TEHRAN (FNA)–James Henry Fetzer, an American political commentator, believes that 9/11 was created by CIA, the Neo-Cons in the US Department of Defense and the Mossad.

“We have massive proof that the Twin Towers were blown apart and did not collapse, which appears to have been done using a sophisticated arrangement of mini or micro nukes. It was not even possible that It could have collapsed, given its design and construction. WTC-7 came down in a classic controlled demolition. All four of the airplane “crash sites” were faked or fabricated, albeit each in its own way. None of them actually crashed, which means that no passengers abroad died in crashes. And no “suicide hijackers” were aboard them to cause them to crash, which means that the whole “War on Terror” was based on a false premise. 9/11 was staged to create a pretext for wars of aggression,” he added.

What follows is the full text of the interview:
Q: As you know 9/11 conspiracy theories attribute the planning and executions of the September 11 attacks to certain parties or claim there was an advance knowledge of the attacks among high-level government officials. Possible motives claimed by conspiracy theorists of such actions include justifying the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as well as geostrategic interests in the Middle-East. What’s your take on that?
A: To understand 9/11, we must return to the dissolution of the USSR in 1990-91, which left the US military-industrial-intelligence complex without an international boogeyman to motivate the American people to continue to support vast expenditures on bombs, planes and tanks. A shadowy and elusive “terrorist organization” in the Middle East was the perfect replacement, especially since “terrorist attacks” could be arranged almost anywhere at almost anytime and, if the government declared that it was the work of “terrorists”, who would be in the position to contradict them?
The master plan was to draw the United States into endless wars in the Middle East on behalf of Israel, where no American interests were at stake. In the past, the stability of the region was viewed as paramount to guarantee the uninterrupted flow of oil from stable but despotic regimes. Indeed, no rational soul today would claim that Iraq, for example, is better off now than it was under Saddam Hussein, whose blunder may have been to abandon the petro-dollar. Gaining a foothold for international bankers in a region dominated by Islam, which tends to eschew usury, was another powerful motive.
Q: As we approach the 13th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, there still exists an almost complete blackout in mainstream media of the voluminous forensic evidence that demands an immediate and independent new investigation of that determining day. If the American people were to demand a new investigation into the 9/11, a common criticism would be that the government is not very good at investigating itself and when it does so, historically it usually either absolves itself of any alleged crimes or finds convenient scapegoats in the form of either patsies or CIA sponsored boogeymen. What in your mind would be required for a new investigation to be successful and to actually lead to some type of reform of the system?
A: The desire for a “new investigation” of 9/11 sounds like a great idea, but we could expect exactly the same outcome as the “new investigation” of JFK conducted by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977-78, which led to its Final Report in 1979. In many ways, it was redoing the cover-up but doing it better than had the original Warren Report of 1964. By ignoring the massive blow-out at the back of the head reported by the Parkland physicians (which was fist-sized) and even the much larger wound at Bethesda (enlarged with a cranial saw to make it look more like a shot from behind) and reducing it to a small entry wound at the top of the head, they replaced a bad investigation with one that was even worse.
We have massive proof that the Twin Towers were blown apart and did not collapse, which appears to have been done using a sophisticated arrangement of mini or micro nukes. It was not even possible that it could have collapsed, given its design and construction. WTC-7 came down in a classic controlled demolition. All four of the airplane “crash sites” were faked or fabricated, albeit each in its own way. None of them actually crashed, which means that no passengers aboard died in crashes. And no “suicide hijackers” were aboard them to cause them to crash, which means that the whole “War on Terror” was based on a false premise. 9/11 was staged to create a pretext for wars of aggression.
Q: The US authorities described the event as coordinated terrorist attacks launched by Al-Qaeda and later claimed that Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the attacks. Then American intelligence forces purportedly carried out a mission codenamed “Operation Neptune Spear” which led to Osama’s death. What do you think? Who did really orchestrate the 9/11?
A: 9/11 was brought to us by the CIA, the Neo-Cons in the Department of Defense (most of whom were from Project for the New American Century), which believed that, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was a unique historical opportunity for the US to build a world-wide empire that would endure for the next 100 years, if only we would move aggressively into the Middle East and project military and diplomatic influence outward from that geopolitically sensitive region, and the Mossad. It hasn’t played out that way, but that was the plan. The chaos with Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan continues unabated with Iran as the ultimate objective.
The changes in US foreign policy were complemented by subversion of the Constitution in implementing the misnamed PATRIOT Act, which has profoundly altered American society into a surveillance state in which freedom of speech and of expression has been severely constrained. History will record its gross misadventure into the Middle East as the last dying gasps of an empire that has depleted its military and expended its treasury for an unattainable goal, leaving an enormous swath of death and devastation in its wake. I wish the situation was more promising, but nothing good for human beings is about to emerge.
Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 as he observed at the time. He was “our man in Afghanistan” and was visited by a CIA agent when hospitalized in Dubai not long before he died on 15 December 2001, which has been addressed by Nicholas Kollerstrom, “Osama bin Laden: 1957-2001” and David Ray Griffin, OSAMA BIN LADEN: DEAD OR ALIVE? It was politically beneficial to Barack Obama to resurrect him and kill him again, as I have explained in “Zero Dark Thirty; The deeper, darker truths”. American politics, sad to say, has become little more than a theater of the absurd.

Q: Do you believe there is a connection between 9/11 attacks and appearance of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)? Is ISIL an offshoot of the 9/11?
A: The ISIL phenomenon, which includes fake beheadings of journalist with real destruction of religious icons, has been astonishing in its apparent rapidity. Recent reports that its leader is an agent of the Mossad are illuminating, since, given the Assad government’s success in routing the rebels there, suggests that the forces who want to create instability in the region by removing secular leaders and allowing ancient and deep faith-based antagonisms to reassert themselves can only work to the benefit of Israel. New claims from the American government (that it might take three years to suppress ISIL) hint that we are being taken for a ride to create an excuse to use NATO forces to depose Assad and perform other mischief there.
So this appears to be one more ruse to destabilize the Middle East for the benefit of Israel. It is stunning how much terror and destruction has been wrought by that small state and its advocates, going back to the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 by Irgun terrorists dressed as Arabs, the air attack on the USS Liberty, the false flags on the Israeli Embassy and the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1992 and 1994, and even attempts to blame the Palestinians for the atrocities of 9/11. The world has now been reminded of the savage nature of its government by the recent slaughter of the Palestinian people, which destroyed 40% of the land they control. Aggression by the US and Israel justifiably deserve the world’s condemnation.
Interview by Javad Arab Shirazi [NOTE: This is one in a series of articles being republished since veterans today.com deleted them in a dispute with its Senior Editor, Gordon Duff, about which I have since written several articles.]
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