By Jim Fetzer and Larry Rivera Larry Rivera has discovered that those assigned to clean up the Zapruder film missed frame 343, where Jackie’s glove provides a background against which the defect’s outline becomes visible.
Who had it right: Parkland (1963), Bethesda (1964) or the HSCA (1979)?
Among the controversial aspects of the assassination of JFK has been the character and dimensions of the wound he sustained at the back (the back/top or the top) of his head. Physician after physician at Parkland Hospital, where his body was taken, reported that he had a blow-out at the back and right side of his head, which was the size of your fist when you double it up. Even Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who rushed forward to protect Jackie during the shooting, reported observing “a fist-sized blow out” when he lay across their bodies in the back seat of the Lincoln limousine, where even a book about the Secret Service “on the job” in Dallas reports it:
When you include the eyewitness reports from those present at Dealey Plaza, at Parkland Hospital and even at Bethesda Naval Hospital, there should be no doubt about the Parkland description as being the most accurate:
Although there really should be no serious doubt about it (where we also have diagrams of the wound by Robert McClellan, M.D., and by Charles Crenshaw, M.D., based upon their observations in Trauma Room #1 while JFK was undergoing treatment), the home movies of the assassination, including the Zapruder film, do not show the wound as expected. And the official autopsy X-rays do not show it either, where they have been used to discount the witnesses, including the Parkland physicians, who were so consistent in their descriptions. David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., has proven that the X-rays were “patched” to conceal the blow-out, however, and then used to refute the eyewitnesses:
Coincidentally, his Letter to the Editor of the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (January 2015) has just appeared, which discusses some of these issues. For an article in which he traces his history of research on the JFK medical evidence–and especially the autopsy X-rays, none of which turns out to be an original–Mantik has a nice summary/overview at, an on-line journal for the advanced study of the death of JFK that I co-edit with John P. Costella, Ph.D. I expect that this letter will lead to future publications in professional journals of this caliber.
The Zapruder film
John F. Kennedy was the victim of a coordinated crossfire that practically blew his head off, where the Zapruder film was revised to conceal that fact (but with imperfect success). This home movie, ostensibly taken by Abraham Zapruder, was suppressed by Life magazine for 12 years, and only shown to a jury by Jim Garrison during the 1969 trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans. Robert Groden was able to have a bootleg copy aired by Gerald Rivera in 1975. What we have here is an improved version created by John P. Costella, Ph.D., which removes aspect ratio and pincushion distortion and corrects other defects in currently available versions, over which The 6th Floor Museum has no copyright control.
None of these activities are recorded in the extant version of the Zapruder film, which is further proof that what we have was created in a film laboratory, “Hawkeye Works”, run by the CIA adjacent to Kodak Headquarters in Rochester, NY. The original was taken to the National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) on Saturday, 23 November 1963. It was an already split, 8mm film that had been developed in Dallas. The substitute, a 16mm un-split film, was brought there on Sunday 24 November 1963 and the substitution was effected. Douglas Horne, Senior Analyst for Military Records for the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), has published how it was done in several articles and now has given a more thorough elaboration in his book, INSIDE THE ARRB (2009).
Frame 374
Having organized and moderated the first “Zapruder Film Symposium” in Dallas at the JFK Lancer Conference in 1996, I had long taken a keen interest in the question of its authenticity, which would culminate in the Zapruder Film Conference I organized and moderated in Duluth in 2003, featuring leading experts on the film: David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., Jack White, David Healy, John P. Costella, Ph.D., and David Lifton, who would provide important chapters for THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX (2003).
For some time prior to the conference, however, I had been intrigued by the idea that, while they had covered up the head wound in earlier frames, such as 314 to 317 and beyond, they might have overlooked that it was visible in later frames. I reviewed the frames of the film and struck pay-dirt when I came to frames 374 and 375:
The blow out is the bluish/grey area at the back, where the pinkish extension is a skull flap that was blown open by the frangible bullet that hit his temple when it exploded. This discovery provided astonishing corroboration of David W. Mantik’s meticulous studies of the Bethesda JFK autopsy X-rays, where a comparison between them shows that he had it exactly right and that the wound looks like a cashew on its side (where the hair conceals portions at the top of the blow out, which is more evident in his earlier X-ray studies):
What this means, of course, is that the Zapruder film is not even internally consistent, since the blow out has been blacked out in earlier frames (such as 314-317 and beyond), but is visible in later frames (such as 374-375 and elsewhere), as we are about to discover. A film with such crucial inconsistency cannot possibly be authentic. Yet no less an authority on the film than Robert Groden persists in maintaining that the film is authentic, which is a stunning display of his irrationality in the face of contrary evidence.
The “blob”
While removing the limo stop was a crucial reason for revising the film, they took advantage of the use of optical printing and special effects to make other changes, including concealing the blow-out at the back of JFK’s head by covering it with black. Here is frame 317, where its concealment is obvious:
But the frames immediate preceding frame 317–frames 314, 315 and 316–are especially interesting, because they added the “blob”, which Roderick Ryan, a Hollywood special-effects expert, explained to Noel Twyman had been painted in andJohn P. Costella has confirmed. The “blob” and the blood spray seen in frame 313 were both alterations, where the “blob” carries over to the following frames:
As I explain below, the apparent gushing out of brains to the right/front of his skull together with the artist’s rendition (of a wound he had not seen but was instructed to draw) and the surgical alteration of JFK’s skull were among the elements of a rather elaborate deception to create the impression that the damage to his head caused by a shot from in front had instead been caused by a shot from behind.
Frame 343
Most, if not all of the medical personnel who attended President Kennedy at Parkland Hospital spoke about the fist-sized defect in the back of the head where bone, scalp and hair had been blasted out. Some of the debris landed on the trunk of the limousine, a portion of which Jackie retrieved and held in her hand all the way to Parkland, while other fragments landed on the grass beyond the south curb of Elm Street. Sargent Stavis Ellis spoke of a Secret Service Agent snatching a piece of skull that a child had picked up, throwing it into the back seat before the the limousine sped off to the hospital.
Charles Crenshaw, M.D., who was among of the attending physicians in the emergency room that day, drew this image showing what he witnessed for ASSASSINATION SCIENCE (1998), which I included as its first appendix:
Some presumptive Warren Commission critics maintain that the Zapruder film remains the ultimate evidence in the assassination and are unwilling to acknowledge the proof we have adduced. Josiah Thompson, for example, has called the film “the closest thing we have to absolute proof” in the death of JFK. But the evidence of fakery continues to grow, where Larry Rivera has now discovered yet another proof while watching “The Murder of JFK — A Revisionist History” (YouTube), where the whitish extension above his right ear is the skull flap that can be seen in frame 374 (above) and in the HSCA images (below):
This video includes this image from the Zapruder film at 4:40, which corresponds roughly to frames 342-343 of the extant version. Because he was familiar with both of the Crenshaw diagrams–especially the first of the two drawings, which shows the indentation of the defect in the skull–he realized that these frames provide extraordinary confirmation that Crenshaw had it exactly right. It may take some reflection to realize the importance of what this frame shows:
The key is that Jackie’s left-hand glove provides a perfect background to perceive what appears to be a defect in the back of the head. The white color of her glove enables us to see the actual dimensions of the blow out from the side (as Crenshaw represented it in the first of his diagrams)–the hole so many witnesses observed that day. Do not confound the skull flap at the side of his head with the defect at the back:
When we process the image with computer imaging techniques and trace the outline of where JFK’s head and skull should be, the damage seems even more dramatic. In this image, Larry has added the image of JFK’s head from earlier frames to prove a comparison basis to determine how much of the back of his head is missing. Once again, remember to separate the skull flap from Jackie’s white glove, which provides the background to determine the missing area:
It was when Larry sent me a version that had the defect circled that I could see exactly what he was talking about and why this discovery is so important as confirmation of the observations by the witnesses in Dealey Plaza, at Parkland Hospital and even from Bethesda. These images complement frames 374-375 and confirm the defect:
One of the telling signs of the truth of an hypothesis is that it receives future confirmation from new evidence as research continues across time. The authenticity hypothesis has produced no new findings, while the fabrication hypothesis has yielded more and more stunning and unexpected confirmations, which leave no room for doubt. In spite of their best efforts, the perps were unable to completely remove telling proof of a shot from the right/front in frames 343 and 374-375.
The Bethesda and HSCA deceptions
We have here a case study of how the medical evidence and eyewitness reports have to be taken into account in arriving at assessments of the authenticity of the photographs and films. Watching the Zapruder film closely, you may notice how there appears to be a gush of brains to the right/front, which was an element of fabricating the impression that his head would had been created by a shot from behind. They even directed a Navy artist to create this impression of what had happened to his skull, which was completely inconsistent with the evidence:
So the Navy artist’s diagram and that dark region of the X-ray, as well as the direct surgical alteration of the skull and the Bethesda autopsy description of the wound, were clearly intended to be mutually reinforcing proofs of a wound that entered at the back of the head and exited at the front. The HSCA deception was, if anything, even more egregious, where the skull flap (which apparently closed up en route to Parkland) is apparent above his right ear in both photo and diagram. My inference is that the HSCA wanted to “get it right” by redoing the cover-up in a more professional fashion than had been done by the Warren Commission:
In contrast to the witness reports and diagrams by Parkland physicians, the HSCA contracted the fist-sized wound to a small wound of entry, as seen above. When I called Cyril Wecht, J.D., M.D., who was a member of the HSCA medical panel, and asked how they had accounted for the enormous discrepancy–not only with the Parkland doctors but also with the Bethesda autopsy report–he told me that he would have to “check (his) notes”! I am sorry, but 50 years later, that just won’t do! Indeed, the HSCA version is not even consistent with the Harper fragment:
When we have a huge, triangular piece of skull from the back of JFK’s head–which may have been the piece that was picked up by the boy and taken from him by a Secret Service agent to toss into the back seat (which would mean it was brought back out to the scene to be “discovered” by Billy Harper the next day)–how could the HSCA medical panel possibly imagine it could get away with a deception of this magnitude? David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., figured out the placement of the fragment in his magisterial synthesis of the medical evidence in MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA(2000).
The mortician’s summary
Thomas Evan Robinson gave a summary of the wounds he had observed in preparing the body for lying in state at the Capitol Rotunda on Sunday, 24 November 1963, and for the formal state funeral on Monday, 25 November 1963. Notice he reports the large gaping hole at the back of the head, a smaller wound at the right temple (and the crescent shaped, flapped down (3″) skull flap), the small shrapnel wounds to the face (apparently caused by tiny shards of glass from the bullet that passed through the windshield and hit JFK in the throat), and the wound to his back (five to six inches below the shoulder). He could not see the throat wound because it had been grossly enlarged at Bethesda as well:
Charles Crenshaw, M.D., also drew the throat wound for me both before and after the tracheotomy incision made by Malcolm Perry, M.D., which may also be found inASSASSINATION SCIENCE (1998). It was a small, clean puncture wound, which Perry would describe three times as a wound of entrance during the Parkland Press Conference held after JFK had been pronounced dead at 1 PM/CT. The Warren Commission was so eager to perpetrate the deception on the American people it even suppressed Jackie’s testimony on the alleged ground of “respecting her privacy”, when the real reason was it destroyed the commission’s “lone-gunman” scenario.
What this means is that the convergence of the medical, ballistic, eyewitness, photographic and film evidence–given that there was a second hit to the back of his head near the external occipital protuberance–when the fake and the fabricated have been separated from the authentic and true, together establish that JFK was hit at least four times, where Gov. John Connally was hit from one to three times and there were at least three misses. The government has been lying about this from the beginning because the government of the United States was complicit in taking out the President of the United States. The death of JFK accordingly marks not simply the end of an administration but the assassination of America.
Larry Rivera has become the leading expert on Buell Wesley Frazier, whose testimony was crucial to the Warren Commission in buildings its case against Lee Harvey Oswald, and also on the motorcycle escort officers for JFK in Dallas.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth. [NOTE: This is one in a series of articles being republished since veterans deleted them in a dispute with its Senior Editor, Gordon Duff, about which I have since written several articles.]
2 thoughts on “Zapruder Frame 343: The blowout at back of JFK’s head”
If you want your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend to come crawling back to you on their knees (even if they're dating somebody else now) you got to watch this video right away…
FINAL JUDGMENT (Piper): Zionist Israel (Mossad – aka "Jewish Mafia") "took out" JFK, aided by their katzas and sayanim in the WH, Federal Gov't Agencies (especially the CIA), local government agencies (especially the LAPD) and just about everywhere else! Everything else is irrelevant trivia, designed to obfuscate.
If you want your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend to come crawling back to you on their knees (even if they're dating somebody else now) you got to watch this video
right away…
(VIDEO) Text Your Ex Back?
FINAL JUDGMENT (Piper): Zionist Israel (Mossad – aka "Jewish Mafia") "took out" JFK, aided by their katzas and sayanim in the WH, Federal Gov't Agencies (especially the CIA), local government agencies (especially the LAPD) and just about everywhere else! Everything else is irrelevant trivia, designed to obfuscate.