Halbig Family Harassed By Forces Seeking to Quell Investigation Efforts

Halbig Family Harassed By Forces Seeking to Quell Investigation Efforts 3

Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 12.52.24 AMFormer State Trooper Pleads With Local Sheriff For Protection

[As Wolfgang Halbig uses FOI requests and court actions to unearth more damning information suggesting that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was fraudulent, he and his loved ones are experiencing increased harassment, including “gangstalking” and death threats. Mr. Halbig’s new website is Sandy Hook Justice Report.-JFT]
Wolfgang Halbig
Sandy Hook Justice Report(November 9, 2015)
I need to share with all my Sandy Hook Justice supporters that what happened yesterday to my wife being harrassed at her workplace with her work e-mails and all the people who work for her where also harrassed with their work e-mails which is uncalled for.
My wife loves her job and this has now caused us me to make a decison. I cannot do this by myself begging for donations and then be slammed by these scumbags everyday that I am a FRAUD.
I thought that the donations would also help me in hiring Private Investigators which this case urgently needs. Whoever takes this on in my place I will suport you and transfer funds remaining.
I cannot loose my wife of 39 years and to hurt her and my family when she has nothing absolutley nothing to do with this investigation is very cruel.
They are now stalking me physically, taken pictures of me while traveling and then telling me that I should not give the ducks to my grandchildren because they have been specially prepared makes me think some kind of poison has been added to those ducks.
The ducks make it seem funny but when you specially prepare them for my grandchildren and then give me a warning it must be true.
My phone number will not change, my home address will not change but I need to step away so these people whoever they are will leave my family in piece and not hurt them.
You wil
Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 12.51.45 AM Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 12.53.38 AM
—–Original Message—–
From: Wolfgang Halbig [wolfgang.halbig@comcast.net]
Received: Wednesday, 11 Nov 2015, 9:37AM
To: gary.borders@lcso.org [gary.borders@lcso.org]
CC: robert.bedgood@lcso.org [robert.bedgood@lcso.org]
Subject: Why is your office hesitant in protecting my family and I simply because I am investigating the Sandy Hook School Shooting?
Sheriff Borders:
You and I know each other and I respect you in your position who can make things happen in protecting someone is in fear of his family and my own life.
I do not know what else I can do in requesting help from your office.
Officer Hauss comes to my home after requesting assistants form your office.
He refused to read or look at any documents that would show my concerns for me and my family.
He simply told me to fill out a report and the Investigators will come out and handle it from there.
The problem is that Officer House decided that the incident only rises to the level of a misdemeanor which I have a hard time believing since he refused to look at any documents.
Corporal Bedgood came out after I complaint of Officers Hauss visits and how he decided the course of action which was do nothing.
I told Corporal Bedgood that I am in fear for my family’s safety as well as mine.
When I am being targeted with Cyber Attacks and Stalking and having someone place an object in my mailbox in Red Tail a Gated Community then I perceive we have a problem
I have attached for you my concernsidentified in which the other two refused to look at or take those documents with them for investigators to review .
My request to find out who these people are which I identified four main players it was said that this would be to costly to investigate.
When threats in my opinion place me and my family in fear it should not be a deputy deciding whether we are in fear for our lives since they have not read all of the documents.
My father was in a Nazi Prison Camp in Poland for over 3 years and the Cyber Attack with labeling me as a Nazi leader is in my opinion that this is a serious HATE CRIME.
Hiding behind a First Amendment Right for Free Speech should not protect these individuals who know what they are doing in daily Harassment, Intimidation, threats to poison my grandchildren in special prepared items.
They placed me on notice after watching me receive those items not to give them to my grandchildren. Your deputies could not see the connection hopefully you can as the Sheriff.
I need to issue Restraining orders on the four individuals that that Corporal Bedgood has. I cannot issues those orders unless I know their True Identity which they did not get either. I even told them that I would pay for finding them if the sheriff office could not afford it.
So please help me Sheriff it is my family that is all I have.
Wolfgang W Halbig
25526 Hawks Run Lane. Sorrento. Florida 32776
Wolfgang’s plight discussed on “False Flag Weekly News” (11/12/2015)
The Nancy Lanza bedroom set (fake blood, evaluation form, moving pad)
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11 thoughts on “Halbig Family Harassed By Forces Seeking to Quell Investigation Efforts”

  1. I do believe to once i initial started out thinking about things, and it needed everyone quite some time to quit trusting your feelings stuffed, entertainment content on the alt media web sites.

  2. Ur comment only goes to show what u know–which isn't much–making ur comment pretty worthless for lack of info. All u need do is ck Wolfgang's numerous vids he's done–he's come up w. tremendous info–too bad u don't know about it. Think and get informed before running ur ignorant (proverbial) mouth, buddy. Have u ck'd his website?–SandyHookJustice.com.

  3. It's nearly impossible to ascertain if Wolfgang is the real deal or not as they LOVE to play 'Damsel In Distress' games against the goyim.

    Bill Windsor of LawlessAmerica did the same thing and turned out to be a JEW (BLOOD), not religion!

    The clue is huge claims, fancy website, then NOTHING, except scare tactics similar to pogroms done by Jews to Jews.

  4. Well as a comment from someone sitting on his arse over here in Australia doing what I can, I have to say you all deserve a bit of flack for leaving this guy to go it alone. The delay and smart arse treatment he got from the various Sandy Hook authorities was obviously aimed at trying to conceal the hoax. All I ever saw about him on youtube or elsewhere was that he was some kind of hoax himself, the usual disinfo. Not one major news item on him, not one major law firm stepping forward with some pro bono, not one Federal politician involving themself in the fight Wolfgang had to fight. There's this English saying, "Fuck you Jack, I'm alright" and it means exactly what it says. And who'll step up to the plate? No, just leave it to somebody else.

    Allan Powell

  5. ———–[HERE'S PART 3 TO ABOVE]———–

    All it takes is MONEY, suckers. Actually, it isn't really money anymore, folks, it's now technically called, "currency," real money having to be commodity, thus gold/silver–but how many people can figure this out about (seemingly) simple thing like money?

    And there's no hope–there'll be no help for poor Wolfgang–why?–because the currency is still accepted for payment for goods and svcs by too many people.

    The currency rules all, and will only end when it finally collapses in "hyper-inflation." And when that (hyper-inflation) happens, the bankers will have the country involved in wars, external as well as internal, the people starving and worried about soooo many other things, like bio-weapons these psychopaths will be sure to un-leash, if not EMP attack, HAARP, and even old-fashioned nukes if necessary.

    So why hasn't the NRA (National Rifle Association) stepped-in to help poor Wolfgang?–answer: MONEY, sucker–what else? For if it's big enough, the bankers control it directly. If it's not big, bankers still control indirectly.

    So prepare thyselves, suckers: U'RE DOOMED. And the only possible thing which will save USA is the collapse of the currency, it losing its power ONLY by that event. And the only HOPE is a serious, down-right REVOLUTION–people have to emulate the Christian revolution of early 4th cent. and grasp the glorious power and meaning of serious anti-semitism, suckers.

    But lots of scum, traitors, weaklings, dupes, and fools will have to be removed before that happens, eh? Ho ho ho–it's inconceivable for such as Fetzer and Tracy who'd rather die. Nonetheless such revolution must happen, and real patriots must learn the necessity of serious anti-semitism–the real Christianity, Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

  6. ———–[HERE'S PART 2 TO ABOVE]————–

    And the main-stream corp. Jews-media?–they're mere paid prostitutes, pathological liars, drug-addicts, etc.–the "mockingbird media," owned and controlled, lock, stock, and barrel, as is well-known.

    Who else will tell the truth?–it isn't Jim Fetzer or James Tracy as these are just "mentally-enslaved morons," no less than all the other poor fools, scum, victims, goons, and TV-addicts in our putrid, filthy, corrupt culture in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

    For the "edjumacation" system is no less dominated and thoroughly corrupted by the funny-money churned-out by the "bankers" and the Fed fraud, Fetzer and Tracy well-trained like seals and circus-bears to effect they can't be "anti-semitic" or, heaven forfend, "racist." Fetzer and Tracy would rather sell their children and commit suicide.

    And the power of this not-so-sublime criminal activity and counterfeiting affects ABSOLUTELY all the possible circumstances to make poor Wolfgang intimidated, threatened, terrorized, and hysterical as he has been made now by means of steady pressure and application of all the forces and almost literally INFINITE funding.

    All it takes is MONEY, suckers. Actually, it isn't really money anymore, folks, it's now technically called, "currency," real money having to be commodity, thus gold/silver–but how many people can figure this out about (seemingly) simple thing like money?

    And there's no hope–there'll be no help for poor Wolfgang–why?–because the currency is still accepted for payment for goods and svcs by too many people.

    The currency rules all, and will only end when it finally collapses in "hyper-inflation." And when that (hyper-inflation) happens, the bankers will have the country involved in wars, external as well as internal, the people starving and worried about soooo many other things, like bio-weapons these psychopaths will be sure to un-leash, if not EMP attack, HAARP, and even old-fashioned nukes if necessary.

    So why hasn't the NRA (National Rifle Association) stepped-in to help poor Wolfgang?–answer: MONEY, sucker–what else? For if it's big enough, the bankers control it directly. If it's not big, bankers still control indirectly.

    So prepare thyselves, suckers: U'RE DOOMED. And the only possible thing which will save USA is the collapse of the currency, it losing its power ONLY by that event. And the only HOPE is a serious, down-right REVOLUTION–people have to emulate the Christian revolution of early 4th cent. and grasp the glorious power and meaning of serious anti-semitism, suckers.

    But lots of scum, traitors, weaklings, dupes, and fools will have to be removed before that happens, eh? Ho ho ho–it's inconceivable for such as Fetzer and Tracy who'd rather die. Nonetheless such revolution must happen, and real patriots must learn the necessity of serious anti-semitism–the real Christianity, Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

    For the "edjumacation" system is no less dominated and thoroughly corrupted by the funny-money churned-out by the "bankers" and the Fed fraud, Fetzer and Tracy well-trained like seals and circus-bears to effect they can't be "anti-semitic" or, heaven forfend, "racist." Fetzer and Tracy would rather sell their children and commit suicide.

    And the power of this not-so-sublime criminal activity and counterfeiting affects ABSOLUTELY all the possible circumstances to make poor Wolfgang intimidated, threatened, terrorized, and hysterical as he has been made now by means of steady pressure and application of all the forces and almost literally INFINITE funding.

    ——–[END OF PART 2; SEE BELOW FOR 3]——

  7. Only Real, Serious, Christian-Inspired Revolution Can Change, Help Things

    Unfortunately, we're now observing the entirely PREDICTABLE results and effects of ZOG intimidation, extortion, terrorism, etc., upon a poor, pathetic citizen-victim of the leading and basic criminal conspiracy, controlling all the others, that of central-banking legalized COUNTERFEITING, namely, in case of present Jew S A, the US Federal Reserve Bank.

    What?–one may say, u mean it's bankers behind all this activity? Well of course it is, u stupid scum, and these bankers are behind ZOG which rules, which sends ur kids off to fight foreign wars which are NOT in legitimate defense of USA, now Jew S A.

    The same powers intimidated, terrorized, and assassinated witnesses to JFK, OKC bombing of 1995, and many other crimes, including 9/11 and Sandy hoax–what did and do u stupid scum expect?–u're only being treated like the stupid, brainless suckers u really and truly are–human cattle, cannon-fodder for the bankers for all the wars, going back to the "Civil War"–better named as war of Northern Aggression and Empire.

    And NOTHING will be done, no matter the lies they tell poor Wolfgang and the stupid puke who are the so-called "citizens" of Jew S A, dominated by Jews and Isreal, as evermore people know and learn.

    For the criminal "bankers"–really COUNTERFEITERS (literally)–have everyone paid off and/or extorted by means of nearly infinite funding. Anyone who continues to seriously refuse to going along w. them will be killed by crack-addicts, who will be eliminated as witnesses by other crack-addicts paid a few hundred bucks–like they killed Lee Harvey Oswald, and numerous other witnesses and whistle-blowers.

    ————-[END OF PART 1; SEE BELOW FOR 2]———–

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