“The world is a dangerous place, not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”–Albert Einstein
Guess what, we are not going to talk about curtain rods in this article. The curtain rod story is a red herring, so we will do away with it right from the top.
The Oswald Innocence Campaign (OIC) has already shown that Oswald was Doorman and that Lovelady was “Black Hole Man”, who is holding his arms up to shade his eyes, largely based upon the differences between their shirts. That much has been established by the OIC.
Our next order of business, therefore, is to find out why Buell Wesley Frazier was erased from the famous Altgens photograph.
Buell Wesley Frazier was born June 4, 1944.(1) At 19, he arrived in Irving in early September 1963 from the town of Huntsville 200 miles away to find work and live with his sister Linnie Mae Randle, her husband Bill, and their three children.(2) With his mother also visiting with Linnie in November 1963 (3), he was left with no choice but to sleep on the couch of the Randle’s living room.(4)
There are two versions of how he obtained his employment at the Texas School Book Depository. His Warren Commission testimony states he went through the Massey Employment Agency.(5) They referred him there, and the same day he interviewed with Roy Truly, he was hired. (6) However, his sister stated she was the one who enabled him to land the job at the TSBD.(7) He was making the minimum wage of $1.25 per hour.(8) At any rate, he did end up working there on 9/13/63. He drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work on 11/22/63–and the rest is history.

Frazier was standing on the TSBD front stairs(14) when the motorcade drove by, heard the shots, stayed for a few minutes at that position, then went back inside to eat his lunch in the basement. The assassination of the President of the United States was not going to spoil his appetite.(15) He left the depository building between 1:00PM and 2:00PM to head home.(16) Frazier, however, did not go home, but supposedly went back to Irving to see his step father David Williams at the Irving Professional Center, who had been convalescing there for a month.(17) The only problem with this is that Frazier left Huntsville to “stay away from an abusive, alcoholic stepfather”(18), so why would he be looking for solace from him on this most tragic day? Between 4:00-5:00PM Linnie Mae approached the officers who were at the Paine’s and advised Det. Adamcik that “her brother was visiting her father at Parkland Hospital, and we could reach him there.”(19) Why was she buying time for Frazier? Would this coincide with the time the Altgens was being altered? Frazier could have been unaccounted for up to 6 hours. Since his car was not enclosed in any way, he could have left anytime and apparently he did.
He was arrested around 6:45PM and taken to the Irving PD to wait for DPD agents Stovall, Rose and Adamcik. They searched his car on the spot with “negative results”.(20) They went to the Randle residence and conducted a thorough search there. They found a .303 caliber British rifle with ammunition which was confiscated.(21) His sister arrived at the house and the urban legend of Lee Oswald carrying a “long package” was born when Linnie Mae supposedly told the police about the long “suspicious” package she “saw” Lee with that morning. She was here to defend her brother at all cost. She even arranged for a Baptist priest to accompany them to City Hall in Dallas.(22)

Frazier gets drafted
What better way to keep tabs on Buell Wesley Frazier? He was drafted into the Army and inducted on August 2, 1965 at the age of 21.(25) He was shipped to Europe as soon as he finished his basic training in Oct 1965, 23 months after the assassination.(26) Seven months later he returned to the continental U.S. and was assigned to Ft. Lewis, Washington.(27) This happened to be close to Seattle, a major embarkation point for Vietnam.(28) They made sure he was exposed to other young men who were on their way to ‘Nam, some never to return alive. Frazier spent more than a year in suspense and limbo at Fort Lewis from June 1966 to August 1967.(29) After two years of service as a cook, in August 1967, Frazier was “released from active duty” and transferred to U.S. Army Reserve.(30) According to Frazier in his HSCA interview, since he was not going to make a career out of the Army, he was given the choice of deferring his active duty service for later on. While the Vietnam War was raging and some of our major cities burning, he quietly went back to civilian life in Irving.(31)
At the age of 23, Buell Wesley Frazier completely missed the Vietnam War as if it never happened (another George W?). Most of his contemporaries were humping in the rice paddies of Vietnam, many coming back in body bags. The implication is pretty obvious. It is mid-1967: “Wesley, my boy, you have seen your buddies flown to ‘Nam, Johnson is escalating big time, and they need another 50,000 troops. Are you going to behave and keep your mouth shut, ignore all of these investigators and researchers, or are we going to have to ship you overseas, hopefully you don’t come back in a body bag yourself? We can have you in Saigon in 18 hours”. (32)
In between Army stints, Frazier testified at the Shaw Trial on 2/13/69, but not without providing stiff resistance via his attorney Hollebeck. One of his conditions for testifying was that he would not be available to the press in New Orleans.(33) In his testimony under oath, he appears to have misstated (or lied about) his, Lovelady’s and Shelley’s positions, stating he was “at the top of the stairs”, and Lovelady and Shelley were “Right down in front of me at the bottom of the steps.”(34)
At 28, Frazier returned to active duty and re-enlisted towards the end of the Vietnam war on 3/26/73 at Ft. Polk LA. He went through Advanced Individual Training at Ft. Sill, OK, on 7/16/73. He returned to Texas 8/9/73 at Ft. Bliss and went through artillery training in September 1973. From there he was transferred to Ft. Hood, TX, on 9/20/73.(35) Frazier was promoted to Administrative Specialist on 10/01/76 with the Headquarters Headquarters Company, 2nd Armed Division, in Ft. Hood.(36) He finished his tour of duty doing security for officers at base headquarters.(37) He was discharged on 3/25/77 at the age of 32, at Ft. Hood with the rank of Sergeant.(38) He earned the following distinctions: National Defense Service Medal, Marksman Badge w/ Rifle Bar, Good Conduct Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Expert Badge w/ Rifle Bar.(39)
The Assassination Tapes
In 1975 Penthouse Press published George O’Toole’s The Assassination Tapes. Douglas Horne praised this volume as “a delightful gem of a book” and “the evidence he presented is just as relevant–and just as valid–today, as it was in 1975.”(40) Harold Weisberg criticized the book for two reasons: (a) He felt O’Toole had borrowed way too much from Whitewash IV (bordering on plagiarism) without giving him credit, and (b) he thought some of his wild speculation was too much for him to handle. Weisberg did not impugn the actual technology and methodology O’Toole had used, however.(41) Mark Lane totally embraced the technology and wished he had it when he was seeing and recording witnesses in Dallas. It would have sent him in other directions of investigation.(42)
Despite the controversy, O’Toole’s investigation, which is based upon voice stress analysis, is full of intrigue. The Psychological Stress Evaluator was invented in 1971 (43) and patented in 1976 by Bell, McQuiston and Ford.(44) Their model PSE 1000 was marketed by the Dektor Counterintelligence and Security Co.(45) According to O’Toole, this device opened up a whole new playing field for investigators. He was now able to use recorded exchanges to chart the degree of stress in voice recordings no matter how old or far away.(46) O’Toole went back and retroactively analyzed voice recordings of Oswald and determined he had been telling the truth about “not shooting anyone.”(47)

“Judging from the PSE charts, when Buell Wesley Frazier made that statement, he was in a condition of sheer terror.”(49)
Now O’Toole was ready to deal with Frazier by interviewing him himself. His first order of business was, of course, to find him. After failing to find him in Dallas he visited Linnie Mae who quickly brushed him off. The only thing he could get out of her was the fact that Frazier was in the Army and could not be contacted.(50)
While in Dallas he called Paul Bentley, senior polygraph examiner at the time (of the assassination). Bentley claimed not to have been on duty that night because of a sprained ankle that was in a cast. (He detected hard stress in his voice.)(51) Next, he decided to talk to R.D. Lewis, who, according to DPD documents, was the technician who administered the polygraph to Frazier. Lewis denied administering any polygraph “connected to Oswald” that night (hard stress).(52) Furthermore, O’Toole established that R.D. Lewis never signed the DPD report, which had Rose and Stovall’s name on it, and “Lewis had not gone on record anywhere to the effect that Frazier had passed the test.”(53) Lewis would not testify before the Warren Commission.
For his next interview, he spoke to Detective Gerald Hill at his home. Hill advised O’Toole that Fritz could not have ordered the polygraph: ” ’cause Fritz didn’t believe in polygraphs. He wouldn’t use ’em ” (near maximum stress).(54) He returned and spoke to Bentley again, who told him that was not true, he had run “many, many” examinations for Captain Fritz.(55)
He decided to see Detective Richard Stovall, who was with Frazier most of the early evening and night of 11/22 until he dropped him off after midnight.(56) The first thing he found out from Stovall was that he had not been present for Frazier’s polygraph. (Hard stress appeared.)(57) This directly contradicted his WCVIIH192 testimony.(58)
He also spoke to Guy F. Rose, the detective who was with Stovall and Adamcik that day. Rose now contradicted Hill regarding Fritz’s confidence in the polygraph test.(59)
O’Toole then contacted R.D. Lewis again, armed with information contained in Jim Bishop’s 1967 book, The Day Kennedy was Shot, and Warren Commission references that mentioned the polygraph. He now started to vaguely remember maybe giving Frazier a polygraph test that night. Finally, O’Toole concluded that there was no credibility to Frazier having passed the polygraph test.(60)
It was now time to get serious about finding Frazier. He checked with an Army contact and was told there had never been anyone by that name in the Army.(61) From there, he heard from another contact with “very good FBI connections” that Frazier was working at the Boeing Corporation, in Renton, who was not the only source. Then he went chasing him through most of the bases he had been in the south, sometimes just missing him.(62)
On a visit to Dektor, he happened to meet Tony Pellicano, an expert at finding people.(63) With the help of Pellicano, O’Toole at last located Frazier in December 1973 in Texas, stationed at Fort Hood, only 100 miles south of Dallas. Frazier was living on the base and commuting back and forth to Irving on weekends.(64) When he finally recorded his interview with Frazier, it was no less than stunning. Pellicano caught Frazier repeatedly lying about just about everything. The following questions produced maximum hard stress or good to hard stress:(65)
1. Did he (Oswald) take that package up with him into the building?2. Did he tell you he was going to go home with you that night?3. There was nobody else in the (polygraph) room with you?4. Did he (the examiner) tell you that you passed the test?5. Do you know Paul Bently?6. You never knew he (Oswald) had this gun then?
In closing this chapter, O’Toole wrote:
“The midnight polygraph examination of Buel Wesley Frazier lies at the very heart of the mystery of November 22, 1963. Why does it provoke hard stress, false statements, and curious lapses of memory among the Dallas police officers who should be the most familiar with it? …the answer to these questions can only be the darkest speculation.” (66)
Frazier and the HSCA
While he was being discharged from the Army in 1977, the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was forming to reinvestigate the JFK and MLK assassinations. Again, Frazier offered stiff opposition to testifying. “Frazier continues to procrastinate. Definite resistance.”(67) Frazier was finally interviewed by Investigators Moriarity and Day of the HSCA, but never testified under oath. The reason is pretty obvious when one reads the transcripts. Four audio tapes were made of these interviews, which lingered in oblivion at the National Archives until Greg Parker decided to transcribe them. Tapes one and two were useless because of time deterioration.(68)
Tape number three described how he stayed put on the steps:
“I continued to stay right on the steps where I was. I didn’t move from there, I didn’t talk with someone who was sitting there that, uh, was – was on the stairs, as I said earlier. With the same two people. And the shots came from – apparently now – they came from around in a group of people scrambling.” Later on the same topic, “And I moved to the right. “Cause I was very interested in staying – there is no way to get caught. Standing there in the middle.”(69)
Then Day asked him a very simple, important and relevant question:DAY: Are you in any pictures?FRAZIER: No – I don’t remember. What, uh-what I was gonna say is that it sounded – sounded like they were taken in the fall. It was then that was, you know, perfect. But being there at that time I didn’t know.(70)
This tape also contains what seem to be other incoherent statements from Frazier. However, they seem incoherent if you do not know about his induction into the Army. His references to “military” and “Seattle” are not a coincidence. Had this man been mentally tormented, with the spectre of being sent to Vietnam at the whim of the people who were running this operation? It was crucial that they keep a lid on Frazier. This was the star witness who helped to “convict” Lee Oswald in the public eye.
Consider the following exchange from page six:
“And anyways they terminated asking questions and when I answered back I tried to–I tried to tell them the truth. And that made them very angry.”(71) The only thing we can think of that could elicit this type of reaction would have been that he told them that perhaps his friend Lee Oswald was right next to him at the front entrance.On tape four he talked about the advantage the TSBD employees had being on the steps at a higher level and in the sunlight to avoid the crowded curbs, and how he kept going from the doorway to the sunshine and again, confirming his position when the motorcade drove by, next to the “big heavy set lady”.(72) These details are very important because they refute the argument that he was in the shadows of the doorway when the motorcade drove by:(73)“So we stepped back out then down on–out on to the steps. …so we stepped back into the sunlight then where actually we could see better. Because that’s you know its not every day that you can see the President of the United States come by in a motorcade a few feet away.”
FRAZIER: OK, I know some of the girls that worked in the uh offices above and they stepped out into the sunlight with me there and I know the big heavy set woman she was right there.(74)
Take a look at the same area, but from the angle of Dave Weigman, who was traveling in a press cars, the 7th car in the motorcade, 1 or 2 seconds after the last shots. The three people shielding their eyes are still there, right? Now focus on the man sandwiched in between these three.

When we flip the 11/22/63 photograph taken of Buell Frazier and compare it to the figure in Weigman, we get a perfect match. He happens to be standing exactly on the stairs where he said he was in his own hand written statement the night of 11/22/63.(75)
His Warren Commission testimony was taken 3/11/64 by Mr. Joseph (“I won’t drop the ball”) Ball. In his testimony, Frazier confirmed his position stating he was “one step down from the top there”, and “Yes sir, standing by the rail.” He was shown CE-362, which is a only a schematic drawing of the first floor as seen from above to establish his position at the time.(76)
Down the road of deception, lies and duress
Here is where things get dicey. We just proved Frazier was standing on the steps, which was documented as early as the night of the assassination. (77) In his Warren Commission testimony, he was asked if he would take a look at CE-369, a version of Altgens6 that is severely cropped. Quoting from page 242 of his testimony:
BALL. We have got a picture taken the day of the parade and it shows the President’s car going by. Now, take a look at that picture. Can you see your picture any place there?
Mr. FRAZIER. No, sir; I don’t, because I was back up in this more or less black area here.
Mr. BALL. I see.
Mr. FRAZIER. Because Billy, like I say, is two or three steps down in front of me.
Mr. BALL. Do you recognize this fellow?
Mr. FRAZIER. That is Billy, that is Billy Lovelady.
Mr. BALL. Billy?
Mr. FRAZIER. Right
Mr. BALL. Let’s take a marker and make an arrow down that way. That mark is Billy Lovelady?
Mr. FRAZIER. Right.
Mr. BALL. That is where you told us you were standing a moment ago.
Mr. FRAZIER. Right.
Mr. BALL. In front of you to the right over to the wall?
Changes at the Entrance
These images are from the Warren Commission. Below left is a schematic drawing of the first floor of the building, the area where Lee Oswald and Wesley Frazier worked side by side filling orders. According to Frazier’s testimony, the only reason for order fillers to have gone up to the sixth floor would have been to process book returns. This was a very simple procedure which required very little time. That morning it was Frazier who had been to the sixth floor at least once. When asked if he had seen Oswald on the sixth floor of the building at any time that morning, he answered, “No”.(78)
The second image below is the Elm Street main entrance of the building as seen from inside. Notice how restricted the top landing of the entrance was in those days–it could not have been more than 3 feet of horizontal space towards Elm Street, which probably could only accommodate one row of people. Moreover, the radiator against the wall allows us to estimate the space on the other side of the door. The schematic drawing also confirms the door opened both ways and was right in the middle of the landing. This is where Frazier supposedly was, “in the shadows more or less”.
Years later the entire doorway was replaced with thick, ornate wooden frames, and the door itself pushed further inside the entrance, which greatly increased the area of the landing as we see today at right.
In 1986, Frazier testified at Lee Oswald’s mock trial. At 9:57 into his testimony:
SPENCE: You recall these 23 years later that Mr. Lovelady was standing in front of you at that precise moment – about 4 steps in front of you, is that correct?
FRAZIER: Yes sir, that is.
SPENCE: Have you ever said that to anybody in the world prior to today?
FRAZIER: I don’t know whether anyone asked me that or not.
SPENCE: But my question is did you ever tell that to anyone in the world – prior to today?
FRAZIER: Not that I know of, sir.
SPENCE: But you did tell that to Mr. Bugliosi, with the ‘g’ silent, didn’t you.
FRAZIER: Well I asked this question, awhile ago sir. (nervously chewing gum)
There are major problems with this. Again, Frazier was right in the middle of the group that was on the stairs, one or two steps from the top. The deception orchestrated by Joseph Ball in his Warren Commission testimony is pathetic. It is rife with contradictions. Every time Frazier testified about his position at the stairs of the entrance of the TSBD, no matter in which forum, he gave a different story. In his WC testimony, he gave two different positions (as seen above) within the same session! Doorman is obviously above him, not 2, 3 or 4 steps in front of him! Thanks to Gerry Spence, we have videotaped testimony which shows Frazier lying with impunity under oath. By 1986 he had apparently gotten used to the libretto and did not need any more coaching.
The image to the right is from Ralph Cinque’s Altgens6 re-enactment conducted on 11/7/12 and 11/13/12, the first time this was ever done. It is presented here to confirm the position of doorman at the top step of the stairway. Again, this is also confirmed by Altgens6 and Weigman 658. This image only shows the top 3 of the 7 steps that comprise the stairway itself.
Alterations of our own
Using 21st century technology, when we reverse engineer the alterations of the doorway of Altgens6 we come up with this. Once we match Frazier’s head size, rotate him, blur him up a bit and transfer him back to where he used to be, it is a perfect fit! Even Special Agent Jack Ready returns to his original, correct size, as seen when compared to his partner right next to him and this inset.
After careful analysis of all of the evidence presented here, there is an extremely high probability that Buell Wesley Frazier and possibly Sarah Stanton were both removed from the Altgens6 photograph. Once we come to terms with this concept, we begin to understand the terrible life of duress Buell Wesley Frazier has lived. He may live well and comfortable today, but he will always know in the back of his mind what really happened and how he helped frame an innocent man
Why was Frazier removed from Altgens6? That’s a very good question. Until he and his sister Linnie Mae come clean, all we can do is speculate. When Altgens6 was viewed on 11/22 at 1:00PM, there was a group of TSBD employees spilling out from the top landing area down into the seven doorway steps as seen in Weigman 658, including Frazier and possibly Sarah Stanton. Both were in Altgens line of sight. Thanks to the Warren Commission we know the landing area of the doorway was much smaller then than it is today. Despite the difference in distance, and much like we see in this Skaggs image at right, Hughes right below, and very faintly in Weigman 658, part of the glass divider and silver metal frame should have been visible in the background of Altgens6. Today, this area is mostly obscured. Years later the entrance was retrofitted and remodeled to match Frazier’s “back in the shadows” story.
Notice how faint the light fixture and the horizontal frame seem in Altgens6 when compared to this Hughes image.
The fact that Lee Oswald and Buell Wesley Frazier knew each other (albeit for only a couple of months), worked side by side filling orders, and car pooled on weekends was too clear and solid a connection. Once the legend of Oswald as a loner, communist and malcontent was established immediately after the assassination, Oswald being with Frazier at the doorway could not be permitted.
Over the years Frazier has misstated his position on at least five or six different occasions, sometimes under oath. He was caught lying by O’Toole quite a few times and the results of his supposed “midnight polygraph test” have never surfaced.
If Frazier was complicit in setting up Oswald, even in a passive way, his role could have been to deliver the rifle from the Paine’s garage. This could easily have been accomplished by putting the Carcano in the trunk of his car in the early hours of 11/22 or the night before. Being only half a block away either of the Paines could have facilitated this exchange and, with a spare copy of Frazier’s car key, he would not even have had to get out of the couch he slept in. Perhaps the true reason for Frazier lagging behind was to make sure Oswald did not see him bringing a rifle into the TSBD. If he was passively involved, he may have left the rifle in the trunk of his car and allowed others to retrieve it.

When we consider Frazier’s comment about remaining at the steps, “Cause I was very interested in staying – there is no way to get caught. Standing there in the middle”, this scenario now takes on new meaning. It was imperative that Frazier be erased from his actual location to the shadows of the doorway, where–by insisting he say, “I was back up in this more or less black area here” and the power of suggestion–he could become Black Hole Man. Instead of Tinkers to Evers to Chance, we have Frazier to Lovelady to Oswald.
We now present the entire Altgens6, rendered with the person we believe was removed from the photo the day of the assassination, Buell Wesley Frazier.
Larry Rivera, the son of a career military man who served as CID officer in the Army and a Certified Network Engineer, has made a lifelong study of the JFK assassination. He has given interviews on the assassination to Spanish media and has the most complete dossier on Billy Nolan Lovelady ever done.
1. CE 1381, NPRC report
2. WC2H211
3. Ibid
4. Dallas Morning News 11/16/08 Aynesworth, “Oswald co-worker no longer silent about JFK assassination role”
5. WC2H212
6. Ibid
7. WC2H246 “When you live in a place you know some places that someone with, you know, not much of an education can find work”
8. DMN 11/16/08 Aynesworth, “Oswald co-worker no longer silent about JFK assassination role”
9. DPD handwritten statement pg 1 and affidavit 11/22/63
10. WC2H214
11. WC2H227
12. WC2H228
13. DPD Affidavit 11/22/63 p2 by Mary Rattan
14. DPD handwritten statement and affidavit 11/22/63
15. WC2H235
16. CE 1381 1:00-2:00PM was quite a generous time frame
17. Greg Parker article,9/22/09 “Whose line is it anyhow?” Buell Wesley Frazier, Linnie Mae and Bill Randle
18. DMN 11/16/08 Aynesworth, “Oswald co-worker no longer silent about JFK assassination role”
19. DPD Rose/Stovall/Adamcik
20. Ibid
21. DPD 148-001
22. DPD Rose/Stovall/Adamcik
23. DPD Rose/Stovall/Adamcik Report and Cover-Up, Shaw 90-91
24. DPD Rose/Stovall/Adamcik pg 4
25. HSCA Tape 4 pg, 2 NPRC report
26. NPRC FOIA report pg 2
27. Ibid
28. GI’s Diary http://www.174ahc.org/diary01.htm by SP4 Horace Cassels
29. NPRC report pg 2
30. NPRC, HSCA Tape 4 pg 2
31. HSCA tape 4 pg 2
32. GI’s Diary http://www.174ahc.org/diary01.htm by SP4 Horace Cassels
33. Armstrong Box 16 Notebook 3, Tab 28 pg 7
34. Shaw trial 1969 BWF pg 26
35. NPRC pg 3
36. NPRC pg 4
37. Ibid
38. Ibid pg 1
39. Ibid
40.Horne, Inside the ARRB Vol V, pg 1654
41. Weisberg letter 7/28/75 (Example: Oswald to buy car and meet FBI in Texas Theater to collect the $200.00)
42. Weisberg photocopy “forward” of The Assassination Tapes paperback edition
43. Horne, Inside the ARRB Vol V, pg 1655
44. Copy of patent available.
45. http://vsa-avsa.blogspot.com/ The first supplier of VSA technology was Dektor. Dektor manufactured the PSE 1000, an analogue machine, that was later replaced by the PSE 2000
46. The Assassination Tapes (TAT) pg 83-84
47. Ibid pg 125
48. Ibid 171
49. Ibid 172
50. Ibid
51. Ibid 173
52. Ibid 174
53. Ibid 181
54. Ibid 175
55. Ibid 177
56. Ibid 177-179, DPD Report, and WCVIIH192
57. Ibid 178
58. WCVIIH192
59. TAT pg 183-184
60. Ibid 187
61. Ibid 190
62. Ibid 196
63. Ibid
64. Ibid 197
65. Ibid 201-203
66. Ibid 206
67. Armstrong HSCA RG233 hand written notes
68. Greg Parker’s web site. www.ReopenKennedyCase.com
69. Tape III-2
70. Ibid
71. Tape III-6
72 Ibid
73. Ibid
74. Tape IV-14
75. DPD handwritten statement and affidavit 11/22/63
76. WC2H233
77. Op Cit
78. WC2H232
79. WC2H244, despite Ball trying his best to confuse him.
80. DMN 11/16/08 Aynesworth, “Oswald co-worker no longer silent about JFK assassination role” pg 4
81. “The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald” Posted by MinM Fri Nov 21st 2008, http://journals.democraticunderground.com/MinM/109 “Mark Lane would have been a better choice” Spence allowed Bugliosi to lead witnesses at will.
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