and YouTube: Accessories After the Fact of Fraud and Theft by Deception
When bans books or YouTube takes down videos, there is the widespread perception that nothing can be done about it because they are private corporations. Because they are not “state actors”, they are generally believed to be entitled to take-downs of books and videos, even when those actions are capricious or arbitrary. But just as the Civil Rights Movement taught us, there are constraints on the actions of private entities when their actions violate state or federal laws. That is not permissible.
The pattern that has emerged from their recent practices of banning books and censoring YouTube videos about the purported Sandy Hook child shooting massacre of 14 December 2012, which the book, NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), and those YouTube videos demonstrate to have been a FEMA drill presented as a LIVE event, provides proof that and YouTube have become accessories after the fact to fraud and theft by deception and therefore both appear to be liable to criminal prosecution.
In order to establish that and YouTube are accessories after the fact, they have to be proven to have acted to assist parties (1) who have committed a felony, (2) after the party has committed the felony, (3) with knowledge that the party committed the felony, and (4) with the intent to help the party avoid arrest or punishment. An accessory after the fact may be held liable for, inter alia, obstruction of justice.
Felonies are crimes punishable by more than a year in prison or by death. In the case of Sandy Hook, participants assumed the roles of the survivors of victims of a shooting, which did not in fact take place. With the collusion of FEMA, the Connecticut State Police, the Medical Examiner and parties in the state and federal government, they ran a scam on the public and, by gaining their sympathy, received at least $28m in donations, $1.5m from the Lanza Estateand other items of value, including 65,000 Teddy Bears.
Assuming an equitable division between the surviving families of the twenty children and six adults who were alleged to have died at Sandy Hook, that is over $1m per family, which would be generally acknowledged to be quite a handsome take from feigning to have lost a child during a FEMA drill. And this does not take into account a $50m grant from the State of Connecticut to the Newtown School Board to build a new elementary school or other compensation to others who also participated in the elaborate charade.
When banned NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), which includes chapters by thirteen (13) contributors, including six (6) current or retired Ph.D. college professors, demonstrating that the school had been closed by 2008 and was not compliant with state and federal laws under the Americans with Disabilities Act. It could not have been legally operating in CT in 2012, I released it to the public for free as a pdf, where it remains available to this day.
Our proof of fraud extends to the discovery of the FEMA manual for a 2-day event at Sandy Hook, with a rehearsal on the 13th, going LIVE on the 14th. Some of the participants became confused and put up donation sites a day early and, in spite of efforts to explain it away, Adam Lanza’s death was initially recorded inthe Social Security Death Index as having occurred on the 13th, making his feat in shooting 20 kids and 6 adults the following day all the more impressive.
Remarkably, Wolfgang Halbig’s dogged pursuit of the truth resulted in the stunning admission, under oath, by Patricia Llorda, the First Selectman of Newtown (a position equivalent to Mayor), that the sign, “Everyone must check it!”, was placed there by the Department of Homeland Security, which would not have been present had this not been a FEMA drill. (James Tracy has blogged about this, including the complete FEMA manual, which you can download there.)
Even the back cover includes proof that the celebrated photograph taken by Shannon Hicks, a photographer/editor for The Newtown Bee, was not taken during an emergency evacuation but was staged, where an earlier photo (she has also admitted to having taken) shows a purported “police woman” rearranging the kids in the line “to get a better shot” while multiple parents casually look on with their hands in their pockets and arms folded.
The YouTube videos that have been taken down include “The Real Deal must see Sandy Hook Update” (uploaded 5 February 2017) now removed:
As Chance George had notified me, this has been one of my most popular videos about Sandy Hook, no doubt because it proves that nobody died:
Another video of mine, “The Real Deal: Sandy Hook 2017 A New Witness” (Part 1 and Part 2), was removed from the web site, American Nightmare, ostensibly for violating “Community Guidelines”; but when you compare the content of the video with the guidelines, there does not appear to be any violation thereof but extensive and detailed proof that “the Sandy Hook shooting” was a hoax.
And when you consult YouTube’s stated policy on harassment and bullying,
No one who read the book, NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), or who watched the YouTube, “The Real Deal special MUST SEE Sandy Hook Update” or “The Real Deal: Sandy Hook 2017 A New Witness”, and understood their content could be unaware that the Sandy Hook shooting was an elaborate hoax. Indeed, the book includes the FBI Consolidated Statistics for Murder in 2012, which confirms that there were no murders in Newtown during 2012 and therefore none in Sandy Hook, a subdivision:
where this can be found on several pages of the book, including 166-167.
Lenny Pozner, who claims to be the father of Noah, has been aggressive in attacking web sites and students of Sandy Hook who have been doing their best to inform the public that Sandy Hook was an elaborate charade. Some such as James Tracy, formerly Associate Professor of Media and Mass Communications at Florida Atlantic University, have even paid for it with their positions because of baseless attacks appealing to popular beliefs about Sandy Hook, which may be sincerely held but are provably false.
And some of the nation’s leading institutions, such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and even The Chronicle of Higher Education, have published articles about James Tracy based upon information they know to be false but publish anyway in reckless disregard of the truth to perpetuate this massive fraud on the American people, as I have demonstrated again and again and again. And this elaborate charade appears to be driven by the desire to advance the Barack Obama/Eric Holder gun-control agenda.
As the book explains, Eric Holder visited with Gov. Dannel Malloy on 27 November 2012, during which he appears to have informed him that they were going to take an abandoned school, conduct a drill and present it as a LIVE event to promote gun control. On 16 January 2013, Obama signed 23 executive orders to limit access to weapons under the 2ndAmendment. Joe Biden seems to have confided in the Mayor of Boston, Thomas Menino, that, “by January 2013, gun control in the US would be a done deal”:

The pattern of suppression of information that would expose the fraud and theft by deception (of which and YouTube cannot possibly be unaware) extends to other students of Sandy Hook, including those using the handles “PeeKay Truth”, “Barry Soetero” and “RedSilver J”, as Harold Saive informed me when YouTube’s crack down on research on Sandy Hook began to take a virulent form. While I was wrong to suggest this is a “clear violation of the First Amendement”, which applies to government actions in relation to the people, I had not yet come to the realization that they are accessories after the fact to crimes of fraud and theft by deception:
As one example of the brilliant work they have performed, Barry Soetero discovered that one of the alleged “Sandy Hook parents”, David Wheeler,
was playing two roles at Sandy Hook, one as a grieving father, the other as a SWAT team member, walking up and down Dickinson Drive carrying his rifle upside down by the magazine. This was such blatant incompetence that it had to be taken down. Obama would fly him and his wife, Francine, to Washington to make an emotional address from the Oval Office, no less:
For and YouTube to be accessories after the fact to crimes of fraud and of theft by deception, those crimes must have been committed by the Sandy Hook players, including the parents, especially, who benefitted financially from generous donations by sympathetic but gullible Americans.
Consider the legal definition of “fraud”. Here is one for the crime of “fraud”:
Fraud. A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.
Can there be any doubt that the Sandy Hook players, including the CT State Police, the Medical Examiner, and the parents, among others, were engaged in an elaborate fraud, which appears to have been planned by the Obama administration, even to the extent of nullifying the Smith-Mundt Act to make the use of propaganda and disinformation against the American people legal in the United States? Here is another for “theft by deception”:
Theft by deception generally means the use of deception to obtain control over the property or services of another. The following is an example of a state statute governing theft by deception: Theft by deception. A person commits theft if he obtains property of another by deception.
We know that the book, NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), proves this was a two-day FEMA drill presented to the public as a live event. We know that no children or adults died there and that it was done to promote gun control. It was even confirmed by the Obama administration itself. As Ch. 6 explains, Paul Preston, who had conducted drills of this kind before, reached out to his contacts in the Obama Department of Education, who confirmed that it had been a drill, that no children had died and that it had been done to promote gun control. That leaves no doubt this was a fraud.
Formal proof of fraud for legal purposes requires demonstrating that the defendant’s actions involved five separate elements:
(1) a false statement of a material fact;
(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue;
(3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim;
(4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement; and
(5) injury to the alleged victim as a result.
In the case of the purported Sandy Hook parents, that does not appear to pose a challenge. They all knew they were participating in a scam and that their children had not died in a school schooling massacre. The all knew they were participating with the intent to deceive the public. They all knew that the donations coming from the public were based on false information. They all knew that the public was being deceived to benefit themselves.
Lenny Pozner even sent Kelley Watt a “death certificate” for Noah, which turned out to be a fabrication combining the bottom half of a real certificate with the top half of fake, which has no file number and even gives a wrong ETD (“Estimated Time of Death”) as 11 AM, when the shooting ostensibly took place between 9:30-9:35 AM. Obviously, if Noah had actually died, he would have had a real death certificate and would not have had to fake it: and YouTube cannot have not known that the book and the videos they were banning and censoring provided proof that Sandy Hook was an elaborate charade. Read the book for yourself. Watch other videos that I have made about Sandy Hook, which leave no doubt about it. And if the question becomes of damages suffered, we not only have the public bamboozled out of at least $28,000,000 but NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015) had sold nearly 500 copies from the date it was placed on sale (22 October 2015) to the date it was removed (19 November 2015).
Just two days earlier, I had been contacted by a woman claiming to speak for Inside Edition, which was interested in covering our research on Sandy Hook. But they wanted to do a pre-interview—and I found myself in (what I now take was) a basement operation at Langley, where I was grilled about the book. In retrospect, I have no doubt that was evaluating our evidence to decide if it had to be banned. This appears to be more proof of the tight relationship between Jeff Bezos and the CIA, where he received a $600m contract from the agency that allowed him to purchase The Washington Post.
NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015) sold for $20 in black and white. (The 2nd edition is now available in color at for $30.) 500 copies per month x $20 per copy equals $10,000 per month. If calculations of some personal financial damages matters in carrying a case against, in particular, it would appear easy to satisfy at an estimated rate of $10,000 per month since November 2015, which as of today would equal about $200,000.
Given that the bulk of the gross (about 2/3 of the total) would have gone back to (for distribution and handling) and to its subsidiary, Create Space (for production and administration), the motives behind banning books would have to be rather powerful, indeed. The net that then returns to us provides resources for the honoraria for our contributors and other expenses. The income from books like these are comparatively modest–but they are real.
My motive for publishing these books has never been to make money, but without revenue, we cannot publish more. The public deserves to know the truth about these events, which are being conducted as acts of feigned terrorism to instill fear into the American people to make us amenable to manipulation to promote a political agenda. It must come to an end. Join me in putting an end to the abuse of media by publishing falsehoods and suppressing truths about Sandy Hook. The future of our nation is at stake.
Note: There are other, more extensive and detailed, definitions of both kinds of offense, which make the offenses involved apparent, such as:
n. the intentional use of deceit, a trick or some dishonest means to deprive another of his/her/its money, property or a legal right. A party who has lost something due to fraud is entitled to file a lawsuit for damages against the party acting fraudulently, and the damages may include punitive damages as a punishment or public example due to the malicious nature of the fraud. Quite often there are several persons involved in a scheme to commit fraud and each and all may be liable for the total damages. Inherent in fraud is an unjust advantage over another which injures that person or entity. It includes failing to point out a known mistake in a contract or other writing (such as a deed), or not revealing a fact which he/she has a duty to communicate, such as a survey which shows there are only 10 acres of land being purchased and not 20 as originally understood. Constructive fraud can be proved by a showing of breach of legal duty (like using the trust funds held for another in an investment in one’s own business) without direct proof of fraud or fraudulent intent. Extrinsic fraud occurs when deceit is employed to keep someone from exercising a right, such as a fair trial, by hiding evidence or misleading the opposing party in a lawsuit. Since fraud is intended to employ dishonesty to deprive another of money, property or a right, it can also be a crime for which the fraudulent person(s) can be charged, tried and convicted. Borderline overreaching or taking advantage of another’s naiveté involving smaller amounts is often overlooked by law enforcement, which suggests the victim seek a “civil remedy” (i.e., sue). However, increasingly fraud, which has victimized a large segment of the public (even in individually small amounts), has become the target of consumer fraud divisions in the offices of district attorneys and attorneys general.
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So, you mean to tell me they photoshopped shirts on kids now?? The school has been proven to have been open there are pictures. For a dr, your not very intelligent. I dont wven know what shill for the government is
When we have proven the school was closed by 2008, that it was a FEMA drill (where we even have the manual), that the kids were fictions created by using photos of others when they were children, we have a fabricated "death certificate" from (no less than) Lenny Pozner, surely you don't think a few photoshopped images override the overwhelming proof we have already amassed? Find another way to spend your copious free time. You are not very good as a shill for the government.
Thanks for all you do Jim. Last week my only two Sandy hook videos were removed from youtube and I was given a strike. These were tame, false flag videos. Looks like Lenny Pozner was given flagging privileges and went on a rampage. I'm pissed. When are we gonna do a mass exodus from youtube? So sick of them. Also, I'm surprised to hear BIN is censoring vids. What the hell is going on?
So Dr, how do you explain a picture of Noah wearing an amazing spiderman t shirt that didn't come out until July 2012? Michael was 6 in 2012?? Also,the star wars book he was holding,in the SHE lobby came out in 2012….you sir, have been debunked over and over. The everyone must check in sign didn't show up until December 15th. There is no sign of it on the 14th..
You display astonishing ignorance of the principle, "Fraud vitiates everything!" Once it has been shown that false claims have been made about material facts in a court of law, the jury is entitled to dismiss the entire case as fraudulent, you might begin to understand that more fake "death certificates" are not going to overcome the one Lenny originally sent to Kelley. You are either extremely ignorant or deliberately prevaricating. It's not a hard call.
Anyone can check out "Sandy Hook Charade: 'Noah Pozner' WAS Michael Vabner as a Child". You must be very gullible to believe the same child could die twice (first in Newtown, then in Pakistan) or that his father would produce a fake "death certificate" if he had really lost his child. It is embarrassing that there are those so low as to continue to cover up an elaborate hoax, which was done to promote gun control. Go back and reread the blog. Better yet, download the book and appreciate that we have proven the school was closed by 2008 and there were no children there.
There is nothing fake about it. In fact, it fits the evidence to a "t": the sign, "Everyone must check in!", where it states in the manual that everyone must check in; the food and water at the Firehouse and Porta-potties in place, where refreshments and restrooms are standard for FEMA events; the many with name tags on lanyards, which is how FEMA identifies the players and their roles during its exercises; the parents bringing kids to the event, which would be absurd it if was the site of an actual child shooting massacre, but makes perfect sense if it was the rehearsal, which was being treated as a festive occasion. You must know that many participants became confused about the date and put up donation sites the day before; and that even Adam Lanza's death was initially recorded as having happened on the 13th, making his accomplishment in shooting 20 children and 6 adults the following day all the more remarkable. I guess on shill is not enough these days and you are coming out in packs. Nice try, but no cigar!
The sign has been proven to have been put up after the shooting to control media, family etc. There is no way in hell michael vabner is noah..there is video of alot of the victims along with their family. There is proof that Adam Lanza did in fact exist. It is sad you continue to make money with this conspiracy bullshit. Anyone could make a fake fema print out. The list goes on and on. In fact, on SHH page that FEMA drill worksheet didnt even have the right coordinating dates on it, would the government really mess up the dates? No an idiot would I think it was one Ms. Maureen kept posting
Of course it was. Tony Mead unveilled it to hoaxgroup and it was first hosted on Tonys angelfire account. I was in the group and I saw it happen in real time. I published a whole article exposing snf debunking this fraudulent manual.
Theres no way you could know it was Wolfgangs "people"
The manual is obviously a fake. Wolfgangs people created it from a online template for a "call down" drill for a disease outbreak.. its not even for a shooting.. its to practice phone notifications. Fetze is lucky his audience isnt the sharpest tacks in the box so he is able to fool them with gimmicks and pocket cash.
I saw the manual..i believe it's fake, and I'm sure there's no way you can prove it's SH researchers love to call anyone who questions you a shrill, a troll, agent provocateur..I'm just a citizen who thinks SH doesn't add up and wants REAL proof..and I don't have a web site, why do you keep referencing a fake web site? Tell us please, where you found this FEMA manual. Otherwise, YOU are the troll, trolling people with a real concern with your unprovable allegations. Profiting off our eagerness to believe..
Do we need ANOTHER fake "death certificate" to prove it was a charade? Do you really think that fabricating more phony evidence is going to salvage the case? I am sorry, but the fakery has been proven dozens of ways in the book and since. You cannot revive this corpse.
why are you ignoring the death certificate I obtained from Newtown during your baseless claims about the Noah Pozner death cert?. You are debunked- two Death Certs are posted. Spare me your typical ad hom retort and address FACT.
We are not on "the same team". If you had a serious interest in this issue, you would know that the FEMA manual is Appendix A in the book, which you can download for free as a pdf. You come across as a shill for the official account. With a fake web site, I have no doubt about it.
I'm just asking buddy, I want the real proof, Wolf says two deputies told him it was fake, but wont tell who they are, so that's not proof, I wanna see the manual, wanna see the codes on the documents, maybe ask someone in FEMA…ps, what web site?? You shouldn't get upset because I ask a question, we're on the same team…
Anti-Nazi crap.
Thanks again for this sort of info, James. Please keep putting it out there. The truth MUST out. About this, and many other such scams.
We have been lied to long enough.
In this outstanding article by Professor Dr. James H. Fetzer, Ph.D., he documents the absolute obscenity of Jeff Bezos at Amazon.Com and the hidden perverts who operate You Tube Channel, banning books and videos which document and prove that Sandy Hook was nothing but a cheap gun grab scam to fool good honest citizens and fleece them out of their basic rights to own and possess guns, a right defended for over two centuries with the blood of many thousands of U.S. servicemen and servicewomen. Yet read this article from the New York Post today July 18, 2017 at this link: This is a pornographic You Tube video, with zero redeeming value, degrading the sacred sexual act between man and woman and rendering it and those hidden whores who operate You Tube, the despicable perverts they are. This reprehensible activity, whether for adults or teenagers, is "approved" for publication, while other videos documenting the evidence and facts of deliberate criminal fraud committed by fake Sandy Hook Parents, and governments both Connecticut and Federal, scamming millions of dollars from unwitting duped Americans, who likely need the money more just to survive in America today, are banned with the aid of the full military armed force of government protection. Obviously something smells very rotten in America today and it is much worse than the odor of those areas between the legs of the two whores in the video at the link above from the perverts at the New York Post. America has degenerated into a country of degenerates today, beginning with chief liar Adolf Trump, all the liar whores in Congress and all the whores in the lying media like the New York Post and all the rest. If the Founders could rise up out of their places of rest, and clean those powerful rifles, they would most certainly lock and load and due their duty to correct the situation as best they could today. I am sure they would be very disappointed in the evolution of the so called "human race", or more accurately described as the "inhuman race".
Read the book, toaster head. Read the book. It's all there. We have dozens and dozens of "smoking guns". How many can you find in this article itself? Don't be coy. Count them. What's fake is the claim 20 kids and 6 adults died there–and you and your fake web site!
"The proof of fraud extends to the discovery of the FEMA manual for a 2-day event at Sandy Hook, with a rehearsal on the 13th, going LIVE on the 14th."
Where can I see more about this? Sounds like a smoking gun, i'm betting it's fake.. Jeff Bezos, owner of is about to become the richest man in the world. This article was published YESTERDAY! At age 53 he is worth $85 billion within $4 billion of Bill Gates! If this isn't a lawyers dream for a fraud lawsuit what is? Professor Fetzer wants, needs and deserves the top lawyer in the country on this case. The money is there for the takings. Bezos also cannot afford bad publicity either. How about it all you top lawyers in America? Is there anyone of you so far silent cowards willing to step up to the plate and bring a little truth in America's ugly face and teach fraudsters they can't win in America any longer? There are thousands of lawyers in this country. Many of them must have been following the Sandy Hook scam. Their silence is deafening. How about it?
Oh, I forgot to say, there were less than 55 listed employees at Sandy Hook.!!
I downloaded the helicopter video shot just after the shooting and counted the cars in their parking lot – minus cop cars, there were 80 cars in the lot. No doubt the lot was used for "Crisis actor" parking..!!