Jim Fetzer
Grenfell Tower burned for 60 hours but did not collapse. The Twin Towers burned for about 90 minutes and were both demolished. And it had next-to-nothing to do with fire.
What’s wrong with these pictures?
The Grenfell Towers provides one more example of a steel-structure high rise that did not collapse from fire. Other spectacular examples include the new Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Bejing in 2009:
The fact of the matter is that no steel-structure high rise collapsed from fire BEFORE 9/11, AFTER 9/11 or ON 9/11, where the destruction of the Twin Towers appears to have been a nuclear event.
Everything we have been told about 9/11 is provably false. Fourteen (14) experts on 9/11 have thoroughly dissected the event, including:
Don’t let yourself be played. 9/11 was an inside job brought to us compliments of the CIA, the Necons in the Department of Defense and the Mossad.
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views: 1,209
Thanks for highlighting the contrast. What happened to Susan B. Lindauer could look like no intelligence input but another reading of the story – with deception factored in – can't be ignored. I believe the Intel mob are up to their eyeballs in culpability.