Charleston Church Shooting: An Obama/Katzenberg/Spielberg Production

by Jim Fetzer

The Charleston Church shooting not only has the earmarks of a staged event, featuring an alleged shooter, Dylann Storm Roof, who has been depicted as a racist but using photoshopped images and a contrived “manifesto”, where his videotaped entry into the church displays the wrong date and time; and we have no actual proof that any of the nine purported victims actually died, where the open casket funeral for Pastor Clementa Pinkney presents a close but not close-enough fascimile. This event appears to have been very well-planned by Hollywood professionals, where Obama’s recent meeting with Spielberg and Katzenberg, I now believe, was to plan future events and thank them for the excellence of their Charleston production.

Not only does the video of Dylann making his entry into the church show the wrong date (7/06/2015), when the shooting allegedly took place on the 17th, and the wrong time (08:16:58), which is 8:16:58 AM/ET, when the event is supposed to have taken place during “an evening prayer meeting”, but there anomalies pile up on anomalies, not least of which is the use of phoenix imagery, including from no less than Barack Obama! Art Olivier, who produced “Operation Terror” to provide an historically-based narrative for understanding the context of 9/11, has a keen eye for oddities, reinforcing the conclusion that the Charleston shooting is another contrived event.


A child actor with fake ears?

Although I was originally disposed to distinguish between the child actor/Marine officer and the alleged shooter because of differences in their ears, the discovery of prosthetic ears that have the same crinkle as those of the alleged shooter has forced me to reconsider, where I now accept the argument that, if the hoax were to be exposed, then the use of JADE HELM as a cover by having a commissioned officer involved could be cited under the changes in the law implemented under NDAA 2013, which allow the intelligence agencies of the US government to employ the same kinds of disinformation/propaganda in use in foreign countries right here at home to mislead American citizens:

It looks to me as though the earlier arrest was intended to create an excuse to exonerate the Captain on the basis of a previous arrest of the alleged shooter that would pose an apparently cast-iron alibi, since he could not have been in two places at the same time. But the image of the child actor wearing fake ears would be perfect–and just the kind of touch that Spielberg and Katzenberg might concoct. On the basis of new information about the availability of prosthetic ears with features indistinguishable from those on the alleged shooter, I am inclined to believe we are probably dealing with one person: the child actor who became a Marine Captain and cast in the role of a racist shooter for the Charleston vignette.

Is Clementa Pinkney dead or alive?

A new interview with James Tracy–who has done exceptional research on Sandy Hook–during which I discussed the Charleston shooting as a staged event led to the post by a commentator of an fascinating critique of the body of a man lying in the open casket during the funeral service for Clementa Pinkney. I shall review a half-dozen of the points of comparison on which they deceased and the living are not in agreement, where those who were plotting the hoax may have depended upon the old saw, “They all look alike to me!” In this instance, they do not look alike at all–and I think that it’s not even a close call.

Among the points made are (1) that the corpse is more jowly in the lower face; (2) that the neck is too short and too thick; (3) that the living Pinckney is angular, lean, broad-shouldered and more athletic appearing; (4) that the ears are not a good match; and (5) that the Pinckney nose is larger and has more of a flare. I think he is right on all counts and agree with his speculation that the corpse appears to be of Haitian descent, while Pinkney was an African American. Pinckney was also married, yet the deceased has no wedding ring–or any signs of having worn one. This looks like a very shoddy piece of fakery.

Redsilverj blows apart the Charleston hoax

The student makes other important points about their differences, including that the corpse, unlike the  pastor, appears to have enormous feet. But then again, virtually everything about the official scenario comes across as very odd, including “fast tracking” $29 million for the families of the victims. No doubt, it is merely a coincidence that the historic church suffers from massive termite damage and needs expensive repairs, just as Sandy Hook Elementary School was laden with asbestos and with other bio-hazards, which led me to ask the Newtown School Board, “When were the parents informed that their children we attending school in a toxic waste dump?” These scams seem to be Obama’s stock in trade!

Our alleged racist shooter has black friends on his facebook page. He goes from being a non-racist for his whole life of 21 years to suddenly becoming a racist! We are being besieged with media reports claiming that this was an act of terrorism; that Dylann Roof is a classic “home grown” terrorist; that he was radicalized by watching the website of southern politicians; that even Hillary Clinton is calling for reconsideration of freedom of speech in the USA! His step-mother says he was a good, church-going young man until he became addicted to the internet! This would be the script for a bad B-movie, were it not being used by elite politicians to promote a fabricated event into a national catastrophe. We have fallen so far as a nation, the situation is completely pathetic.

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35 thoughts on “Charleston Church Shooting: An Obama/Katzenberg/Spielberg Production”

  1. STAGED Events are like scenes in a Movie! They need Realism, Good Actors, The Proper Equipment Needed to Look REAL…Special Effects, The Proper Angle and Position, Make Up, Props, Script, Rehearsals, Direction, Financial Backing, and Work Togetherness!! The False Flag Events Have ALL OF THAT!! The Photos, The Person in question is NOT Who the SICK CORRUPT FAKE Media SAYS They are….Telling Us WHAT TO BELIEVE, and Expecting Us to BELIEVE Them, so all Their LIES & AGENDA efforts will be Completed, ALL DESIGNED To DESTROY THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION!! THEY EVEN PAY TROLLS TO BECOME MEMBERS OF WATCH GROUPS TO GET ACCESS SO THEY CAN TROLL AND MAKE US LOOK BAD…BUT THEY GET EXPOSED AND THROWN TO THE REST OF THE TRASH!! THEY THINK THEY'RE SO SLICK…BUT EVEN THE DEVIL THEY WORSHIP SAYS,THEY NEED MORE GREASE!!!?

  2. Thanks Jim for taking the time to research and at least provide the reasons and videos to help us wake up and do our own research. I suggest people rewatch the movie called "Wag the Dog". If the news we watch is being staged here and wonder wars are breaking out! They plant their secret operatives to carry out staged mass killings and point the finger of blame making us believe the culprits will be brought to jail and tried. At the same time they are using these hoaxes to secretly try to get bills passed that disarm the citizens and go after freedom of speech. Socialist agenda and global takeover. I am mourning the loss of our democracy and freedom to pursue happiness. We have been bullied and beat down but we must repent for our own sins and get right with God as these are the end times that were prophesied about in the Bible 2000 years ago! We may not agree with each other all the time and we may get lost along this journey…but we all are accountable to God on Judgement Day whether we believe in God or not. Meditate and pray for all the war torn nations and martyrs for Jesus Christ. And all the wounded babies. This is a genocide unfolding around the world right before our eyes. And we the people…are next on the chopping block. They want to kill us all! And have been planning to do this for over 100 years or more. Pray for peace and pray for forgiveness. Surrender your hearts to Jesus Christ. Hug your kids and tell your friends and family how much you love them everyday. Only God knows the truth. We don't want history to repeat itself and we don't want war and famine or to be killed and enslaved by this Nazi-like takeover of our government. We were given our rights to be free and pursue life and liberty and happiness by God Almighty. The Constitution is lovely. But we were born with our rights already intact from God. No piece of paper or King or Emperor of the world has the right to supersede GOD'S COMMANDMENTS and Holy Laws. He created us. He has ultimate authority over all living things and the universe. Our CONSTITUTION cannot be superceded by anyone not even the President. They swore an oath to protect the Constitution and preserve freedom and democracy! Anything that violates our human rights and bill of rights is TREASON!

  3. 7/10/15 – New RJMI audio lecture:

    · The Pro-Homosexual, Anti-Slavery, Black Racist Obama Is Anti-Bible

    This lecture condemns President Barack Obama for his promotion of homosexuality, anti-slavery, and black racism. It points out the hypocrisy of liberal black pastors who pray with and praise Obama as opposed to the conservative black pastors who correctly condemn Obama. Obama ignores the massive crimes blacks commit while he condemns most white people as racists for the very few crimes that whites commit against blacks, and thus he is a black racist. Good-willed black people know that most of the crimes are committed by blacks, not just black-on-white crimes but also black-on-black crimes. This lecture also teaches that God ordains slavery for just causes and that slaves must not seek to evade slavery by unjust means and before God ordains that they should be freed. This lecture shows that the black slaves in Southern USA were unjustly freed from slavery by the liberal Northerners who placed them in a spiritual slavery—a slavery worse than the physical slavery they were under down south. Instead of being freed from slavery by God and in God’s time, they were “freed” from slavery by Satan and in his time and thus were free to sin with impunity and hence are still slaves, spiritual slaves. It also points out the unjust persecution of the Confederate flag and the hypocrisy of this persecution. The USA flag and Israeli flag unjustly oppress many more people, nations, and races than did the Confederate flag.

  4. Zoom in on it in Photoshop.

    The main reasons:

    The flag pole is clearly computer generated, it's gradation is mathematically perfect.

    The shadow behind the flag and his arm is impossible..

    His finger clutching the flag pole has strange distortion.

  5. None of what you said is true. None of it. To claim that the people who lost children at Sandy Hook are faking it is despicable on all accounts, and anyone who believes it was a hoax is a disgusting human.

  6. Yes, it's been widely reported that he entered the building at around 8 pm. The time stamp reflects 8 pm. In America, we don't use the 24 hour clock like most of the world. How do you not process that?

  7. I may not be up with the times, but is it common for CCTV to record in color? In addition, since CCTV is a streaming video where is the footage of Roof leaving the building? Others entering and/or leaving?

  8. Do you know that Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing were hoaxes and NOBODY GOT HURT OR KILLED?! HOW can you say "this is the dumbest thing you've ever heard in your life"? Ever think of doing any RESEARCH instead of listening to The Ministry of Truth – KNOWN liars?!

  9. Are you also contending that 08:16:58 is evening? I don't mind being faulted, but your stand is simply indefensible. He is supposed to have attacked an evening prayer group. 08:16:58 is in the morning.

  10. I'm not saying that this is NOT a hoax, but regarding Pickney's body, I Googled several images of him and depending on the lighting, he is very very dark or medium brown in skin tone.

    Regarding the body's neck. Dead bodies are dead weights and his head is on an angled pillow so the head would be squished down into the collar, rendering him neckless.

    I wish a funeral technician would add to this.

  11. The Charleston police, like many other police forces, are controlled by Freemasons:

    And the Freemasons, of course, are controlled by Masonic Jews from their B'nai B'rith grand lodge in New York:

    B'nai B'rith means "Sons of the Covenant." The B'nai B'rith, an order of Jewish Freemasonry, is closed to non-Jews, which puts its Jewish members at the top of the Masonic hierarchy. The members of B'nai B'rith are able to join other Masonic orders, but only Jews can belong to B'nai B'rith:

    Retiring Charleston, SC mayor Joseph P. Riley, despite his Irish-sounding last name, is obviously Jewish, and probably a Mason:

    In 1801, a Freemason grand lodge was established in Charleston, SC:

    Here is the video of Dylann Roof's arrest, in which the Shelby, NC cops casually approached his car, as if it were a routine traffic stop:

    Here is the same video in 720p (HD) without commentary:

    Shelby, NC Freemason lodge:

    "Dylann Storm Roof" (obviously not his real name) will probably get a fake execution, then be secretly released to enjoy the millions he will undoubtedly make for playing the lead role in this evil hoax, which was designed to demonize white people and eliminate the 2nd Amendment. America is doomed, unless some type of miracle occurs.

    Non-Jewish Freemasons, especially higher level members participating in evil hoaxes like this one, should know that once they've served their purpose in destroying America, the Jews will kill them all, just as they did in Russia after the 1917 communist (Jewish) revolution. Non-Jewish Freemasons know too many secrets, and dead men tell no tales:

  12. that's what it is. Again, there is nothing wrong with the timestamp. I do not see any reason to believe that Charleston was a false flag.
    understand, I respect Jim Fetzer and have enjoyed his work for quite a while, however we must not be so ready to say everything that happens is a put-on.
    He dropped the ball here. We should expect better judgement especially on a simple matter such as the timestamp.
    To be more than frank I wonder about his mindset in recent months. The Paul/Saul thing really smacks of mental issues. Paul McCartney IS the real Paul McCartney and to say otherwise is insanity.

  13. These analyses/critiques are excellent. Were our universities not in evil times, Jim's work would form a part of the curriculum especially for political science and journalist majors. But such an idea at the present time would be absolutely outrageous. It would be putting truth before, well, ignoble lies.

  14. I have inverted the colors of the image, and see it more likely to be a "1" than a "0" which would be 17/06/15, the Wednesday as it also presents. 07/06/15 is a Monday. I do not see conclusive evidence that the timestamp is 07/06/15 and not 17/06/15 unless you can show me exactly where.

  15. Jim, there's nothing wrong with the timestamp because if you look more closely, it's 17/06/15 which is June 17th according to the non-American format which many manufacturers have as a default. DD/MM/YY, not MM/DD/YY.

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