Americans are being manipulated into a newly constructed prison nation — these shootings are not organic and will continue.
I saw a post on Facebook containing the comments of a forum shown below. This comment was of interest because Stephanie Sledge had been connecting the shooting dots in Las Vegas to expanding State agendas to further impede and restrict activities and rights of American at public places. She plans to release an article on subject soon.[UPDATE] Stephanie’s article is here.
I am not saying the information in this anonymous post is the truth, but it does make sense and is consistent with the story, lets explore this idea.
At the time of the shooting in Las Vegas, the United States Congress was considering a bill making gun ownership easier and consistent with the US Constitution. The bill, called “The Sportsman’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act” was expected to pass congress and be made ready for President Trump to sign soon.
The bill would allow gun owners to, again, transport registered firearms across state lines, carry guns in national parks and eliminate the $200 transfer tax on silencers. At the same time another bill introduced by the NRA would make sane and consistent State concealed carry laws, by allowing concealed carry permitted gun owners to carry in all States, regardless of the State laws, which violate the US Constitution (which is incorporate to all States Constitutions.)
These laws are big steps toward unraveling all of the unconstitutional law created by the individual states in support of the agenda to disarm Americans.
According to Stephanie Sledge, the Las Vegas shooting will be used to call for new and extreme security measures in all public places where people gather, like casinos, department stores, schools etc., in addition to a demand for more gun legislation.
Here is the interesting comment found on a forum dated 9-11-17 – way before the events of October 1, 2017.
“if their plan is successful state of nevada will pass a law in the future making all casinos have mandatory metal detectors and backscatter machines. soon after a federal law will be passed to put these machines in universities, high schools, federal buildings, you name it. osi systems and chertoff are the main producers of these machines. sometime around 2020 chertoff and osi will merge into a single company. after they merge the owners will sell off all their stock and make billions in profit. mr chertoff has been in contact with sheldon adelson. mr adelson will become a huge sponsor of these machines and he will be the first to put them in his casinos when the law passes. this is my last message for now. don’t expect me to return anytime soon -john
Notice the mention of Michael Chertoff in this post. It was after 9-11 dual citizen (Israeli, and US), Michael Chertoff became the chief ‘information container’ of all 911 disclosures because he was appointed to the position of Head of DHS.
After his appointment to the head of DHS, Chertoff quickly asserted himself with the message “Its Okay to Torture Prisoners” in 2005.
It is no surprise Chertoff has a long history of association with Anti-American events and legislation starting even before 9-11. It was in 1995 when Chertoff, an appointee of Bill Clinton (no conflict of interest here,) was appointed ‘special’ counsel for the Clinton White Water scandal.
Before that in 1993, Chertoff was the lead prosecutor and with Judge Michael Mukasey presided over the the trial of the “Blind Sheikh”, Omar Abdel Rahman in the aftermath of the false flag bombing at WTC in 1993. The FBI was later found to have created this terrorist event.
After 911, Chertoff was one of the authors of the Patriot Act, which had already been written and was waiting for the just such an event as 911.
Then came the “Underwear Bomber” false flag, and it was Chertoff who recommended new body scanners for airports, while at the same time His lobbying firm, Chertoff Group (founded 2009), represented manufacturers of the scanners, in particular Rapiscan, one of the two companies that were contracted by TSA to take a nude picture of you at the airport.
BTW, has anyone ever gone to a country like Iceland or New Zealand where they can just walk off the plane — and go on their merry way? That is quite the experience.
Conveniently, Chertoff was Assistant Attorney General in charge of criminal investigations on 911 and was responsible for releasing the ‘five dancing Israelis’ caught filming and cheering when the WTCs fell to the ground. Chertoff authorized their return, before police could even question [them], to Israel.
Chertoff’s story is long, dark and sordid and his connections to all events which involve disarming Americans is easily taken for granted.
It is not hard to see the possible connections between the Las Vegas shooting and Michael Chertoff & company. Following the advice of fellow dual citizen Rahm Emanuel, “Never let a good crisis go to waste“, and, in this case, the crisis is likely an event with many agendas, why shouldn’t one of these agendas enrich Michael Chertoff again while supporting the Israeli agenda and costing Americans both money and liberties.
The other individual mentioned in the comment above is Sheldon Adelson a billionaire dual citizen Jewish business man who owns the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas and other Las Vegas properties and he also lives in Las Vegas. Adelson is apparently happy to put the Chertoff radiation machines in his hotels. I suppose the happy gamblers and show goers will not mind a few dozes of radiation everyday.
Wake Up America
Americans are being manipulated into a newly constructed prison nation — these shootings are not organic and will continue.
Remember it was the Obama administration who made the absurd and irrational statement ‘“common sense” gun laws will deter jihadists [terrorists] who are planning attacks.’ Decoded that means give up your guns and the shootings will miraculously end.
Giving up your guns is the PRIMARY goal of these shootings, but the secondary goals are equally important. Creating a surveillance state which restricts individual fluidity within their country while tracking and cataloging and archiving your interests, movements, choices and routines which will eventually lead to a complete prediction algorithm attached to your person for use in war-game planning.
There is no coincidence this shooting happened when two NRA bills were in the pipeline to reduce gun restrictions in America. It is also NO COINCIDENCE that moves to disarm people have historically preceded mass genocide, misery and population reduction.
The USA is about to experience a significant financial collapse. It would not be good for those who caused the collapse and then looted American wealth to stand before an armed population.
For a better understanding of how being disarmed results in potential genocide, investigate the plight of the Afrikaners (Boer) of South Africa and how the white and Christian populations were decimated after the Bolshevik “revolution” of 1917 in Russia.
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Chertoff is an evil, corrupt pos that needs to be arrested, tried and executed for high treason. Working against his own country. "After his appointment to the head of DHS, Chertoff quickly asserted himself with the message “Its Okay to Torture Prisoners” in 2005."
Where are the corrupt so called "Justice" Department and whores in Congress? Let's demand these traitors get the criminals in Israel beginning with Chertoff and all the rest into a courtroom pronto for doing the crimes of 9/11 against our country and then boot every one of these worthless dual citizens out of the country as they are jailed for life. We need to "unelect" every gutless cowardly traitor in Congress. Get these evil despicable Jewish criminals out of our country.
No one died. It was a mass shooting drill passed off as real in the MSM via the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act.
Spread the word.
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