Efforts to remove and scrub clean the cyber-sphere of damning and questioning observation and facts about the Florida Douglas High School Shooting has highlighted and exposed State-Apparatus coerced censorship and manipulation of so-called “news” and information.
Because the “cleansing” of standard alternative sources of information such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other “public” domain common carriers of information, it is immediately obvious the command to cleansecame from the same sources. An investigation into who or what group of people are responsible for putting out the word to take down specific types of references to the Florida shooting, would undoubtably lead to people in political and government services positions – providing evidence of State sponsored censorship in violation of the United States Constitution, the highest law of America.
It appears the biggest push to flush internet buffers of specific data concerned reports and the behaviors of the child actors involved in the post-shooting media spectacle and also the well reasoned, logical investigations, of those with experience in spotting State sponsored Terrorism; having been involved with examining the dozens of False Flag shootings and ‘massacres’ since Obama took office.
Researchers and clear thinkers like James Fetzer Ph.D. and Wolfgang Halbig, have seen their work taken down on their own channels and, in the case of James Fetzer, anywhere his comments are placed on one of the State manipulable channels, those comments are removed.
The Florida Shooting appears to have been a very complicated staged media event with operators and contributors coming from the Democratic National Party, local Law Enforcement, Military, the County School Board, the FBI and Secret Service. No doubt this staged media event involves millions of dollars in bribes, payoffs and fees.
The Broward County Sheriff drives a Lamborghinis |
Questions surrounding Sheriff Israel are just beginning to see the light of day. Israel, failing to take responsibility for logically contradictory story of his deputies failing to enter the school, while the shooting was in progress, to his failure to heed the warnings he already had about the alleged shooter Cruz, appears as a corrupt inept public official who should resign. Israel is apparently embroiled and embattled as a consequence of the more than 60 investigations into the Broward County Sheriff’s Department, a massive police organization with over 6000 employees, and Israel personally.
There are more than 66 investigations by the Broward County State Attorney’s office into Broward County Sheriff’s deputies and employees, ranging from drug trafficking to kidnapping since 2012. All the internal investigations occurred under embattled Sheriff Scott Israel’s watch, whose office is now under investigation for allegations that his deputies failed to allow first responders from treating patients at the scene of Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Feb. 14, and that multiple deputies failed to enter the school to defend the children during the rampage that left 17 people dead, this reporter has learned. source
The preponderance of evidence this School Shooting was Staged, and likely does not involve any deaths, (but that is still under investigation) is overwhelming.
Here is a small list of irregularities:
· * Secret Service shows up 2 weeks earlier to change ‘safety protocols’, protocols incorporated into school policy and designed by Wolfgang Halbig.
* * School notified in advance an ‘active shooter’ drill would take place in the near future and told it would happen without notice.
** * The morning of the shooting, students are involved with school safety drills with law enforcement
· * That afternoon before the shooting began, the fire alarm is pulled and students are asked to leave the building, and then shortly after a Code Red (active shooter) was called, while the students were still being told to leave the building. This is in violation of normal safety protocols as students may have been walking directly into the shooters field of easy shots.
* * Military officers (Army) are at the scene directing students to not look at dead bodies as the file past what appear to be body bags.
· * Shooter arrives in a Taxi (Uber) and just walks into the school with a gun case and materials
· * Shooter, a mentally challenged young man, apparently gets set up and manages to shoot and kill 19 people in 6 minutes (after arriving,) then he is able to put down weapons and blend in with the still exiting for fire drill student population (without notice.)
* While shooter is mixing into student body he speaks to a friend of his from elementary school and the friend later tells the local TV News interviewer that she was talking to the shooter while gun shots were being heard in another part of the building. (This video has been taken down by YouTube.)
* Shooter leaves no wounded, exhibiting expert marksmanship, since the AR15 .223 rounds are small and almost always produces wounded, some dying later, but not in this case.
* Shooter then casually walks to Walmart and eats at Subway and then shows up at McDonald’s in the same area to get a drink, appearing at an intersection later just as police were arriving.
* Immediate attempts to link shooter (Cruz) with white nationalist organizations portrayed as white supremacists, and to connect Cruz to Trump.
* After the shooting, like Sandy Hook Hoax, there are no Medivac Helicopters, paramedics are refused access to the school shooting area, there are no ambulances rushing to a hospital, and it has been reported that some of the body bags were left overnight.
* Conveniently the security cameras were operating on a 27 minute delay so anyone observing the situation on the security cams was not seeing real-time events and by the time students and faculty were evacuating, the cameras were still showing scenes from 27 minutes earlier. Was this done to keep mistakes out of view and allow cleansing of the video later?
* Sheriff Israel announces the CCT footage would not be available for the public to view or for investigators (same thing for 9/11, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas)
* Four Deputies were seen watching the events unfold outside the building, not entering to ‘stop’ the shooter. Was this because these men were told to stay out? Logic can easily surmise that out of 4 men, at least one would have responded by trying to stop the shooting, these men are all not cowards. This indicates they were in on the staged operation.
* Known Democratic Operatives are conveniently in positions of authority in this school district including Debbie Wasserman Shultz, a dual citizen Israeli operative who has been involved in many illegal scandals involving her position as US Congressman, including the Clinton Email Scandal. Shultz was previously Democratic Party Chairman during Hillary Clinton’s run for President.
* Broward County Superintendent of Schools, Robert Runcie, is none other than a Chicago Associate of Obama and Rahm Emanuelle, (now the crime Boss Mayor of Chicago), Runcie was former Chicago Public Schools administrator and key player in the Parkland shooting.
* Sheriff Israel has deep ties to Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and even shows up in a photo with Bernie Sanders.
* Parkland Schools are in the vicinity of President Trump’s Florida home.
* Students appearing in a Crisis actor photos make a “gun control” advertisement while supposedly hiding from the shooter in school, as they whisper their messages while the primary actor, David Hogg, son of a retired FBI officer is heard asking for ‘diversity’ in the message as it is only white people so far talking about why this event would have been prevented with more gun-control in America.
* David Hogg is now traveling around the country giving gun control speeches.
* Like Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, 9-11 and other false flag events, there are releases of video footage, no photos of dead children, no autopsy reports, no hospitals reporting examining students after shooting.
* Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, plans to demolish the rooms and part of the school, building 12, where the evidence of the shooting could be examined.
* Mainstream media and the Jewish Anti Gun Lobbies were immediately proposing gun legislation and calling for stronger gun control, before even assessing the situation or talking about the lapses in school security and the failure of Israel and the FBI to act against Cruz, both being aware of Cruz’s background and the 39 times 911 was called to the Cruz household, including when in “February 2016 the Broward County Sheriff’s Office was notified that Cruz had posted a picture of himself holding guns on Instagram with a caption indicating that he was going to shoot his school.”
The list above is by no-means exhaustive, as there appears to be a developing story about the involvement of the Sheriff’s department with the school system and the history of corruption in Israel’s police department.
Reading the list above it is logically impossible the ‘shooting event’ was not manufactured, aided, created, encouraged or even fully staged for purposes of gaining Federal monies for a school system and supporting the Disarm America Agenda. Federal lawmakers are already proposing measures to send money to Parkland .
In the case of the totally faked Sandy Hook Shootings, thousands of gullible Americans sent somewhere between $30 million to over $100 million in donations to the “families” of the children said to have been killed.
Americans deserve evidence if they are to believe the mainstream media about horrific happening with increasing frequency. Surveillance camera footage, confirmation of those killed, hospital reports, autopsy reports and more.
Events like Sandy Hook, which has been shown beyond a reasonable doubt to have been faked, are the acts of State Terrorists and produce trauma caused reactions from citizens. Reactions that call for solutions; solutions our controllers already have laid out and waiting (research the Patriot Act) for events that just seem to come along at the right time.
One of the most disturbing aspects of the events happening after the alleged shooting in Parkland was the immediate scramble by the mainstream media and the controlled social media to contain the narrative and stifle and censor any attempt to view the events of the Parkland shooting in a way inconsistent with the mainstream’s already prepared narrative.
In one incidence, the serial lying CNN, was shown to be working to get Alex Jones’ Youtube channel shutdown. CNN being repeatedly and with impunity caught lying or fabricating news and events, continues to work to create a political reality which is in conflict with reality but in concert with ‘Deep State’ agenda. For one good example , read this article from Glen Greenwald, and take note of the number of videos referenced that have been taken down.
Is Mainstream Media Operating in the Public Interest
The Communications Act of 1934 requires that broadcast licensees operate in the “public interest, convenience and necessity.” Although this vague line was intended to be used against broadcasters in support of undefinable public interests, in the case of the TV and Radio stations airing the mainstream propaganda channels, (ABCCBSFOXNBCCNNMSNBC), a strong case can and should be made they CLEARLY are not operating in the public interest when they claim mass shooting events like Sandy Hook are real in the face of abundant evidencethey are not real.
Further, news investigations in the ‘public interest’ should answer questions as to why the State of Connecticut changed state law after to Sandy Hook to prevent individuals from viewing death certificates, autopsy reports or examining any medical records of victims of public atrocity.
It should be in the public interest for news-stations to ask why we cannot see any closed circuit video of public shootings in progress, for example from the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino Vegas, one of the most highly surveilled buildings on Earth.
Why can’t the public not see ANY footage (except 5 frames) from the Pentagon when a Boeing 757-223 allegedly flew into the building – after all it is likely there were more than 5 dozens cameras in the vicinity?
It should be in the public interest for the public at large or in agreed numbers to see video camera footage from the Parkland shooting or the Vegas Shooting or Sandy Hook. The fact the public is not allowed these views and the media is not asking for this information for purposes of truth in investigation, is a clear and dangerous sign of collusion to withhold information in the public interest.
Clearly broadcasting, without offering investigation of competitive ideas and concerns, repeatedly, and indefinitely with impunity, events which clearly appear to be faked Is Not in the Public Interest.
American’s need a new Paradigm, and new platforms of information dissemination and new laws preventing private investigations into any public traumatizing event. It is time the people demand CNN and the other mainstream propaganda networks be broken up and their channels offered up to the public domain.
In the case of Parkland we must keep the pressure on and continue to publish and go around the prohibition of establishment created social-media. We should embrace the new blockchain technology to free ourselves of the stranglehold of propaganda monopoly media and its funding – Central Banks.
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https://www.aol.com/article/news/2018/03/07/wisconsin-man-accused-of-killing-landlord-over-dollar30-rent-increase/23380035/ How about a new federal law requiring a mental evaluation of tenants who might shoot and kill and landlord in the back of the head over a trivial rent increase? Do not store front businesses raise prices every day without the owners or managers getting shot dead in the back of the head by a coward protected by illegal corrupt state laws favoring tenants over landlords? This Wisconsin tenant and former felon will likely get a slap on the wrist.
This country is gone totally corrupt. It is only a matter of time now.
Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D, Physics
There is a sting operation in my apartment building in order to create problems for me and my daughter.
Harriet Dcosta MD
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) – The Florida Senate rejected a proposal to ban assault weapons, and voted for a measure to arm some teachers, weeks after 17 people…
As always a superb job putting the facts together Jim! The sick part is where this Hogg putz already graduated from high school in California. I wonder if the commies in Cali already scrubbed all info on Hogg to help the narrative? Its amazing how quickly the demon-rats in Congress have a bill which names all the gun makers and guns they want banned, and all the makers and guns which are acceptable. Usually it takes forever for Congress to draft a bill especially one this concise and complete.
Another take on the lack of response by the deputies: The script was for a man in full body armor including helmet and face mask – as described by one teacher, who saw him in the hallway before shooing kids into her classroom – to shoot the kids, and then be able to get out of there before they came in. Which 'take' on the matter fits with the fact, as we saw on video, that some cops or SWAT team guys loaded a body bag with something heavy in it into the back of a pickup truck and took it way (thus illegally disturbing a crime scene). The shooter's paraphernalia? The gun??
That bit of murky business would appear to be the key to the whole thing. Kids actually killed or not – the scenario given away. The proof it was an inside /false flag job.
Of course the deputies wouldn't go in – since no one was shot their presence wasn't needed. Actually the student actors were totally amateurish and without the complicit talking heads on TV the kids wouldn't have accomplished anything.
Know what it is that you know that you know.
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Jim. With the USSS, His own private security and the USMC guarding President Trump, can he avoid the same outcome JFK experienced?
Anyone who believes slavery ended in the United States with the Civil War of the nineteenth century is sadly mistaken. It still existed about a century later in 1960 as this great investigative report by CBS Reports and top investigative journalist Edward R. Murrow described on a Thanksgiving Day and the virtual slaves who “harvest the food for the best fed nation on earth”. ” We no longer own our slaves, today we rent them”. These were the days when media still did investigative journalism. Nothing has changed today in 2018 except the slaves are mostly illegal immigrants now but are virtual slaves nevertheless and this unspeakable human obscenity has been expanded to many other occupations as well. Florida is one of the worst offenders. This human obscenity is what the media should be talking about, not fake false flag attacks in schools to promote gun control and steal our basic rights under the U.,S, Constitution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJTVF_dya7E
Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics
Thank you for posting Jim… I wonder if there is any chance someone could hire a Private Investigator to sneak into the school and take photos! Wouldn't that be a hoot! Or follow key perps and record their conversations… Oh what a dream that would be. Instead, we get THIS nightmare 🙁
"Parkland Shooting, See-through Psy-op" @ AbelDanger.org
"Kevin Hogg is Prime Suspect in Parkland Shooting" at HenryMakow.com and reposted at BeforeItsNews.com
Sandy Hoax failed, this time pros went HOT
Great work, Jim!