Through an examination of three films, “Newtown” (2016), “Patriots Day” (2016), and “Zero Dark Thirty” (2012), proof is presented that Hollywood has been promoting propaganda, in the first case, about Sandy Hook; in the second, about the Boston bombing; and in the third, about the raid on the compound in Pakistan during which Osama bin Laden died for the second time. Because the evidence visual, the best presentations are through their visual presentation. Here’s the proof about all three:
More on Sandy Hook:
(B) SANDY HOOK starring Wayne Carver as The Medical Examiner:
(C) Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (2nd edition, 2016):
More on the Boston bombing:
(B) Boston Strong: The Three “Jeff Bauman”s:
(C) And Nobody Died in Boston, either (2016):
More on Osama bin Laden:
(A) Zero Dark Thirty: The deeper, darker truths:
(B) Nick Kollerstrom, Osama bin Laden: 1957-2001:
(C) And I suppose we didn’t go to the moon, either? (2015):
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The following was posted at the article below requesting Jeff Bezos to censor all Holocaust denial books:
wjabbe • 16 minutes ago
Freedom of speech and thought are the answer not book burning. I hope Jeff Bezos, Electrical Engineer will deny this request while reinstating the banned book "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" by James Fetzer, Ph.D., et al which proves with evidence and facts that Sandy Hook was a cruel gun grab hoax by government. Millions of citizens have billions of guns of all sorts but they are not running around shooting up Dodge. The school had even been closed since 2008 due to toxic contamination issues and was not even a functioning school on the day of the fake event December 14, 2012. Also watch some of the videos of Barry Soetoro. A picture is worth a thousand words. Nineteen other books which sustained the government lies were not banned.
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Everyone must observe and understand that the logical methods used by Professor Fetzer and his associates in all these events begin with the basic laws of causality, the laws of physics, the laws of logic, all of which comprise the scientific method incorporated into all the well established rules of crime scene investigations and forensic analysis for roughly a century. What is so astounding about all this is the deafening silence from all the thousands of crime scene investigators all over the country on these massive scams on America. This is all a shameful disgrace especially the deafening silence by the "distinguished" Henry Lee, Ph.D. formerly the top crime scene investigator of Connecticut. The general public is evidently so ignorant they have not even leared from radio and television. This is all a shameful disgrace. Thank you Professor Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. and associates.
Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics
"Day 123, the DynCorp Harvest" investigative series on YouTube > eyewitness to Obombie & Reptillary piracy, genocide and sex slave trafficking.
The Globe tabloid reports Reptillary confesses to US grand jury in plea deal, to crimes deserving death penalty.
Hollywood is also promoting Syrian War Propaganda with nomination of "White Helmets" for short documentary: (here you see staged photos of the same kid being "rescued" three times)
Looks like Trump admin is on top of things: