Ron Paul: Trump’s War with the CIA

During the 2016 presidential campaign, the MSM made no secret of their partiality for Hillary Clinton.

Relations between Trump and the media came to a head yesterday, over a CNN report that the Russian government has “compromising” information on Trump — information that is detailed in a “classified” 35-page dossier, a synopsis of which was handed to Trump when he met last week with four top intelligence officials (Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers).
The dossier allegedly had been compiled by a former British intelligence (MI6) official for Trump’s GOP primary campaign opponents, and later for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Another media outlet, Buzzfeed, published the dossier, including the salacious allegation only a pimply-faced teenager living in his mom’s basement would conjure — that Trump, during a visit to Moscow, had hired hookers to urinate on a bed Obama had slept in.
The CNN report completely fell apart less than 24 hours after it was published:
  • Trump denounced it as “fake news” and a “political witch hunt”. In his press conference yesterday morning, Trump called CNN “fake news,” and Buzzfeed a “failing pile of garbage”.
  • The Kremlin denies having a “compromising” dossier on Trump and calls the intelligence report a “complete fabrication”.
  • A poster on 4chan claims to have concocted the Trump “golden showers” story, which he sent to Rick Wilson — the GOP consultant who called for assassinating Trump — who sent it to the CIA, which then put it in their official classified intelligence report on the election. (ZeroHedge)
  • Carl Bernstein, who co-wrote the CNN report, said the MI6 spookChris Steelehad given the dossier of memos to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who is overtly anti-Trump. McCain, in turn, handed it to the FBI. (New York Post)
  • In a phone conversation with Trump yesterday (Jan. 11) evening, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper called the 35-page dossier “a private security company document” that “is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product”. Clapper said the intelligence community (IC) “has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions.” He also said he does not believe the leaks came from within the IC. (DNI Clapper Statement on Conversation with President-elect Trump)
Despite Clapper’s “make nice” phone call to Trump, it’s no secret that the intelligence agencies of the Obama administration, with their allegations of Russia hacking and intervening in the election to favor Trump, are hell-bent on subverting the November 8 election.
Trump, for his part, has said that he will reform the intelligence agencies, beginning with the CIA.

On January 3, 2017, responding to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow‘s description of  Trump as “taking these shots, antagonisms, taunting the intelligence community,” Sen. Chuck Shumer (D-NY) said something quite ominous:

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you. So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”

Is that a threat?
Former Senator Ron Paul (R) thinks so.
In the “Liberty Report” on January 5, 2017, Paul had an interesting exchange with Daniel McAdams, Executive Directive of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

9:28 mark: McAdams says Chuck Shumer is “plugged in pretty well to the deep state,” then quotes what Shumer said on MSNBC, that Trump is “really dumb” to take on the intelligence community because the latter “have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.”
McAdams observes, “That is very chilling,” and asks Paul if what Shumer said is “a threat” at Donald Trump.
Paul: “This is not a lie. I think he [Shumer] is speaking the truth there — better watch out. I think Trump knows about it. That’s why he has private security.

Paul also had plenty of other interesting things to say about the CIA:

“They’ve gotten us into so much trouble. The evidence is so overwhelming that they’ve been involved in many assassinations, not only…the Kennedy assassination, maybe both Kennedys’ for all we know.”

Paul said the CIA is so secretive that “even as a member of Congress,” he couldn’t find out “what was really going on and sometimes I don’t even know what was going on…. I don’t think they give us information. They hide information from us…and they mislead us.” So Paul applauds Trump’s plan to look into and shrink the intelligence agencies. But he warns that Trump’s reform will be met with “great resistance”.
McAdams said something that I’ve read on other blogs and sites, that there are factions within the intelligence agencies. McAdams said that parts of the CIA “have been in open warfare against Trump through the campaign. So many ‘anonymous’ leaks from intelligence officials.” Implying that Trumps knows what he’s up against, McAdams noted that Trump has “surrounded himself very closely with military types, military officers,” and that there’s an “ongoing tension between Pentagon intelligence analysis and what the CIA does,” as in Syria “where the CIA troops are fighting the Pentagon troops on the ground”.
Paul said there are 17 intelligence agencies altogether and that “the deep state is involved”. Paul also said that he does not believe the Obama administration’s claims that Russia hacked and intervened in the 2016 election — “I don’t think they have the evidence”. He points out that it is the U.S. government and the CIA that repeatedly intervene in other countries’ elections — as many as 81 elections since WWII and 50 assassinations.
McAdams points out the hypocrisy of John McCain accusing Russia of intervening in our election when McCain “went to Ukraine and actually participated in the overthrow of an elected government” and “did the same thing and went into Syria and met with a bunch of terrorists” because McCain wants to overthrow the Assad government.”
8:45 mark: Paul said Trump “will have problems achieving” reform of the intelligence agencies “because there’s so many obstacles and he won’t know who really represents the CIA unless he is well attuned to the deep state because the real orders and assassinations” are given to the CIA by the deep state.
In its post, “The Final Takedown of Trump Begins in Earnest,” State of the Nation concludes:

“There can be only one reason for the fake dossier that was fabricated by rogue elements within the U.S. intelligence community. To use it as a pretext to delegitimize the presidency of Donald Trump by traitors within the Obama Administration and DNC, as well as rogue intelligence agencies.
That this unvetted fraud was then quickly disseminated throughout the global MSM provides further evidence of a highly organized coup against the president-elect. […] 

Make no mistake about it: from now until Inauguration Day will be the most dangerous times for Donald Trump and his transition team. The very future of the United States of America now hangs in the balance as never before.”

H/t FOTM‘s josephbc69

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4 thoughts on “Ron Paul: Trump’s War with the CIA”

  1. Jim Fetzer is a shameless sensationalist at best and a sleazy disinformationalist as worst.

    Don't get me wrong, I am what some would call a "conspiracy theorist", though I reject that label.

    Fetzer is a clown and gives truth seekers a bad name. He does it intentionally.

    This website is mostly bullshit.

    There are better places; trust me. Visit Jon Rappoport's website for some decent information.

  2. Mr Trump has no list of new CIA men to replace the current staff. He has no protocols for the transition to the new and inexperienced men (who may be tempted to look at what their forerunners have written of the databases they have built). Mr Trump knows about pre-planning. If he has not already had his transition-team flat chat interviewing replacement CIA officers then all is lost. Radio-active ashpile for breakfast?

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