By Dr. James F. Tracy
Fraud. An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right; Anything calculated to deceive, whether by a single act or combination, or by suppression of truth, or suggestion of what is false, whether it be by direct falsehood or innuendo, by speech or silence, word of mouth, or look or gesture.-Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition
Three years ago the public learned of the most significant mass shooting in recent US history involving the deaths of 20 young school children and seven adults. As a father of three I immediately empathized with the parents, reminding myself there was no real way to fathom the sense of loss such an experience must involve.

After several days of reflection, however, my instincts as a media analyst took charge. In reviewing news coverage of the Sandy Hook School massacre I began to recognize very unusual features in the alleged forensics, the emergency response and the overall way the event was being reported.
Commonplace emergency protocols were abandoned. There was no surge of EMTs into the building, no proper triage protocol employed or Med-Evac helicopters called. Parents were not even allowed to view and hold the bodies of their deceased children, and law enforcementoddly admonished those who questioned the official narrative online were subject to criminal prosecution.
The following day Connecticut’s state coroner amazingly bumbled and guffawed through a fifteen minute press conference where it was anticipated he would provide an expert overview of the postmortem. His responses to reporters’ questions were so bizarre and incompetent I was awaiting an avalanche of lawsuits from victims families to be brought against the school district and State of Connecticut. On December 28 one was filed, then quickly withdrawn. The following October the Sandy Hook School—among the greatest crime scenes in US history—was demolished.
When I chose to publicly share my analyses and suggest that the event was being inaccurately reported and seized upon by politicians to implement long-sought agendas I was attacked and labelled a “conspiracy theorist.”
This media frenzy (here and here) developed into a campaign to embarrass my university employer into firing me. My continued research on this topic has developed into a scholarly project that the institution of tenure was intended to protect. But how could one ever dare propose such subject matter?
Beginning in the 1960s women and racial minorities who secured a toehold in the academy used their tenure to address controversial topics that drew fire from conservative administrators and trustees. Unfortunately this tradition of radical inquiry has evolved into a stultifying, almost Victorian ethos of political correctness that often precludes honest exchange, sees oppression where none exists, and makes tenure a charade. It also renders profane the idea of questioning the motives of America’s first black president and attorney general.
In the December 10, 2015 online edition of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Leonid “Lenny” and Veronique Pozner mounted a vicious attack that sought to intimidate my employer into removing my tenure and depriving me of my livelihood because of the questions I’ve raised concerning the Sandy Hook event and confirmation of Mr. Pozner’s unusually tenacious and profuse copyright claims.
Normally an endeavor targeting an individual’s primary asset would take shape as a lawsuit where proper discovery and judicial procedures might be adhered to.
The recent 425-page volume of research on the Sandy Hook event compiled by six professors (including myself) would constitute for the Pozners a tremendous burden of going forward. They have thus once again chosen the low road of playing upon the prejudices of decent, good-hearted yet often poorly-informed Americans.
Along these lines, in June 2014 I sent CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who similarly attacked me on national television for questioning the state-sanctioned Sandy Hook narrative, anopen letter to join me in a trip to Newtown so that we could together reexamine the facts underlying the horrific tragedy he played a major part in covering. I emphasized that such a scoop could be tantamount to the next Watergate, and if he could satisfactorily put to rest my skepticism I would seriously consider resigning my academic post.
To this day my request has gone unanswered. Perhaps like me, Mr. Cooper knows that Newtown and Connecticut officials have failed to fulfill a multitude of public records requests which would readily confirm the nightmare Cooper and his media colleagues related as fact three years ago.
In a geographically vast country where imagery and emotion reign supreme, where fact is often replaced by unsubstantiated claims and hearsay, the eventual result will likely involve mass fraud leading to a severe loss of our freedoms, perhaps eventual tyranny, as de Tocqueville suggested following his tour of America almost two centuries ago.
Today more than ever citizens would be well served to recognize that much of what they are left to witness via mass media requires serious interrogation, possible only through a consistent regimen of intellectual self defense. This makes good reporters and worthwhile journalism. If that is an outmoded ideal and a skill that can no longer be practiced or taught to young adults I stand guilty as charged.
Courtesy of MHB.

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I don't know if I'm a toll or an ethnographer at this point….
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Dr. Fetzer, I listened to your very first show, "The Raw Deal" (!) on and it was OUTSTANDING! 🙂 Wishing you much continued success and praying God's protection over your life as you tell Americans the TRUTH about what has and is going on in our nation. Blessings.
Wolfgang's website has been suspended. 30 December 2015 19:14 GMT
This is what Sandy Hook should have looked a little like.
The depths of depravity to which the hoaxers and their minions have sunk to in harming James Tracy, Wolfgang, and other truth seekers, just shows how desperate and fearful they are of TRUTH itself catching up with them and exposing their criminality for all the world to see.
It is quite ironic that great investigators like professor Dr. James Tracy, Ph.D. and professor Dr. Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., and many other Ph.D.’s and others did the hard work of investigating and compiling all the evidence and facts which demonstrate the alleged Sandy Hook Massacre December 14, 2012, three years ago, was a fraud, a hoax a cheap scam perpetuated upon a gullible public to promote the gun control agenda of our federal government and some citizens also seeking to abridge our fundamental freedoms to own and possess guns and weapons of all kinds as provided by the great Founders of America. The great irony of all this is because the individuals legally empowered and authorized and directed by and provided by law, with all the tools necessary to quickly and efficiently and completely investigate this corrupt event dismally and corruptly and dishonestly and criminally failed to do so; namely the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Connecticut. This office had full subpoena powers and could have interviewed all family members under oath to find the truth, as well as interview all members of the corrupt Connecticut State Government under oath and all members of the lying Newtown School board under oath. That none of these things were done and more indicates our government has now joined the ranks of the outlaws, or criminals or lawbreakers in our country. Imagine these family members being “offended” if they had been put under oath by the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut? But they are offended by professor Dr. James Tracy who only seeks truth, while the corrupt lawyers on the government dole in the Office of U.S. Attorney sit idly by and do nothing thereby perpetuating the government lies about all this terrorism against America by its own government. All of them should be sitting in a jail cell for life. Evidently these crooks are and were in on this massive scam on America. Wake up Americans from your slumber; it may be too late now.
More exposure of the Sandy Hook HOAX: "suffering parents" – HaHaHa! (the Wheelers):
Insights into the SB HOAX – similar to the SH HOAX:
“On December 17, 2015, Shkreli was arrested, following a federal indictment,[66] by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for securities Quoted from Wikipedia:
fraud after an investigation into his tenure at MSMB Capital Management and Retrophin. He has been accused of running a Ponzi Scheme.[1]I Per the Department of Justice press release: "As alleged, Martin Shkreli engaged in multiple schemes to ensnare investors through a web of lies and deceit."[67][68]
Isn’t this just another day at the gambling casino in NY? Isn’t Shkreli doing what every one else there does every day? What about the lies and deceit of the Federal Government, State of Connecticut, Governor Malloy, Newtown School Board seeking to defraud every American of their gun rights? Why aren’t all of these criminals indicted and brought to trial instead of wasting time on this rich businessman? Funny how cheap politicians run their mouths with indignation about him but remain silent about the Sandy Hook Hoax on America.
LOL all the evidence unraveling but you won't call Allan to even go on the show to tell him how it is unraveling! The only thing unraveling is your credibility
This is great! All of your evidence unravelling. Tracy getting fired.
Hopefully soon we'll see some of you getting sued or going to jail for harassing these people. That's be fun
Don't worry, Stevie will come visit you!
Someone called me a cult once. or at least it sounded like it, He was along way away. Allan Powell
Your comments and moral support are appreciated! It's always encouraging to see someone take a stand against the EVIL EMPIRE. There is no expectation of penetrating or changing a shill's programmed mind. The energy and time is for the benefit and morale of those engaged in battle and those lurking. Opening other fronts is also useful! The SH HOAX is just a small part of a HUGE and SINISTER DECEPTION.
Well, I'm on your side. Keep it up if you wish. It's a "free" country — sort of. But I'm betting this dumbshit is paid real money, by the hour, to fuck with us. He obviously has no intention of using critical thinking, or any brain other than his cortex, in this discussion. So, in my opinion, you're probably wasting your energy. Might as well drink some wine and watch a good movie, or practice the piano. It's better for your heart. But I'm on your side. Take care.
We have to fight the enemy wherever he shows up! We have to expose the lies and deception, not only about the SH HOAX but about everything else which is somehow connected to the HIDDEN HAND and CRIMINAL government which is trying to ENSLAVE all Americans by taking away our FREEDOM! That is the best use of our energy – until it's time to man the barricades. You're right about one thing, of course, this critter is a persistent government SHILL who LIES!
Hey all. Please save your energy. Steve12 is obviously a shill. The evidence presented by W. Halbig, Fetzer, Powell, etc., is compelling evidence. Certainly compelling enough to ask serious questions, especially considering the push for gun control right there in CT. No need to argue with this guy. He's probably getting paid to do this, while none of us are.
Ideally, the executions will also be covered LIVE (up to a point) by CNN or FOX, and proper Death Certificates issued for public perusal, just in case THEY are conjuring up another HOAX, with ObamaRahm-a turning up 6 months later in a Chicago Pizza parlor (or guzzling beer in Hawaii, Kenya or Indonesia)!
CORRECTION: Let's SEE! someone open all the coffins, LIVE on CNN or FOX, so all Americans can SEE! that they are EMPTY! Let's make sure all the "parents" and "officials" involved (up to and including ObamaRahm-a) are present, so that THEY can be immediately ARRESTED and carted off to the nearest maximum security FEDERAL PRISON, awaiting TRIAL and EXECUTION. During the TRIAL and prior to his EXECUTION, ObamaRahm-a will also be charged with TREASON for the 911 COVER-UP of Zionist Israel's heinous, CUNNING and COLD-blooded ATTACK ON AMERICA! Let THEM choose lethal injection, hanging, electric chair, guillotine, firing squad or lynching (in honor of Bush, Sr's comment) – or ALL of the above.
Lash was addicted to raw filet mignon (a reptilian carry-over) and had shit-for-brains because everything he did was irrational and made no sense (except wanting to learn how humans seduce women). We all know from your comments that your batch still had shit-for-brains but how do you feel about raw filet mignon? Are you able to eat cooked meat without throwing up? Are you also accumulating a huge cache of weapons and armored cars for the coming attack on humanity? THEY are gonna have a helluva time genetically engineering genuine human emotions and God-consciousness in their hybrid, humanoid critters (which you obviously still lack!).
Mazel Tov!
Ask him those simple questions on the program. Fetzer probably doesn't read over 100 comments here–most of them inane and off topic (not necessarily yours)
Meet the terms or no. Simple.
They're very simple questions that anyone making any claim should be able to answer.
But you all behave as a cult, so none of my questions re: why such a powerful cabal needs to hold these hoaxes, face recognition techniques, anomaly hunting, sourcing of photos, evidence to falsify your conclusions, ordering of evidence strength, etc. can be answered.
What kind of movement doesn't take simple questions? Absurd.
I couldn't care less about your "summation". My very modest questions are as reasonable as can be.
The conditions are what they are. Take them or leave them.
Issuing the first: Steve12 agreed to come on the Fetzer program to debate but only on his own terms
Issuing the second: This seems completely unnecessary if he's as confident as he seems to be in his comments here.
Issuing the third: I wouldn't be surprised if this Steve guy was Keith Johnson.
Summation of statements issued: Steve should go on the Fetzer show with no conditions and prove he's a serious debater.
1. What's the most smoking gun evidence for a hoax? Maybe 2 or 3 most (though I'll take them one at a time)
2. As I asked above – what evidence would convince you that a shooting took place?
How depressing it is to hope once again to have a discussion of Dr. Fetzers post with real people who care to have a dialogue.
If you guys aren't "shills" then you have saved "them" all a lot of money. You have hijacked these comment sections, and filled them with insults, arguments about nothing, and total religious nut job extremist drivel.
"Comments, comments everywhere, and nary a drop to think"
Mr. Jeff Bezos, E.E., CEO is the top man of Amazon.Com. This massive company has grown from almost nothing to challenge every main street business in the country even Wal Mart which was formerly criticized for doing so. Did he do this all on his own? No, he has had massive aid and help in the form of massive low interest financing from the Wall Street Casino which has made massive bloated profits with the zero percent interest rates dictated by the corrupt federal reserve bank for about 15 years. It is the massive infusion of capital (this means money) to undercut or undersell competitors on main street with high overhead and punishing property and other taxes. Bezos even had so much money he paid $250 million in cash for the Washington Post. Remember this newspaper; it did most of the investigating of the Watergate crimes. Has it done any investigating of the Sandy Hook School crimes in Connecticut? No, and not only has not it lifted a finger to even publish the link for the free book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook”, Mr. Bezos Himself even banned and censored the book from his own company! “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” President Kennedy made this great statement before Mr. Bezos was even born. Mr. Jeff Bezos, is this all you can do for America after all it has done for you and made you enormously rich in wealth, but poor in conscience?
Mr. Jeff Bezos, E.E., CEO is the top man of Amazon.Com. This massive company has grown from almost nothing to challenge every main street business in the country even Wal Mart which was formerly criticized for doing so. Did he do this all on his own? No, he has had massive aid and help in the form of massive low interest financing from the Wall Street Casino which has made massive bloated profits with the zero percent interest rates dictated by the corrupt federal reserve bank for about 15 years. It is the massive infusion of capital (this means money) to undercut or undersell competitors on main street with high overhead and punishing property and other taxes. Bezos even had so much money he paid $250 million in cash for the Washington Post. Remember this newspaper; it did most of the investigating of the Watergate crimes. Has it done any investigating of the Sandy Hook School crimes in Connecticut? No, and not only has not it lifted a finger to even publish the link for the free book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook”, Mr. Bezos Himself even banned and censored the book from his own company! “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” President Kennedy made this great statement before Mr. Bezos was even born. Mr. Jeff Bezos, is this all you can do for America after all it has done for you and made you enormously rich in wealth, but poor in conscience?
No – I was actually in the one after him.
I thought Lash was a pretty bright LizardDude
Were you and Jeffrey Lash manufactured in the same batch and DUMB?
I knew it!
Wow. As a Lizard-American I find this highly prejudicial.
Here's one of my websites you may have missed:
Re: actual content….
Facts alone are insufficient and always require some level of interpretation.
E.g., several typewriters were used on the death cert. That is a fact – but what does it mean?
That'd where you guys typically go wrong.
I don't think you're lying or faking (though some may be). I think you're "talking beyond your data" as we say in science
"Telling people they are mentally ill can get you in a lot of hot water legally."
No. I've not said I'm a licensed treater – I can have any opinion that I like. And my opinion is that you probably have been diagnosed with something.
" If you were ethical or wise, you would avoid the habit or realize you could be sued for libel or defamation of character."
It's not defamatory to say someone has a condition. It's my opinion that you, Appy and Godsend need psychiatric help. I am not a clinician nor have a I claimed to be. If I had claimed to be that, then you might have a point.
And you're caught up on this because YOU know that I'm right.
Let's SEE! someone open all the coffins, LIVE on CNN or FOX, so all Americans can SEE! that they are EMPTY! Let's make sure all the "parents" and "officials" involved (up to and including ObamaRahm-a) are present, so that THEY can be immediately ARRESTED and carted off to the nearest maximum security FEDERAL PRISON, awaiting TRIAL and EXECUTION. During the TRIAL and prior to his EXECUTION, ObamaRahm-s will also be charged with TREASON for the 911 COVER-UP of Zionist Israel's heinous ATTACK ON AMERICA! Let THEM choose lethal injection, hanging, electric chair, guillotine, firing squad or lynching (in honor of Bush, Sr's comment) – or ALL of the above.
I don't have beliefs. I understand facts and if I can't state facts, I don't make comments unlike yourself in a series of inflammatory comments that people are nuts , mentall ill and belong to a cult. Telling people they are mentally ill can get you in a lot of hot water legally. If you were ethical or wise, you would avoid the habit or realize you could be sued for libel or defamation of character.
Evidence and methods are only discussed within the group. You have to be a believer in the first place to engage in a real discussion, and if you question too much you're cast out
Very cult-like
I think that walking through the specifics was enough for me. You guys rarely stake yourself to anything too specific, but when you do it's total horseshit.
E.g. the death certificate – not one shred of credible evidence it's a fake.
But you all carry on as though it proved! Very cult-like
Yea – it's a variation on a theme. In the stead of the leader is the belief.
Just because you guys are too paranoid to agree on a leader doesn't mean that you don't qualify as a cult.
I want to again point out, David, your complete inability to discuss evidence or methods.
The average honest, hard working, good hearted American citizen feels totally impotent to take any legal action to display their disapproval of the unspeakable crimes of government officials in the corrupt State of Connecticut. Here is something anyone can do which is perfectly legal and appropriate: It is spelled BOYCOTT. You can easily google up a list of companies based in this tiny State of our Union. Many insurance companies like Hartford and Travelers are based there. Otis Elevator, Time Warner, General Electric, Xerox, United Technologies, Subway, Sikorsky Aircraft, Pepperidge Farm, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, Newman’s Own, Meriden Firearms Company, J.H. Whitney Co., International Paper, General Dynamics Electric Boat, Gerber Scientific, Ethan Allen, Duracell, Crane Co., Colt’s Manufacturing, Carrier Corp., Borden, Brooks Brothers, Aetna, Arrowhead Water, United Technologies, etc. Observe the deafening silence of these companies about these horrible crimes by Connecticut government. Cancel all business with these companies immediately. Do not buy any products made or sold by them. Cancel all insurance policies with Connecticut companies. Do not travel to this State. Avoid it like the plague it is. If flying over this corrupt State , be sure to use the restroom to relieve yourself as a symbol of your displeasure with these criminal activities by government while authorities wink at them all and do nothing. American government has become the lawbreaker, the outlaw in town.
A cult has a leader who is blindly followed and even worshipped. Further, people give up their careers and their identities for the leader or group. None exists here.
My final judgment: You don't know what you are talking about again. My recommendation: Go away.
After a mix of trolling and serious questions, this movement has revealed itself as a Cult.
When you dig deeper, faith is required in a small group of leaders and there is not real evidence.
Another sign: inability to answer any questions.
If you asked me to defend a controversial proposition that I knew a lot about, I could easily. And have. Let's say evolution – shouldn't be controversial but it is.
I wouldn't simply accuse you of this and that – I'd answer. Why we need it big picture-wise, top 3 pieces of evidence, what would falsify it and make me reject it, the merits of the individual pieces of evidence, which of course aren't equally weighted, etc.
You guys can't do that with a much simpler topic. Your responses are more Cult-like. Attack, attack and link a youtube video with one insignificant detail after another.
The irony is that conspiracy theorists are always saying 'connect the dots', yet that is EXACTLY what none of you can do.
Final judgement: cult.
Appy has called me a queer (because it's 1952) 33 times!
I'm not gay. I'm GBDSMBFAP.
"Thanks, Cass Sustein."
How did you know my name?
I actually took on the fake death cert in detail in a previous thread.
To say that there is no evidence that the death cert if a fake is to be generous. I was going back and forth with Allan Powell, who I believe did the primary "research", so I think I saw all of the "evidence"
There's literally nothing. I have to say, I was sort of shocked – I thought that there would be something odd, but nothing.
In fact, the evidence re: the different type writers speaks against a fake, not for it.
What counts as evidence here is baffling…
"Goldstein": Liar Extraordinaire, Cheap Punk, Scum, Ho Ho Ho
Goldstein, u're just a crass, stinking liar. And who are u, and what is ur reasoning for saying heroic consp. theorists "don't deserve" their "influence"? By what criterion does an ignorant dumbass like u pretend such influence is "outsized"? U just assert without any substantiation, stupid ass scum.
Further, Goldstein the moron, don't forget Fetzer and co. have actually produced something–which u haven't–which is their extremely credit-worthy work, "Nobody Died At Sandy Hook"–ever hrd of it? ZOG has, and they've gone to all the trouble to having it banned or suppressed, much as they could.
It's amazing u don't seem to grasp this simple fact about "Nobody Died…," which is actually quite a detailed and elaborate argument–what's ur problem, fool?
Haven't u seen the photos of the un-damaged class-room windows and Carver the med. examiner lounging about w. his cane, in his civvies and tenny-shoes? What's ur problem, Goldstein, u utter idiot?–are u blind? Sandy hoax is as good as demonstrated–do u have a counter-argument?–that's what u ought to be talking about, moron.
Get a clue Goldstein, u stinking scum, it's anyone's right to "seek to influence policy"–and Fetzer and co. have gone to the trouble to produce their grounds for this exerting of influence, u puke–they at least have something of a "leg to standing upon"; what do u have, sucker? What are u?–jealous? Ho ho ho ho ho–is all anyone needs do in face of ur brainless blathering, Goldstein.
"Stevie": Perfect Shill And Henchman For ZOG
By golly, but by means of intensive dialectic technique we seem to have quite well dissected and analyzed this putrid homosexual insect, "stevie," psycho schizoid shill/liar for ZOG/Obola.
We find thus that "stevie" is typical product of modern edjumacation, filled and stuffed w. most moronic psycho-babble and given a degree or two, puffing the little monstrosity up, he believing now he knows stuff, ho ho ho ho ho–giving him the audacity to comment pretending to criticize consp. theorists and patriot investigators of ZOG and its frauds.
Thus "stevie" pushes ZOG lies–why?–because stevie is a dedicated, up-standing, and proud queer who seeks to advance the queer agenda of ZOG and Obola–pretty straight-forward and quite logical. So we understand stevie's motivation.
And when one examines "stevie," as for what he tells us, we find what a perfect flunky, cats-paw, and henchman he is for ZOG, ZOG not even having to pay him for all his intensive work, such a dedicated queer is our dear little stevie.
Most pathetic and troubling is this queer flunky, stevie, says he has a Ph.d degree–and is it too un-believable?–perhaps not, though we find stevie spouting alarming things while pretending he's credentialed "scientist," actually working and perhaps holding official positions, stevie insisting, for one example, that sense-perception is "un-reliable," and that there's "proof" of it, stevie even providing reference(s) to so-called papers written on the subject.
So take heed, patriots and soldiers, for ZOG/Obola's partisans, even if they aren't too bright, still sport the credentials and the psycho-babble which fills and puffs them up at least in their own eyes–they're thoroughly convicted of their "principles," such as they are, and even more sure of their moralistic up-rightness, no less than any Pharisee's. Beware, and gaze upon "stevie" w. trepidation.
Thanks, Cass Sustein.
If you already think James Tracy sounds like a real peach, wait’ll you hear his response to Pozner’s op-ed. On his Facebook page, he dismissed the Pozners and all the Sandy Hook families as “alleged parents” and wrote about Lenny Pozner specifically, saying, “The only proof (he) has produced that Noah died in Sandy Hook is a death certificate he provided… which has been revealed as a fabrication.” The person who likely “revealed” the certificate as a fabrication — meaning he’s simply claiming it is — is a philosophy professor named James Fetzer, who’s pretty much the leading conspiracy theorist on Sandy Hook, which makes sense given that he’s also a renowned 9/11 truther and a proponent of the Kennedy assassination conspiracy. He believes the whole Sandy Hook thing was a put-on, a FEMA drill designed to trigger a clamp-down on gun rights — it was a huge success as you can plainly see — and that the families President Obama visited after the shooting and who were interviewed over and over again on CNN and such were just “crisis actors.” Because of this, he and his conspiratorial nut-job followers will likely never relent in their fight against the Sandy Hook families. They’ll continue to try to pick apart their lives looking for conclusive proof they’ve been right all this time.
Conspiracy theorists are a serious threat to democracy these days precisely because their beliefs aren’t founded in fact and yet they seek to influence policy. What’s more, these days thanks to clowns like Alex Jones and the proliferation of social media, these people can have an outsized influence they frankly don’t deserve at all.
Int. Rates Raised, Show-Down Time
Yeah, it's "serious," but no more serious than Sandy hoax or any of the other psy-ops and false-flags we've had.
ZOG is LOSING very badly the info war, as we see herein, these comments pages for Fetzer's blog, stevie the queer psycho schizoid shill/liar for ZOG/Obola just blatantly lying his dumb little behind, asserting and declaring rather desperately and hysterically, ho ho ho ho.
For what will determine things historic, sociologic, and even economic is the monetary situation, US Federal Reserve Bank today hiking int. rates which threatens to bust the bubble ZOG has been blowing for inflation and spending.
ZOG and Jew world order just now, over past few days and weeks, has been badly exposed for being behind ISIS–like we know they were behind the Sandy hoax psy-ops, and stevie here trying to push his "spin," ho ho ho ho ho, quite pathetic, everything considered.
Question now is what to do, and patriots must simply forge onwards w. Christian anti-semitism and anti-satanism as they go together, satanism being extreme subjectivism, Jews being the masters as they're most collectivist, most organized and "connected," obviously.
More practically, we need states-rights, nullification and perhaps even secession–full implementation and assertion of Constitutional principles. Further, we need real, commodity money, gold and silver.
These foregoing then are the general and more specific things gov. and patriots need to do, and people like stevie, psycho schizoid queer, shill and liar for satanic, mass-murdering ZOG needs to be prosecuted for his crimes of treason and fraud, penalty for treason being grim thing, but stevie deserves fullest consequences applied, the little scummy puke. Let there be none to little mercy as we need to make examples of these scummy filth.
Go to above link, scroll down to article on Craft International Mercenaries; listen to video of Steve Kelly on San Bernardino false flag. Serious stuff folks.
The horse had already left the barn. You gotta remember that authentic Jews (and even many nominal Jews) abhor Zionism (openly or secretly) and the ZIONIST SLIMEBALL State of Israel – Grand Rabbi of Satmar, Yoel Teitelbaum, for example – and all the "Black Hat" Neturei Karta True Torah Jews, even "Jews Against Zionism! Most Jews are not anxious about openly revealing their true thoughts about Zionism and Israel. They know what happened to Norman Finkelstein and some other "self-loathing" Jews!
Well, u're a faggot, right, stevie?–that's ur crowd–climate-change, holohoax lies, etc.
"Racism" is loyalty to people, ancestors–ck a dictionary, ignorant little faggot, 5th of original 10 Commandments, "Honor thy parentage (race)."
How many people are hard-core queers like u, stevie?–maybe 2-3 %, w only about another 5% who sympathize? But go ahead, continue living in ur little bubble, sucker–the easier it will be to taking-care of u when time comes, soon, soon.
I don't know if I'm a toll or an ethnographer at this point….
There is something surreal about all the scenes and "people" running around aimlessly like programmed robots (Gene Rosen) at all of the STAGED HOAX sets, including SH, SB, Boston, etc. They all act like "wind-up" dolls who have been set in motion by remote control. So the burning question is: Are THEY real (human beings) – or are THEY hybrid, humanoid, reptilian ALIENS, WALKING AMONG US (David M. Jacobs, PhD) in HUGE numbers, including entire communities? Either that, or we have a MIND-CONTROLLED population, receiving their marching orders by REMOTE CONTROL! Either way, it's a scenario straight out of HELL and part of the ALIEN AGENDA! Meanwhile, there is NO QUESTION that Steve12SHITFORBRAINSNOBRAINERGOVERNMENTSHILL is one of THEM, repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (INSANITY by Einstein's definition).
WHY are all these "people" (including Gene Rosen, who said he was at home at the same time) running around in circles (through the Fire House)??? Who bought and stored the 26 Christmas trees, photographed A DAY BEFORE the "shooting", behind the house next to the school? – and then "donated" them for the "Memorial"! Was it the same person who ordered the premature Porta-Potties? It goes on and on and on…….!
There are (still) a TON of videos on YouTube which collectively PROVE that the SH "mass shooting" was a STAGED HOAX! Here is just one:
Many 0s still add up to 0.
Steve why don't you go on the Fetzer show and debate him or Powell if you're so confident?
Comment posted to article at above link:
The article does not indicate if Jeff Rense graduated or even attended college. But it does quote others as labeling him "conspiracy theorist" a two word obscenity intended to disparage anyone before they are permitted to even present their case. If Mr.Rense did not attend college this might have been beneficial to him because most colleges today do little more than require rote memorization of information without allowing time and providing guidance as to how the dots are connected together. People who entered college with open minds often come out with closed ones. Mr. Rense has obviously been able to keep an "open mind" on all subjects for a long time. This is a sign of intelligence and critical attitude which many even those with Ph.D. degrees have lost. Who would have predicted or known a century ago, or even half century ago, that the internet would be invented today and may be our only salvation at saving our civilization from the ravages of tyranny. Every good scientist carries the label of "conspiracy theorist" with pride, because questioning existing accepted dogma is not only what science is all about, but what it means to be a good and intelligent and contributing member of society is all about. Ignorance and intolerance are horrible qualities in people. Thank you Jeff Rense for retaining an open mind, not a closed one to issues and ideas. One rarely has 100% proof of anything especially when government uses its full military forces and power and guns to keep and hide secrets from the very public which provided the money and resources to operate and create government in the first place. Secrecy is the enemy of the truth. Thank you Mr Jeff Rense for contributing to our civilization and intelligently seeking a better world without secret tyranny which our own government imposes daily on most of the world including most of us lowly Americans. Evidently Mr. Rense's parents and Camarillo High School in California did a pretty good job raising Jeff Rense. Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics, Pasadena High School, 1956, A.B., Physics, UC Berkeley, 1961, Ph.D., Physics, UC Riverside, 1966 raised in Sierra Madre, California, citizen of Athens, Georgia for almost 50 years.
Thanks for the post. All these massacres are the doing of those people who don't have the moral values but they get the gun from somewhere. Rules should be made regarding the keeping and use of these killers. Getting gun is as simple as joining any Firearms safety training classes and get the license to carry naked weapons and kill innocent people.
Padon me. Her last name was Kilgallen and she died less then two years after the Kennedy assassination.
GS: Don't forget Dorothy Kilgallon. She promised to blow blow the Kennedy assination sky high and she was dead a week later. Her confidant was dead shortly thereafter.
As always, conspiracy theories are beyond the reach of reasonable questions.
More cult than truth.
I gave you peer reviewed scientific papers from reputable journals as evidence, which you refused to read.
THAT is real evidence
Stevie, psycho schizoid and liar/shill for ZOG/Obola: GET THE BOOK, "NOBODY DIED AT SANDY" hoax, dumbass scum, and stfu.
Stevie, Psycho Op, Continues To Waste Folk's Time
Didn't u say sense-perception is "un-reliable"?
So u don't know one of the first things about science, the necessary validity of senses by which theories are proven. U even insisted it was "PROVEN" that sense-perception is un-reliable.
U simply insist people are supposed to BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEV ZOG, ur pay-masters, as they push ur homosexual agenda.
At this pt., u simply need to get "Nobody Died at Sandy…" hoax. And of course, we know this is TLDR, ho ho ho ho ho
OK, that's funny.
And what evidence would convince you that a shooting took place? Come on. You wanna bother those people this is the least you can do – to let them know how to end this nightmare just in case you're wrong.
CT passed a law making it harder to get evidence (he says w/o a link) so SH is a hoax.
I hope the evidence gets better form here. That is what I mean when I say shit evidence….
WHY did the State of CT enact (RAM THROUGH JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT) JIT laws to prevent the release of evidence in case of a murder (including the allegedly murdered children) to anyone except the "authorities" (including Police)? We MUST DEMAND the truth from all the "parents" of their "murdered" children BEFORE they can spend the $MILLIONS with which they have been PAID OFF by the Gov't and clueless SHEEPLE! For some SHODDY acting, they're being GROSSLY OVERPAID!
If you people have shit answers to those two questions: LEAVE THOSE PEOPLE ALONE.
Two Important Questions:
1. What's the most smoking gun evidence for a hoax? Maybe 2 or 3 most (though I'll take them one at a time)
2. As I asked above – what evidence would convince you that a shooting took place?
"Using multiple type writes"
should be "multiple type writers"
Berried = berries
I talked about it above. "He looks like that kid" is not evidence of anything. Using multiple type writes on a form is not evidence of a hoax. FBI clerical errors and procedures are not evidence of a hoax. Mistaken forms are not evidence of a hoax. Berried mistaken for bugs on a tree are not evidence of a hoax.
Using the sheer volume of evidence is not compelling when all that evidence is this weak.
Every event has mistakes, clerical errors, pics of the location from unkonwn times with unknown provenance/origin, and people who were there who "look like" other people.
Every event. By the methods here, every event can be called a hoax.
That laughing and joking parent, just by itself, is COMPELLING EVIDENCE of a HOAX! ObamaRahm-a, wiping a non-existent tear from his eye, is MORE COMPELLING EVIDENCE. You may find even more COMPELLING evidence by sneaking into the graveyard, digging up the coffin of one of the "murdered" children and examining the (non-existent) "bullet-riddled" body! Why are there NO Death Certificates?
Who exactly is qualified? You should provide that "laundry list of evidence". Also you should proof read your comments for typos, grammatical errors, etc. I suspect valid death certificates would be a good start!
IGNORING the TON of circumstantial evidence ("NO CHILDREN DIED AT SANDY HOOK") does NOT mean it doesn't exist. Not believing the evidence means you are a lobotomized MORON or a government shill! A parent of a real child, murdered less than 24 hours earlier, would NOT be laughing and joking (off camera) about ANYTHING! Do you have children? Would you be laughing and joking if your child was just murdered? Would you DEMAND to see your dead child before burial, under ANY circumstances? If not, you are not only brainless but also heartless, or, most likely, a LIAR!
o=0. 0 compelling evidence of hoax.
There is 0 compelling evidence of a hoax.
Simply many insignificant details (present in any event) and wild extrapolation and interpretation of those details.
And the COST of this nonsense is enormous.
The fact that Sandy Hook was a HOAX is a "NO-BRAINER". Anyone who still questions that is was a HOAX is a NO-BRAINER! That makes you a shit-for-brains MORON, Steve12, using your preferred language! By ignoring all the evidence, you have confirmed your successful lobotomy, Steve12NOBRAINER, and are continually PROVING it by your IN(s)ANE comments, like: "There is no God"!
"my instincts as a media analyst…"
You should stay in "media analysis" and stay out of scientific research. You're unqualified to do the type of analyses you've undertaken, which relies heavily on face recognition, but doesn't use easily using rigorous methods like face recognition software.
When an event it NOT a hoax, most details will not be explicable. In a controlled experiment with human subject, most details will not be explicable! (coefficient of determination). Life is too messy for that. Clerical errors, photos of unknown origin and provenance, uncooperative officials, people who look roughly similar – all of these things happen when there is no hoax. Ergo, they ARE NOT EVIDENCE OF A HOAX.
Jim, you evidence is shit. So your conclusions are shit.
Let me ask simply:
What would convince you that a shooting took place? What would be satisfactory evidence?
I can give you a laundry list of evidence that would convince me that sandy hook was indeed a hoax