desperate straits: Operation Maple Leaf Some simple calculations                                                                                 

So what conclusions do I draw from my investigations to this date? Gordon Duff and Jim Dean were wrong to censor Robert O’Dowd, whose article was entirely appropriate for a journal devoted to “clandestine activities”. JADE HELM is not a “training op” but something far more serious. When you calculate the profits per store to Walmart and to Target, they are taking an enormous hit, which can only be for some transcendent purpose that override “the conduct of business as usual”. (We are talking about billions of dollars in lost profits, not to mention the loss of highly qualified, experienced personnel to stock products, to resupply those facilities and to process check outs and deliveries.) As an investigative journalist for Veterans Today, I am committed to doing my best to expose the truth, even when it conflicts with the views of Gordon Duff and Jim Dean, who are at liberty to deal with me as severely as they dealt with Robert O’Dowd. I am committed to serve my nation and its best interests, which I do, come what may.

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93 thoughts on “JADE HELM is NOT “an ordinary training drill””

  1. There is enough tragedy to go around today. I
    had my share many years ago after being singled out for reasons I still don't entirely grasp. I finally cleared the final hurdle and escaped. Yes, I'm still here, but not in the same way.
    I am glad that everyone is finally engaged in the war. But believe it or not, even those that assume themselves to be the masters, are not the masters. They are in same soup as the victims. Ere all is said and done, ALL will be crying the blues, even the perps. Just have patience, and watch. The greatest reward is to be found on the side of true righteousness, no matter how it appears to be at present.

  2. There is enough tragedy to go around today. I
    had my share many years ago after being singled out for reasons I still don't entirely grasp. I finally cleared the final hurdle and escaped. Yes, I'm still here, but not in the same way.
    I am glad that everyone is finally engaged in the war. But believe it or not, even those that assume themselves to be the masters, are not the masters. They are in same soup as the victims. Ere all is said and done, ALL will be crying the blues, even the perps. Just have patience, and watch. The greatest reward is to be found on the side of true righteousness, no matter how it appears to be at present.

  3. That's an amazing piece. If Wayne said that, I go with him. Jim should read that. I know Red Ice would print that if it were reprinted in article. I had no idea what VT was like behind the scenes; and it is tragic that Kevin Barrett is stuck in that Spook Machine.

  4. Gordon also stated he was one of the Majestic 12 members, just one of the many over-the-top statements he will utter. When going on Coast-to-Coast, look at the bio he created for that show, describing how he was an owner of a Federal Reserve bank, etc. If you look it up, it is a ridiculous biography. But either way, he just comes off as a very strange guy. Every other line on a radio show is off topic and usually devoted to pumping his ego.

  5. Exactly, Gordon began to show a curious blindness to partisan issues. He bashes the air force as just being filled with Christian fundamentalists; goes off on Republican issues, but does not bat an eye at any problematic action perpetrated by democratic figures. Like he is carrying water for them in some fashion. Something is not right, and what is up with his reportage of UFO battles in the pacific? If he thinks Jade Helm is beyond the pale, how do we explain Gordon reporting about all that stuff?

  6. Nice one! I don't think Jade Helm is about attacking dissidents, but is rather something else serious. There is a number of potential scenarios. Either way, it is worthy of reportage. Meanwhile, Gordon Duff keeps writing only hyperbolic satire with ad hominem on the topic. I don't know if Gordon knows that outside his VT pecking order, he is considered by most to be an arrogant blowhard at best, or a disinformation operator at worst. I think many at VT have just taken his word as being an insider without questioning him. I think he has errors here, but his arrogance would never admit it. But so many people I tried to recommend VT to — serious intellectuals — always told me it was problematic. Indeed, it was and is, because it lacks a kind of journalistic discipline. But I think Gordon at the helm — adding editor notes that undercut the article — is just weird. And Gordon's radio appearances are often very weird as well. I think Gordon began to give VT a bad image. Gordon would become the public face of VT, and thus gave VT his attributes.

  7. I just found out about this mess from someone who follows my blog. How disappointing. When I first applied to write for VT, I was told they never censor anything. It would be nice to think that some uncensored independent media existed somewhere, but I suppose that's not very realistic.

  8. I'm happy to see you leave Duff, who based on some things he said long ago, proved to me he was a shill, a fraud and part of the disinfo program and controlled opposition.
    That Dean is going along with him, no surprise with that……
    Great to have you onboard for the truth!

  9. Jim, I follow most of your logic, but see my comment below. the buildings are not "blacked out," but were painted black to hide a natural carbon residue, emitted from the bourbon, that settled on the building..

  10. the blacked-out warehouses are because ALL warehouses in this county of Ky. are painted black. the alcohol that seeped thru the barrels, as a gas, settled on the silver-steel sides, like carbon black. so they painted the whole building black, several years back. the distillery in that video is near where I live, nothing unusual going on there. not sure about other stuff, but THAT was a spoof!

  11. Here is the exact quote from Duff:

    “About 30% of what’s on Veterans Today is patently false. About 40% of what I write is at least purposefully partially false. Because if I didn’t write false information I wouldn’t be alive. I simply have to do that.”
    (several sources, google it!)

    Duff and VT is just a lying Disinfo outfit, pathetic scumbags basically – why are you taking them seriously? G.Duff posted ludicrous Lies repeatedly. He posted Major BS regarding the Charlie Hebdo Paris Terror, boasting of knowledge of the site, it was easily verified as utter BS. That Person is a stinking Fountain of Lies, he himself admitted that (see above)
    Grow Up and stop listening to virtual campfire tales of some selfagrandizing wannabee with "inside sources" my ass:

    "Stew Webb Claims Gordon Duff’s Veterans Today is CIA-Style Limited Hangout! "

  12. Too many of Duff's statements are patently false. For example, he claims he can find no information regarding Hillary Clinton's involvement in corruption? He obviously has his eyes closed. Ditto for George Soros? He appears to set the Rothschild controlled democratic party above the Rothschild controlled Republican party thereby furthering the Hegelian Dialectic and dividing humanity. Dr. Fetzer, apparently, really believes the global warming propaganda when he's intelligent enough to know the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs and Maurice Strong are up to their necks in this world global warming carbon tax hoax. Even Dane Wittington, a global warming proponent, admits chemtrail bioengineered weather is by far the most important single factor. Moreover, Fetzer has attacked Judy Wood's theory of some sort of beam weapon involvement with 9/11, which makes sense when one examines the evidence, particularly the melting of autos over a quarter of a mile from the scene and the micro fine dust created in the process. CIA types life Duff keep such technology secret from the public. Duff's CIA arrogance shows in every program with every word. If he's a millionaire like he claims, why didn't he help out his own people like Webb, Harris and Tatum who suffered economically. I guess he was too busy shining his gold handled 45s.

  13. The reality of plummeting sales for U.S. and Canada big box stores does not preclude these stores being long-term involved with government intelligence / security ops. It can be and is both. At this dire late date, Walmart and Target do not even need our patronage. The have the only patron they need from here on out. The stores are just fronts and shells for the larger diabolical agenda.

    There IS a plan for martial law in the USA. The plan has been around for decades. There seems to be some time deadlines in all of this so they are "sprinting naked the last mile." Their hoaxes and false flag events and military drills are increasingly sloppy and transparent and they don't care..

    We are doing the most we can do to stop this. We are publicizing and exposing it as best we can.

  14. Bad news – First, a massively bankrupt country doesn't run a billion dollar "drill" for martial law if they don't anticipate a need for it! Secondly, they don't supply LIVE AMMO! If you treat it as live, you can't go wrong, as their breaking into people's homes, stealing people's firearms, and then kidnapping the people themselves is NOT Constitutional but the opposite. You HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND YOURSELVES. I'll guarantee that militia members and other patriots will do so. That's the ONLY way it makes sense. The military itself is learning that they're being used, and that their OWN FAMILIES are targeted by others in this "drill". Many many ex-military are warning about this, and if militias have ANY sense, they're on high alert – and you had better as well!

  15. Jim Fetzer- the Facebook comments and other cited material in your articles have the right margin clipped, so one cannot read or view them in their entirety. Can you configure your blog so that the material is reproduced without any information missing ?

  16. Go to Targets website and read why they are closing those stores up there. They have been carrying those stores for years. Remember Target almost went out of business in the 80's here in the U.S. and then they set about building super Target stores which never see much business. The Walmarts are even easier to explain; those stores were seeing increased activities by the food workers union so Walmart got even by closing those stores. I don't think the store closings had anything to do with these military exercises.

  17. Over at VT Gordon Duff has taken on the role of a troll. He must do a lot of slumming on the Net to find these obscure Jade Helm articles which he can lampoon. I believe his insider info has gone to his head. In any case he is really acting suspiciously.

  18. Bulls-eye: Darting the quarry

    And have you considered that the Target "purchase" was a "false front", a ruse to buy the time needed to set off the dogs of war scenario that unfolds in your Maple syrup neck of the hoods, the stocking of junk in the "new" Target was likely a low cost boondoggle, always intended to ensure one final fleecing before the big round-up and shearing occurred. How do you like them bargain basements now, Targets.

  19. Really sad.. But if Gordon Duff is on the wrong side, then what was the point going to Syria and accuse Israel of every wrongdoings in front of all the muslim coutries as he did ? Was that a pre-condition to create a chaos in the middle east before JH15 in North America which create another chaos here ?
    Th big question is ''what is behind all this'' and is there anyone able to connect the dots between these two facts ?

  20. "Jade Helm Revealed" — Although the author of this video gets a bit carried away about the German concentration camps he is correct in showing that wooden shoes were worn there and perhaps does account for the wooden shoe in the Jade Helm logo. A rather chilling aspect to be sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4EUKwhPBqI
    I was just beginning to get relaxed when I came across this. Bad taste to say the least. I have rather big feet and would hate to wear wooden shoes that were too small.

  21. I actually had a comment erased under a Duff article. I merely wondered about the departure of VT Radio and the disappearance of Jim's article. I was a little disappointed that my inquiry to the Editor using the e-mail supplied was not answered. It reminded me of Salon when I used to go there while Greenwald was one of their writers. After much talk of freedom and all suddenly you realize that a dictator is in charge.:) Who is Gordon Duff?

  22. They are always acting immature ,bashing others,don't throw stones in a glass house,he is ex CIA, once in ,always in,I heard the story on the attempted hit on him & that got him to vt. word is, I hear, up to 90% of the alternative news is controlled by the CIA,deeply.intuition and good eyes ,fear not if this is it then it will be us who overcome this bleeding,dying dragon.

  23. They are always acting immature ,bashing others,don't throw stones in a glass house,he is ex CIA, once in ,always in,I heard the story on the attempted hit on him & that got him to vt. word is, I hear, up to 90% of the alternative news is controlled by the CIA,deeply.intuition and good eyes ,fear not if this is it then it will be us who overcome this bleeding,dying dragon.

  24. I remember Operation REX 84 with one of its principle planners that traitor Ollie North. It never happened because people lit up the internet warning. If I see troops on the street with weapons, I will shoot on sight and you should all do the same.

  25. Methinks the same. I have long been concerned that Duff and Dean were operating a limited hang-out operation where they could bring in the best Realpolitik analysts, gain access to their sources, censor them as necessary, sully their reputations, hope to corrupt them, and discredit them by associating them with completely unsourced stories about battles between UFOs and the US Navy. Duff and Dean's extremely unprofessional and otherwise inappropriate responses to the O'Dowd article, and their decision to take down Dr. Fetzer's article on the subject of Jade Helm completely undermine their credibility as editors for VT and raise all kinds of suspicions as to their motives for wanting to silence alternative voices about Jade Helm. In my many years of experience, people who are representing the truth do not comport themselves in this manner.

    -Les Toolish

  26. The 133 Target stores closed in Canada because no body was shopping there. After less than a year in Canada Taget was forced the close all stores never to reopen again. Nothing to do with a "maple resolve" Trust me Canadians would never use such a stupid name

  27. The fact that they are seizing large commercial retail stores and dismissing so many employees suddenly, suggests the military is in a great hurry to accomplish a mission quickly thrust upon them to be completed soon. Jade Helm and Maple Resolve look like martial law advancing. I remind people Obama signed the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, which stipulates the heads of state signing it should enforce it even while they await ratification by their national legislatures. Yes, the Senate has not ratified this treaty, but do expect Obama will restrain himself and not confiscate guns when this UN treaty openly endorses doing that without Senate ratification? BEWARE!

  28. There is something bogus about this story about this story.

    This raises a perfectly appropriate issue as to whether Gordon Duff’s VeteransToday.com is an operation to take this American mind in to this year’s old scam…again.

    Gordon Duff was wrong to censor Robert O'Dowd and Dr. James Fetzer and Stew Webb.
    [11-03-13 Duff-spiked VT article, “Lunatics are us Pete Santilli and Bruce Montalvo” about evidence suggesting radio show host, Peter Santilli, is a paid FBI informant, raising questions about the relationship between Duff / VeteransToday.com and VT’s “partner site”, Rense.com, and RenseRadio that still broadcasts The Pete Santilli Show.]

    VeteransToday.com is striking me as a not-right, already-flipped, long-term campaign to turn alternative news with its claims to truth and free speech into a joke.

  29. I do find what is going on in America with Jade Helm and all the other B.S. you guys are going through to be insanely scary, but as a Canadian living in a big city with a few Target stores, I can categorically state that the reason for them bailing out was they weren't SELLING anything! The stores they replaced, "Zellers', sold cheap bargain basement garbage and when Target took over, they sold even WORSE cheap garbage at a HIGHER price point counting on their brand name to bring in customers but when people actually saw what they had to offer, they rightly turned their collective noses up at it and Target suffered the consequences.
    The TIMING is awfully coincidental, but being within a 15 minute walk of one of the larger ones in a VERY urban area, I can vouch nothing weird is going on there other than an abandoned store.
    I wish you people all the luck in the world down there because it really smells like they're deploying troops to areas where they have no familial or friendly connections with the intent to inure them to fighting their own populace.

  30. Jim,
    I think this is a very important story to cover. I've been watching your "The Real Deal" and like the majority of episodes. after listening and doing some research, I noticed there nothing on HuffPost for any of it but there is one story that could be the one they want to hide "the fast tracking of the TPP". Like the history before we know that multiple reasons exist. I think it is being used and may have to ramp up for the passage of it.
    I appreciate all you do. Thanks,JN

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