UPDATED: Mueller Probe Might Not Survive Much Longer – Intelligence Connections Highlight Sketchy Origin to Special Counsel…
I have a sneaking suspicion the Machiavellian connections between the U.S. intelligence apparatus and multiple foreign agents/actors, including the work of Stefan Halper in the 2016 presidential election, are only a few days from fully surfacing. There could be enough sunlight on U.K/U.S. political and intelligence officers to launch multiple investigations.
There was always something suspicious about Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chair Diane Feinstein abdicating her Gang-of-Eight position to Senator Mark Warner immediately after the 2016 election. Feinstein stepped down from her intel committee post and took up a defensive posture as Vice-Chair on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Senator Feinstein is a political animal. She knows the deep state; she knows the deep state secrets; her position gave her operational knowledge; with that knowledge she carried leverage; and the move from Offense (Senate Intel) to Defense (Senate Judicary) just reeked of deep swamp maneuvering. Obama campaigning last week for her, against the left-wing progressive challenge, transparently looked like a leverage expenditure.
On August 22nd, 2017, Fusion-GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson testified to the Senate Judicary Committee (Grassley Chairman, Feinstein Co-Chair) about his engagements with Christopher Steele and the formation of the Steele Dossier. The Dossier underpinned the October 21st, 2016, FISA Title-1 surveillance warrant used on Carter Page and against the Trump campaign.
Almost five months later, January 9th, 2018, Feinstein unilaterally released the transcriptof Glenn Simpson’s testimony without consulting anyone else on the committee.
At the time of the unauthorized transcript release, it looked even more suspicious {see here}. Professional Deep State operative Feinstein doesn’t make “mistakes”. There had to be a reason for it. There had to be a self-interested reason for it {suspected here}.
In the last week the motive has surfaced. Today, the motive takes on an even larger understanding.
Attention has been paid to Glenn Simpson saying in that August 2017 testimony the FBI had some additional ‘inside’ knowledge in addition to Chris Steele’s information. Talk of campaign interlopers increased last week after the DOJ/FBI started stonewalling Devin Nunes and accusing him of trying to reveal the identity of a confidential CIA and FBI source for the 2016 origination of the FBI counterintelligence operation against Trump.
People began connecting Glenn Simpson’s prior 2017 testimony about ‘inside sources’ to the 2018 DOJ statements about exposing CIA/FBI ‘sources’. {See Here} Due to defensive leaks from within the corrupt intelligence apparatus the name Stefan Halper was identified. {See Here} Stefan Halper is a foreign policy expert and Cambridge professor with connections to the CIA and its British counterpart, MI6.
Halper connects to the same circle of intelligence operatives Christopher Steele used for his sketchy Dossier construct.

The information provided by the international crew was apparently shaped and funneled by former CIA Director John Brennan to the FBI for domestic political exploitation.
Back to Feinstein.
In his podcast today Dan Bongino outlines the hindsight appearance of Dianne Feinstein publishing the Glenn Simpson testimony in an effort to: A) remind Simpson what he said; and, B) warn all other operational participants of the potential risk. {Listen Here} This is what we suspected back in January when Feinstein initially released the transcript.
Senator Feinstein’s 2016 senior staffer (with Gang-of-Eight security clearance) was Dan Jones. It was recently revealed that Dan Jones contracted with Christopher Steele to continue work on the Russia Conspiracy angle after the 2016 election, and raised over $50 million toward the ideological goals of removing President Trump. {See Here}
Staffer Dan Jones surfaces in the text messages from Feinstein’s replacement on the Gang-of-Eight, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman, Mark Warner {See Here}
Senator Warner was texting with Adam Waldman about setting up a meeting with Chris Steele. Walman is a lobbyist with a $40,000 monthly retainer to lobby the U.S. government on behalf of controversial Russian billionaire Oleg V. Deripaska.
Senator Mark Warner was trying to set up a covert meeting. In the text messages Adam Waldman is telling Senator Warner that Chris Steele will not meet with him without a written letter (request) from the Senate Intelligence Committee. Senator Warner didn’t want the Republican members to know about a meeting. Chris Steele knew this was a partisan political set-up and was refusing to meet unilaterally with Senator Warner. Lobbyist Adam Waldman was playing the go-between:

Simultaneously, while trying to connect Senator Warner to Christopher Steele, text messenger (go-between) Adam Waldman is representing Oleg Deripaska:
Oleg Deripaska was a source of intelligence information within the John Brennan intelligence community efforts throughout 2016. This is the same intersection of characters that circle around Stefan Halper.
….And today, journalist John Solomon just connected Deripaska to Robert Mueller and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. {See Here} You just can’t make this stuff up.
THE HILL – In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007.Yes, that’s the same Deripaska who has surfaced in Mueller’s current investigation and who was recently sanctioned by the Trump administration. (read more)
Oh, and that 2009 FBI operation carried out by Robert Mueller and Andrew McCabe, well, apparently it was unlawful. But wait, it gets better….
Senator Warner’s 2017 intermediary Adam Waldman, also spoke to John Solomon just yesterday about how the FBI attempted to use Oleg Deripaska in September 2016 to frame the Russian narrative before the FISA Warrant:
John Solomon – […] Deripaska also appears to be one of the first Russians the FBI asked for help when it began investigating the now-infamous Fusion GPS “Steele Dossier.” Waldman, his American lawyer until the sanctions hit, gave me a detailed account, some of which U.S. officials confirm separately.Two months before Trump was elected president, Deripaska was in New York as part of Russia’s United Nations delegation when three FBI agents awakened him in his home; at least one agent had worked with Deripaska on the aborted effort to rescue Levinson. During an hour-long visit, the agents posited a theory that Trump’s campaign was secretly colluding with Russia to hijack the U.S. election.“Deripaska laughed but realized, despite the joviality, that they were serious,” the lawyer said. “So he told them in his informed opinion the idea they were proposing was false. ‘You are trying to create something out of nothing,’ he told them.” The agents left though the FBI sought more information in 2017 from the Russian, sources tell me. Waldman declined to say if Deripaska has been in contact with the FBI since Sept, 2016. (read more)
Oh, and those reports last week about the White House supporting the DOJ in keeping the origination material from Devin Nunes?….. Yeah, well, those IC leaks to the WaPo and New York Times were false too.
Finally, guess who was supposed to be conducting oversight in 2016 when all of these politically motivated intelligence operations were going on?… Yeah, well, that would be the Gang-of-Eight…
…the same congressional oversight group Senator Dianne Feinstein bailed out of…. Go Figure:
Now does this make more sense:
Listen carefully to the opening statement from former CIA Director John Brennan May 23rd, 2017, during his testimony to congress.
Pay very close attention to the segment at 13:35 of this video of Brennan’s testimony:
Brennan: [13:35] “Third, through the so-called Gang-of-Eight process we kept congress apprised of these issues as we identified them.”“Again, in consultation with the White House, I PERSONALLY briefedthe full details of our understanding of Russian attempts to interfere in the election to congressional leadership; specifically: Senators Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Dianne Feinstein and Richard Burr; and to representatives Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff between 11th August and 6th September [2016], I provided the same briefing to each of the gang of eight members.”“Given the highly sensitive nature of what was an active counter-intelligence case [that means the FBI], involving an ongoing Russian effort, to interfere in our presidential election, the full details of what we knew at the time were shared only with those members of congress; each of whom was accompanied by one senior staff member.”…
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